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TSIS (IT) Year (12) Scheme of Work

Module: Information Technology-9626

Key Aims of Module Key Vocabulary General Teaching Activities/Styles

Information Technology encourages learners to develop lifelong skills, including: Hardware, Software, Operating system, • Practise using vocab with PowerPoints,
• develop an understanding of the parts, use and applications of IT systems within a range of Input devices ,Output devices ,Storage internet games, worksheets, role plays
organisations, including the use of basic computer networks devices, Networks, LAN, WAN, WLAN, • Listening activities – from TEXTBOOK
• develop an understanding of how IT systems affect society in general Microprocessor, Expert System, Table, • Group/paired/independent tasks
• develop an understanding of the main system life cycle and apply this understanding to workplace Record, Query, Report, • Research from internet
situations • Computer lab assignments
• develop a broad knowledge of the use of IT in workplace situations
• be aware of new and emerging technologies
• be aware of the role of the internet and its potential but also its risks
• apply their knowledge and understanding of IT to solve problems.

General Resources/Authentic Materials Methods of Assessment (Controlled/Class Based) Literacy/Numeracy

www.howstuffworks.com/inside-computer.htm Formative assessment
https://teachers.cie.org.uk Summative assessment

Computer lab assignments

Group discussions Imbedding of TSIS Guiding Statements

Group works  Enable students to develop the ability

to utilize computer for all their
Context/Standards activities.
• Knowledge of ICT including new and  Enable students to apply computer
emerging technologies. knowledge in their personal life.
• Skills to consider the impact of current and  Utilize the computers in all the other
new technologies on methods of working day to day activities in our school
in the outside world and on social,
economic, ethical and moral issues.
• Develop a broad knowledge of the use of
IT in workplace situations

TSIS International School Scheme of Work

Unit Learning Aims Learning Objectives Teaching Activities and Resources
1. Candidates should be able to: Candidates should be able to:
Data, Identify • define data ,information and • Textbook
information, knowledge and understand • Computer
• Data, information and that information becomes • Projector
knowledge knowledge knowledge when human • identify the characteristics of the different information sources
and • Sources of data experience is applied. • http://www.teachict.com/as_a2_ict_new/ocr/AS_G061/311_data_info_knowledge/
processing • Quality of information • compare the use of static • static_dynamic_data/miniweb/index.htm
No of weeks: • Coding, encoding and information sources with • https://www.techopedia.com/definition/948/encoding
2 encrypting data dynamic information sources http://searchnetworking.techtarget.com/definition/encoding-and-decoding
• Checking the accuracy of • understand how accuracy, http://computer.howstuffworks.com/encryption.htm
data relevance, age, level of detail
and completeness of the
information can affect its
• describe the coding of data
• discuss encryption protocols
(including: the purpose of
Secure Socket Layer
(SSL)/Transport Layer
Security (TLS) and the use of
SSL/TLS in client server


Unit Learning Aims Learning Objectives Teaching Activities and Resources

2: Candidates should be able to: Candidates should be able to :
Hardware and Identify • evaluate internal and • Textbook
software • Hardware external hardware • Computer
No of weeks: • System, application and devices. • Projector
2 user interface software • evaluate storage devices These websites have some useful information about different hardware devices:
• Utility software • evaluate types of software http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/ict/hardware/0inputandoutputdevicesrev1.shtml
• Custom written software • evaluate the http://www.computerhope.com/jargon/i/inputdev.htm
and off-the-shelf characteristics of different The following are resources that give information about software:
software types of user interface http://www.teachict.com/gcse_computing/ocr/211_hardware_software/types_sw/miniweb/pg2.htm
• Compiler and interpreter • describe the role of
The following websites have information about compilers and interpreters:
different utility software
• compare the benefits and http://www.c4learn.com/c-programming/compiler-vs-interpreter/
TSIS International School Scheme of Work
drawbacks of custom
written software and off-
the-shelf software
• evaluate the difference
between a compiler and
an interpreter

Unit Learning Aims Learning Objectives Teaching Activities and Resources

3: Candidates should be able to: Candidates should be able to: • Textbook
Monitoring • identify a range of sensors and • Computer
and control • identify a range of describe • Projector
sensors and describe their use in monitoring
No of weeks:
their use in technologies • Give each group of learners a different type of control/monitoring system, Learners produce a
monitoring and • identify a range of sensors and presentation identifying the sensors that will be used in the system and what their role and
control technologies describe importance is.
• evaluate the use of their use in control technologies • The following websites contain information about control/monitoring systems:
monitoring and • evaluate the use of monitoring http://home.howstuffworks.com/ac2.htm
control technologies technologies in everyday life http://home.howstuffworks.com/refrigerator1.htm
in everyday life • evaluate the use of http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/robot3.htm
control technologies in http://blogs.howstuffworks.com/transcript/how-does-a-traffic-light-detect-cars.htm
everyday life


Unit Learning Aims Learning Objectives Teaching Activities and Resources

4: Candidates should be able to: Candidates should be able to:
E-safety Identify and describe : • In groups, learners produce an e-safety video for their peers. Their video should address the
and health • explain why personal • describe how personal data following areas:
data should be kept can be gathered by In what different ways can your personal data be gathered or obtained via the internet?
and safety confidential unauthorised persons • What kinds of malware can be transferred to your computer via the internet?
No of weeks:
• discuss why e-safety is (including: by smishing, • What health issues can occur through using computers?
necessary vishing, • What safety issues can you encounter when using computers?
• describe malware issues phishing and pharming), and
• describe a range of how this might be prevented.
potential health issues • describe malware issues
TSIS International School Scheme of Work
that could arise from (including: Trojan Horse,
using IT worms, spyware, adware,
• describe a range of safety rootkit, malicious bots,
issues relating to the use ransomware)
of IT • describe a range of potential
health and safety issues that
could arise from using IT


Unit Learning Aims Learning Objectives Teaching Activities and Resources

5: Candidates should be able to: Candidates should be able to:
The digital Ask learners to carry out research about the digital divide and write a report on its current status,
divide • understand that the understand that the digital divide can making suggestions on how it can be improved.
No of weeks: digital divide refers to exist between:
1 the gap between people
and regions that have – people in cities and people in rural
access to areas
aspects of modern – the educated and the uneducated
technology – socioeconomic groups
– more and less industrially developed
– high and low performance computers,
wireless connections


Unit Learning Aims Learning Objectives Teaching Activities and Resources

6: Candidates should be able to: Candidates should be able to:
Using describe • discuss the advantages and • Textbook
networks • Network types disadvantages of networking • Computer
No of weeks: • Video and web computers • Projector
3 conferencing • describe client-server and
peer-to-peer networks
• describe the characteristics
TSIS International School Scheme of Work
and purpose of intranets and
extranets The following could be used as research:
• describe how the internet is
used for communication http://www.itbusiness.ca/news/how-to-set-up-an-awesome-video-conferencing-system/15440
• discuss the difference between http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/ict/implications/2workpatternsrev6.shtml
the internet and the World
Wide Web
• describe how to set up a video
and web conference
• describe the use of networks
in video and web conferencing
• describe how data is
transmitted and converted in a
video conference


Unit Learning Aims Learning Objectives Teaching Activities and Resources

7: Candidates should be able to: Candidates should be able to:
Expert describe • Textbook
systems and • describe the components • explain how the components • Computer
other types of an expert system of an expert system produce • Projector
of processing • explain how an expert possible solutions
No of weeks: system can be used by • describe the terms backward Get learners using an example of an expert system such as the following:
2 organisations chaining and forward chaining http://symptoms.webmd.com/default.htm#introView
• explain the use of master • analyse the different types (The link is a system that allows a user to input health issue symptoms and it will give the user
and transaction files ofprocessing and their uses a diagnosis.)
• analyse the different (including: batch, online
types of processing and (interactive), real time)
their uses

Unit Learning Aims Learning Objectives Teaching Activities and Resources

8: Candidates should be able to: Candidates should be able to:
Spreadsheets • create structure : explain the
No of weeks: • Create a spreadsheet purpose of cells, rows,column, • Textbook
• create structure ranges, worksheets and • Computer
3 • create formulae and multiple worksheets in a • Projector
functions single data file.
TSIS International School Scheme of Work
• Graphs and charts • explain the difference between
• Modelling a formula and a function
• Simulations • use absolute reference, Learners should demonstrate the following:
relative reference, nested
formulae, named cells, named • +, -, *, /
ranges • SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX
• use functions (including: sum, • IF’s and Nested IF’s
average, minimum, maximum, • Lookups
integer, rounding, counting, • Rounding
IF, • Counting (I)
nested IF, lookup (including:
vertical, horizontal),
INDEX/MATCH, conditional
formulae to include
counting, sum, average)
• import and export data
• create a graph or chart
(including: appropriate data
series, from contiguous data,
from non-contiguous
data, specified range(s))
• use what-if analysis
• describe the advantages and
disadvantages of using a
model to create and run

Unit Learning Aims Learning Objectives Teaching Activities and Resources

9: Candidates should be able to: Candidates should be able to:

Database • describe the three • Textbook
and file • Create a database relationships: one-to-one, one- • Computer
concepts • Normalisation to third to-many and many-to-many • Projector
normal form (3NF) • evaluate the difference
No of weeks:
• Data dictionary between a flat file and a This is an excellent video to help walk learners through the process of normalisation:
• Query selection relational database and why https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fg7r3DgS3rA
• File and data one might be preferred in
certain situations

TSIS International School Scheme of Work

management • analyse the function of key
fields The following website provides information about the different components that can be included in a
• validate and verify data entry data dictionary:
• perform searches http://www.teach-ict.com/as_as_computing/ocr/H447/F453/3_3_9/ddl/miniweb/pg4.htm
• use arithmetic operations,
numeric and logical functions
to perform calculations within
a database
• design, create and evaluate an
appropriate data entry form
• describe the characteristics of
data in un normalised form
(0NF), first normal form
(1NF), second normal form
(2NF) and third normal form
• identify different data types
• analyse when simple,
complex, nested and summary
• explain the use of a ierarchical
database management system
• describe the features of a
management information
system (MIS)
Unit Learning Aims Learning Objectives Teaching Activities and Resources

10: Candidates should be able to: Candidates should be able to:

Sound and • edit a video clip to meet • set an aspect ratio • Textbook
video editing the requirements of its -trim a video clip to remove • Computer
No of weeks: intended application and unwanted footage • Projector
3 audience
– join together video clips
– create text based slides
• describe how typical – create credits
features found in video – add captions and subtitles
editing software are used – add fading effects
in practice – add animation effects
• edit a sound clip to meet – extract a still image from a video
the requirements of its
– insert a still image
TSIS International School Scheme of Work
intended application and trim a sound clip to remove
audience unwanted material
• describe how typical – join together two sound clips
– fade in and fade out a sound clip
features found in sound
– alter the speed of a sound clip
editing software are used – change the pitch of a sound clip
in practice – add or adjust reverberation
• describe how file sizes – overdub a sound clip to include a
depend on sampling rate voice over
and sampling resolution – export a sound clip in different
file formats

TSIS International School Scheme of Work

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