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Precautions For Intubating Patients With COVID-19: To The Editor

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Precautions for Intubating

Patients with COVID-19

To the Editor:

T he major challenges in managing patients with the

novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) are bilateral
pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Many
patients with COVID-19 will be in critical condition and
will need intubation.1–4 Human-to-human transmission has
been confirmed,5 and the virus has spread across the world.
Based on current real-time reports, there are 78,962 con-
firmed COVID-19 cases, with 7,952 patients still in critical Fig. 1.  An intubation scene from Wuhan, China, the epicenter of
condition as of February 28, 2020.6 Many have been intu- the COVID-19 battlefield provided by three of our team members
who volunteered to travel from Shanghai and Qingdao to Wuhan to
bated and many remain to be intubated.5 The problem is assist with patients there. From left to right: Rundong Tang, M.D.
that the viral load in the airway is probably very high and is (anesthesiologist), Shumei Cao, M.D. (anesthesiologist), and Shu
very contagious.3,4 This poses significant risks for these who Hong (nurse). As noted, all the individuals who are involved in the
are performing intubation. intubation are wearing Level 3 protection. A video laryngoscope is
Anesthesia providers play a vital role in providing used for rapid intubation and confirmation because the protective
gear generates additional difficulty during the intubation.
in-hospital intubation. However, they generally do not
deal with patients with such highly contagious disease.
The safety of the patient and the individuals who are
involved in the intubation requires special consideration wet gauze to help prevent virus spreading. We believe that
and precautions. Multiple articles related to the precau- muscle relaxants need to be used in such a situation.
tions of intubation in the perioperative settings have Tracheal intubation should be performed by an experi-
recently been published.7–9 Some are empirical recom- enced anesthesiologist with an experienced assistant (prefera-
mendations from institutions outside of the epicenter bly also an anesthesiologist) and a nurse, to maximize patient
of COVID-19. Here we present our updated first-hand safety (fig. 1) and to manage the severe hypoxemia and cir-
experiences focusing on the safety of the patients and culatory failure that might occur. Muscle relaxants are highly
providers performing intubation in an extreme situation recommended.5 The video laryngoscope should be placed as
from the epicenter of COVID-19, Wuhan, China. As soon as muscle relaxation is achieved, and tracheal intubation
shown in figure 1, three medical providers, who are vol- should be accomplished and confirmed as soon as possible
unteers from Shanghai and Qingdao, traveled to Wuhan (less than 15 to 20 s). Confirming the depth of the endo-
to assist with patients there. tracheal tube is extremely difficult using auscultation while
wearing isolation suits. It is recommended instead to observe
The Safety of the Patient bilateral chest expansion, ventilator breathing waveform, and
respiratory parameters. End-tidal CO2 is a better indicator
Patients with COVID-19 may experience myocardial injury of successful tracheal intubation, as oxygen saturation is not
and multiple organ failure, which causes hemodynamic insta- always increased immediately after intubation in these patients,
bility coinciding with low oxygen saturation. The patient’s because the oxygen exchange is significantly impaired.
oxygen reserve is very poor, especially for those who are crit- Cricoid compression or displacement is needed when
ically ill. This makes intubation a huge challenge. exposure of the cord is difficult and the patient’s fasting
Based on our experience, rapid sequence induction is time is unknown; it is critical that suction is readily avail-
recommended. To avoid virus scattering, assisted mask ven- able. Repeated tracheal intubation attempts could potentially
tilation should be avoided. If positive mask ventilation is increase virus spread, so a laryngeal mask should be inserted
needed based on clinical judgment, we recommended cov- after an intubation failure. Fogging of goggles is a serious
ering the area around the patient’s mouth and nose with problem during rapid intubation, which can make intubation

Copyright © 2020, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Anesthesiology 2020; XXX:00–00


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Copyright © 2020, the American Society <zdoi;10.1097/ALN.0000000000003288>
of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

and airway management a major challenge for the care pro- Research Support
vider. Poor visibility also increases the risk for potential injury
Support was provided solely from institutional and/or
and infection. One solution to the problem of fogging may
departmental sources.
be to cover the inner side of the goggles with a layer of anti-
fogging agent, such as transparent hand sanitizer.
Competing Interests
The Safety of the Care Providers The authors declare no competing interests.
In a recent report related to 138 confirmed COVID-19
cases, 41.3% were considered acquired infection from the Mengqiang Luo, M.D., Shumei Cao, M.D., Liqun Wei, M.D.,
hospital, and more than 70% of these patients were health- Rundong Tang, M.D., Shu Hong, Renyu Liu, M.D., Ph.D.,
care providers.5 A high level of vigilance is necessary to Yingwei Wang, M.D., Ph.D. Huashan Hospital, Fudan
prevent contracting the infection when intubation is per- University, Shanghai, China (R.L.). RenYu.Liu@pennmedicine.
formed. Standard Level 3 protection5 should be worn by upenn.edu
individuals performing the intubation, as shown in figure 1. DOI: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000003288
The recommended Level 3 protection process is as follows:
hand disinfection → head cap → protective mask N95
1860 → surgical masks → isolation gown → disposable References
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the highest safety when intubating patients who have 7. Chen X, Shang Y, Yao S, Liu R, Liu H: Perioperative
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2 Anesthesiology 2020; XXX:00–00 Correspondence

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Copyright © 2020, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

with the COVID-19 Infections.Transl Perioper & Pain coronavirus (COVID-19). Anesthesia Patient Safety
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Correspondence Anesthesiology 2020; XXX:00–00 3

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Copyright © 2020, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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