Yang 2019
Yang 2019
Yang 2019
cervical tuberculous
lymphadenitis: a pilot study
Objective: This study was performed to assess the feasibility, effectiveness, and safety of per-
cutaneous ultrasound (US)-guided laser ablation (LA) for the treatment of cervical tuberculous
lymphadenitis (CTBL).
Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 11 patients with CTBL (mean age, 32.0 8.6 years;
range, 18–47 years) who underwent percutaneous US-guided LA from June 2014 to
December 2016 with a subsequent 12-month follow-up. We assessed the mean volume reduction
and contrast-enhanced US (CEUS) changes of the target lymph nodes as well as the tolerability
and adverse effects of LA.
Results: The mean ablation energy was 522 312 J (range, 204–1317 J). All 17 enrolled target
lymph nodes were completely non-enhanced after LA treatment as detected by CEUS, indicating
complete ablation of all lymph nodes (100%). The target lymph nodes significantly decreased in
volume by a mean of 74.0% 15.6% from baseline to 12 months after LA. The LA procedure was
well tolerated, and none of the 11 patients developed severe complications during the 12-month
Conclusion: Percutaneous US-guided LA for the treatment of CTBL exhibits good tolerability,
minimal invasiveness, and few adverse effects. Further investigations with larger sample sizes and
longer follow-up periods are warranted to confirm these findings.
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Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License (http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which
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2 Journal of International Medical Research 0(0)
Ultrasonography, laser ablation, cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis, contrast-enhanced ultra-
sound, target lymph nodes, tolerability, adverse effects
Date received: 21 September 2018; accepted: 6 December 2018
with L12-5 and L9-3 probes. LA was per- monitored and recorded. Both CEUS and
formed with a Nd:YAG laser ablation LA were performed by two sonographers
system (EchoLaser X4; Elesta s.r.l., Florence, with more than 5 years of experience. At
Italy) in a continuous mode with a wavelength 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after the procedures,
of 1064 nm, in which the penetration of light the volume and blood supply of the target
in the infrared spectrum is optimal. lymph node were detected by conventional
All patients were kept in the supine posi- US and CEUS, respectively. Complications
tion with their neck fully exposed. Before were also recorded and followed. The
LA, conventional US and contrast- volume of the lymph node was calculated
enhanced US (CEUS) examinations were as V ¼ p/6abc (where V is volume, a is the
conducted to measure the three diameters largest diameter, and b and c are the other
(largest diameter and other two perpendic- two perpendicular diameters), and the the
ular diameters) and blood supply of the volume reduction percentage was calculated
lymph node, respectively. LA was then con- as ([initial volume final volume] 100)/
ducted according to a previous report.13 initial volume.14
After local anesthesia of the skin,
a 21-gauge needle was inserted into the Statistical analysis
target lymph node along its long axis
under US guidance. After correct position- Values are presented as mean standard
ing of the needle, the needle core was deviation and were compared with a paired
extracted. A 300-mm quartz bare fiber was Student’s t test, if appropriate. All data were
then introduced and advanced into the tip analyzed with IBM SPSS Statistics, version
of the needle through the needle sheath. A 23 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA).
0.5-cm distance between the tip of the laser A P value of <0.05 was considered statisti-
fiber and distal borderline of the target cally significant.
lymph node was kept to ensure safety. LA
was performed at a fixed output power of Results
3 W. The lighting time of LA was modified
based on the size of the lesion. The LA pro- Ultrasound guidance and LA
cedure did not end until the gas produced
completely covered the entire lesion during We evaluated 17 lymph nodes of 11 patients
LA. If the target lymph node was close to (4 male, 7 female; mean age, 32.0
vital tissues or organs, 30 mL of normal 8.6 years; range, 18–47 years). At base-
saline was pre-injected between the target line, the mean maximum diameter of the
lymph node and these important structures. 17 lymph nodes ranged from 1.4 to 2.0 cm
After LA treatment, CEUS was per- (mean, 1.62 0.2 cm), the mean short-axis
formed to assess the size of the ablation diameter ranged from 0.6 to 1.6 cm (mean,
zone. In cases of residual enhancement as 0.9 0.3 cm), and the mean volume ranged
detected by CEUS, an additional LA pro- from 0.4 to 2.1 mL (mean, 1.05 0.44 mL)
cedure was conducted during the same (Table 1). The total energy applied for each
treatment session.13 SonoVue (59 mg SF6 lymph node ranged from 204 to 1317 J
powder dissolved in 5 mL saline) was (mean, 522 312 J). At the time of post-
applied for CEUS. LA treatment, CEUS demonstrated that
During and after the LA procedure, 88.2% (15/17) of the lymph nodes achieved
postoperative reactions and potential complete non-enhancement, while the
adverse effects such as pain, hemorrhage, remaining 11.8% (2/17) exhibited local
and peripheral tissue lesions were residual enhancement and thus underwent
4 Journal of International Medical Research 0(0)
Table 1. Mean volume and volume reduction percentage of the lymph node before and after ultrasound-
guided laser ablation.
Mean volume 1.05 0.44 mL 0.91 0.38 mL 0.78 0.33 mL 0.64 0.29 mL 0.30 0.24 mL
Volume reduction 0.0% 0.0% 12.9% 8.7% 23.9% 13.8% 38.3% 12.5% 74.0% 15.6%
P value (vs. baseline) 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Data are presented as mean standard deviation.
Figure 1. A 23-year-old female patient with cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis undergoing ultrasound
(US)-guided laser ablation (LA) treatment. (a) Longitudinal conventional US of the neck demonstrates a
tuberculous lymph node with a well-defined margin and internal heterogeneous echogenicity. (b) Contrast-
enhanced US (CEUS) before LA treatment demonstrates heterogeneous enhancement of the entire lymph
node (arrows). (c) Conventional US during LA treatment demonstrates that the fiber is accurately inserted
into the center of the lymph node, with hyperechoic gas microbubbles produced at the tip of the optical
fiber (arrow). (d) After LA treatment, CEUS demonstrates that the ablation zone is non-enhanced (arrows)
and that the internal hyperechogenicity indicates gas microbubbles generated by tissue heating (arrowhead).
Yang et al. 5
Figure 2. A 35-year-old male patient with cerivial tuberculous lymphadenitis undergoing ultrasound (US)-
guided laser ablation (LA) treatment. (a) Longitudinal conventional US of the neck demonstrates a tuber-
culous lymph node with a well-defined margin and internal heterogeneous echogenicity. (b) Before LA
treatment, contrast-enhanced US (CEUS) demonstrates heterogeneous enhancement of the entire lymph
node, containing internal punctate non-enhancement (arrows). (c) During LA treatment, conventional US
demonstrates accurate positioning of the fiber with gas microbubble-induced hyperechogenicity at the tip
(arrow). (d) After LA treatment, CEUS demonstrates complete non-enhancement of the ablation
zone (arrows).
Adverse effects the present study ranged from 0.6 to 1.6 cm,
a single fiber was chosen for all of the target
During and after LA treatment, none of the
lymph nodes. The CEUS guidance during
11 patients (0%) developed severe adverse
the LA procedure indicated that complete
effects such as hemorrhage, nerve injury, or
ablation was achieved in all lymph nodes.
sharp pain. Of the 11 patients, only 1 (1%)
Thus, our results indicate that percutaneous
developed mild cervical pain (grade 3) on US-guided LA treatment with a single fiber
the day of LA treatment but soon recovered is likely to achieve effective ablation
during the following few days, and 1 (1%) of CTBL.
had a low-grade fever of 38.0 C for 2 days In the present study, we found that the
that decreased to normal during the follow- US-detected hyperechoic rim was clear in
ing few days. the short term after LA treatment but that
it became blurred as time went on. This
Discussion indicated that conventional US might be
unable to accurately assess the ablation
LA treatment has gained increasing atten-
zone after a long period of LA treatment.16
tion worldwide during the past few decades
Due to the favorable characteristics of
because of its minimal invasiveness and
CEUS in detecting the microcirculation of
good cosmetic outcome. It has been broadly lymph nodes, CEUS has been widely used
accepted as a valid thermal technique for as an objective tool to guide thermal abla-
the treatment of hepatic and thyroid disor- tion treatment.13,17 In the present study, we
ders; however, it is still in the prototype found that the size of the non-enhanced,
stage for the treatment of lymph node dis- well-defined LA zone detected by CEUS
eases.8–12 Accumulating evidence demon- was smaller than that measured by conven-
strates that percutaneous US-guided LA is tional US. This was probably due to the
a feasible, effective, and minimally invasive evaporation of lymph node necrosis or to
approach for the treatment of metastatic the penetration of microbubbles in the
lymph nodes.13–15 Therefore, we hypothe- blood vessels into the surrounding tissues.18
sized that LA may also be feasible and Therefore, CEUS can more accurately
effective for the treatment of patients with reflect the ablation zone, evaluate the
CTBL who cannot undergo surgery or are degree of thermal damage in real time,
unresponsive to anti-tuberculous drugs. and determine whether additional ablation
Mauri et al.13 performed percutaneous is needed.19,20
US-guided LA on 46 fluorodeoxyglucose Mauri et al.21 also used CEUS to assess
positron emission tomography/computed the therapeutic effect of percutaneous
tomography–positive cervical nodal metas- US-guided LA on 24 cervical metastatic
tases using a single optical fiber for nodal lymph nodes and performed an additional
metastases with a short-axis diameter of ablation for 2 lymph nodes based on the
1 cm and two fibers for those of >1 cm. results of CEUS. Thus, CEUS might be of
They achieved technical success in all 46 high clinical value in the real-time evalua-
lymph nodes; moreover, 1-year local con- tion of the treatment outcome of LA and
trol was obtained in 40 of 46 (87%) lymph in making proper decisions regarding the
nodes and 3-year local control in all 25 LA procedure. With the use of CEUS, we
actively followed lymph nodes (100%),13 optimized the needle insertion path and per-
indicating the high efficacy of LA for treat- formed an additional ablation for the resid-
ing lymph node disease. Although the ual enhanced regions in 2 of 17 lymph
short-axis diameter of the lymph nodes in nodes (11.8%). Ultimately, after the
Yang et al. 7
additional ablation, these two lymph nodes changed at the 1-, 3-, and 6-month follow-
exhibited complete non-enhancement as ups, while the volume was significantly
detected by CEUS, indicating the achieve- reduced by >50% at the 12-month follow-
ment of complete ablation. Of the two up compared with baseline. Notably, CEUS
lymph nodes, one was closely adjacent to revealed no enhancement in these lesions at
the carotid artery. The excessive injection any of these follow-up time points, indicat-
of sealing liquid to protect the artery and ing slow absorption of the lesions rather
the flow of blood in the artery might than residual or recurrent lesions in these
account for incomplete ablation of this three lymph nodes at the initial follow-up.
lymph node. However, the other lymph Thus, CEUS can allow for more accurate
node was not next to an artery, and the and earlier evaluation of the therapeutic
reason for the lack of complete ablation in effects of LA than calculation of the
this node was inconclusive. Nevertheless, change in lymph node volume.
CEUS clearly plays a crucial role in deter- No patients in our study developed
mining complete ablation. severe complications, Only one developed
The volume reduction percentage of mild pain in the neck and one developed a
lymph nodes is considered a significant low-grade fever after the LA procedure.
indicator of the therapeutic effects of LA One possible reason for the absence of
treatment. In one study, LA induced pro- severe complications is the correct position-
gressive volume reductions of cervical ing of the fiber under US guidance and accu-
lymph nodal metastases in patients with rate control of the output energy. Another
papillary thyroid cancer, with a significant possible reason is the continuous injection of
mean volume reduction of 87.7% 0.11% normal saline to guarantee adequate supple-
at the 12-month follow-up (P < 0.01 vs. mentation of liquid when peripheral tissues
baseline).22 Similarly, our study showed were undergoing LA treatment.
that the volume of the target lymph nodes Several limitations of the present study
was markedly reduced by about 70% at the should be taken into account. First, the
12-month follow-up (P < 0.001 vs. baseline). sample size of our study was relatively
At the 1-month follow-up, the mean volume small. Second, we did not include lymph
of the 17 lymph nodes was also significantly nodes with bulky calcifications or large
reduced by 12.9% 8.7% (P value areas of necrosis; however, both of these
approached 0.001 vs. baseline), whereas the are common characteristics of lymph node
mean volume of 3 of 17 (17.6%) lymph TB. Third, we only collected data during a
nodes was not altered at the 1-month short-term follow-up period of 12 months.
follow-up. The reason for this phenomenon Fourth, we used an US-only approach
might be the slow absorption of the LA- rather than combining US with other
induced necrosis or the presence of residu- imaging modalities such as computed
al/recurrent lesions. Some investigators tomography and magnetic resonance imag-
have proposed that CEUS can assess the ing to evaluate the efficacy of LA treatment
blood supply to the lesions in a more conve- on the target lymph nodes. Fifth, we did not
nient, more powerful, and highly repeatable correlate our imaging findings with patho-
manner and that CEUS changes can be used logical results. Finally, previous research
as another indicator to evaluate the effects has shown that ablation might stimulate
of LA treatment and identify residual/ the immune system, resulting in a systemat-
recurrent lesions.23 In the present study, ic response to a local treatment.8 Ablation-
the volume of 3 of the 17 lymph nodes induced cavitation, which does not result in
remained unchanged or not obviously thermal destruction and denaturation of
8 Journal of International Medical Research 0(0)
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