Usb S H S I G: Erial Ardware AND Oftware Nstallation Uide
Usb S H S I G: Erial Ardware AND Oftware Nstallation Uide
Usb S H S I G: Erial Ardware AND Oftware Nstallation Uide
Follow the steps in this installation guide to install your USB serial hardware and
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© 2002 National Instruments Corp. All rights reserved.
5. When prompted, insert the NI-Serial (USB) Software for Windows 2000/XP
CD and click the Next button.
6. When prompted, click the Finish button to install the program files from
the CD.
7. The setup wizard begins. The setup wizard guides you through the necessary
steps to install the NI-Serial software. To exit the setup wizard at any time,
click the Cancel button.
1 USB 2
© National Instruments Corporation 3 USB Serial Hardware and Software Installation Guide
4. If your computer is not already on, turn it on and start Windows 2000/XP.
5. Windows 2000/XP should automatically detect your hardware and display the
Found New Hardware Wizard. If necessary, complete the wizard by clicking
Next in each window and then Finish.
If the Found New Hardware Wizard does not appear, refer to Appendix D,
Troubleshooting and Common Questions, in the Serial Hardware and
Software for Windows User Manual.
The serial hardware installation is complete. Continue to the next section,
Verify the Installation.