Processes: A Computational Fluid Dynamics Approach For The Modeling of Gas Separation in Membrane Modules
Processes: A Computational Fluid Dynamics Approach For The Modeling of Gas Separation in Membrane Modules
Processes: A Computational Fluid Dynamics Approach For The Modeling of Gas Separation in Membrane Modules
A Computational Fluid Dynamics Approach for the
Modeling of Gas Separation in Membrane Modules
Salman Qadir, Arshad Hussain and Muhammad Ahsan *
School of Chemical and Materials Engineering (SCME), National University of Sciences and Technology, (NUST),
Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +92-51-9085-5125
Received: 1 May 2019; Accepted: 28 June 2019; Published: 3 July 2019
Abstract: Natural gas demand has increased rapidly across the globe in the last decade, and it is set to
play an important role in meeting future energy requirements. Natural gas is mainly produced from
fossil fuel and is a side product of crude oil produced beneath the earth’s crust. Materials hazardous
to the environment, like CO2 , H2 S, and C2 H4 , are present in raw natural gas. Therefore, purification
of the gaseous mixture is required for use in different industrial applications. A comprehensive
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was proposed to perform the separation of natural
gas from other gases using membrane modules. The CFD technique was utilized to estimate gas
flow variations in membrane modules for gas separation. CFD was applied to different membrane
modules to study gas transport through the membrane and flux, and to separate the binary gas
mixtures. The different parameters of membrane modules, like feed and permeate pressure, module
length, and membrane thickness, have been investigated successfully. CFD allows changing the
specifications of membrane modules to better configure the simulation results. It was concluded that
in a membrane module with increasing feed pressure, the pressure gradient also increased, which
resulted in higher flux, higher permeation, and maximum purity of the permeate. Due to the high
purity of the gaseous product in the permeate, the concentration polarization effect was determined
to be negligible. The results obtained from the proposed CFD approach were verified by comparing
with the values available in the literature.
1. Introduction
Natural gas is considered one of the significant fossil fuels. It is found in subsurface reservoirs and
mostly produced as a byproduct of oil production. The demand for natural gas has seen a considerable
rise in recent years [1,2]. As per the reports of the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA),
global natural gas consumption is increasing 4% annually. It is estimated that 10% of the world power
sector depends on natural gas [3]. By 2040, power production and industrial usage are expected to be
73% dependent on natural gas. Natural gas consists of several chemical species, including methane
(CH4 ), ethane, propane, butane, water vapor, nitrogen, and acidic gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2 )
and hydrogen sulfide (H2 S). The species comprising natural gas, like CO2 , N2 , water vapor, and H2 S,
are considered impurities [4]. The different concentrations of impurities in natural gas is in the range
4–50%, depending on the reservoir. The presence of these impurities can significantly affect pipelines,
in terms of corrosion, and raise health and safety concerns [5]. Therefore, typical pipeline specifications
usually mandate that the concentration of carbon dioxide in natural gas not exceed 2–5 volume percent,
making it necessary to treat natural gas and remove the impurities before it is transported. In recent
years, the membrane separation process has been widely used because it is more economical compared
to other methods [6].
Membrane gas separation can remove unnecessary species from a gas mixture. The membrane
allows only the desired components of a mixture to pass through because of its selectivity [7]. It is
a widely used process due to its reliability, separation performance, low maintenance, and easy
operation [8]. Moreover, membrane technology is used for the separation of various fuel mixtures in
different industries as a result of economic competitiveness and other current demanding situations
related to competitive environments [9]. It has many applications in industrial sectors, hydrogen
recovery from ammonia, hydrogen recovery in refineries, air separation for oxygen purification, sour
gas treatment, and carbon dioxide removal from natural gas [10]. These processes are integrated
with big industrial units to perform specific industrial operations. It is estimated that the use of
membrane gas separation will increase substantially in 2020 [11]. It is an essential fact that the use of
this technology will decrease the unit operation cost of gas separation and reduce the environmental
hazards [12].
The different mathematical models for the separation of gaseous mixtures using a membrane
were developed using altered assumptions [13]. Recently, it was found that the most commonly
available commercial membrane modules for gas separation were hollow fiber and spiral wound
membrane modules [14,15]. Many researchers have investigated flow behavior with different module
arrangements for gas separation and desalination processes [16,17]. Alrehili’s study [18] showed the
different arrangements of fibers with parallel feed channels that made a hybrid membrane module.
The simulation results of the hybrid module gave better membrane flux for both spiral wound and
hollow fiber membrane module configurations. Ahsan [19] applied computational fluid dynamics
(CFD) modeling to gas separation using a finite difference method in polymeric membranes. Saeed [20]
described laminar flow behavior in spacers with narrow channels, and mass transfer coefficient
calculated with different wire spacing. Karode [21] determined that pressure dropped with bounding
surfaces in a rectangular channel. The effect of shear stresses on both sides of the membrane was
also observed.
Other researchers developed a mathematical algorithm for flow behavior and membrane
surfaces, and investigated the concentration polarization phenomena in gas separation processes [22].
The transfer of CO2 gas molecules through the membrane increased due to higher flux on the feed
side, but rejected molecules of other gases that then accumulated on the membrane surface [23].
For this reason, concentration polarization occurs in membrane processes. Mourgues [24] showed the
effect of concentration polarization on membrane separation processes for both counter-current and
co-current patterns. The most important factors were analyzed based on feed pressure, permeability,
and selectivity of the mixture.
Several researchers developed membrane processes to study the influence of concentration
polarization on the feed side. Ahsan and Hussein [25], in their CFD model, studied energy transfer
phenomena in the membrane using permeation flux. Coroneo [26] developed a three-dimensional
single-tube membrane module to define flux, based on Sievert’s law, considering both membrane
sides. Recently, a non-isothermal model was developed to evaluate the effect of temperature on
permeance [27]. In another study, Chen [28] considered co-current and counter-current flow patterns
of the membrane process at different operating conditions using COMSOL Multiphysics 4.0a software.
Another study looked at plug flow and perfect mixing channel, commonly used for modeling
membrane gas separation, and reported the fluid behavior in permeate [29]. Flat sheet membrane
modules were widely used to evaluate membrane performance. The incompressible Navier–Stokes
model was used to improve the fluid chamber while the solid stress–strain model was used to enhance
the mechanical performance of the module [30].
In this study, the CFD technique was used to solve the model equations. The permeability of the
membrane was measured by introducing the species of interest into the feed gas. The effect of gas flow
profiles on gas separation in the membrane modules is reported. A three-dimensional (3D) model was
Processes 2019, 7, 420 3 of 13
established using CFD simulation in COMSOL Multiphysics software. The geometry of the flat sheet
and spiral wound membrane modules were determined, and co-current and counter-current models
were used to find the flow profiles. The effect of molar flux on species transported en mass through the
membrane was considered. The binary gas mixtures CO2 /CH4 and CH4 /C2 H6 were used for separation
in the flat sheet and spiral wound membrane modules, respectively. The investigated parameters,
permeability, feed pressure, permeate pressure, and feed gas concentration, were compared with the
data available in the literature.
2. Numerical Methods
The CFD technique (COMSOL Multiphysics®4.3, COMSOL, Inc., Burlington, MA, USA, 2012) is
used in simulations looking at flow profiles in the membrane module. In this study, the flat sheet and
spiral wound membrane modules were used for the simulations. The data used for the simulations
were taken from the literature and are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Properties for membranes modules. Reproduced with permission from R. Qi, M.A. Henson,
Separation and Purification Technology; published by Elsevier, 1998.
The numerical simulations were performed using the COMSOL Multiphysics® package (COMSOL
Multiphysics®4.3, COMSOL, Inc., Burlington, MA, USA, 2012). The spiral wound and flat sheet
membranes were developed with 3D axisymmetric geometry. Fick’s law of permeation was used
for the main transport of diluted species through the membrane. The following assumptions were
made [13].
2.1. Assumptions
1. Steady-state and ideal gas conditions;
2. Isothermal conditions;
3. Solution–diffusion mechanism for permeation;
4. Permeance not dependent on the concentration of gas or the feed pressure;
5. No axial mixing of gaseous molecules;
6. Constant pressure drop on the feed and permeate side.
where masswhere
transfer occurs
mass as a occurs
transfer result of
asdiffusion DAB
a result of .
diffusion DAB .
where Ca denotes concentration (mole/m3 ) and DAB is the diffusion coefficient of the diffusing species
(m2 /s). All boundaries are considered to be insulating
D ∇Ca ·n = 0 (6)
The two faces are applied as boundary conditions where the concentration of the two components
is set from high to low. Boundary Condition 1 (B.C.1) is considered to be high concentrations on the
feed side and Boundary Condition 2 (B.C.2) is represented on the reject side in low concentrations.
C = C0 (7)
C = C0,1 (8)
Na = (C0 − C0,1 ) (9)
C = S·p. (11)
The flux through the membrane can be presented in terms of permeability and partial pressure,
Na = (S·pf − S·ph) (12)
where feed pressure pf and permeate pressure ph are used for calculating gradient across the membrane.
Solubility is obtained using a ratio of the concentration gradient and partial pressure difference for the
binary mixture. The solubility S can be calculated as
S= . (13)
This membrane model was used to study gas separation in flat sheet and spiral wound
membrane modules.
2.3. Geometry
A sketch of the geometries of flat sheet and spiral wound membrane modules is shown in Figure 2.
Processes 2019, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 13
Processes 2019,
Processes 7, x7,FOR
2019, 420 PEER REVIEW 6 of613
of 13
Figure Schematicdiagram
2.4. Meshing
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the flat sheet and spiral wound membrane module.
The subdomainsare areoften
2.4. Meshing
called mesh(Figure
physics-controlledmesh meshwaswasapplied.
applied.An Anextremely
grid subdomains
elementwas are
wasused, often
used,while called elements
whilea afurther
further or
increase cells,
did and
notnot the
affect collection
thethe model
model of all elements
results. TheThe or
mesh cells is
consisted of
called a mesh
of 1,324,604
1,324,604 (Figure
domain 3).elements,
In this
elements, andprocess,
46,750 aboundary
46,750 physics-controlled
boundary mesh
elements, and and
edge edge An were
elements were finethe
for for
grid element
flat sheet was used,
flat membrane
sheet while amodule.
module. further
The meshincrease did not
mesh of affect
consisted the
of model
3,257,454 results.
domain domainThe 413,420
elements, mesh consisted
elements, 413,420
of elements,
1,324,604 domain
boundaryand elements,
elements, and
3439 edge 3439 edge46,750 boundary
used for theused elements,
spiral and
the spiral 900 edge elements
wound module.
membrane were
membrane module. used for
the flat sheet membrane module. The mesh consisted of 3,257,454 domain elements, 413,420
boundary elements, and 3439 edge elements used for the spiral wound membrane module.
Figure 3. Meshing of membrane module. (a) flat sheet; (b) spiral wound.
Figure 3. Meshing of membrane module. (a) flat sheet; (b) spiral wound
3. Results
3. Results Figurewas
CFD analysis 3. Meshing of membrane
performed for themodule. (a) flatand
flat sheet sheet; (b) spiral
spiral wound
wound membrane modules.
The simulation
CFD analysiswas was
carried out using
performed forCOMSOL Multiphysics
the flat sheet and spiral software
wound5.2a. Fluxes modules.
membrane of gases and
3. Results
concentration variations were found across the length of membrane modules.
simulation was carried out using COMSOL Multiphysics software 5.2a. Fluxes of gases and Various parameters like
feed pressure,
concentration concentrations
analysis was performed
variations across
were forthe
found length
across of the
flat the
sheet module,
length permeability,
of wound modules.
membrane and feed
membrane were considered
Various The
in this study.
simulation was carried out using COMSOL Multiphysics software 5.2a. Fluxes of gases and
concentration variations were found across the length of membrane modules. Various parameters
Processes 2019, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 13
Processes 2019, 7, 420 7 of 13
like feed pressure, concentrations across the length of the module, permeability, and feed were
considered in this study.
3.1. CH4 /C2 H6 Separation
3.1. CH4/C2H6 Separation
The flat sheet membrane module is usually used for pilot plant testing or lab scale testing.
The flat sheet membrane
of methanemodule is usually
and ethane used for pilot
was considered forplant testing
the flat sheetormembrane
lab scale testing.
module The
in this
separation of methane and ethane was considered for the flat sheet membrane
study. The simulation of a flat sheet membrane module was performed to check the concentration module in this study.
simulation ofreject
on the a flatand
sheet membrane
permeate module
sides. The feed wasgasperformed
entered the to membrane
check the concentration
module and the change
on the reject at
collected and
bottom of sides. The feedAgas
the module. entered model
cross-flow the membrane module
with specific and theconditions
boundary permeate was
used. at Thetheboundary
bottom ofconditions
the module. A cross-flow
included a high model with specific on
feed concentration boundary
the rightconditions
side and low was feed
used. The boundary
concentration on conditions
the left side. included
Figure a4ahighshowsfeedtheconcentration
concentration onvariation
the rightofsideCHand4 onlowthe feed and
permeate sides.on theTheleftcontour
side. Figure
shows4athe shows the concentration
concentration variationvariation
of gas on of CHsides
both 4 on the feed
of the and
permeate sides. The contour shows the concentration variation of gas on both sides
The slice centration shows the gas variations in the center of the module. Figure 4b shows the differing of the membrane.
slice centration showsfrom
variation the gas variations
the feed side to inthethe center side.
permeate of theThe module.
gas moved Figure 4b shows
through thesheet
the flat
differing concentration variation from
module and permeate collected at the bottom. the feed side to the permeate side. The gas moved through the
flat sheetFigure
module and permeate collected at the bottom.
4c shows the concentration gradient of CH4 present in the flat sheet membrane module.
Figure 4c shows
Streamlines the concentration
were used for concentration gradient of CH
gradient 4 present in the
representation inflat sheet
Figure 4c.membrane module.from
The lines moving
Streamlines were used for concentration gradient representation in Figure
high to low and passing through the membrane represent the gas diffusion through the membrane. 4c. The lines moving from
highTheto low and passing through the membrane represent the gas diffusion through
membrane is located in the center of the module and the permeate is shown on the bottom surface. the membrane.
TheThe membrane is located
results verified thatin the center
a gradient wasofpresent,
the module andgas
and that thediffused
permeate is shown
through on the bottom
the membrane. The flux
surface. The results verified that a gradient was present, and that gas diffused
was calculated for the given parameters using COMSOL Multiphysics software. The contour in through the membrane.
flux was 4dcalculated
indicates the forflux
the given parameters
variations using
in the flat COMSOL
sheet membrane Multiphysics
module. The software.
color barThe contour
shows the flux
in Figure 4d indicates the flux variations in the flat sheet membrane module.
magnitude in the module. The flux calculated in the module can be explained by Fick’s law. The color bar shows the
flux magnitude in the module. The flux calculated in the module can be explained by Fick’s law.
Figure 4. (a) CH4 gas concentration variation in the flat sheet membrane module; (b) slice shows CH4
Figure 4. (a) CH4 gas concentration variation in the flat sheet membrane module; (b) slice shows CH4
gas variation in the
gas variation in center of the
the center of module; (c) line
the module; shows
(c) line the concentration
shows gradient
the concentration variation
gradient in thein the
membrane module and (d) diffusive flux variation for CH 4 in a flat sheet membrane module.
membrane module and (d) diffusive flux variation for CH in a flat sheet membrane module.
Processes 2019, 7, 420 8 of 13
The arrows show that the gas passes through the membrane from the feed side to thepermeate
The arrows show that the gas passes through the membrane from the feed side to the permeatecollector
of the module. The results prove that a gradient was present, and that
collector of the module. The results prove that a gradient was present, and that the gas diffusedthe gas diffused through the
through Figure 5d
the membrane. shows
Figure the diffusive
5d shows flux magnitude
the diffusive flux magnitudein the spiral
in the wound
spiral wound membrane
for COfor
module 2 . The
CO 2diffusive
. The flux
diffusive magnitude
flux in
magnitude the membrane
in the module
membrane was
module obtained
was using
obtained concentration
concentration and permeability parameters. The flux through the membrane was calculated in separation
and permeability parameters. The flux through the membrane was calculated in the gas the
gasprocess and process
separation depended and on gas diffusion
depended on gas in the perm-selective
diffusion membrane,
in the perm-selective due to the
membrane, due pressure
to the and
pressure and concentration
concentration gradient. that
gradient. It illustated It illustated that mass
mass transport transport
occurred through occurred throughinthe
the membrane the spiral
membrane in the spiralmodule.
wound membrane wound membrane module.
Figure 5. (a) CO2 gas concentration variation in the spiral wound membrane module; (b) slice shows
Figure 5. (a) CO2 gas concentration variation in the spiral wound membrane module; (b) slice shows
CO4 gas variation in the center of the module; (c) line shows concentration gradient variation in the
CO4 gas variation in the center of the module; (c) line shows concentration gradient variation in the
membrane module and (d) diffusive flux variation for CO4 in the spiral wound membrane module.
membrane module and (d) diffusive flux variation for CO4 in the spiral wound membrane module.
Processes 2019, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 13
3.3.Pressure and
Parametric Permeate
Study Pressure
of the Spiral Wound Membrane Module
The membrane length was considered for the spiral wound membrane module, and the results
Feed Pressure and Permeate Pressure
were verified via the literature. Figure 6 shows that permeate pressure was a function of membrane
length The
for membrane length was
different values. considered
Basically, the for the spiral
permeate wound membrane
pressure module,
was less than theand
were verified via the literature. Figure 6 shows that permeate pressure was a function
Therefore, it was necessary to calculate the changes in permeate pressure according to length. of membrane
length forthe
Increasing different values.module’s
membrane Basically,length
the permeate
decreasedpressure was less than
the permeate the feed
pressure pressure.
because Therefore,
of the gradient
it was necessary to calculate the changes in permeate pressure according to length.
changes throughout the module from the feed side to the reject side. Therefore, less mass transfer Increasing
the membrane
occurred module’s
as a result of less length decreased
gradient the permeate
in the module. It was pressure
observedbecause of pressure
that feed the gradient
a reverse
throughout the module from the feed side to the reject side. Therefore, less mass
effect on permeate pressure. An increase in the feed pressure produced more gradient across the transfer occurred
as a result of less gradient in the module. It was observed that feed pressure had a reverse effect on
membrane, which resulted in higher mass transfer through the membrane. Figure 7 represents the
permeate pressure. An increase in the feed pressure produced more gradient across the membrane,
feed pressure variation with methane recovery in the spiral wound module. The results show that
which resulted in higher mass transfer through the membrane. Figure 7 represents the feed pressure
higher amounts of methane permeate were obtained in the end because a high gradient was
variation with methane recovery in the spiral wound module. The results show that higher amounts of
produced, and gas diffusion through the membrane was very high.
methane permeate were obtained in the end because a high gradient was produced, and gas diffusion
through the membrane was very high.
with module
module length in aa spiral
length in spiral wound
compared with published values [31].
compared with published values [31].
Figure 7. 7.
Figure CH 4 gas
CH variation
4 gas with
variation withfeed
spiral wound
wound membrane modulecompared
membrane module comparedwith
published values
Processes 2019,7,7,xxFOR
REVIEW 10 of
10 of 13
3.4. Parametric Study for the Flat Sheet Membrane Module
Feed Pressureand andLength
Feed Pressure and Length
ItIt was
was observed
observed that that the
the permeate
permeate concentration
concentration changed
changed along along the
the length
length of of the
the module.
module. The The
more It was observed
permeable that the permeate
components passed concentration
through the changed along
membrane theother
while lengthcomponents
of the module. wereThe more
left as
more permeable components passed through the membrane while other components were left as
rejects.The components
TheCH CH44gasgaswas passed
suitablefor the membrane
permeationthrough while
throughthe other components
membrane.Figure were left as
Figure88demonstrates rejects.
thatCH the 4 gas
mole was more suitable
fraction of CH for permeation
increased on thethrough
permeatethe side
across Figure
the 8 demonstrates
length of the module thatand
that the mole fraction of CH4 increased on the permeate side across the length of the module
4 and
mole fraction
decreased on of
onthe 4 increased
reject side,with
side, withon the permeate
respect tolength.
to length. side
The ethanethe
ethane gaslength
gas of the
increased onmodule
on thereject
the reject and
side decreased
on the reject
the permeation
the permeation of side, with
of ethane respect
ethane through to
through the length. The
the membrane
membrane wasethane gas
was very increased
very low. on
low. Therefore, the
Therefore, the reject side
the maximum because
maximum possiblepossiblethe
purity ofthe ofgas
the ethane
gas wasthrough
was achieved.
achieved. the membrane was very low. Therefore, the maximum possible purity
of theFigure
gas was
Figure 9 achieved.
shows that increasing
9 shows that increasing the the feed
feed pressure
pressure causes
causes the the gradient
gradient to to increase.
increase. Due Due toto high
feed pressure,
feed 9 shows
pressure, the that
the permeationincreasing
permeation of the feed
of components pressure
components through causes
through the the
the membrane gradient
membrane increased to increase.
increased whenwhen the Due to high
the driving
force increased.
increased. the permeation
Therefore, ititwas
estimated thatthrough
that thehigher
the higherthethe
the membrane
feed pressureincreased
the when
better the driving
the separation.
This was also true for methane recovery on the permeate side because increasing feed separation.
This increased.
was also Therefore,
true for it
methanewas estimated
recovery that
on the
the higher
permeate the feed
side pressure
because the better
increasing the
feed pressure
This was
resulted in
resulted also true
in more for methane
more pressure
pressure gradientrecovery
gradient and on the permeate
and turbulence
turbulence for side
for mass because
mass transfer. increasing
transfer. Therefore, feed
Therefore, thepressure
the gas resulted
gas passed
in more pressure
through themembrane.
the gradient
membrane. The
The and turbulence
permeate values
values forcalculated
mass transfer.
calculated theTherefore,
by numericalmodel
numerical the
model gasfor
for through
the spiral wound
wound the
membrane.flat sheet
The membrane
permeate modules
values are
calculated shown
by the in Table
numerical 2 for
and flat sheet membrane modules are shown in Table 2 for comparison with published data. Amodelcomparison
for the with
spiral published
wound and data.
flat A
maximum modules difference
difference of 10.8%
10.8% in and
and 8.7%
8.7% was
2 for found
wascomparison for
found for the the spiral
withspiral wound
wound and
data. flat
andAflat sheet
maximum membrane
sheet membrane
10.8% and
modules, respectively.
8.7% was found for the spiral wound and flat sheet membrane modules, respectively.
Figure Molefraction
Mole fractionof
fraction ofmethane
of methanewith
methane withfeed
with feedpressure
feed pressurein
pressure inthe
in theflat
the flatsheet
flat sheetmembrane
sheet membrane module
membranemodule compared
with published
with values
publishedvalues [32].
values [32].
Figure 9.9.Mole
methane changewith
change withaaalength
with length of
lengthof the
ofthe flat
theflat sheet
flatsheet membrane
sheetmembrane module
membranemodule compared
with published
withpublished values
publishedvalues [32].
values [32].
Processes 2019, 7, 420 11 of 13
Table 2. Comparison of the model results with the published data for CH4 (permeate) at different
values of selectivity.
4. Discussion
Computational fluid dynamics simulations were used to study mass transport in spiral wound
and flat sheet membrane modules. Three-dimensional geometrics were considered to analyze the
membrane-based gas separation for the binary gas mixture. Counter-current and cross-flow membrane
models were used to verify the results. The simple Fick’s law was used to explain mass flux transport
of the binary gas mixture through the membrane. The membrane model was defined using COMSOL
Multiphysics software for the separation of the binary mixture. The membrane model was applied as
a thin diffusion barrier, which allowed certain species to pass through the membrane. The effect of
molar flux for species in mass transport through a membrane was considered. In the present model,
the different parameters were investigated to verify the models in the literature. Different gas mixtures,
like CO2 /CH4 and CH4 /C2 H6 , were investigated in different membrane modules.
A spiral wound membrane module was discussed for CH4 /CO2 membrane separation. The module
geometry consisted of three flat sheets that wrapped around a central tube. The membrane collector
was present at the center of the feed and reject sides. The cross-flow model was applied to verify the
literature results. In the spiral wound membrane module, the increase in membrane length showed
a considerable decrease in concentration polarization. When the length of the membrane increased,
an increase in the residual mole fraction was observed. An increase in the permeate purity was also
observed, which indicated that the concentration polarization was negligible.
A flat sheet membrane module was considered for the separation of CH4 /C2 H6 . The model
showed a variation of membrane results that have been discussed. This was novel work describing
the flow profiles of gases in different membrane modules. The contour also showed the total flux,
concentration gradient, and diffusive flux magnitude of different membrane modules. The investigated
parameters were compared with published results. It was observed that in a flat sheet membrane
module with increasing feed pressure, the pressure gradient also increased, which resulted in higher
flux, higher permeation, and maximum purity of the permeate. The concentration polarization was
observed to be negligible. Furthermore, with increasing module length in the flat sheet membrane
module, a decrease in concentration polarization was observed because the increase in the module
length resulted in more permeation of the desired component and an increase in permeate purity.
In the spiral wound membrane module, increasing the membrane length resulted in a considerable
decrease in concentration polarization. When the length of the membrane was increased, an increase
in the residual mole fraction was observed. An increase in the permeate purity was also observed,
which indicated that the concentration polarization was negligible.
5. Conclusions
The membrane modules were modeled using CFD to obtain the maximum possible value of the
desired gas in the permeate. The effect of concentration polarization on gas separation performance
was negligible. Different parameters were studied in the membrane modules, such as feed pressure,
module length, permeate pressure, and feed concentration. Increasing feed pressure in the membrane
modules caused the pressure gradient to increase. Therefore, maximum mass transfer occurred through
Processes 2019, 7, 420 12 of 13
the membrane. Moreover, the length was considered to show gas variation in the permeate. In the
end, the contours of gas flow profiles in the membrane modules were successfully reported. Modeling
predictions were compared with the published data and validated, and it was found that there was
good agreement between them for the different values of selectivity. The comparison indicated that
the membrane modules were very efficient in terms of the separation of the desired gas at a higher
pressure gradient.
Author Contributions: A.H. proposed the main idea and methodology; S.Q. performed the CFD analysis and
wrote the manuscript; M.A. and A.H. provided key suggestions and improved the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
List of symbols
C Concentration of a (mol/m3 )
DAB Diffusion coefficient (m2 /s)
C0 Initial concentration (mol/m3 )
C0,1 Final concentration (mol/m3 )
P Permeance (mol/(m2 ·s·pa))
S Solubility in the membrane (mol/(m3 ·pa))
pf Feed pressure (Pa)
ph Permeate pressure (Pa)
∆ Membrane thickness (m)
∆C Difference in concentration (mol/m3 )
∆p Gradient of the partial pressure of gases (Pa)
Na Diffusive flux (mol/m2 ·s)
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