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Col Dennis J. Rensel, USAF (Ret.)

Resilience takes on many definitions and ideas depending

upon who is speaking. Taking this one step further,
consider resiliency as a concept that provides a holistic
view of a system or capability, just as biomedical indices
provide an indication, a concept of a person’s health.
This process or concept of assessing one’s health can be
equated to the assessment of the health of a network or
system. The hypothesis is: resiliency is meaningful in
the context of holistic assessments of capabilities. At
this level, comparisons of capabilities or systems can
lead to informed decisions about resources, funding, and
tradespaces. This article develops a Resiliency Tier Matrix
and illustrates how to obtain a holistic view of resilience
for a capability or system.

Keywords: resilience, health, holistic, Resiliency Tier, Resiliency Tier

Matrix, State of Resiliency

 Image designed by Diane Fleischer

Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324 295
A Publication of the Defense Acquisition University http://www.dau.mil

Resilience as a term has as many definitions as people who talk about it.
What if resiliency is treated as a concept? How do you measure a concept? In
reviewing many definitions, “each [definition] … rests on one or two essential
aspects of resilience: continuity and recovery in the face of change” (Zolli &
Healy, 2012, p. 7). A key to the success of any resiliency analysis is to fully
understand the level of protection and tolerance that is acceptable to meet
mission needs and then to create a strategic plan accordingly. A true resil-
ience measure is holistic, viewing the whole of a robust mission capability
and not a sum of each component’s capability.

Capitalizing on this holistic view, the resulting analysis com-

pares and contrasts various capabilities with different
conditions, requirements, and operations. Working within
this tradespace, analysis may lead to critical junctures:
Capability vs. Cost, Improvements vs. New Development, or
Research and Development Investments vs. Sustainment.
Knowing the State of Resiliency of a system will lead to
answers to: How can resiliency be improved? Where should
the next dollar go? And when has a system reached its
end of life? This information can lead to informed
decisions and better capabilities.

Effective resiliency planning comes from under-

standing situational and mission needs before a
disastrous event occurs. Developing a Resiliency Tier
Matrix would capture this situational and mission aware-
ness. Resiliency Tiers demonstrate acceptable tolerance for the
system/capability to meet mission needs. A goal in this entire process
is to create a true holistic Resiliency Index that reflects more than each
functional component’s contribution.

The holistic analysis of resiliency provides insight into a capa-
bility or system’s resilient characteristics and provides a means
for creating informed decisions regarding funding, devel-
opment, deployment, and mission accomplishment.

296 Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324

July 2015

This article presents resiliency as a concept that incorporates many
other factors and elements and develops a Resiliency Tier Matrix for
analysis purposes.

This article portrays resiliency as an overarching concept that affects
capabilities and systems differently depending upon the situation. It devel-
ops a Resiliency Tier Matrix to provide a holistic view of what resilience
means to that capability or system. The research was limited to recent arti-
cles on resiliency and various interpretations of resilience and its effects.
The development of the Resiliency Tier Matrix involves the relationships
between existing conditions and possible impacts to capabilities and sys-
tems. Use of the matrix provides decision makers with knowledge to make
informed decisions. This article does not delve into resiliency associated
with people or organizations because an abundance of literature already
covers the many aspects of these two constructs.

The word resiliency has no universally accepted definition. Many orga-
nizations have coined more than one definition. One of the more accepted
definitions is from the Office of the Secretary of Defense (Policy) (Department
of Defense, 2012):

The ability of an architecture to support the functions

necessary for mission success with higher probability,
shorter periods of reduced capability, and across a wider
range of scenarios, conditions, and threats, in spite of hos-
tile action or adverse conditions. Resilience may leverage
cross-domain or alternative government, commercial, or
international capabilities. (p. 12)

Resilience is an overarching concept or an umbrella, which encompasses

many other concepts, characteristics, or parameters. Each may have a major
impact at any one time. This leads to the basic question of how the resiliency
of a capability can be improved. Many synergies and forces play important
roles. Turning to systems, resiliency incorporates many other metrics and

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A Publication of the Defense Acquisition University http://www.dau.mil

variables. Figure 1 shows the various parameters and techniques associated

with resiliency. As a concept, no single metric does resiliency sufficient jus-
tice. When defining a specific metric, another aspect of resiliency surfaces.
The first metric no longer fits because the emphasis shifted to the next
aspect or dimension.


• Climate
• Cultural
• Economic
• Political
• Social
• Technology
Mission System


• Agility • Adaptation • Change
• Availability • Counter • Contingency Planning
Mechanism • Cooperation
• Connectivity
• Decoupling • Connectivity
• Dependability
• Graceful • Decoupling
• Disaggregation Degradation
• Diversity • Dynamic
• Realignment Reorganization
• Engineering • Re-architecture • Evolution
• Fault Tolerance • Reconstitute
• Modularity • Recovery
• Robustness
• Simplicity/Complexity
• Survivability

Resiliency as a term applies to people, organizations, and items/systems.

Information technology networks, ecological systems, social environments,
and health conditions use the term. For each of these constructs, risks come
from all directions: events, data operations, or even missions. Risks are gen-
erally more prevalent during events such as an adversarial attack or natural
disaster or even from a series of minor incidents that add up. Preparation to
meet these challenges would minimize exposure and provide faster reac-
tion times. One means of minimizing effects would be to understand system
vulnerabilities. Many of the ideas and concepts are taken from an IBM

298 Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324

July 2015

paper on Business Resilience (IBM, 2009, p. 5). Even though the IBM article
focuses on business and business management, a variation or derivation of
its resiliency framework can be extended to systems and their environment.

The success of any assessment/estimation is situational awareness of all

aspects of resiliency. It helps define the level of protection and tolerance that
is acceptable. Appendix A describes a Resiliency Black Box and the interac-
tions of the various parameters in Figure 1 under the Resiliency Umbrella.
A strategic plan is needed to meet mission resiliency requirements. The
implementation of such a plan comes with challenges: (a) assessing risk
vs. cost – what level of vulnerability is tolerable? (b) viewing resilience as
a strategic enabler, (c) developing a resilience culture, (d) assessing return
on investment for resilience strategies (IBM, 2009, p. 7), and (e) linking
capabilities to mission requirements. However, done correctly, the imple-
mentation could lead to informed decisions about tradespace and alternative
actions beyond the technical solution.

Open literature discusses resiliency techniques. These seem to fall into

three categories. The first category is human behavioral practices, social
and societal impacts (The State of New York, 2013, p. 3), and application to
systems-of-systems (Bodeau, Brtis, Graubart, & Salwen, 2013, p. 1). This
category is outside the scope of this article. The second category illustrates
approaches through case studies on how some communities increased their
resilience within their environment. The third category provides an engineer-
ing framework for mapping goals to objectives to techniques. Figure 1 depicts
many of these techniques, which lead into this Resiliency Tier development.
The desired outcome is then to develop innovative measures to enhance resil-
iency similar to what the communities did in the second category.

In treating resiliency as a multidimensional concept, there needs to be

a way to characterize it and still have some quantitative assessment. An
analogy would be the status of a person’s health, which is multidimensional.
Numerous medical indices cover all aspects of health: temperature, weight,
disease conditions, muscle tone, aging, etc. But when asked how healthy a
person is, a general concept of what all the indices or parameters indicate is
the appropriate answer. Resiliency can adopt the same construct. If resil-
iency of a system equates to the health of a person, then maybe there should
be resiliency indices similar to health indices. Just like the health hazards
that people experience, systems experience multiple attacks on their con-
figurations. A specific health index addresses a specific health condition or
set of related conditions. Depending upon the value and importance of the
index, patients will spend their last dollar on a remedy. To obtain a cure,

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A Publication of the Defense Acquisition University http://www.dau.mil

patients need to learn the overall concept of their health. This is where
assessment of the myriad of available health indices is invaluable in deter-
mining their state of health. Indeed, the decision may impact where patients
choose to spend their health dollars. A similar analytical process can apply
to systems or capabilities and their resiliency. The assessment of these
various parameters or dimensions can determine a State of Resiliency and
would lead to a holistic view of the system. This type of assessment informs
budget, development, and/or deployment decisions.

There can be many indices describing resiliency, each emphasizing a dif-

ferent aspect. However, when asked how resilient a system or capability is,
the answer should encompass the varied indications from the set of resil-
iency indices. If done correctly, this Resiliency Index would allow for
comparisons of capabilities or systems within a tradespace. For purposes
of this discussion, since the relationship between systems and capabilities
is close, the rest of the article will concentrate on systems.

As a management tool, the Resiliency Tier Framework

offers a way to compare various programs, systems,
and capabilities in terms of potential tradespace, cost
savings, or capability optimization.

In reviewing literature, we found many articles that discussed metrics

for resiliency. The Defense Science Board Task Force built a notional
dashboard-metric collection system (DoD, 2013, p. 13). This system, hav-
ing maturity levels and designed metrics, supported cyber systems at a very
detailed level. In contrast, IBM developed a Resilience Tier Framework
(IBM, 2009, p. 14). This framework defines levels of resilience to match
business-driven requirements. It spans all business units, services, and
technologies. It provides the client a streamlined direction for building
a resilient architecture. Ultimately, a true resilience measure is holistic,
encompassing the operations, technology, and culture of an organization. In
a variation of the IBM model, the Resiliency Tier Matrix in this article has
five Resiliency Tiers ranging from Tier I, which is a total disaster, to Tier
V, which is the gold standard. In this case, 12 different indices are spread
across the five tiers to assess the overall resiliency of a system.

Any military capability encounters numerous hazards or risks from all

directions. Examples of sources for these risks are events, system fail-
ures, or human error. These risks can be minor or major depending upon

300 Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324

July 2015

the conditions. To minimize the effects, system users need to be aware of

vulnerabilities and have mitigating actions in place. Effective prepara-
tions and actions involve a holistic approach with proactive processes and
vigilant situational awareness for the unknown (IBM, 2009, p. 5). When
system users develop this holistic view, an extensive analysis compares and
contrasts various capabilities, different conditions, environments, mission
requirements, and operations. Armed with this view, decision makers can
make informed decisions regarding better capabilities and their use.

The tool to help determine a system’s State of Resiliency is the Resiliency

Tier Matrix or Framework, with varying tiers of resiliency. Before proceed-
ing further, an explanation of a Resiliency Tier Matrix or Framework and
how it is built is appropriate. Consider the spectrum of resiliency divided
into five states. This spectrum ranges from the worst state of resiliency—
exposed—through the states of confused, aware, and operational to the best
state: capable (Table 1). Appendix B, Table B1, presents further descriptions
equating these states to mission accomplishment and operations.


No mission
Exposed Ceases to function
Major mission
Confused Highly impeded
Minimal mission
Aware Minimal success
Effective mission
Operational Effective
success with difficulties
Mission success with no
Capable Highly effective

The question now arises: How is a system placed in one of these states?
Measurable criteria (parameters, techniques, or metrics) help in con-
structing the matrix. The key criteria are those that help define this
multidimensional concept. This set of criteria includes system charac-
terization, operator confidence in the system, effectiveness of the security
precautions, continuity of operations, and preparedness. Appendix B, Table
B2, further explains these criteria. Each of these can further be subdivided
depending on the interest and the importance of any parameter in Figure 1,
Resiliency Umbrella. The matrix begins to take shape in Table 2.

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A Publication of the Defense Acquisition University http://www.dau.mil

The intent of this framework is to produce a more complete picture of the

system and the forces pulling on resiliency. As mentioned earlier, what may
be important one day may not be important the next. This is a way to set up
a score card and evaluate the resiliency of a system. The weighting of the
criteria would be set according to the priorities of those criteria. In addition
this framework also provides a means of analyzing vulnerabilities, evalu-
ating tradespace, and comparing various courses of action. Some benefits
(IBM, 2009, p. 11) for constructing such a framework are:

• A ligning capability directly to mission;

• Projecting potential resiliency investments;

• Improving risk mitigation and planning; and

• Enhancing preemptive vs. reactive management.

Some key challenges (IBM, 2009, p. 7) for constructing such a framework are:

• iewing resiliency as a strategic enabler. Resiliency has

strategic importance. A resiliency strategy would be a single,
integrated plan embraced and executed by all parts of the
organization. It would focus on delivering mission capability. It
would be the catalyst to higher levels of performance. Drawing
together the different components, the overall result would
be greater than the parts alone. Senior leadership should be
committed to a single resiliency strategy. This strategy aligns
with organizational goals to provide a holistic approach over
mission-wide systems (McLaren, 2009).

• efining the value of mission resiliency. “Mission resil-

iency encompasses a proactive approach that systematically
prepares for potential disruption as opposed to waiting for a
disruptive event to occur” (Peake, Underbrink, & Potter, 2012,
p. 31). Understanding resiliency in the mission environment is
a significant step in system development and security. A resil-
ient mission system is more capable and more adaptable than
the tools used against it. Its value is in less complexity and cost
of securing mission systems. “The focus on mission resilience
extends the scope of past security practices while simultane-
ously honing in on mission-critical systems, networks, and
processes” (Peake et al., 2012, p. 29).

302 Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324

Tiers Priority V IV III II I
Criteria Weighting [Capable] [Operational] [Aware] [Confusion] [Exposed]
Scale 1 2 3 4 5
Continuity of Operations

Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324

July 2015

A Publication of the Defense Acquisition University http://www.dau.mil

• orking with advanced technologies. This provides the

opportunity to assist in developing and integrating state-of-
the-art solutions to meet time-critical needs. As an added
benefit, it provides opportunities for proactive and independent
research, analysis, testing, and prototype development to mis-
sion requirements.

• aintaining continuous availability of mission systems.

This type of system visibility leads to assuring uninterrupted
availability of critical mission systems, without need for
failover mechanisms or recovery operations.

• inking capabilities to mission requirements. Building

resilience into a system from the start requires an understand-
ing of the mission, the environment, and potential risks. These
systems are the capabilities that satisfy the mission require-
ments. Linking the capabilities and mission requirements and
evaluating their effectiveness in a hostile environment should
be done early in the life cycle of a program.

Using Resiliency Tiers in Defining

an Architectural Approach
Resiliency Tiers define levels of resiliency to match mission require-
ments. Resiliency Tiers span all domains, services, or technologies and
provide insight for building a resilient architecture. The intent is that this
Resiliency Tier Framework provides an objective scale for the classification
of mission requirements. This scale is a set of consistent concepts, mea-
surements, or criteria applied to mission systems or capabilities. This set
links technical resiliency requirements to capabilities. Mission resiliency
requires an architectural approach spanning the breadth of military and
government capabilities. Resiliency Tiers (IBM, 2009, p. 10) help to classify
mission requirements by:

• efining a broad continuum of mission resiliency require-

ments that apply to all processes, services, development, and

• inking those requirements to a set of technology criteria that

address all capabilities and resources in the mission environ-
ment; and

304 Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324

July 2015

• roviding technical characteristics, criteria, and metrics to

measure mission resiliency expectations, and to monitor and
manage ongoing operations.

This process develops an effective holistic Resiliency Index. The whole is

greater than the sum of each functional component’s contribution. This
index may also help in identifying how to maximize the architecture and
optimize investment.

Mission resiliency requires an architectural

approach spanning the breadth of military and
government capabilities.

Benefits of Resiliency Tiers

Defining, developing, and maintaining Resiliency Tiers and associated
resilient capabilities have a number of benefits (IBM, 2009, p. 11), such as:

• Better mission-to-technology alignment;

• Clear rationalization of investments in resilient capabilities;

• reater opportunities for improvements to risk planning,

strategy, and architecture;

• ore prescriptive management of the mission environment to

achieve system-wide resiliency;

• ssistance in gap analysis across mission, service, and tech-

nology domains;

• elp in bridging the communications and planning gaps for

mission continuity resiliency and planning; and

• I ntegration of mission requirements with a system-wide

approach to achieve greater affordability.

As a management tool, the Resiliency Tier Framework offers a way to

compare various programs, systems, and capabilities in terms of potential
tradespace, cost savings, or capability optimization.

Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324 305

A Publication of the Defense Acquisition University http://www.dau.mil

How Resiliency Tiers Are Used

The Resiliency Tier Framework supports every aspect of the mission
system. In an analysis, this framework can address alignment of resiliency
strategies with mission needs, can guide the mitigation of adverse actions,
and can address all mission and system components.

These tiers are able to help conceptualize and align mission resiliency needs
in multiple scenarios. Resiliency Tiers lead to a comprehensive picture of
systems and vulnerabilities, and eventually an understanding of specific
levels of service. Using this objective and quantitative approach, require-
ments definition and prioritization ensure that the resiliency objectives and
acceptable costs are integral to the overall mission capability.

An organization can also use Resiliency Tiers for guidance to mitigate the
potential or existing chaos caused by external forces. These tiers provide
a framework for understanding the overall health of the mission area and
systems. Similar to the IBM analysis, Resiliency Tiers can help reconcile
mission resiliency requirements and guide the infrastructure require-
ments, architectural design decisions, and major initiatives that will be
implemented to achieve the desired future resilient environment (IBM,
2009, p. 12).

Lastly, a tiered resiliency approach enables the warfighter to define a repli-

cable and measurable framework that can address all mission components
including weapon systems, force capabilities, and/or government actions
(IBM, 2009, p. 13). It can provide a range of resiliency requirements as well as
mitigating actions. In addition, the tiered resiliency approach may also apply
to a wide range of government actions and resiliency mitigations such as
diplomacy, technical redundancy, force structures, and economic measures.
Five Tiers of Resiliency
This framework has five tiers for resiliency estimation (Table 2). Each
tier serves as a set of guidelines that specifies the characteristics commen-
surate with each tier condition for each of five criteria: System, Confidence,
Security, Continuity of Operations, and Preparedness. These criteria span
the five Resiliency Tiers (defined as Capable [V], Operational [IV], Aware
[III], Confusion [II], and Exposed [I]). When taken as a range, the Resiliency
Tiers translate into a conceptual view of the resiliency status of the overall
mission system.

306 Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324

July 2015

The criteria may be any number of parameters or techniques, which are

important at the time. Table 3 is a representative example of a populated
Table. (Appendix B, Table B3 has more details in developing this matrix.) For
instance, Preparedness is one of those criteria. The Capable Resiliency Tier
defines Preparedness as having a holistic approach to resiliency; whereas the
Operational Resiliency Tier classifies this as having specific plans in place
to address resiliency. Depending on the mission resiliency requirements,
either level might provide adequate preparedness; however, the Capable
Resiliency Tier provides a complete strategy for addressing resiliency. The
holistic strategy for the Capable Resiliency Tier reduces the effects of out-
side forces to planned courses of action and continuous vigilance, whereas
the Exposed Resiliency Tier provides no indication of preparedness for a
hostile environment. Again, depending on mission requirements, any level
may provide adequate resiliency; however, the Capable Resiliency Tier
provides for the most complete level of Preparedness for mission-critical
functions. A similar analysis is possible with each Criteria or row.

The outcome of this assessment defines a set of immediate actions to

improve the resiliency of mission systems. Some actions would result in
the development of a longer term, strategic roadmap of major initiatives that
would help meet mission expectations for future applications.

Guidance on Scoring
When undertaking a resiliency assessment, the "how good" or "how
bad" analysis addresses each criteria individually (National Patient
Safety Agency, 2008, p. 14). This is a consequence of the mission
environment. Consequence, in this context, means the condition
or outcome of a mission capability in reaction to an outside force
(National Patient Safety Agency, 2008, p. 4). Clearly, there
may be more than one consequence for a single capability.

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A Publication of the Defense Acquisition University http://www.dau.mil


Tiers V IV

Criteria [Capable] [Operational]

Scale 1 2
Overview Highly capable Effective

Normal Full capabilities Maintains normal

Operations on-line operations, reached
new equilibrium

Protection Protected Protection measures

in place
Corrective Cohesive actions Synergy of actions

Actions among all players among most actors

Vulnerabilities Potential vulnerabili- Know of most

ties identified vulnerabilities
Planning Holistic resilience Resiliency measures
Mitigations Attacks have little or Successful in
no effect on mitigating or avoiding
operations most attacks
Vigilance Method to identify Addresses obvious
new vulnerabilities vulnerabilities
Confidence High Moderate
Security High Effective

Continuity of Maximum Able to operate

Operations effectively
Preparedness Holistic strategy Specific plans in place


308 Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324

July 2015



[Aware] [Confusion] [Exposed]

3 4 5
Minimum mission Problems meeting any Ineffective
accomplished mission needs
Struggles to stay ahead Experiencing outages, System failure, it
of problems delays, "blackouts," crashes
etc.—confused with
Some protection "Band-aid" protection No protection
Collaboration of effort Attempting to resolve No clue what to do
to address issues from within—disjointed
Vulnerabilities exist Few vulnerabilities Unaware of
known vulnerabilities
Realistic impact Minimal resiliency No resiliency designed
assessment actions available in system
Some proactive Reactive measures No measures available
measures in place taken

Aware of attacks Can spell resiliency Clueless

Medium Low Nonexistent

Appears to be Minimal with breaches None
Barely meeting Failing Complete breakdown
Minimal to acceptable Insufficient None


Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324 309

A Publication of the Defense Acquisition University http://www.dau.mil

Qualitative and quantitative techniques assess and score the consequences.

Wherever possible, consequences should use objective definitions across dif-
ferent criteria within each tier to ensure consistency in the process. Despite
defining each condition as objectively as possible, scoring the consequences
will inevitably involve a degree of subjectivity. Figure 2 contains the flow
diagram for the Resiliency Tier assessment.



• Consequences
• Continuity of Operations Planning
Define System • Culture
Environment • Current/Normal Operations
• Disruptions
Select Domain (Row) • Mission Success
Resilience Tier Table in Table • Mitigation/Corrective Actions
• Preparedness
Assess/Evaluate Domain • Protection Measures
(Row) • Resiliency Planning
• Security
Select Next Domain Select Resiliency Tier • Vigilance
• Vulnerabilities
• Etc.
Record the Scale
No • Architectural Designs
All Domains Evaluated? • Budget Decisions (Next $)
• Compare Analysis of Alternatives
Yes Solutions
• Compare with Another System RI
Add All Scaled Numbers • Deployment
for Resiliency Index
(RI) • Future Actions/Improvements
• Improve Resiliency
• Investment Options
• Research and Development
• Strategic Roadmap
• Sustainment
• Etc.

Table 3, Table of Resiliency Tiers, provides the framework to obtain an

assessment of the State of Resiliency of a specific mission system. The
process is:

• Select the mission system to review.

• efine explicitly the conditions (internally or externally) of the

adverse consequences that are either encountered or might be

310 Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324

July 2015

• o to each row (criteria) in the table and identify the appropri-

ate description, or tier, under the adverse condition. Appendix B
contains further details for each term and description. Record
the scale number at the top of each column. If a weighted value
exists, multiply the scale number by the weighted value.

• nce all 12 rows are characterized, add all the scores based on
the scale value (with or without weighted values) for each row.
The total is the Resiliency Index.

• variation to this table would be to change to another or dif-

ferent set of criteria or parameters. Add or delete a row. If one
is added, establish the corresponding tier structure based on
the new criteria. Keep modifications to a minimum. One of the
benefits to having a set of criteria is the aspect of consistency
in application.

This provides an overall resiliency assessment of the system: the greater

the score, the lower the resiliency. The scores for this Resiliency Tier
Framework (no weighting) would range from 12 (the best) to 60 (the worst).
Putting these scores into perspective, compare them to the Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) risk scale as part of the CJCS Resiliency Risk
Spectrum (Figure 3).


CJCS Risk Ratings


12 22 36 50 60

Relative Scale for Resiliency Characterization

The following is an example of how this Resiliency Tier Matrix is applied to

a specific situation and system. Assume a large satellite terminal is located
on foreign soil. The Status of Forces Agreement states physical protection is
the responsibility of the host nation. Further, this terminal is vintage equip-
ment nearing end of life. A local protest breaks out and the satellite signal
is lost for the first time. After working with higher headquarters and taking
approved mitigating actions, the maintenance crew restores the system to

Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324 311

Domains [Capable] [Operational] [Aware] [Confusion] [Exposed]
Scale 1 2 3 4 5
A Publication of the Defense Acquisition University



Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324

Continuity of
Index = 37 0 4 21 12 0
July 2015

full operational status within appropriate restoration time frames. Once all
activities return to normal, the resiliency assessment (Figure 4) uses Table
3, highlighting the applicable tiers for each criteria within the Resiliency
Tier Framework. Refer to Table 3 for the cell descriptions.

The sum of the respective scale numbers is 37. This number is displayed
above the scale in Figure 5. An interpretation of this State of Resiliency
would indicate:

• Increased system protection is imperative.

• Better planning for such events is necessary.

• K nown vulnerabilities need more attention.

• The system is getting old.



CJCS Risk Ratings


12 22 36 50 60

Relative Scale for Resiliency Characterization

These four items would lead to a cost analysis of whether to upgrade or

replace the system. They may also lead to a political discussion on the Status
of Forces Agreement or whether or not the site should remain in its current
location. Looking at a variation of the situation above where the terminal
never goes down, discussions would be much different. Many of the cell
evaluations in Figure 4 would move to the left.

This is a single application for illustration purposes; however, other options

could be to maximize architectural designs, optimize investments, and dif-
ferentiate resiliency between two systems supporting the same mission or
among analysis of alternatives solutions. The analysis can be as rigorous as
necessary with all details, a subset of details, or limited details depending
on the purpose and desired outcome.

Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324 313

A Publication of the Defense Acquisition University http://www.dau.mil

The tiered approach to resiliency can aid in planning for adverse or
intrusive events proactively. This helps maximize return on investment
from assets, technology, and people at the time when needed most. Using
Resiliency Tiers to develop effective long-term strategies ensures that
shorter term tactical actions are properly aligned and supports a military
capability progress along the resiliency maturity continuum. Investing in
resiliency measures at the program start will help make sure that long-term
resiliency investments preserve value over time.

314 Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324

July 2015

Black Box Model. (n.d.). Investopedia [Online investment dictionary]. Retrieved from
Bodeau, D., Brtis, J., Graubart, R., & Salwen, J. (2013). Resiliency techniques for
systems-of-systems (Report No. 13-3513). Bedford, MA: The MITRE Corporation.
Confidence, (n.d.). In Oxford dictionaries [Online dictionary].
Department of Defense. (2012). Space policy (DoDD 3100.10). Washington, DC: Office
of the Secretary of Defense (Policy).
Department of Defense. (2013). Task force report: Resilient military systems and
the advanced cyber threat. Washington, DC: Office of the Under Secretary of
Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics.
Holistic Strategy Approach. (n.d.). In BusinessDictionary.com [Online business
dictionary]. Retrieved from http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/
IBM Business Continuity and Resiliency Services. (2009). Business resilience: The
best defense is a good offense: Develop a best practices strategy using a tiered
approach. Somers, NY: Author.
Joint Chiefs of Staff. (2010). Department of Defense dictionary of military and
associated terms (Joint Publication 1-02). Washington, DC: Author.
Joint Chiefs of Staff. (2011). Joint operations (Joint Publication 3-0). Washington, DC:
McLaren, S. (2009). EPMO: A strategic enabler? [Discussion paper]. St. Kilda, Victoria,
Australia: Dignus Group.
National Patient Safety Agency. (2008). A risk matrix for risk managers. National
Health Service. London, England: Author.
Peake, C., Underbrink, A., & Potter, A. (2012, September/October). Cyber mission
resilience mission assurance in the cyber ecosystem. CrossTalk, 25(5), 29–34.
Preparedness. (n.d.) In Oxford dictionaries [Online dictionary].
The State of New York. (2013). Community resilience techniques. New York: My Rising
The White House, Office of the Press Secretary. (2007). Directive on national
continuity policy (Reports No. NSPD-51 & HSPD-20). Retrieved from http://policy.
Wang, W. (2009). A hierarchical analysis of terrestrial ecosystem model Biome-BGC:
Equilibrium analysis and model calibration (Manuscript draft). Elsevier Editorial
System™ for Ecological Modeling. Retrieved from http://ecocast.arc.nasa.gov/
Zolli, A., & Healy, A. M. (2012). Resilience: Why things bounce back. New York, NY:
Simon & Schuster.

Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324 315

A Publication of the Defense Acquisition University http://www.dau.mil

Appendix A
Resiliency Black Box
In viewing the various parameters of Figure 1, Resiliency Umbrella,
resiliency as a concept has many moving parts, elements, and metrics or
components. At any one time, any of these can be a driving force for change.
The result of that change could be a new equilibrium of interaction and
collaboration. One way to visualize this interaction is to see resiliency as
a black box. It has inputs (data, resources, and feedback) and has an out-
put. In a more strict sense, a “black box” analysis “of [a] system contains
formulas and calculations that the user does not see … to use the system.
Black box systems are often used to determine optimal trading practices
[in investments]” (Black Box Model, n.d.). In this case, the Resiliency Black
Box Model depicted in Figure A-1 illustrates how the various inputs—
Adjustments, Mitigation Actions, and As Designed or Modified (internally)
and Environment (externally)—when altered, can reach a new system
equilibrium or resiliency state. Putting it another way, equilibrium … refers
to a steady status in which model state variables reach a dynamical bal-
ance (Wang, 2009, p. 9). This dynamic balance could result in a system
achieving a reasonable, acceptable, or tolerable resiliency state. All the
parameters contribute to the system equilibrium, whether new or a return
to the previous state. The mission planner must assess the new resiliency
state. If the resiliency state is unacceptable, a resiliency analysis needs to
be accomplished to determine the best course of action that has a holistic
effect on the system.


Feedback Loop


Situation Assessment RESILIENCY BLACK BOX


Mitigation Actions
+ Output

Input As Designed
or Modified


316 Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324

July 2015

Generally, systems operate under two states: benign and hostile. The evalu-
ation of these states occurs in the “Situation Assessment” block. Use the
parameters, conditions, and/or metrics from Figure 1 to define and evaluate
effectiveness. Pulling all of these together helps develop a Resiliency Index.


Criteria Description
Scale The measure of “how good” or “how bad” a system is
relative to the Resiliency Tiers.
System A functionally, physically, and/or behaviorally related
group of regularly interacting or interdependent elements.
(Joints Chiefs of Staff, 2011, p. GL-17)
Confidence The feeling or belief that one can rely on someone
or something; firm trust. (Oxford Dictionary, online
Security Measures taken by a military unit, activity, or installation
to protect itself against all acts designed to, or which may,
impair its effectiveness. (JP 1-02, page 226, 8 November
Continuity of The degree or state of being continuous in the conduct
Operations of functions, tasks, or duties necessary to accomplish
a military action or mission in carrying out the national
military strategy. (Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2010, p. 54)
Preparedness A state of readiness, especially for war. (Oxford Dictionary,
online reference)

Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324 317

A Publication of the Defense Acquisition University http://www.dau.mil


Criteria Tier Tier Description Tier Explanation
Scale 1-5 This is an attempt to quantify the
current condition of a system or
capability. The lower the score the more
resilient a system or capability is.
V Highly capable System is highly capable of completing
the mission.
IV Effective System experiences some minor
problems but effectively accomplishes
the mission.
III Minimum System is struggling to meet mission

mission minimum requirements.

II Problems System can’t meet most mission
meeting any requirements, is distracted by
mission needs problems, and cannot keep up with
mitigating actions.
I Ineffective System cannot meet mission
requirements. Problems have the
system on the verge of collapsing.
V Full capabilities System is running all subsystems,

on-line processes and applications with no

IV Maintains normal System is running normal operations;
operations, however, it is continuously adjusting for
reaches new disruptions. Each adjustment allows the
equilibrium system to reach a new equilibrium of
Normal Operations

III Struggles to System cannot maintain mission
stay ahead of accomplishment. It is struggling to stay
problems ahead of the disruptions. Subsystems,
processes, and applications are failing.
II Experiencing System is spending more time
outages, delays, addressing disruptions than
"blackouts," etc. accomplishing the mission. The
—confused with outages, delays, and disruptions are a
anomalies distraction to the mission. Anomalies
present no easy problems.
I System failure, it System crashes or is near to crashing
crashes under the weight of disruptions.

318 Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324

July 2015


Criteria Tier Tier Description Tier Explanation
V Protected System-wide protection has proactive
processes in identifying and mitigating
disruptions. System is alert to new
disruptions and puts corrective
measures in place immediately.
IV Protection System has many protective measures
measures in in place. It is not totally proactive in
place its corrective action. However, it is
able to identify problems and react

appropriately and swiftly.

III Some protection System has elementary protection
available measures. Primary mode of correction
is reactionary to disruptions. Little time
is available to be proactive.
II ‘Band-Aid’ No system-wide protection in place.
protection Disruptions circumvent any protection
measures attempted. Fixes turn out to
be band-aids addressing symptoms
and not causes.
I No protection System has little or no protection at all.

V Cohesive actions When disruptions occur, there

among all is a single focused team across
players the organization addressing any
IV Synergy of Pockets of excellence pop up
actions among throughout the organization to address
most actors any disruptions. There is a coordinated
synergy among all actions taken. The
Corrective Actions

effectiveness of these actions is greater

than the sum of the individual actions.
III Collaboration of There is a collaborative effort to
effort to address address disruptions. This effort
issues is initiated by the most affected
subsystem or process or application.
Coordination is not readily obtained. It
takes time to address issues.
II Attempting Individual offices work independent
to resolve of each other in attempting to
from within— solve any issues. In some cases it is
disjointed counterproductive.
I No clue what to Little or no effort is put forward to
do address disruptions.

Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324 319

A Publication of the Defense Acquisition University http://www.dau.mil


Criteria Tier Tier Description Tier Explanation
V Potential System is aware of all vulnerabilities,
vulnerabilities has a means of identifying new
identified vulnerabilities, and is able to project
vulnerabilities that result from new
technology development.
IV Know of most System knows of its primary
vulnerabilities vulnerabilities and can sense new
vulnerabilities as they manifest
themselves. System has an excellent

means of assessing new technologies

for possible impacts.
III Vulnerabilities System knows vulnerabilities exist;
exist however, it is not aware of most of
them. It reacts to disruptions. Has no
ability to project vulnerabilities from
new technology.
II Few System has the basic understanding
vulnerabilities of vulnerabilities and is aware of most.
known Has no effort in place to address new
vulnerabilities ahead of disruptions.

I Unaware of System’s awareness of vulnerabilities is

vulnerabilities no more than elementary and probably
much less.
V Holistic System has a resilience strategy or
resilience Plan in place that is supported by the
strategy entire organization. It is ingrained in
the architecture of the system and
culture of the organization. It covers
current conditions and future projected
environments. It has provisions for
training and education.

IV Resiliency System has a coherent set of resiliency

measures measures that apply to any and every
subsystem, capability or process. The
concept is accepted organization
wide; however, emphasis is different in
different work centers or offices.
III Realistic impact Realistic risk and operational
assessment assessments provide focused courses
of action and necessary organizational
involvement for current conditions. No
long-term plan.

320 Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324

July 2015


Criteria Tier Tier Description Tier Explanation
II Minimal Any resiliency actions available are
Planning, continued

resiliency reactive and localized to specific

actions subsystems, capabilities or processes.
available There is no effort to address issues at a
system level.
I No resiliency Resiliency is taken for granted. There
designed in is no underlying theme or approach to
system Resiliency.

V Attacks have Attacks are generally insignificant.

little or no System is able to tolerate and mitigate
effect on them and continue operations as
operations normal.
IV Successful in Attacks are annoying. Specific actions
mitigating or need to be taken; however, they are
avoiding most successful in mitigating any effects.

III Some proactive Attacks are serious and cannot

measures in be ignored. More reactive than
place proactive measures are necessary.

Many consequences of attacks are

II Reactive Attacks are critical to the system
measures taken operation and mission accomplishment.
The reactive measures do not handle all
of the attacks.
I No measures Attacks are catastrophic and result in
available system shutdown.
V Method to System has means to research and
identify new assess new sources of disruptions
vulnerabilities and the vulnerabilities. It is generally
expected that the system is prepared
for new technology attacks.

IV Addresses System is in place to address all known

obvious vulnerabilities. The ability to address
vulnerabilities the surfacing of new vulnerabilities is a
reactive, but effective, process.
III Aware of System is aware of new vulnerabilities
attacks as they are attacked. It has no means of
identifying the new vulnerabilities prior
to an attack.

Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324 321

A Publication of the Defense Acquisition University http://www.dau.mil


Criteria Tier Tier Description Tier Explanation
II Can spell System needs to take time to study
Vigilance, Continued
resiliency an attack and the symptoms before
[surprised by it can generate the awareness of
attacks] a new vulnerability. It may not be

able to correct or mitigate the new

I Clueless [does System seeks outside help because
not know what it does not understand the new
to do] vulnerability or the extent it affects the
V High System confidence is high, fully
confident that the system or capability
will perform the mission with little or no
disruptions affecting operations.
IV Moderate System has moderate confidence that
it will accomplish the mission in spite of

potential disruptions.
III Medium Medium confidence illustrates concern
over mission accomplishment and
integrity of the system.
II Low Low confidence lacks any belief that
the system can be counted on to do the
I Nonexistent No confidence means that the system is
not acceptable.
V High There are no acts that can bypass or
contravene security policies, practices,
or procedures.
IV Effective In an environment of minor security
breaches, security policies, practices,
or procedures are able to protect
the system effectively for mission

III Appears to be On the surface, security policies,

adequate practices, or procedures appear to be
effective; however, security problems
exist and often prevail.
II Minimal with Security breaches dominate the system
breaches and create an environment of mistrust.
This leads to minimal to no mission
I None There are no security policies, practices,
or procedures in place to prevent

322 Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324

July 2015

Appendix B
Resiliency Tier Descriptions
Tier Description
V Fully Capable May result in a slight perturbation in operations;
however, the system/capability continues operating
with nothing more than a “hiccup.” Any disruption
is an exceptional circumstance. (Insignificant
VI Operational May experience a disruption resulting in possible
resets or reboots; however, mission is accomplished
and the disruptions are immediately isolated and
mitigated. Disruptions can occur at any time;
however, they are not showstoppers. (Negligible
III Aware Is cognizant of operating environment, hazards
therein, and vulnerabilities. Disruptions have a
reasonable likelihood of occurring at any time.
Mitigating actions are not always effective. Capability
tolerates disruptions, but also does not handle the
consequences well. (Moderate disruptions)
II Confusion Disruptions result in permanent partial disability
or operational incapacity. Likelihood of disruptions
happening is high. There is no requisite
understanding of the problems. (Extensive
I Exposed Disruptions are inevitable and greatly impact the
system/capability. The capability is unprotected,
totally exposed to hazardous environment. Damage
may be irreversible. (Catastrophic disruptions)

Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324 323

A Publication of the Defense Acquisition University http://www.dau.mil

Author Biography

Col Dennis J. Rensel, USAF (Ret.), is currently

a senior space analyst with Booz Allen Hamilton,
Inc., supporting the Office of the Secretary of
Defense Cost Analysis Performance Evaluation
(CAPE) Simulation Analysis Center (SAC). Prior
to joining Booz Allen 12 years ago, he retired from
the U.S. Air Force as a colonel following 25 years
of military service. Col Rensel holds a JD from
The Catholic University of America's Columbus
School of Law; an MS in Electrical Engineering
with a concentration in Electrical Engineering
and Digital Systems from the Air Force Institute
of Technology; and a BS in Electrical Engineering
with a minor in Computer Science from the United
States Air Force Academy.

(E-mail address: dennis.j.rensel.ctr@mail.mil)

324 Defense ARJ, July 2015, Vol. 22 No. 3 : 294–324

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