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ASSIGNMENT 2 Financial Market &institution - Docx To Be

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Instructor. Birhanu F.

Assignment 2 on financial market and institutions
TOTAL WEIGHT 25%........submission date………..09/06/2020 G.C
Number Part I: Discuss the following question in detail.

1 4
How do we classify the depository intermediaries? What are the bases
for distinction between the various depository intermediaries? Explain
the features of these intermediaries in terms of the bases for distinction.
2 3
Why and how are banks able to create money? Does the ability of
banks to create money have important implications for public policy?
Please Explain.
3 4
Consider a bond that has a current price of 90; that is, if the par value of
the bond is $1,000, the bond’s price is 90% of $1,000 or $900. And
suppose that this bond has five years remaining to maturity and an 8%
coupon rate. With five years remaining to maturity, the bond has 10
six-month periods remaining.
4 4
What is money market? What are the broad objectives of the money
market? Explain why there is a critical need for money market
5 4
Describe the structure of interest rates in the money market. What are
the common money market instruments? Which instrument anchors the
market and appears to be the foundation for other interest rates? Can
you explain why this is so?

Part II. Choose the best answer

1. The Major securities traded in the capital markets are
A. Stocks and bonds.
B. Bonds and commercial paper.
C. Commercial paper and Treasury bills.
D. Treasury bills and certificates of deposit.
2. One is not the right places to “park” for funds that are needed in a shorter time
period usually one year or less.
A. Call money market.
B. Commercial bills market.
C. Acceptance market.
D. Stocks market.
3. Which one of the following is not considered as economic role/function/ of
financial system?
A. Price discovery role. C. Risk transformation role.
B. Reduction of transaction D. None
cost role.
4. Of the following one is not a financial asset?
A. Insurance policy. D. Stock.
B. Deposit in bank. E. Petroleum
C. Bonds
5. An institution charged with the responsibility of managing the expansion and
contraction of the volume of money in the interest of general public welfare is?
A. Central Bank
B. commercial bank
C. savings bank
D. credit union


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