Laboratory #2: Non-Ideal OP-AMP Characteristics: Task 1. Offset Voltages and Currents
Laboratory #2: Non-Ideal OP-AMP Characteristics: Task 1. Offset Voltages and Currents
Laboratory #2: Non-Ideal OP-AMP Characteristics: Task 1. Offset Voltages and Currents
1. Objective:
Equipment and circuit components: Signal Generator, Power supply with variable voltage, Multimeter,
Breadboard, op-amp (LM741), Resistors (of specified values in the manual).
2. Preliminary work:
2.1. Find the data sheet of LM741. Get familiar with this op-amp and its pin diagram. Find input bias
current, offset current and slew-rate of the op-amp by inspecting its data sheet.
2.2. Considering the bias currents of the op-amp, calculate the output voltage of the inverting
amplifiers shown in the following figures.
3. Lab tasks:
Vo 2 Vo1
I B1
Vo 2 Vo1
Construct Cir 2.b by adding Rg. Use 10k resistor for Rg, but measure its exact value before
adding it to the circuit.
Use the previous measurements and the equation that you derived in your pre-lab calculate
Replace Rg by 5k resistor and measure the output voltage. (Comment on the result)
Calculate input offset and input bias currents using (Compare these values against data
I OS I B1 I B 2
I B1 I B 2