The Martinist Order (Part 2) PDF
The Martinist Order (Part 2) PDF
The Martinist Order (Part 2) PDF
"a simple gift consisting of 2 letters and some dots, a summary of a doctrine of
Initiation and the 'Trinity' which had illuminated all the works of Delaage"
"The opposition of the 2 Letters, and the opposition of the 2 Triangles reveal to
every perspicacious eye, the 2 Columns in their active (letters) and their passive
(points) opposition ; verical and horizontal opposition ; the key of the symbolism
of the Cross"
Papus speaks highly of his initiatior Delaage, who's, to say the least, not well
known in the occult circles of today. Henri Delaage wrote a number of books of
which "Doctrine des Sociétés Secrètes", published in 1852, is probably the most
When we take a look at what Pierre-Augustin Chaboseau has to say about his
Initiation into Martinism, it becomes clear that before the existence of the "Ordre
Martiniste" as founded by Papus, the followers of Louis Claude de Saint-Martin
did not make use of an elaborate Initiation-ritual, as a matter of fact, there
(probably) existed no such thing as a written ritual including instructions etc. at all.
Chaboseau is very clear in his statement when he sais that the 'initiation' "in no
case could be regarded as an Initiation in a ritualistic form".
Furthermore, Chaboseau stated that most of the oral teachings he (and Papus)
received were written down in a notebook. These teachings became the basis of
the Associate-degree (1st degree) of the O*M* (and, according to Elias Ibrahim, in
the original French T*M*O*, Ordre Martiniste Traditionelle, which was lead by
Chaboseau until his death in 1946). By the way, Jean Chaboseau (son of
A.Chaboseau..) apparently stated, after the Supreme Council voted against Jean
Chaboseau's nomination as Grand Master of the Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel,
that his father's filiation through Amélie of Boisse-Mortemart did never exist !!!
source: website "Les Maitres Passes" -'Groupements ou Ordres' at
Outside the Martinist order(s), Papus' Ordre Martiniste is often looked upon as an
independent established organization, and not a continuation of the original
Société des Intimes" (Society of Friends), followers of Saint-Martin, and/or De
Pasqually's "Elus Cohen". With regard to "Martinezism" even most of the
Martinist Orders do not claim any filial authenticity. Famous French Martinist
Robert Amadou stated in his publication "Documents Martinistes"
"Nobody, to our knowledge, holds today the Cohen succession, neither within
any Order, nor in an individual way". One could add to Amadou's statement that
there is a "historical" connection between the ELUS COHEN and the R.E.R. of
today ("Régime Écossais Rectifié" or "Rectified Scottish System").
We know that Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin did not confer any degrees or made
use of any system. He (probably) used a form of initiation which is known as
Initiation'. Saint-Martin employed the biblical "laying on of hands" upon the initiate.
"The only initiation which I preach and seek with all the ardour of
my soul is that by which we may enter into the heart of God and make God's
heart enter into us, there to form an indissoluble marriage, which will make us the
friend, brother, and spouse of our Divine Redeemer. There is no other mystery to
arrive at this holy initiation than to go more and more down into the depths of our
being, and not let go until we can bring forth the living, vivifying root, because
then all the fruit which we ought to bear, according to our kind, will be produced
within us and without us naturally". ( ( LC de Saint-Martin )
The actual 'Initiation' did not employ any kind of ritual or 'form'. It is generally
believed that Saint-Martin performed a simple personal initiation upon his
disciples, nothing elaborate. In Martinism this process is referred to as
"transmission". But this is something we presume, because there's no public
proof available "that anything of this kind transpired, neither from the pen of
Saint-Martin nor from any of his admireres, who numbered in the thousands
throughout Europe" ("Martinist Initiation" by Sar Ignatius). Supposedly, Saint-
Martin's initiation conferred the quality of "Unknown Superior", S.'.I.
However, as mentioned earlier, both Papus and Chaboseau stated that Louis
Claude de Saint-Martin had intended to establish a rite of seven degrees in 1780
(see"1891- Ordre des Supérieur Inconnus"). Again, the claim rests solely on the
authority of both Papus and Chaboseau.
When the Martinist Order was 'officially' established in 1891, the "Ordre des
S.'.I.'." was comprised of three Degrees. There's some confusion about the
actual "1891- title" of the third Degree concerned. In general, the sources will
present the following names of the degrees ;
The last source i'll mention, is Edouard Blitz' "Ritual and Monitor of the Martinist
Order" of 1896. This publication was 'officially' recommended "to the favor of the
Brethren of the Martinist Institution wherever dispersed" by the President and
Secretary of the Supreme Council of 1894 in Paris, Dr.Papus and Jacques Burg.
Therefore it's a valuable and reliable historical referencebook concerning the
Martinist rituals, symbolism, and doctrines as used (probably) by the O*M* at the
time. Blitz speaks of a Martinist system of Degrees which through its history has
been reduced into "three essential" and "four accessory Degrees of application".
In his "Tableau of the transformations of the Martinist Rite", Blitz refers to three
Rites which preceded the "Martinist Order- Modern Rite", as Blitz calls the O*M*.
These rites were The Elus Cohen of Pasqually (1750), the Rectified Rite of Saint-
Martin (1767) and the Refor'd Ecossism of Saint-Martin, as practised in Germany
in 1782, thus Blitz.
ASSOCIATE (Philosophic)
S:::I::: (Kabbalistic)
S:::I::: (Administrative)
The first three degrees belonged to the "First Temple". Blitz also refers to
Degrees belonging to the "Second Temple". This 'proves' that there already
existed (again, at least on paper) Higher Degrees within the "Ordre Martiniste",
before the foundation of the Supreme Council of the O.'.M.'. These "accessory
Degrees of application" were ;
Vth Degree
VIth Degree
VIIth Degree
Blitz does not 'name' them, he just refers to these grades as being the fifth, sixth,
and seventh Degree. Could these degrees refer to the grades of the "Fraternité
Hermétique de Louxor", the H.B.of L. , as was Papus' original intention ? This is,
of course, just a speculation. It also could be a referrence to the "Elus-Cohen"
degrees, who knows (Blitz was, after all, the successor of the E.C. for America).
The 'Martinist system of -essential- degrees', as worked within the "Ordre
Martiniste", is in fact one 'Initiation' divided into three parts. As mentioned before,
Saint-Martin only 'spoke' about one initiation, the 'Supérieur Inconnu' .The first
two degrees are a 'preparation' for the third Degree, the S.I. -Degree. According
to Papus, "there is only one Degree, that of S.I." The aim of the Martinist was
(and is) to awaken the Conscience and finally achieving interior harmony. The
method used within the 3 degrees of the O*M*, as mentioned before, was (and is)
known as "The Way of the Heart". More on this method can be found at :
After receiving the S.I. Degree the Martinist was empowered to found a group.
He/She was pledged solely to conceal the name of his/her Initiator.
Unknown Superior
Free Adept
The 4th grade, "Free Adept", corresponds with the modern grade of "Free Initiator
", otherwise known as S.I.I. or S.I. IV. It seems likely to presume that the ordinary
S.I. was not empowered any longer to found a group on his/her own at the
time …
or at:
"After having been found sincere and desirous of study of the principles of the Order, a candidate
successively progresses through three Degrees or Grades: Associate, then Initiate, then
Unknown Superior. The education is given in person during meetings called Conventicles. A
simple ritual of opening and closing the group called a Heptad (7 members minimum) or a Lodge
(21 members minimum) is employed. Smaller groups called Circles with a very simplified opening
and closing ceremony, permit less than the minimum to study the Martinist principles"
and ;
"The Lodge system provides a psychological environment to encourage the perception and
appreciation of higher spiritual principles" ,thus Sar Ignatius in his article "Martinist Initiation"
' The government of the Order is vested in three bodies, named respectively, in
the order of their rank, Supreme Coucil, Grand Council, and Lodge'
' The authority of the Supreme Council, residing in Paris, France, is absolute'
The M*O* did not pretent to have some sort of secret teachings at its disposal.
It's doctrine was based on the works Saint-Martin, Martinez de Pasqually,
Boehme, and all the theosophers, occultists and mystics who were inspired by
them. It teached 'all matters considered useful to its purpose, in particular the
doctrine of the universal Reintegration'.
Many sources state that at the beginning of Papus' O*M* the rituals existed in
outline only, "as certain heads of procedure, and each initiator had the duty of
amplifying them according to his/her best lights", as one source states.
A.E. Waite states that "Between 1887 and 1890 he (Papus) produced Rituals for
the Order, arranged in three Degrees, which I have praised on several occasions
for their sincerity, simplicity and reserve in respect of claims". Somewhere else in
the same text Waite states that "the mode adopted (initiation) was usually that
which is known technically as "communication," that is to say, personally and not
in Lodge or Temple. To my certain knowledge reception was arranged even by
" Martinism grew and spread under the guidance of Papus. He added two degrees before the
superior degree to serve as chambers of instruction and probation. The first degree, that of
associate is said to come from Cagliostro's Egyptian Masonic Rite and the second degree, that of
Mystic, from Willermoz's Knights Beneficent of the Holy City (C.B.C.S)".
"When we started our Heptad here in 91 (I think) I got the manual "Administrative and technical
information for Lodge Officers" from ICES now ICOMS* in Barbados.The info was in a question
and answer thing in there.The 3rd initiation came from the Order of Unknown Philosophers and
was divided into 2 parts, half given at S.I. and the other half at P.I..As I understand it, the Order of
Unknown Philosopher's initiation is the actual initiation that the Martinist Order was created to
perpetuate and is it's raison d'etre".
ICOMS (or ICOM) stands for "International College of Martinist Studies" . The college (it's not an
Order!) changed its name in course of time to ICES / "International College of Esoteric Studies" ,
for more information, take a look at their website at:
The oldest document I've seen (until this day) with regard to the Martinist system
of degrees and rituals is Blitz' "Ritual & Monitor of the Martinist Order", which was
published especially for the "English speaking community" for the first time in
1896. The recommendation written by Papus at the beginning of the book is
dated December 1894.
The rough outline of the rituals are similar to the ones I've received (late 20th
century) as a member of the Ordre Martiniste des Pays-Bas . The major
difference between the 1894 "versions" and the ones a Martinist will receive
today is the extensiveness of the rituals from 1894. Here's an excerpt from the
1894 'Initiation-Ritual' of the first Degree, the 'Associate' degree, in which the
'dramatic feel' to impress the candidate is illustrated ;
UNKNOWN BROTHER : "The Sun arises! As the shadows of the night vanish, so let the veils
that hide the Divine truth be torn away!
The above dialogue is so timed that the Candidate begins the 6th tour when 7 knocks have been
sounded. Arriving at the station of Bro. Associate, the procession halts, and Bro.Associate,
plunging the right arm of the Candidate into a box filled with sand, says:
" In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth, and the Earth was without Form and
Another interesting source is Kjetil Fjell from the O.T.O. -researchgroup "Academia
Masonica Borealis" in Norway. In his article called "Rites mentioned in Liber 52"
Kjetil tells us that the Martinist rituals were originally developed by Stanislas De
When I compared Kjetil's information with Blitz' "Ritual & Monitor of the M.O" I've
found several similarities between the two sources.
For instance when Kjetil states " The Candidate would in these Grades learn
more about The Fall and the strenghtening of humanity ,as in the teachings of
Pasqual and Saint-Martin" , One finds this doctrine throughout the whole story-
line of the Initiation into the first degree as used by Edouard Blitz. Kjell also refers
to " the masked men who silently pointed their swords at his (candidate) chest".
In Blitz' "Ritual & Monitor" we read on page 32 :
"Here the blindfold of the Candidate is raised and he beholds him, amidst red and
green flames, the Brothers threatening him with their swords, some of them
wearing hideous masks (not grotesque); all seem ready to take the life of the
Candidate …"
I've found no traces of the (fysical) three pillars in the "Blitz-versions" in the first
Degree, although they were 'present' , symbolized by the three Cressets in Blitz'
version ;
"In fine, the three Cressets, true flambeaux of universal knowledge, symbolize
also the three great Pillars of Kabbalah upon which rests the Universe,
intellectual and physical: Beauty, Strength, and Wisdom"
The Pillars are mentioned in the S.I. Initiation Degree in the manual, were the two
Columns are placed on the platform situated in the Martinist temple. The Lodge-
room was divided in three apartments in the 2nd and 3th Degree of Initiation. In
the 2nd Degree the first apartment was lighted, the other two were darkened. In
the 3rd degree the third apartment was darkened, the other two lightened …
As stated earlier, Papus apparently added two degrees before the superior
degree to serve as chambers of instruction and probation. The "Ordre Martiniste"
aka "Ordre Martinist de Paris" provides the following information on the 'value' of
the degrees (freely transl. from French);
"The first Initiation which the O.M. transnmits initially connects the elect member temporarily with
the Martinist chain. The first degree is a probational-degree. The second Initiation is an initiation
into a preparatory degree and the third connects a Brother or Sister finally to the Martinist
égrégore and the Martinist chain"
The main symbols used in the Martinist rituals and workings are the Mask
(symbol of Silence and Secrecy), Mantle (color -black, symbol of Prudence), and
the Universal Pentacle. The main focus is placed on the symbolic Trinitarian
structure with its ' three points of Light' (as in many of the occult and mystic
organizations). The three Cressets symbolize i.a. the three 'pillars' and they also
stand for 'God', 'man', and 'Nature'.
The rituals are influenced by Masonry, especially Templarism. The influences
from Templarism can be traced back to Baron Karl Gotthelf von Hund's (1722-
1766) STRIKTE OBSERVANCE (La Stricte Observance Templière) through
Willermoz' C.B.C.S. (see "short profile on J.B.Willermoz" ).
The definitive Rituals* of the "Ordre Martiniste" were written by Téder in 1913,
and according to some sources Téder's version was based on the hand-written
rituals of François-Charles Barlet (Sar Anael, G.M. of the Spanish Martinist Order,
founded in 1987. The Spanish Order uses the Téder-version of 1913). Other
sources (like R.A. in his/her L'Encyclopedie de la Franc-Maconnerie, ed. 2000) state that
Téder used the rituals from Blitz, but I'm not certain if R.A. refers to the '1913
rituals' in his statement.
From 1913 on the order worked with four degrees which were named Associé,
Associé Initié, Superieur Inconnu, and Superieur Inconnu Initiateur. The rituals
were published by Dorbon-Aîné, and are obtainable from a specialized book-
* source; Marcel Roggemans (from a correspondence with Sar Anael from the Spanish OM*)
The Seal of the O*M* is the the symbol of the Universal Pentacle, the Hexagram
in a Cirle, together with the equilateral Cross and the Hexagon. According to the
O*M* it was designed by Saint-Martin as an explanation of the Universe. Here's
what Blitz' manual has to say on its symbolism ;
Taken from "Ritual & Monitor of the O:::M::: " , 1896
" God, the First Principle of the Universe, is represented by a Circle, Symbol of Eternity".
"The action of Eternity, passing from latent power into Action, is symbolized by the mystic relation
of the center to the circumference; by the radius projected six times around the Circle, which
produces the Hexagon, emblemetical of the Six Periods of Creation".
"The central point forms the Seventh Period, that of Rest". (The Center has attracted the upper
triangle and the lower triangle, both of which, reacting on one another, have manifested Life -L.C.
de Saint-Martin from his book "on Numbers")
"Let us remark that Nature, the Seal of Solomon (represented by the two triangles- one
Ascending, One Descending, the currents of Involution and Evolution), does not reach God, but
only the Creative Forces emanating from Him. From the center of the Universe to God Himself
(Circle) the power of Man originates, uniting the effects of Divinity to the fatalism of Nature in the
Unity of his Free Will, symbolized by the Cross, uniting the center of the Universe (Human Soul)
to God Himself. This is the explanation of the most complete synthetic figure the genius of Man
ever discovered. It explains all the mysteries of Nature, and is true as well in physics as in
metaphysics; in natural sciences as in theology; it is the seal that unites Reason and Faith,
Materialism and Spiritualism, Religion and Science" DISCOURSE OF THE ORATOR, 3TH DEGREE
"The natural Circle has shaped itself in a different way from the geometrical circle. The center has
attracted the upper triangle and the lower triangle, both of which, reacting on one another, have
manifested Life.
It is then that the quadruple Man appeared. It would be impossible to find this quadruple priciple
in the circle without tracing lost or superfluous lines, if we are limiting ourselves to the methods of
Nature looses nothing: it coordinates all parts of its works, the one with the other. So, in the Circle
regularly drawn by Nature, we can see the two triangles, uniting to determine the emancipation of
Man in the Universe and Man's place in relation to the divine center.
We can see [in the symbol of the Pantacle] that the Light receives Life only by the reflections
surging from the opposition that the True receives from the False; that the Light receives it from
the Darkness; and that Life, in matter, always depends upon both actions. We see that the
fourfold Man embrases the six directions of the Universe, and that those [six] regions, being
bound two by two [in the triangles], the power of Man operates within a triple fourfold in the
location of his glory.
Here are manifested the laws of this superb knowledge, of which the Chineese have left us some
traces, I mean the knowledge of the keou-kou. Man, by giving in to guilty incitations, has left the
divine center, where he was originally placed; but even though he has left it, the center is still at
its place, as it cannot be moved by any force at all. (Sedes tua in seculum seculi. Ps. 14:7)
So, since Man has left his glorious post, it is the Divinity that is ready to replace him and to
operate for him, in the universe, that same Power of which he has been dispossessed by his
mistake. But when the Divinity takes the place of Man, it is dressed in the same colors, and is
attached to the material regions, where Man was originally established, as it is impossible to
appear at the center of this circle without being placed at the midst of all those regions.
Here is what the study of the natural circle can reveal to the intelligent eye. The figure
represented, although imperfect, can indicate the way.
The O*M* after 1916
The "original" order 'ended' with the death of Gérard Encausse ( Papus ) in 1916.
As mentioned earlier in this text Papus even seem to have wished that Ernest
Loiselle, the Librarian of the Supreme Council, would disband the Martinist
Order ! ( source, R.A. in "l'Encyclopédie de la Franc-Maconnerie, ED. 2000" ).
Whatever the truth is, Charles Détré (Téder) suceeded Papus as Grand Master
of the O*M*. From 1916 on the 'original' Martinist Order, as founded by Papus
and Chaboseau, would split up in several branches due to disagreements,
disputes over 'authorization' etc., between the members of the original Supreme
Coucil of 1891 (between those who were members of the supreme council in
1916, of course). When Téder wanted to initiate only masons into the O*M*,
many members protested against his intentions.
Téder died in 1918 (September 26), just two years after Papus' death (October
25, 1916). Generally it is stated that there were two men who actually could be
considered as the successor of Téder as G.M of the M*O*, Victor Blanchard and
Jean Bricaud. Blanchard was Téder's deputy. The whole story of Téder's
succession can be found in the "1934-1951 F.U.D.O.S.I." -series, in "Addendum
6 -Victor Blanchard". The series is published on the internet at :
"in the absence of well established rules regarding the nomination or succession
of a Grand Master, it is impossible to say wether Bricaud or Blanchard was the
legitimate Grand Master".
Whatever the truth is, history tells us that Jean Bricaud became the successor of
Téder as Grand Master of the Martinist Order in 1918. When Charles Barlet was
asked by one of his pupils who the true successor of Téder was, he answered
him that Martinism was"a circle whose circumference was everywhere and the
center nowhere ". Robert Ambelain, "Le Martinisme" page 150.
With Jean Bricaud acting as Grand Master of the M*O* the unity of the order
really bursted …
"Bricaud (born in 1881) already held a high position within the O*M* at the end of the first decade
of the 20th century. In 1907 Bricaud, with the help of Papus and other Martinists, broke with the L’
Eglise Gnostique Universelle Catholique and founded, together with Papus and Fugairon, the
L’Eglise Catholique Gnostique’ (see "1890 -Ecclessia Gnostica .."). In 1908 the church changed
its name to the L’Eglise Gnostique Universelle’ , and in 1911 the L’Eglise Gnostique Universelle’
became the 'official church' of the Martinist Order. Bricaud was also initiated into the Memphis-
Misraim rite and he was a disciple, like most of the leading Martinists at the time, of Master
Philippe. He studied the rites of Willermoz and Pernety, the Elus Cohen, Stricte Observance, les
Philalèthes, and les Philadelphes. In 1911 he helped Téder and Edouard Blitz (1) in developing
"new ideas" with relation to the recruitment of members. In 1914 Bricaud established a 'Martinist
movement' based on the ideas of 1911. These ideas were based on the rules of Willermoz and
his successor, Antoine Pont (Blitz was Pont's successor in the U.S.A., Téder and Fugairon were
the successors in France), which were the rules of the C.B.C.S., 'Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la
Cité Sainte', which included the rites of the Elus Cohen.
In 1914 Téder appointed Bricaud Légat of the Order for the provence of Lyon (Bricaud lived in
Lyon). At the time (1914) Bricaud is Grand Master of the Memphis-Misraim Rite, Vice-Chancellor
of the Ordre Martiniste Rose Croix (?), Patriarch of the église Gnostique Universelle, and
président of the S.O.I., Société Occultiste Internationale" (see "1916 L’Ordre Martiniste de Lyon)
source ; articles from L'INITIATION 1952 up to 1958
Although Blitz had left the Martinist Order as Grand Master of the U.S.A., after which
he'd founded his own (masonic) Martinist-rite in 1902 (see "the M.O. abroad-
America"), he obviously did not sever all his ties with France ! Blitz apparently
corresponded with men like Téder and Bricaud, even after his 'withdrawal' from Papus'
M*O*. On the other hand this seems quite plausible. Téder and Blitz were both the heirs to
Willermoz' legacy, and they both propagated a masonic requirement with regard to membership
into the Martinist order. Another interesting subject for discussion is R.A. 's remark in his book
"L'Encyclopedie de la Franc-Maconnerie, ed. 2000", where he states that Téder had adapted
Blitz' rituals (see "Ordre des S.I." and "Martinist Rituals…") before succeeding Papus as Grand
Master of the O*M*. The information presented here by both sources sheds a new light on the
whole issue, especially when the other source are documents and articles which were published
between 1952 and 1958 in the Martinist review l'Initiation.
The first Line was the lineof Papus and Chaboseau which resulted in the O*M* of
1891 (year in which the first Martinist Supreme Council was installed). The
second Line was a line of Succession which we will call the "Russian Lineage" .
Victor Blanchard
Augustin Chaboseau
These three branches originated after Papus' death in 1916. Each branch had its
lineage from which orders were formed. Today all these different Martinist
lineages recognize each other and all the different martinist organizations
maintain a close relationship with each other (except for the T.M.O, the
"Traditional Martinist Order" of A.M.O.R.C., which does not recognize other
Martinist orders ).
There were several other Lines of succession, which resulted in new orders. To
name a few - the Line of Edouard Blitz, and the Line of Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
(who initiated many Martinists in South-America at the beginning of the 20th
century). Of course there are other (even older) "lineages" existing, like for
instance the "Italian Line" of Kremmerz, but it's almost impossible to name them
all (just think of all the so-called "free-Martinists", who initiated new members into Martinism
outside of any organization).
Later on in the 20th century another lineage originated from Philippe Encausse,
Papus' son. The big picture of the Martinist Lines of succession is a complex
structure of several different lineages, which sometimes are entwined with each
But the most 'important' (originating in Papus' M*O*) "Lines of succession" are ;
Gérard Encausse ( Papus ), Charles Henri Détré (Téder )( 1855 - 1918 ), Jean
Bricaud 1881 - 1934 ), Constant Chevillon (1880 - 1944 ), Charles-Henry Dupont
(1877 - 1961 ), Philippe Encausse (1906 - 1984 ), d’Irénée Séguret ( 1903 -
1992), Philippe Encausse, Emilio Lorenzo ( from1979 ). Papus was GM from
1888 untill 1916, Charles Henri Détré ( Téder ) was GM from 1916 untill 1918,
Jean Bricaud was GM from 1918 untill 1934, Constant Chevillon was GM from
1934 untill 1944, Charles-Henry Dupont was GM from 1944 untill 1958.
The successors of the T.M.O. were Victor Emile Michelet, Augustin Chaboseau
( Sar Augustus ), Ralp Maxwell Lewis ( Sar Validivar ), Gary Lee Stewart and
Christian Bernard ( Sar Phenix ).
- The "Russian Line" ; they are dealt with in a separate part of this text …
J.Godwin, C.Chanel, The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, Initiatic and Historical and J.P.Deveney
Documents of an Order of Practical Occultism, 1997
M.S.André,Chr.Beaufils Papus - la Belle Epoque d'Occultisme, 1995
Documents, Articles
"1934-1951 F.U.D.O.S.I."
Apostolic Gnosis/E.G.A. the Balzac of the Occult and the Russian Sphynx
Canonbury Masonic Research Centre A basic Historico-Chronological Model of the Western
Hermetic Tradition, 1999 Trevor Stewart
1916 Ordre Martiniste-Martinéziste/ L’Ordre Martiniste de Lyon
2000 Ancient Martinist Order
Ordine Martinista
Orden Martinista
more focused upon the Theurgy of Martinez de Pasqually and High Degree
Masonry. In 1917 Téder and Bricaud authorized members of the R.E.R. (Régime
Écossais Rectifié" or "Rectified Scottish Rite") to attend Martinist Lodges
( Chapters of High Degrees). A Masonic Lodge was founded under the
obedience of the Grande Loge Nationale Indépendante et Régulière of 1913, and
properly installed in 1917 with the help of Martinists of the Rite National Espagnol
( Spanish Rite ). Apparently the lodge disappeared one year later…
When Téder died in 1918, he was succeeded by Jean Bricaud. Jean (Joanny)
Bricaud met Papus in 1899 and received his S:::I::: in 1903. Bricaud moved the
headquarters from Paris to Lyon, Bricaud's residence. The Ordre Martiniste was
Bricaud (1881-1934) took the order even closer to a Masonic basis. Female
Martinists suddenly found themselves cut off from Martinist activity, as they once
knew it…
Many Martinists, including several members of the original Supreme Council from
1891, left the Order. According to some sources, Victor Blanchard (1878-1953)
was to have become the successor of Charles Détre (Téder ) but he refused
because of the Masonic requirement. It is known that Blanchard was the deputy
of Téder. But as stated before, it's impossible to say who was the regular Grand
Master, simply because there were no "well established rules regarding the
nomination or succession" of a Grand Master within the O*M*. According to
Robert Ambelain's book "Le Martinisme", published in 1946, Téder actually made
fun of Bricaud. Furthermore, Ambelain (who re-founded the "Ordre Martiniste des
Elus-Cohen" during the Second World War) stated that he had received
information from witnesses at the time, claiming that Blanchard was the rightful
Grand Master of the Martinists. Ambelain refers to an old Russian Martinist
named Nicholas Choumitsky, a pupil of Charles Barlet at the time, from whom he
had received the information. Choumitsky apparently had attended a meeting in
(or about) 1919 at a café in Paris, between Bricaud and Blanchard. Bricaud
showed a document which claimed that Téder had named him as his successor.
"Blanchard became violently angry, and after examination of the document, the
unanimous opinion was that it was not authentic. Bricaud left the impression on
those attending of being superficial and lacking any depth"
and "Afterwards Madame Detre (Teder's wife) told me that her husband could not
have designated a successor since he wasn't at all intending to die!" ( "Le
Martinisme", Ambelain 1946 ). According to Robert Ambelain in his book, Bricaud
merely referred to himself as Grand Master General of the Order …
The history has already been told in "Addendum 6- Victor Blanchard" of the
series "1934-1951 F.U.D.O.S.I." and is derived from an article by Elias Ibrahim
from the website of the "Ancient Martinist Order" at:
As stated before, whatever the truth was, many Martinists left the O*M de Lyons ,
some of them joining Blanchard's order (which would become known as "Ordre
Martiniste et Synarchique" in 1934), others went on as "Free Martinists" (without
belonging to any organization), others would later join Augustin Chaboseau,
Lucien Chamuel, and Victor-Emile Michelet, who would found the "Ordre
Martiniste Traditionnel in 1931 (many of the so-called "Free Martinists" would join
this order)
The successors of Charles Détre and Bricaud ( G.M. from 1919-1934) were ;
As we've seen before, Téder and Bricaud both took up the idea of reforming the
O*M* . This "reformation" resulted in the O*M* de LYON. Bricaud's "Ordre
Martiniste de Lyon" was an organization which divided the O*M* of Papus into
two organizations, the "Ordre Martiniste-Martineziste de Lyon" with its Degrees of
the ELUS COHEN, reserved to Masons of High Grades - and the "S.O.I." ( the
"International Occultist Society" ). The S.O.I. corresponded with the O*M* of
Papus, were Bricaud regrouped all the "profane", as it is stated.
"At the death of Jean Bricaud, C. Chevillon took up the torch and definitively cut
the relation between the Rite of Memphis Misraim and the Elus Cohen from a
part, and the S.O.I. from the other part, of which he named Mme Bricaud as
Source; "the True face of French Masonry" by Tau Renatus
That women were accepted by the Lyon organization, certainly at the time when
Constant Chevillon (1880-1944) was Grand Master, is proved by the following
statement taken from the "True Face of French Masonry":
"An important thing to note, in imitation of the great masons such as Cagliostro,
Martinez de Pasqually, J.B. Willermoz; Constant Chevillon considered that
women, an integral part of humanity, should have access to initiation. He then
created a ritual for the first three degrees, perfectly adapted to femininity" and
"The first three degrees of the feminine rite naturally allow the possibility that
women will accede to the highest grades …." (Memphis-Misraim)
The O*M" DE LYON was also involved in the foundation of the F.U.D.O.F.S.I., a
federation of Initiatic Orders established in 1939. For information on this
federation, see "1934-1951 F.U.D.O.S.I.", Chapter(s) 6,7, and 8.
Order because he, like many other martinists, did not agree with the Masonic
requirement. Therefore Blanchard gathered together several of the former
Supreme Council Martinists "and the independent Martinists who did not adhere
to or belong to the Masonic Martinist branch, forming a Martinist branch under
the original constitution which had no Masonic qualifications and which Initiated
men and women" ("A Martinist Treasury" by Trophimus, S.I.I.).
In a way, Blanchard's O*M*&S was a continuation of Papus' O*M*, with its focus
on the mystical side of Martinism, a method otherwise known within Martinism as
"the way of the Heart". The O*M*&S initiated their members into the 4
"traditional" degrees (incl. S.I. IV*) of Papus. Blanchard was the Sovereign Grand
Master of the Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique until his death in 1953 (March 14,
Unlike many other Initiatic and fraternal organizations the O*M*&S could continue
its esoteric activities during the Second World War because the order directed its
activities to Switzerland (a "neutral" country), were the order was represented by
THE Senior Grand Master, Edouard Bertholet (Sar Alkmaion) and, before 1936,
August Reichel *.
Blanchard was also one of the leading advocates of a federation of initiatic orders,
which resulted, with Blanchard acting as one of the three imperators, in the
foundation of the F.U.D.O.S.I. in Brussels, Belgium, in 1934. A couple of months
before the first convention of the F.U.D.O.S.I. took place, Blanchard had installed
a new Martinist lodge in Brussels. The installation of Lodge "URIEL" was the
result of a meeting between Blanchard and Armand Rombauts (Rombauts had
been chartered by Papus in 1912 to establish a Martinist Lodge, Lodge I.N.R.I.).
In fact, the foundation of Lodge URIEL was a re-introduction of Martinism in
Belgium. The whole story has been told in the series "1934-1951 FUDOSI" at
In 1946 the O*M* & S returned within the ranks of the F.U.D.O.S.I. until 1951
when the federation was officially dissolved by the Supreme Council.
Around the years of the Second World War there existed another Martinist &
Synarchy order which was a member of the F.U.D.O.S.I., the UNION
SYNARCHIQUE DE POLOGNE, founded by Dr. Tarlo Mazinski in 1937. Not
much is known to me about this 'side-branch', except that it was an independent
organization. After the Second World War the F.U.D.O.S.I. wanted to merge the
T.M.O. , O.M.&S, and the two minor Martinist organizations which were affiliated
to the federation, the SOCIÉTÉ d'ETUDES MARTINISTES and the UNION
SYNARCHIQUE DE POLOGNE, into one united Martinist Order. This idea failed,
except for the two minor organizations. Therefore it is very likely that i.a. the
"Union Synarchique de Pologne" (Synarchy Union of Poland) was included within
the ranks of the Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique (of course, this is just an assumption,
not a 'historical fact' ! )
The Martinist Order and Synarchy has an official church, the " Église Gnostique
Universelle", also known as the "Église Gnostique Apostolique". Blanchard (Tau
Targelius ) had been ordained by Jean Bricaud on May 15, 1918.
Information on Bertholet and Reichel (and other characters) can be found in various Chapters of the series "1934-1951
(Louis Bentin ). Today the order is lead by Grand Master Sar Gulion, Louis
Bentin (or Rui Gabirro ).
the Grand Masters were (up to 1960) Charles Détré, Victor Blanchard, Dr.
Edouard Bertholet ( Sar Alkmaion ), Louis Bentin (Sar Gulion).
The Canadian branch proclaimed its independence in 1960 with Sar Ressurectus
as its Grand Master and Sar Petrus as his Deputy G.M. (the continental
Jurisdictions reunited with the "Ordre Martiniste" of Philippe Encausse in 1960).
Sar Sendivogius specialized in the teachings of the Elus Cohen.The Elus Cohen
became the "inner order" of the O*M*&S…
ALLIANCE of France, which was the 'outer' order for the FAR+C / FRERES
AINES DE LA ROSE+CROIX, an Alchemical Order.
The Canadian branch of the O*M*&S, through its initiations into the S.I.I or S.I.IV
Degree, the grade of Initiatèur Libre, enabled Mike Revisto (Sar Ignatius) to
found the Rose†Croix Martinist Order (R*C*M*O*) in 1982.
The O*M*&S (post 1960) maintained a close relationship with the other Martinist
orders (with the exception of the T.M.O. under the jurisdiction of AMORC),
especially with the O*M* in France.
For example, the O*M*&S from England (the Lodge of London, "E*O*L*)
organizes a "tenue Initiatique" in Paris on October 23, 1971, were Maria Lorenzo
is designated as an intermediary between the O*M* of Paris and the O*M*&S to
maintain a close relationship between the two organizations.
A conflict arose whithin the Canadian branch, when the order found out that one
of their Grand Masters was a member of the Traditional Martinist Order
(AMORC). After Maydan was dismissed by the T*M*O* in 1973 he returned as
GM of the Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique from Canada.
The M*O*&S was chartered in 1990 in the United States under the sponsorship
of the M*O*&S Grand Lodge of Britain. "The head of this Martinist body is Sar
Eliakim of
New York City. [1991]" ("a Martinist Treasury" by Trophimus, S.I.I.) The O*M*&S
returned to France in 1975 and was lead in 1995 by Grand Master Sar Gabriel.
In September 1982 "a Brother, journeying from Barbados, West Indies" (source:
I.C.E.S.) was initiated by Louis Bentin / Sar Gulion and he also received a charter to
install " on the Ilse of Barbados in the West Indies, Lodges and
Heptads of the Martinist Order that have been regularly authorized and
"Returning to London in September 1985, Sar Inspirator Lucis was again
received by Sar Gulion who conferred upon him the Ordinations of the
Elus-Cohen *). To mark this occasion Sar Inspirator Lucis changed his Nomen
Mysticum to Sar Savitar, on September 25, 1985. At this time discussions were
held about the erection of the present Provincial Lodge of Barbados to the status
of Sovereing Grand Lodge. This date has been fixed for Easter, 1986. [This has
since come to pass.] (Source ; lecture from Liber two, Plane one of the ICES )
*Sar Gulion received from Ambelain the following Elus Cohen degrees ;
The Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel was founded on July 24, 1931. The order
consisted of members who had revolted against Téder and Joanny (Jean)
Bricaud and their blend of Masonic Martinism, and who did not recognize Victor
Blanchard as a Grand Master of the Martinist order. It was Augustin Chaboseau's
(June 17, 1868- January 21, 1946) candidate for the Universal Sovereign Grand
Master, Victor-Emile Michelet (1861-1938), who could not accept the election of
Blanchard (1). Therefore Michelet founded the O*M*T* in 1931, with Michelet as
Grand Master and Chaboseau as Deputy Grand Master. There are sources
which claim that it was Chaboseau who was elected as Grand Master, but
Chaboseau designated Michelet who was older than Chaboseau. Together with
Lucien Chamuel (…- 1936) they proclaimed that the O*M*T* was the one and
only true heir of the original Ordre des S.I. / Ordre Martiniste of 1891.
1) The text here is derived from several sources which speak about an important "Martinist
Convention" which, supposedly, was held at the time (1930's). For instance, Trophimus in his
book "a Martinist Treasury" refers to the first convention of the F.U.D.O.S.I., held in August 1934
in Brussels (??) being this Martinist Convention; "In 1934, a convention of Martinists was called
by Victor Blanchard who had been the head of a Martinist Order he founded after the original
Martinist Order restricted its membership to Masons",… and … "However, Pierre Augustine
Chaboseau had offered his own candidate for Universal Sovereign Grand Master, V.E. Michelet.
When Michelet was not elected, Chaboseau withdrew and founded the Traditional Martinist Order,
with Michelet as Grand Master and with Chaboseau as deputy Grand Master". The "problem" is
THE DATE . The reliability of the sources regarding this "Martinist Convention" is questionable. If
Chaboseau and Michelet decided to found their own Martinist Order after they attended the
F.U.D.O.S.I. convention in 1934, the official "date of birth" of the Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel,
1931, would be incorrect !
It is generally known that Chaboseau was in reality the Occult Director of the
original Martinist Order. Michelet was also the founder of the "ASSOCIATION
DES AMIS DE PÉLADAN", a "circle of friends" which studied the works of
Joséphin Peladan, in 1920. Chamuel (Lucien Mauchel ) was also the Grand
Master of the OKR+C, as successor to Charles Détre / Téder (there existed a
parallel line of succession with Bricaud acting as G.M., the OKR+C -OKR+C
GNOSTIQUE- affiliated to the Ordre Martiniste de Lyon. Victor Blanchar
represented up to 1939 the OKR+C within the F.U.D.O.S.I. ). The masonic
requirement was not the only objection Chaboseau had. Chaboseau also
objected to the religious orientation of Téder and Bricaud and the L'Eglisé
Gnostique Universelle (Gnostic Church). During his life, Chaboseau would never
stop fighting for religious freedom. "Directly or indirectly, he initiated Martinists
who would continue the fight for religious freedom; Jules Boucher (1948, Ordre
Martiniste Rectifié), Gustave Lambert-Brahy (1968, O*M* Belge), Maurice
Warnon (1975, O*M* de Pays-Bas)".
In fact, it was the intention of Chaboseau, Michelet and Chamuel to found a M*O*
"in parallel with the "L'Ordre Martiniste-Martinéziste" of Lyons to succeed to
On Januari 12, 1938 (or 1939) Michelet dies. Chaboseau succeeded Michelet as
Grand Master of the O*M*T*. The Supreme Council of the OTM/TMO ( Conseil
Suprême Traditionnel ) in 1939 consisted of, besides Pierre-Augustin Chaboseau,
Jean Chaboseau ( Galaad, son of Augustin Chaboseau ), Octave Beliard and
Georges de Lagrèze. Both Beliard and Lagrèze (2) were initiated in a direct line to
Papus (Lagrèze was initiated by Tedér on June 30, 1906 and had been a
member of the Supreme Council under Papus since October 8, 1908) . In 1939
the OTM had developed into a fertile organization.
George Lagrèze was one of the prominent and leading characters of the 'occult community' at the
time. He was the general Director of the Strasbourg Theatre. A Martinist S.I., initiated by Téder on
June 30, 1906, a member of the SUPRÊME CONSEIL DE L'ORDRE MARTINISTE and
Inspecteur principal of the M*O* from 1908 onwards (August 10, 1908). Lagrèze was a member
of the OKR+C, Ordre Kabbalistique de la Rose+Croix (Charter signed by Téder), Chevalier du
Temple et Préfet of the STRICTE OBSERVANCE and SWEDISH RITE. He was a Mason (33th
degree) of the 'Grand-Orient de France', as a 33* of the Antient Scottish Rite Lagrèze was also a
'Honorary member of the Grand-Lodge of Denmark . In 1909 (Sept.9) he also received a Charter
from John Yarker , Great Hierophant of the Antient & Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraim, from
whom Lagrèze received the 33* / 95* Degree of the M.'.M.'. Rite, which was "confirmed" by
Joanny Bricaud. A member of the C.B.C.S. (founded in 1778 by Willermoz) . His 'mystical nomen'
was EQUES A ROSAE CARITATIS. He was Grand Master of the Perfect Square in France of
Dantinne's O::H::T:: & M:: . In 1937 Lagrèze was appointed "Grand Profès" of the C.B.C.S. ,
'Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cité Sainte', by several dignitaries of the Grand Prieure d'Helvetia
(Grand Lodge of Switzerland), such as the 'Grand Chancelier" Amez-Droz and a certain 'brother'
named Lesieus. Lagrèze was also the Grand Master of the ELUS-COHEN (re-established by
Ambelain in 1943) and of the ROSE+CROIX d'ORIENT (1879-1946)
On July 14, 1938 Victor Blanchard of the O*M* & S had auto-consecrated himself
as the Universal Grand Master of the Rose-Croix and of all the Initiatic Orders of
the world. He sent a proclamation to each Grand Master of the F.U.D.O.S.I.,
which requested allegiance and recognition of his new dignity. In the series
"1934-1951 FUDOSI" the story is written that Blanchard was totally convinced
that he was the Universal Grand Master of the Rose-Croix (see Chapter 9 of the
series). Blanchard was i.a. also President of the FRATERNITE DES POLAIRES / POLAIRE
BROTHERHOOD which "used" a divinatory-method called (transl.) "the Oracle of the Astral
Force". Somehow this "oracle" gave Blanchard the idea that he was the new Universal Grand
Master of the rosicrucians (the whole story is told in Chapter 9 of the FUDOSI-series at
( )
Claude de Saint-Martin". Ralph had been intiated into the O*M* & S by Blanchard
in 1936 (S.I.IV). In October 1939 Ralph Maxwell Lewis was appointed "Sovereign
delegate and Regional Grand Master" of the O*T*M* by Lagrèze, for California
and the United States. This Charter ( like many other documents which relate to
rosicrucian and Martinist orders of the 20th century) can be found at Marcel
Roggeman's excellent site at
This way the Conseil Suprême Régional des Etats-Unis' was founded. The
council consisted of 5 members :
The complete story of what actually happened at the '1946 Convention' has
already been told in Chapters 11 and 12 of the first series "1934-1951
F.U.D.O.S.I." . So I'll only present a short summary of the events here and I refer
to the first series (Chapters 11+12) to read the complete story.
When Augustin Chaboseau died in 1946 (and shortly after him Lagrèze) it was
Jean Chaboseau, his son, who normally would have succeed his father as Grand
Master of the O*M*T*. The Supreme Council did not approve of the nomination
and installed a temporary Council of Regency to lead the Martinist Order. As
stated in the first series, the members of the F.U.D.O.S.I. originally wanted to
establish a Supreme Martinist Council which would be heading the two main
orders ( OM&S, Blanchard had returned within the ranks of the federation, and
TMO ) and the other participating Martinist Orders ( "SOCIÉTÉ d'ÉTUDES
The following details are taken from Chapter 11 of the 1st series :
"The Convention, after hearing the reports of the Delegates, the Messages of the
absent Delegates and their reports, after taking opinions and after regular
discussions, decided :
1) to keep in vacancy the seat of the third Imperator of the F.U.D.O.S.I. , which
was held by the V.'. ILL.'. SAR AUGUSTINUS, Grand Master of the Traditional
Martinist Order, until the election of a new Grand Master of this Order. In the
meantime all the regular powers of the Grand Mastership will be carried on by a
COUNCIL OF REGENCY, composed of :
They alone will be qualified to validate or deliver charts or documents for the
Order during the vacancy of this post of Grand Master.
Thus is decreed without appeal and confirmed by us, Imperators and Members of
the Supreme Council of the F.U.D.O.S.I., in our sittings of this 22nd day of July,
1946. The above constitutes our official declaration" .
To cut a long story short, the COUNCIL OF REGENCY headed the Ordre
Martiniste traditionnel from 1946 onwards.
The plans which the federation had for the unification of the Martinist
organizations were not submitted for approval to the relevant Grand Masters. On
the 1947 Convention the O*M*T* did not have a Grand Master and the G::M:: of
the O.M.&S, Victor Blanchard, was (evidently) not present at the '47 Convention.
At this convention, held in Paris, Ralph Maxwell Lewis was appointed Sovereign
Grand Master of the Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel. As mentioned above, he was
elected in absence i.a. Victor Blanchard, head of the O*M* & S*, the seat of
Grand Master of the O*M*T* was vacant, because the federation had voted
against Jean Chaboseau.
"These two facts explain the attitude of Jean Chaboseau and his attempt to disband the Supreme
Counsil. During the convention Ralph Maxwell Lewis took the opportunity to appoint himself as
Sovereign Grand Master of the "Ordre Martiniste Tradionnel" (TMO).
The T.M.O. of Lewis can be looked upon (at the least) as doubtful. First of all,
1 The doubtful decision of his appointment as Grand Master , in which Lewis, as co-Imperator,
played an ambiguous role, both judge as well as plaintiff .
2 The supposed authorization of the F.U.D.O.S.I., in absence of the Grand Masters, to place the
Martinist Orders under its authority ".
The events of 1946 and 1947 caused a schism within the ranks of the O*M*T*,
officials included (among which at least one Coucil-member) and many European
members left the order.
Rene Rossart (Sar Renatus), treasurer of the "Council of Regency" (see Chapter
11) of the O*M*T* and Council member of the F.U.D.O.S.I., left the Order. Others
joined Blanchard's O*M* & S* or simply remained independent as "Free-
The schism resulted i.a. in the foundation of the "Ordre Martiniste Rectifié"in
1948 by Jules Boucher, a former high official of the O*M*T*.
Regarding the further activities of Rene Rossart, head of the Belgian Martinists at
the time, and Jean Chaboseau, we are left in the dark. Although I've stumbled
upon certain information in the past which cited that Rossart, after he left
O*M*T*'s Council of Regency, founded his own Martinist Order, "Ordre Martinist
Universel" ( source "unknown" ). According to this source, Rossart passed away
in October 1948. It was stated that Dr. Edouard Bertholet ( Ordre Ancien et
Mystique de la Rose+Croix - Switzerland) "inherited" Rossart's Universal
Martinist Order. The Ordre Martiniste Universel never really developed into a
succesful organization, and if the Ordre Martiniste Universel ever really existed it
either was disbanded or the organization "merged" into another organization.
But … this is just an assumption and not a 'historical fact' which is based on
documents etc.(information derived from "private notes" without any reference to any source. I
also came across the "Ordre Martiniste Universel" in connexion with the "Ordre
Martiniste de Paris". Apparently, according to this source, the "Ordre Martiniste
Universel" was one of the Orders which were founded in the late-seventies by
members who'd left dr.Philippe Encausse's "Ordre Martiniste", this story seems much
more reliable ).
Other high dignitaries like Octave Béliard left the order and was probably later
involved in the foundation of the Ordre Martiniste de Papus in 1953. The O*M* de
Papus was headed by Papus' son Philippe Encausse, of whom several sources
claim that he also had been a one-time member of Chaboseau's O*M*T*. Other
Martinists who left the O*T*M* at the time were men like Robert Chapelain,
Pierre Levy, Ilhamar Strouvea and Gustave Tautin.
Seal of the O:::T:::M:::
Returning to the subject of Ralph Maxwell Lewis' election as Grand Master of the
Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel, it is clear that the approval came from the remains
of the Supreme Council and the remains of the Council of Regency (consisting of
Sar Leukios and Sar Puritia -Jeanne Guesdon, successively president and
secretary of the Council of Regency and both high dignitaries of A.M.O.R.C.).
When the F.U.D.O.S.I. was dissolved in 1951 the O*M*T*ceased to exist. The
original American branch continued as the TRADITIONAL MARTINIST ORDER
under the wings of A.M.O.R.C. (Antiquus Mysticusque Ordo Rosae Crucis) and
was headed by the Sovereign Grand Master, Ralph Maxwell Lewis, who had
separated the American delegation from the original order. Ralph M.Lewis
claimed to be Augustin Chaboseau's rightful successor.
The order ceased to exist as an independent order and was closely connected to
A.M.O.R.C. In some jurisdictions of A.M.O.R.C. the T*M*O* (Traditional Martinist
Order ) only admits high-degree (9th ) A.M.O.R.C. members.
The Heptad " Abbé de la Noue, no.22" was established in Paris around 1960.
The Heptad was lead by Julien Origas (Hugues de Payns, 1920-1983) who
became a member of A.M.O.R.C. in 1951. In the following years he was involved
with the Rosicrucian Lodge of A.M.O.R.C. at rue de la Condamine in Paris. Origas
would later found the "Renewed Order of the Temple", ORT, of which he was its Grand Master
until his death in 1983. In 1983 he was succeeded by Luc Jouret. Jouret was forced to leave the
ORT within a year, taking half of the members with him. Together with Jo Di Mambro he then
founded the "notorious" Order of the Solar Temple …
classes were based on the 20th century classic "The Mystical Kabbalah", written
by Dion Fortune.
The classes were supplemented with studies on the Zohar. Jean Dubuis'
Martinist Heptad developed slowly towards a form of Martinism which
approached the original order of Papus. Opposition arose within the ranks of
A.M.O.R.C. Finally in 1974 Raymond Bernard replaced Dubuis by Pierre Crimetz
( see '1980 L’Ordre des Chevaliers Martinistes). Jean Dubuis left and founded in
1979 the "Association des Philosophes de la Nature", the Philosophers of Nature
( L.P.N. / P.O.N. , see also "1896 Societe Alchimique de France" ).
The initiations are conferred within the Heptads. Regarding the teachings,
Trophimus in his book "a Martinist Treasurey", explains ;
"The instruction papers are those of the Martinist Order and Synarchy which the
TMO officers obtained when they were Initiated into the Martinist Order and
Synarchy by Victor Blanchard in the 1930s. These MOS papers have been
edited to reflect the non-magical philosophy of AMORC". The last sentence
refers to the "Non Theurgical Methods" which are employed by the T*M*O*.
Regarding the TMO teachings and the O*M* & S, i'm not sure whether
Trophimus' claim reflects the "truth" since Ralph M.Lewis also had the original
material from Chaboseau's Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel at his disposal.
According to several former T*M*O* members the TMO lessons are indeed
edited and much of the original information has been taken out. These members
(from whom I received the information) became aware of this fact after they became a
member of I.C.E.S., which publishes English translations of original French
material derived from such orders as the O*M*T*, O*M* & S, MEMPHIS-
'personal initiation' (the initiator employs the biblical "laying on of hands" upon the
initiate) is "the key" of a Martinist Initiation ritual …
The Traditional Martinist Order does not recognize the authority of any of the
other Martinist Orders, it's the only Martinist Order refusing to admit Martinists
from other Martinist Orders as visitors. T*M*O 's policy towards other Martinist
organizations is rather "aggressive". For instance, when A.M.O.R.C. in the U.S.A.
became aware of the existence of I.C.E.S. at Barbados "a very angry exchange
of letters
took place, with AMORC demanding that Barbados *cease & desist* " (information ;
former member of T*M*O ). Although there are some indications that Christian
Bernard attempted to have "his" TM*O* recognized by other Martinist bodies in
When Ralph Maxwell Lewis died in 1987 he was succeeded by Gary L. Stewart
(1953-…) as Imperator of A.M.O.R.C. and Grand Master of the T.M.O.
In 1990 Stewart was removed from the Imperatorship by the Board of Directors
(Supreme Counsil) of A.M.O.R.C. (more information on this topic can be found at:
However, these Board members failed to remember to remove Stewart from the
office of Sovereign Grand Master of the TM*O*. Stewart re-established the
T*M*O* in America as the T*M*O*A*, The Traditional Martinist Order of America.
Gary L..Stewart received the "all-important 4th Degree of Initiator" from Cecil
Poole, who received this degree himself directly from Victor Blanchard of the
O*M* &S. Apparently, the documentation of Stewart's initiation to the 4th Degree
was taken to Paris, along with other T*M*O* material by Christian Bernard,
president of A.M.O.R.C. Gary L..Stewart also founded the B*M*O*, British
Martinist Order, in 1991 based upon an 'old' Russian Martinist Lineage (Golitzin)
Victor Emile Michelet, Augustin Chaboseau ( Sar Augustus ), Ralp Maxwell
( Sar Validivar ), Gary Lee Stewart and Christian Bernard ( Sar Phenix ).
The situation within the T*M*O* during the "A.M.O.R.C. vs. Imperator Gary
S.Stewart Controversy" (1991) has two ' Lines of succession' ;
Regarding the first ' Line of Succession' , Ralph initiated Christian's father,
Raymond Bernard into Martinism and gave him the S.I. Degree, but not the 4th
Intiator Degree !
In July 1951 Raymond Bernard, who was duly initiated by J Duane Freeman into
A.M.O.R.C.( who received his initiation by H.S. Lewis), installed the OMT (Ordre
Martiniste Traditionnel) within AMORC France. In 1987 Raymond retired, so the
Martinist Line of succession ended here. Later on (1990), Orval Graves *was
"dug out of retirement" to perform the 4th Degree Initiator on Christian Bernard.
This way Christian 'secured" a legitimate lineage, "assuming that his TMO-one
had been compromised along the way", as Mark Stavish has put it (private email).
Orval Graves received his Martinist Initiations back in the days of the F.U.D.O.S.I.
meetings. Apparently, mr.Graves was initiated into the Ordre Martiniste et
Orval Graves was AMORC's Librarian during the 1930's and 1940's. Graves started the famous
AMORC-classes on ' Practical Alchemy' (see "1896 SOCIETE ALCHIMIQUE DE FRANCE " )
The second ' Line of Succession' involves Gary Lee Stewart (Imperator of the
"Confraternitas Rosae Crucis" CR+C and GM of the B*M*O*), who was initiated
by Cecil A. Poole. Poole held the all-important 4th Degree of Initiator from Victor
Blanchard of the MOS. Stewart claims to hold the all-important 4th Degree, which
is probably correct since he is an installed Sovereign Grand Master. Stewart also
claims to hold an ancient Russian lineage, which he received in Belgium in the
1970's ( the I.S. Milites Templi, a 'Templarist' order which has i.a. two Lodges in
The T*M*O* is still active today, under the authority of G.M. Christian Bernard.
The order even expanded during the last decade, specifically in Southern-
American countries like Brazil. For instance, the HEPTADA MARTINISTA SÃO
PAULO, established in 1994, initiated 740 members up to december, last year
In Brazil the T*M*O* was launched officially during the XI Convenção Nacional
Rosacruz (11th Rosicrucian national Convention), in October of 1986, by the
Grand Master of the T*M*O* at the time, Ralph Maxwell Lewis F.R.C., S.I. , L.I.
The Grand Master of the Portuguese Jurisdiction at the time is Charles Vega
Parucker F.R.C., S . I . L . I .
Wilson had been i.a. the "Director of the Department of Instruction" of A.M.O.R.C.
Wilson was involved with such organizations as CIRCES ("Centre International
de Recherches Culturelles et Spirituelles", Templar Research Institute, founded
by Raymond Bernard 1988), OSTI (Ordre Souverain du Temple Initiatique,
founded by J.L.Marsan in 1966, later headed by R.Bernard), OPI, and OUM.
"Group for the Study and Research of Martinism and Esotericism". Onslow
Wilson received his initiation directly from Jacqueline Encausse, widow of
Dr.Philippe Encausse, Papus' son. GERME is active in the United States.
Onslow Wilson resides in Indiana, USA.
Ordre des Chevaliers Macons Elus-Cohen de l'Univers
The O*M*EC was originally founded by Don Martinez de Pasqually in 1768. The
E*C* was originally a Masonic rite, which later developed within the 'Chevaliers
Bienfaisants de la Cité Sainte' of De Pasqually's disciple, Jean- Baptiste
Willermoz. The C.B.C.S. of Willermoz was a fusion of several Freemasonic rites
(Stricte Observance). Strictly spoken, the rite of Elus Cohen was left without a
rightful heir after 1807. The original rite and its temples became almost dormant
after De Pasqually's death, "Sebastian de las Casas, the last Grand Master of
the Elus Cohen, delivered the archives of the order to the 'Philalèthes' "
1) Next to the European "lines of succession" there exists a so-called "Haitin Line", represented
by Lucien François Jean-Maine (1869-1960) who, apparently, was consecrated as a Gnostic
Bishop in France at the beginning of the 20th century. It is stated that he also 'exchanged' several
of his filiations with Papus. His E*C* filiation allegedly went back to De Pasqually, it is said that
several members of the Maine family were affiliated to Pasqually's E*C*. The E*C* on Haiti was
known as the " Temples Cohens de Port-au-Prince et de Lèogane", and functioned up until 1780.
According to the story, when De Pasqually arrived at Haiti, there already existed Templar- and
Masonic lodges on the island. After De Pasqually's death, several E*C* members, together with
other masons, templars, and members of "secret Afriican societies", created a syncretism called
"Les Templiers Noirs", the Black Templars, these members were Creole-French. In 1922 Maine
founded the voudoun -Masonic order of "La Coleuvre Noire" ( Cult of the Black Snake ).
The whole Haitian movement culminated in a kind of federation of orders (O.T.O.A. etc.) to which
several Martinist orders (Maine-lineage) were affiliated ;
R.E.R. (Régime Écossais Rectifié" or "Rectified Scottish Rite), a French templar
rite based on Baron Von Hund's Stricte Observance (which includes the
C.B.C.S.). At the end of the 19th century the Elus Cohen were "represented" by
men such as Bergeron, Bréban-Salomon, Carl Michelsen ( Denmark) and
Edouard Blitz (USA). "The immediate successors in France were Fugairon and
Charles Détré" ( see profile of De Pasqually). Charles Détré (Téder) implemented
the E*C* as higher grades. Bricaud succeeded Détré as Grand Master of the
Martinist Order of Lyon (Ordre Martiniste-Martinéziste/ L’Ordre Martiniste de
Lyon), which presided over the ORDER OF KNIGHT MASONS ELUS COHEN
In America Edouard Blitz worked the E*C* rite within the AMERICAN RECTIFIED
MARTINIST ORDER. The 'original' Martinist Order under Papus had also
implemented the E*C* rite within their system of Higher degrees. As we've seen
before, the original O*M* worked towards a elaborated system of succeeding
degrees, which were taken from several rites (Egyptian Masonry, OKR+C, E*C*
I've stated before in an earlier chapter that "the document regarding Teder's
Martinist Ritual of 1913 also refers to several Elus Cohen Degrees which were
equivalent to the Martinist Degrees Initiate and S.I." It is not known to me if the
E*C* rite was actually "worked" under Papus, but it seems quite likely. After all "
In 1893 the Martinist Order had obtained the original archives of Willermoz'
C.B.C.S. and the archives of the "Elus Cohen" of Lyon". As a masonic rite the
Elus Cohen only admitted men (note ; several sources claim that De Pasqually worked on
the construction of a particular initiation ritual for ladies of the order, in the year of his death,
With regard to Ambelain's initiation into Martinism it turns out that he received
several parallel lines of initiation. It appears that Joanny (Jean) Bricaud gave a
"strict order" in June 1939 to Paul Langénie to confer the first degree (Associé) of
Martinism to Robert Ambelain. Ambelain's 'lines of Martinist filiation' were ;
Papus - Téder - Georges de Lagrèze ( Mikael ) - Ambelain ( Aurifer ), received in
December 1940
The future Ordre Martiniste des Elus Cohen of Ambelain has its "Martinist seeds"
in the "Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel" of Chaboseau …
On September 24, 1942 there already existed a number of eight groups which
'lead' by Ambelain and de Lagrèze. On April 4, 1943, the number in Paris had
increased as far as eighteen groups. On September 29, 1943, another seven
groups had been founded … At the end of 1943 the circle was also represented
in cities like Calais, Lyon, and Nantes.
De Lagrèze and Ambelain founded during the war also a M.'.M.'. Lodge (and its
Chapter) called "Alexandria in Egypt", which resided in Ambelain's home …
Georges De Lagrèze was one of the prominent and leading characters of the
'occult community' at the time. He was the Grand Master of the "Rose+Croix
d'Orient" (1879-1946). De Lagrèze also possessed the grade of "Grand Profès"
of Willermoz' C.B.C.S., and he was the "Grand Master" of the ELUS COHEN
(through the R.E.R., headed by Camille Savoir - successor of Willermoz- at the
time). As mentioned earlier on, De Lagrèze received the grade of "Grand Profès"
in 1937 from several dignitaries from the Grand Prieure d'Helvetia (at Geneva,
On the third of September, 1943, the ORDRE DES CHEVALIERS MACONS
ELUS-COHEN DE L'UNIVERS, the "Elus Cohen", was officially "reconstituted"
with De Lagrèze as Grand Master and Ambelain as its Deputy Grand Master. De
Lagrèze conferred all the mentioned degrees to Ambelain / Aurifer. Both men
were consecrated into the "Eglise Gnostique Apostolique". The Orders
represented by Ambelain were in the possession of all the essential degrees,
including the degree of "Reaux-Croix". The S.I. members of Ambelain's circle
during the war, founded the group A.G.L.A. *
This small group of six members formed the first post-war synod …
* "Athah gobon leolam, Adonai ", "Thou art powerful and eternal, Lord." , ancient Hebrew word
composed of the four initial letters of the Hebrew words Athah, Gobon, Leolam, and Adonai. This
Kabbalistic 'formula' was used by the rabbis "in the practice of exorcism of evil spirits". 35
Several well known Martinists / High Degree Masons were part of Ambelain and
De Lagrèze's circle during the war, Jules Boucher (Phalgus), Robert Amadou
(Ignifer), Rene Chambellant, Camille Savoir (R.E.R.) etc.
After the Second World War the Ordre Martiniste des Elus Cohen was revived by
three Martinists, one of them being Robert Ambelain / Aurifer.
Grand Master Georges De Lagrèze had died in April 1946 and was succeeded
by Robert Ambelain.
The curriculum of the Ordre Martiniste des Elus Cohen included the study of the
Kabbalah ("Practical Kabbalah"), study and practise of Theurgy as taught by
Martinez De Pasqually, and Occultism…
4 RèAUX-CROIX Rèau-Croix
The rituals of the Elus Cohen were very elobarate and time consuming,
sometimes lasting up to six hours in length. De Pasqually made use of a special
Incence for all Elus Cohen rituals, which included "a number of hallucinogenic
substances including the famous Fly Agaric mushroom spores ". The use of
Incence in ritual creates a particular mood or vibration. There's a book written by
René de Forrestier, "La Franc-macconnerie occultiste au 18e siecle et l'Ordre
des Elus Coens" in which De Pasqually's ritual work is "reconstructed".
Within the EC special attention is given at the equinoxes. The Theurgic work of a
"Equinox Ritual" consists of an operation on five successive days for the Rèau-
Croix in the months of March and September. De Pasqually used the Lunar-
calendar, the most favourable time for 'Equinox Ritual work' lies between the 1st
Quarter and Full moon. The regulations of the Equinox-ritual ;
Select date of "Full moon" in March / September
The Rèau-Croix starts the operation on the 5 day before Full moon (Theurgic
work is practised on 5 successive nights ). All those who are not carrying the
degree of Rèau-Croix, will carry out the operation together at the days and hours as indicated
by the center
It is of importance to keep an "occult diary" and to consign all the phenomena which occur during
these periods
Through De Lagrèze Ambelain had obtained the 'files of Martinez De Pasqually '.
These files included De Pasqually's handwritten text: " Traitè de la Rèintegration
des Etres dans leurs preières propriètès, vertus et puissances spirituelles et
divines", the handwritten Rituals and catechisms of the Order, and the
correspondence between Pasqually and his followers, especially Jean-Baptiste
Willermoz from Lyon. The rituals of the Elus Cohen came from various sources,
which enabled the revived order to practise the operative form of Elus Cohen
Theurgy. The order, as in the case of Détré and Blitz, did not accept women and
was preserved solely for males.
Ambelain always looked for possibilities to expand the order. One has to bear in
mind that Ambelain lead a federation of orders, including M.'.M.'., Gnostic and
Rosicrucian organizations. In 1957 Ambelain co-operated with Joseph Isidore
Grasser, a High degree Mason (90*) from Switzerland, in the foundation of the
"International Martinist Association ' Les Stephanois' ", I.M.A."Les Stephanois",
International Grand Lodge, Paris. The information on this co-operation is very
meagre, except the I.M.A. was also affiliated to the M.'.M.'.
Ambelain lead the Ordre Martinste des Elus Cohen from April 1946 up to August
1967. On Monday August 14, 1967, Robert Ambelain ( Aurifer ) appoints Ivan
Mosca ( Hermete ) as his successor. In 1958 the "Ordre Martiniste des Elus
Cohen" united with Philippe Encausse's "L'Ordre Martiniste de Papus" and Henri
Dupont's " L’Ordre Martiniste-Martinéziste de Lyon". In 1960 this federation gave
birth to the "Ordre Martiniste" ( L’Ordre Martinist de Paris ). The O.M. was divided
into an interior- and exterior circle. Ambelain's Elus Cohen formed the ' Interior
circle ' called Order of the Elus Cohen .
On August 14, 1967, the interior- and exterior circle of the O*M* de Paris was
disbanded. Both orders continued independently from each other.
On April 22, 1968 the Ordre Martiniste des Elus Cohen was disbanded. The
decision was made after a plenary meeting of the Tribunal Souverain in Paris. On
August 14, 1968, the Elus Cohen went dormant by official decree of the Grand
Commandeur Ivan Mosca / Hermete. The ' line of succession' of the Ordre
Martiniste des Elus Cohen from 1943 up to 1968 ;
Georges de Lagrèze ( Mikael, 1943-1946 ) - Robert Ambelain ( Aurifer, 1946-
1967 ) - Ivan Mosca ( Hermete, 1967-1968 ).
Post Ambelain EC
After the dissolution of the O*M*EC in 1968 the former members of the Elus
Cohen (Cohen, or Coëns, is the French version the Hebrew word "Cohanim" : a name for the
highest class of priests in Jerusalem in biblical times) continued their Theurgical work on
their own or in small groups. One of these groups, a small 'mixed' group of Elus
Cohen in Nice, was lead by Rene Chambellant (1907-1997?).
His filiation is derived from a Canadian branch of the Elus Cohen (probably Sar
Sendigovius' O*M*&S, which "inner order" was the E*C*). Chambellant ( Tau
Renatus ) claims a lineage derived from Constant Chevillon in 1936.
Chambellant was also initiated by Ambelain in 1944 into the Elus Cohen.
Chambellant also possesses the degree of Grand Profès of Willermoz' C.B.C.S.
Today Chambellant's Elus Cohen is affiliated to a federation of Martinist- Templar
Masonic orders in which we find the Ordre Martiniste S:::I:::, the Ordre Martiniste
des C.B.C.S., Ordre Chevaliers Macons Elus Cohen de L'Univers …. ( see "1997 Ordre
Martiniste S:::I::: / O*M* de Luxembourg")
Robert Ambelain apparently refounded his Ordre Martiniste des Elus Cohen back
in 1994 with Andre Mauer as Grand-Secretaire (1996).
The Elus Cohen is also the "inner order" of the present-day Ordre Martiniste et
Due to the F.U.D.O.S.I. Supreme Coucil its refusal to confirm Jean Chaboseau
as Grand Master of the Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel, many members left the
One of these members who left the O*T*M* was the Grand Secretary of the order,
Jules Boucher ( Phalgus, 1902/02/28 - 1955/06/09 ). Boucher was initiated by
Robert Ambelain on April 4, 1942. Boucher apparently also received an initiation
by Augustin Chaboseau (date unknown).
In 1922 Boucher started his occult carreer with Jean-Julliet Champagne, who
took Boucher and Eugene Canseliet on as students (Alchemy). This group of
students would become known as LES FRERES D'HELIOPOLIS, "the
Brotherhood of Heliopolis".
This brotherhood studied the works of the great Alchemists and was "lead" by the
legendary "Fulcanelli" ( Who Fulcanelli really was is still a mystery ; some occultists think
that "Fd'H" is synonymous to "Fulcanelli") . This group, however, was limited to
Champagne, Canseliet, Sauvage, Jules Boucher, and a couple of others.
Champagne and Canseliet were both directly connected with Fulcanelli's book
"Le Mystere des Cathedrals".
Another group Boucher was involved with, was a group called GRAND LUNAIRE.
The Sigil of the Grand Lunaire was the Baphometis. According to Robert
Ambelain the group was also involved in Black Magic.
Besides Boucher, men like Champagne and Rene Schwaller de Lubicz were
members at one time. Just for the record, when Jules Boucher left the Grand
Lunaire the Gnostic Bishop of Lyon seems to have performed an exorcism on
Boucher (Jean Rosselot, O.V. de L.Milosz , Paris 1955 )
In the beginning of the 40's Boucher published the "Manuel de Magie Practique"
(Niclaus, 1941- Dervy 1953 new edition). Boucher also founded an association which
promoted the restoration of traditionnal Occultism : A R O T (tora).
In 1946 the "Les Amis de Saint-Martin" were founded, a group which Boucher
highly respected and of which Boucher himself was probably a member. It is
quite possible that the "Friends of Saint-Martin" were some kind of precursor of
Boucher's O*M*R.
The ' curriculum' of the O*M*R was based on the works and doctrine of L.C. de
Saint-Martin. It was expected from members (and demanded from S:::I::: ) that
they had a thorough knowledge of the works of Saint-Martin.
"S:::I::: stands for "Superieur Inconnu", "Souverain Juge" (degree of the Elus
Cohen), Société des Initiés", "Sociéte Inconnu", "Sage Inconnu", and some even
claimed these initials stood for the "Sociéte de Jésus" !
"The "Ordre Martiniste Rectificié" calls the S.I. the "Wise Adept" ("Sage Initié"), or
better : "One who walks the Path of Wisdom".
"The "Ordre Martiniste Rectificié" is a Spiritual fraternal order linking all those
who freely admit the need for an individual and collective Redemption based on
the lessons of Louis Claude de Saint-Martin. In accordance with the teachings of
Saint-Martin the O*M*R acknowledges the truth of the Fall of mankind and
affirms the need for Reconciliation of Man with his Principle (the Adept on the Path of
Wisdom). The O*M*R respects all forms of the Tradition which are basically
fragments of the One, primeordial Tradition" ( freely translated from Boucher's "Du Martinisme et des
ordres Martinistes", 1950 ).
In 1950 Boucher published an article in the review "Le Symbolisme" called "Du
Martinisme et des Ordres Martinistes". The article is a general survey on the
'Martinezism' of de Pasqually and the 'Martinism' of Saint-Martin. The intention of
this publication was to draw attention to the O:::M:::R::: …
French Masonry, being in majority "hostile" towards Christianity, did not support
Boucher's efforts.
Jules Boucher had not appointed a successor. When he died in 1955 the order
declined. Jules Boucher was also a Mason, initiated during the occupation, who
published an excellent title on the Symbolism of Freemasonry in 1948, "La
Symbolique Symbolism of Freemasonry in 1948, "La Symbolique Maçonnique"