28 May 2020 / Document No D20.104.03 Author: Minatotw Classification: O Cial
28 May 2020 / Document No D20.104.03 Author: Minatotw Classification: O Cial
28 May 2020 / Document No D20.104.03 Author: Minatotw Classification: O Cial
Author: MinatoTW
Classification: Official
Nmap reveals two open ports associated with IIS and MS SQL Server respectively. The domain is
found to be intranet.poo , while the hostname is Compatibilty .
Browsing to the web server returns the default IIS page. Let's run nikto to detect vulnerabilities or
misconfigurations on the web server.
nikto revealed the presence of a .DS_Store file in the server's root folder. The DS_Store, or
Desktop Services Store is a hidden file use by Mac OS X. This file is used to store various
attributes about the folder such as icons or sub-folder names. This file can reveal sensitive
information such as the folder structure and contained files.
We can use this parser in order to fetch the file and parse it automatically.
The script returns a few interesting entries such as admin and dev . Browsing to the /admin
page returns a login prompt.
The entries in the /dev folder are inaccessible.
Searching about IIS related vulnerabilities and misconfigurations, we come across this paper. It
highlights how the tilde (~) character can be used to enumerate files and folders on IIS, and can
be used to discover the first six characters of files and folders along with their extension.
The module found a few folders, but they've been discovered from the DS_Store file already. Let's
try to scan the sub-folders found in /dev earlier.
The db folder contains an interesting file named poo_co*.txt . As the shortname only contains
6 characters, the rest of the file name should be guessed or discovered manually. Let's try to
extract all words starting with co and fuzz the filename.
The command above will grep for all words starting with co and write them to fuzz.txt . A tool
such as wfuzz can be used to identify the possible file names.
The file contains database credentials for the POO_PUBLIC database along with the first flag.
Let's try logging into the database using Impacket's mssqlclient.py .
The login was successful and we're connected to the POO_PUBLIC database. Let's check if the
user has sysadmin privileges on the databases. This can be done by querying the syslogins table.
The database is found to have two users, sa and external_user . The current user doesn't have
sysadmin privileges, which means we can't use xp_cmdshell to execute OS commands directly.
SQL server provides the ability to link external resources such as Oracle databases and other SQL
servers. This is common to find in domain environments and can be exploited in case of
misconfigurations. Let's check if there are any linked servers on the current database.
The EXEC statement can be used to execute queries on linked servers. Let's find out the user in
whose context we are able to query the linked server.
The queries on the linked server POO_CONFIG are running as internal_user . Let's check if this
user has sa privileges.
A nested EXEC statement is used to find the username after crawling back from the POO_CONFIG
link. The query returns sa , which means that the link allows us to execute queries as the
sysadmin user.
The diagram above illustrates how the links are crawled in order to attain sa privileges. We can
use these privileges to change the sa password on POO_PUBLIC.
The query above will add a new SQL user named super with the password abc123! . This user is
then added as a sysadmin level user using sp_addsrvrolemember . All single quotes should be
escaped with another quote in order to avoid errors. Once the user is created, we can login as
super using mssqlclient.
Now that we have sa privileges, we can enumerate the database for more information. A list of
databases can be obtained by querying the sysdatabases table.
A database named flag is found, which contains a table named flag .
The SQL Server service found to be running as a standard service account. The IIS web.config
file should contain credentials to login to the admin panel. Let's try to read this.
However, we're denied access to it. Possibly if we use a different method to obtain command
execution, by using scripts or Agent Jobs, we will be in a different execution context. Looking at
SQL server features, we come across sp_execute_external_script. This stored procedure allows us
to execute externals scripts written in R or Python. Let's try to enable scripts and execute python
code using this procedure.
The script execution was successful and Hello World was printed. Let's try to execute system
code now.
EXEC sp_execute_external_script @language = N'Python', @script = N'import os;
This time we're found to be running as the poo_public01 user and not the service account. Let's
try to read the config with this account.
We're now able to read the web.config and obtain the login password for the local
Administrator : EverybodyWantsToWorkAtP.O.O. .
However, the Nmap full scan earlier didn't report this port as open. This means that the firewall is
blocking inbound connections. Let's use the IPv6 address and see if it's excluded from the firewall
The IPv6 address can be found by using ipconfig command. Let's scan it using Nmap now.
Nmap reports that WinRM is accessible using the IPv6 address. We can establish a PowerShell
Remoting session using Evil-WinRM. First, add the IPv6 entry to the /etc/hosts file as follows;
dead:babe::1001 compatibility
We can download the SharpHound binary and upload it using our WinRM session.
Upload the file to bloodhound UI for visualization. We can use pre-built queries to find any quick
privilege escalation vectors. Clicking on the Shortest Paths to Domain Admins from
Kerberoastable Users entry shows the following.
The p00_adm user being a member of help desk has GenericAll privileges on the Domain
Admins group. This means that we can add any user to Domain Admins if we have p00_adm
credentials. Let's kerberoast this user and try to crack his hash.
We can use the Rubeus binary to obtain the hash. Upload it to the public folder and then use the
Invoke-Kerberoast command.
Copy the hash to a file and make sure it's free of spaces and new lines. The hash can be cracked
using Hashcat mode 13100. It's common for users to create passwords based on keyboard
sequences such as qwertyuiop or qazxsw . A wordlist with such passwords can be found on
The password for p00_adm is revealed to be ZQ!5t4r . We can use these credentials to perform
actions as this user. Download the PowerView script and save it locally. Next, restart evil-winrm
with the -s argument to specify script path. We can bypass AMSI using the in-built menu.
PowerView can be imported by specifying the filename in the command line. We can add
ourselves to the Domain Admins group using the Add-DomainGroupMember cmdlet.
We need to use a credential object to impersonate p00_adm as we can't login directly. We can
verify group membership using the Get-DomainUser cmdlet.
The output confirms that we're a member of Domain Admins. The Invoke-Command cmdlet can
be used to execute commands on the DC.
Having confirmed code execution, we can look for the flag using a recursive search.
The flag can be found on mr3ks Desktop. In the end, we can remove ourselves from the Domain
Admins group.