Practitionersnewsissue 5
Practitionersnewsissue 5
Practitionersnewsissue 5
Issue 5
A summary of this week’s
learning activities
Additional webinars
for the senior phase
and #ESWeeBlethers
Links to updates from the
Scottish Government about Each week, we will publish suggestions for learning at
reopening schools and home activities which should be linked to class learning
the SQA about National where appropriate. See below for details of this week’s
Qualifications 2020 learning activities and more hints, tips, links and ideas.
View activities
Health and wellbeing Learning
Looking after our health and wellbeing as best we can is really activities
important for us all in these uncertain times. We have ideas and
activities appropriate for children and young people at different
ages that you might like to highlight to families.
• At second level, children can explore which sports they like and
dislike to help them plan and create a new game which will support
both their physical and mental wellbeing.
• Activities for young people at third and fourth level help them to
explore their strengths. They can develop their understanding of
the importance of cooperation and its role in ensuring the best
outcome for any team.
View activities
• Children at first level can create a fitness training circuit, where the
activities include landing on different squares in a board game.
They can design a buggy or pram which meet a baby’s needs.
• Young people at third and fourth level can use a brief to contribute
to the design of a new mode of transport.
View activities
Foghlam Meadhan
Support for learning
through the medium of Gaelic
This week’s #ScotlandLearns activities to support parents
and carers in Gaelic Medium Education focus on literacy,
numeracy and learning in a theme. Children and young
people may choose activities based on the weather, feelings
and friends.
Why not also encourage parents to choose to sign up
for live internet broadcasts provided by Gaelic groups
to support Gaelic Medium and Learner Education?
(#cleacdiaigantaigh/use it (Gaelic) at home).
Supporting learners with dyslexia.
For learners with dyslexia, education at home may be challenging. Hints
The Dyslexia Toolkit suggests that teachers: and Tips
• Make instructions short and clear.
• Explain and present information in various ways.
• Encourage alternatives to writing.
• Limit writing demands and give plenty of time.
• Provide planning formats e.g. writing frames and story skeletons.
• Praise effort as well as attainment.
The right resources can make a huge difference. If there are assistive
tools at school, try to make sure these can be accessible at home. Glow
has a useful immersive reader function – instructions can be found in this
wakelet video.
Discuss learning with parents and carers to keep everyone involved.
Encourage text based game playing and explain the benefits of reading
together. Most importantly, learners with dyslexia have unique skills as
well as support needs. Use a strength based approach and consider
whether any work you set is accessible.
Are you ready to Blether some more? Unfortunately due to demand
What's new the #ESBigBlethers are all sold out. The Wee Blethers are another
opportunity for colleagues from across the education system to get
together and have smaller, more in-depth conversations about particular
themes or questions.
Upcoming events:
12 June, 3.00-4.00 pm, Wee Rural Blether: On your own but not alone!
19 June, 3.00-4.00 pm, What does Family Learning look like during and
post Covid-19? What lessons can we learn?
22 June, 3.30-4.30 pm, Gaelic Medium Education – what are our next
steps as we move towards a blended-learning approach?
Sign up/ We are sorry to inform you that the following #ESWeeBlethers are
more information now sold out: Complex ASN Transitions (11 June), Nurture (17
June), ASN and Blended Learning (18 June) and New Times: New
Teaching (23 June)
Thursday 11 June
2.00 – 3.00 pm
Monday 15 June
2.00 – 3.00 pm
Tuesday 16 June
11.00 – 12.00 noon
Learning pathways
Tuesday 16 June
2.00 – 3.00 pm
Senior Phase Webinars
Our Education Scotland Senior Phase Webinars are a series Wednesday 17 June
of virtual events focused on different curricular areas. Join 10.00 – 12.00 noon
these webinars to share and discuss approaches in your
curriculum area. RMPS, RME, RERC
To sign up, use the links provided. All events are now Monday 22 June
2.00 – 3.00 pm
published and tickets are live, capped at 100 for each event.
Ticket “sales” will end 24 hours before the start date of each COMING SOON
webinar. Please make sure you join the webinar 15 minutes
prior to the event start time. Physical Education
Monday 22 June
Follow us on social media for the latest updates to webinars. 2.00 – 3.30 pm
Links to the ‘coming soon’ sessions will be posted as soon as
they are open for bookings. Personal and Social
Education (3 – 18)
Please note the webinars for modern languages and home
Tuesday 23 June
economics are now sold out. 2.00 – 3.30 pm
Early learning and childcare
and school inspections
Education Scotland announced plans on Tuesday 2 June to
temporarily suspend the early learning and childcare and school
inspection programme to enable teachers and practitioners to
concentrate on reopening schools. HM Inspectors will resume
inspections during the school year 2020-21 when it is safe
and appropriate to do so. It is vitally important staff working in
education can focus on providing support to their pupils and
colleagues when schools reopen. HM Inspectors will focus on
Read the full supporting schools across Scotland from August to provide
bespoke help and support as they take forward plans for
recovery and continuity of education provision.
Children’s Parliament –
new journal and survey
Useful links The Children’s Parliament have published the Corona
Times Journal 3 on the theme of learning in lockdown and the
return to school.
This and the latest Children’s survey: How are you doing?
Save the Date for World’s • Coronavirus (COVID-19): re-opening schools guide
Largest Lesson Live, a • Coronavirus (COVID-19): supplementary national child
YouTube Premiere on the 16 protection guidance
June at 4.00pm.
• Coronavirus (COVID-19): curriculum and assessment
The 30 minute show for teens guidance
features Millie Bobby Brown,
Sofia Carson and others in
• Coronavirus (COVID-19): support for continuity of learning
conversation with UN Leaders
including Amina Mohammed, • Coronavirus (COVID-19): schools, early learning and
Deputy Secretary General. childcare settings - scientific evidence
Everyone is invited to reimagine • Access the full suite of guidance on Coronavirus
education, health and our world (COVID-19) for education and children and all other sectors
post Covid-19.
Useful links
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