RESOLUTION NO. 09-2014: Hereas
RESOLUTION NO. 09-2014: Hereas
RESOLUTION NO. 09-2014: Hereas
0 9 - 2 01 4
WHEREAS, the GPPB-TSO and TAN conducted stakeholders’ meetings and workshops
to gather comments and feedbacks on the draft CPPM;
WHEREAS, during the Special Meeting held on 10 March 2014, the GPPB Inter-Agency
Technical Working Group (IATWG) discussed and commented on the salient features of the
CPPM and agreed to submit additional comments on the final draft of the CPPM until 20 March
WHEREAS, during the 2nd Regular Meeting on 8 April 2014, the final draft of the CPPM
was presented to the GPPB for consideration and approval. The Board approved the CPPM in
principle, subject to the incorporation of the comments made by the members during the
WHEREAS, in the 3rd Regular Meeting on 23 May 2014, and after due consideration and
deliberation, the Board approved the CPPM;
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ (Sgd.)
_____________________________________ (Sgd.)
_____________________________________ (Sgd.)
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ (Sgd.)
Board Secretary, GPPB
Executive Director, GPPB-TSO
Acronyms .....................................................................................................................................2
ABOUT THE MANUAL ...............................................................................................................3
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................5
PROCUREMENT-COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION..............................................................7
2.1 Guiding Principles.................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Applicability Conditions ........................................................................................................ 8
2.3 Procedural Guidelines ......................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Eligible Community-Based Service Provider .............................................................. 13
CHAPTER III: COMMUNITY COMMITTEES AND GROUPS .......................................... 15
3.1 Barangay Development Council and Barangay Assembly ...................................... 15
3.2 Organizing Community Committees .............................................................................. 15
3.3 Organizing Community Labor Groups ........................................................................... 17
ANNEXES .................................................................................................................................... 19
ANNEX 1. Sample Monitoring Report ........................................................................................ 20
ANNEX 2. Sample Inspection and Acceptance Report ......................................................... 21
ANNEX 3. Guide to the Project Reporting and Feedback Committee ............................. 22
According to the LGC, agencies and offices should conduct consultations with appropriate
local government units and community organizations before any project or program is
implemented in their jurisdiction.1 It also requires the formation of a Local Development
Council (LDC) that shall have among its functions, the mobilization of people’s
participation in local development efforts, assist the Sanggunian in the development of a
multi sectoral plan, and shall set the economic and social development direction of the
Local Government Unit (LGU). At least 25% of the members of the LDC should be
representatives of non-government organizations (NGOs).
On the other hand, the GPRA or Republic Act No. 9184 includes as its governing
principles transparency and public monitoring in the procurement process and
implementation of contracts. 2 Further, Section 53.12 of the GPRA IRR includes
community participation as one of the instances by which negotiated procurement can
be implemented.
The community may also be involved as observers 4 of the procurement process. The
requirements and responsibilities for such role may be found in a separate manual – the
Procurement Observers’ Guide.
Chapter One provides an introduction of the Manual. It lays down the scope and
limitations, and puts forward important concepts, definitions, and legal tenets that shall
be used.
Chapter Two discusses the general procedures for procurement under Negotiated
Procurement-Community Participation provided in Section 53.12 of the GPRA IRR. This
chapter guides the procuring entity on the conditions that must be met to justify the use
of Negotiated Procurement-Community Participation as a procurement method. It also
describes how the community can be involved in project procurement at the local
government level (e.g., project identification, planning, and monitoring). It lays down
the roles and responsibilities of different community agencies (committees) in ensuring
transparency, public monitoring, equity, and value for money in procurement.
Book 1, Title 1 Sec. 2 (c) and Title 6 of the Local Government Code
Article 1 Section 3 of RA 9184 “Governing Principles on Government Procurement”.
KALAHI-CIDSS stands for Kapit-Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan-Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social
Services. It is a project implemented by the Department of Social Welfare and Development with financial
support from the World Bank through a loan agreement.
Section 13, of the GPRA’s provides that “To enhance the transparency of the process, the BAC shall, in all
stages of the procurement process, invite…at least two (2) observers to sit in its proceedings, one (1) from a
duly recognized private group in a sector or discipline relevant to the procurement at hand, and the other from
a non-government organization…”.
Chapter Three provides the guide in establishing committees necessary for the
barangay’s and community’s implementation of projects procured through Negotiated
Procurement-Community Participation. It proposes the formation of community
committees under the Barangay Development Council (BDC) and Barangay Assembly
(BA) in ensuring community participation. It discusses how the community can organize
themselves and participate to ensure that the procurement achieves its intended social
objectives and increase project sustainability.
This Manual is part of the project entitled “Improving the Quality and Responsiveness of
Public Spending in Poor Communities Through Localized Procurement Reform” supported
by the Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) through the World Bank (WB).
This Manual was developed in partnership with the following agencies and offices:
Department of Budget and Management;
Government Procurement Policy Board - Technical Support Office;
Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), including the National
Barangay, Operations Office, Local Government Academy, and the Bureau of
Local Government Supervision;
Department of Social Welfare and Development; and
The World Bank.
In the past, procurement transactions and basic service delivery belonged to the
exclusive domain of the government with the community as passive recipients. Recent
trends toward participatory governance and community empowerment have enabled
ordinary members of the community to have a more active role in procurement
planning, actual procurement and contract implementation processes. With community
participation, transactions between the government and third parties such as suppliers
and contractors or service providers have become more transparent. Where there is
transparency, holding public officials to be accountable for their actions in the use of
public resources can be ensured. There is also efficiency in the use of resources when
beneficiaries of projects are engaged not just in determining their actual needs, but also
in project procurement and implementation. This in effect guarantees that the
government only procures what is needed. If the community can be involved in any or
all of the stages of project planning, procurement, and implementation, there would be
greater ownership of the project.
1. Public utility passenger boat (Barangay Dungon, Concepcion,
Iloilo), 2004;
2. Improvement of the main barangay road (Barangay
Dansalan, Sapad, Lanao del Norte);
3. Flood control wall (Barangay Kinabuhayan, Dolores, Quezon);
Sections 2, 34, 35, 41, 98-116, and 397 of the LGC (Republic Act 7160).
Community Participation in Development Projects, The World Bank Experience, Samuel Paul, February 1987
Based on the documentation prepared by Dr. Mario R. Delos Reyes, Associate Professor and Director, Training
and Extension Services Division, University of the Philippines – School of Urban and Regional Planning
4. Electrification of the whole barangay (Barangay Olave,
Enrique Villanueva, Siquijor);
5. Corn Mill (Barangay Magwawa, Santo Tomas, Davao Del
6. Construction of a 6-classroom high school (Barangay Sta.
Lucia, Dolores, Quezon);
7. Water system rehabilitation (Barangay Don Juan Vercelos,
San Francisco, Quezon);
8. Construction of communal faucets (Barangay Loboc,
Tungawan, Zamboanga Sibugay);
9. Drainage system improvement (Barangay Taruc, Surigao del
Consequently, projects that are not sustainable, do not require the continued active
participation of communities, and do not have positive social impacts are not appropriate
for Negotiated Procurement-Community Participation. Some of these include the
purchase of lands, salaries and wages of government staff, repair of government
facilities, meeting halls, places of religious worships, political and religious activities,
micro-credit activities, road construction into protected areas, activities that exploit
women and men at any age, employment of minors, travel, and consumption items or
events like fiesta.
The LGC opened venues for the participation of people’s organizations and non-
government organizations through the local special bodies and sectoral representation. 8
Agencies and offices are also expected to consult with appropriate local government
units and community organizations before any project or program is implemented in
their jurisdiction. One of the ways to formally accomplish this is through a Barangay
Assembly (BA), which acts as the community’s highest decision-making body.
Composed of “all persons who are actual residents of the barangay” 9 , its resolutions
express the will of the people in the community. The BA meets at least twice a year to
discuss barangay activities, finances, and problems. It is called upon by the Punong
Barangay, or of at least four (4) members of the SB, or through a petition of at least five
percent (5%) of assembly members.10
According to LGC Chapter 6 Section 398, the powers of the BA are the following:
All LGUs are also mandated to convene a multi-sectoral local development council that
will set the direction for economic and social development, and coordinate development
efforts in the locality.11 For barangays, the BDC, headed by the Punong Barangay, is
composed of the sangguniang barangay, representatives from the NGOs, Congressman.
Amongst its key functions are to formulate the barangay’s development plan, mobilize
Sections 41 and 98 to 116, Republic Act 7160 or the Local Government Code (LGC) of 1991
Chapter 6, Section 397 of the LGC
Section 106 of the LGC
people’s participation, monitor and evaluate programs and projects, and it can form
sectoral or functional committees to assist the council in performing its functions. The
LDCs also have an Executive Committee that represents it. In barangays, the Executive
Committee is composed of the Punong Barangay, a representative from the Sanggunian,
and a representative from the NGOs.
Community Participation in the revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the
Defining “community”
This Manual focuses on ways by which organized community groups may participate in
government procurement. Organized groups have a formal structure, democratically
selected leaders, and adopt a principle of shared responsibility over its actions. This
Manual considers two types of organized groups – registered 14 and non-registered.
Registered groups are listed with and possess a certificate from a registering body (e.g.,
SEC, DTI, CDA; including those given authority to do so by an implementing agency).
This includes, but is not limited to, NGOs, CSOs, CBOs, People’s Organizations, and
community labor groups.
This Chapter discusses the key principles that should guide the conduct of procurement
using Negotiated Procurement-Community Participation. It also puts forward a general
procedure for Negotiated Procurement through Community Participation that can guide a
procuring entity and its BAC. It also presents a simple interpretation of a service
provider/contractor’s legal, technical, and financial capability under Section 53.12 of the
GPRA and its IRR.
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and The World Bank (WB) allow community participation as a method of
Registration is different from accreditation. Though registration is required for the participation in public
procurement as contractor/service provider or observer, there are other eligibility requirements for such.
2.1 Guiding Principles
6. Value for money – ensures that communities obtain the optimal benefit from
projects. The community’s ownership of the project encourages its responsible
use, extends the project life, and maximizes its beneficial value to the
The procurement documents, including the contract, should be aligned with these
principles, and should contain disclosure/transparency provisions and expected social
impacts/benefits (e.g., consultation, community monitoring, and social benefits like
income and livelihood for the marginalized sector, exercise of fair labor practices, etc.).
Project sustainability anchors itself on ensuring that project recipients are able to sustain
the project or its activity(ies) even after the initial phase of project implementation or
even if project resources are no longer available. One of the ways to ensure project
sustainability is to increase the community’s ownership of the project and its
outputs/results. Greater ownership is achieved by sharing with the community decision-
making powers in all the stages of project life.
Social objectives are goals that seek to improve the well-being of the community. The
desired outputs target core problems identified by the community through solutions they
helped determine. These objectives aspire to empower the community by enhancing
their knowledge and skills and creating an environment for development. Projects with
social objectives may also include those that require the delivery of additional benefits
over and above the direct benefit of the goods, non-consulting service, or infrastructure
facility to be acquired.
These projects attempt to achieve positive outcomes like poverty reduction, hunger
mitigation/elimination, access to education, equitable distribution and management of
natural resources, climate change adaptation/mitigation, disaster risk reduction, gender
equality, disease reduction, and job generation, among others.
Toward these ends, the following should be established by the procuring entity:
1. The project is aligned with the procuring entity’s mandate and strategic or
development plan to efficienctly and economically deliver public service.
The objective is to optimize use of public funds in the discharge of government
functions through projects that will achieve the most benefit to the community at
the least cost to the government;
5. The Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) of the project or its component that
will be procured through Negotiated Procurement-Community Participation meets
the following thresholds:
Maximum Amount
(in Philippine Pesos)
Procuring Entity
Goods Infrastructure
1. National Government Agencies
2. Government Owned/Controlled 2,000,000 5,000,000
3. Government Financial Institutions
4. State Universities and Colleges
5. Local Government Units
1st-3rd Class Provinces
1st-2nd Class Cities 1,000,000 2,500,000
Highly Urbanized Cities
4th Class Province
3rd Class City 800,000 1,750,000
The following are the procedural requirements for the use of Negotiated Procurement-
Community Participation:
1. The end user unit shall identify project proposals in line with the procuring
entity’s strategic plan, key results areas, and major final outputs that will be
sustainable if implemented with the participation of a target community or
where the engagement of community participants will lead to the
achievement of specific social objectives.
2. The end user unit shall prepare the objectives, requirements, estimated
budget, outputs and target community beneficiary(ies) of the selected
project and present the same to the local community concerned for review,
revision, and acceptance.
Procuring entities may also follow the participatory processes for project planning, identification, and
selection being implemented by government agencies through established community driven development
programs, such as the Grassroots Participatory Budgeting Program (GPBP) and KALAHI-CIDSS National
Community Driven Development Project (KC-NCDDP).
B. Pre-procurement16
4.1. For goods, the procuring entity shall ensure that there are clear
standards for quality, function and performance in the technical
specifications that need to be met. Where applicable, these shall
approximate those of Philippine National Standards (PNS), as specified
by the Bureau of Product Standards (BPS).
4.2. For works, the technical designs and specifications to be used must be
in accordance with relevant national, municipal and local design codes
and standards for rural infrastructure applicable to local conditions.
Construction supervision, quality control, contract management,
completion inspection, acceptance, operation and maintenance
procedures shall be in accordance with the requirements of the
5. The end user unit shall prepare the request for quotation/proposal
(RFQ/RFP), which shall indicate a brief description of the goods, non-
consuting services, or simple infrastructure projects to be procured, the
technical specifications or scope of work, the ABC, the manner and deadline
for submission of quotations, the terms and conditiions of the project, and
other necessary information.
C. Posting
6. The BAC shall post the RFQ/RFP in the website of the procuring entity (if
any), the premises of the procuring entity, and in at least three (3)
conspicuous places where the project will be implemented (e.g., bulletin
board, public transport terminals, public markets, etc.) for a period of seven
(7) calendar days.
7. On the date specified in the RFQ, the BAC shall open the
quotations/proposals submitted, using a non-discretionary pass or fail
criterion, to determine compliance with the requirements and evaluate
which bidder submitted the Lowest Calculated Bid or Quotation (LCB/LCQ).
7.1. The BAC should have obtained quotations/proposals from at least three
(3) community-based service provider from the barangay(s) where the
project is located or to be executed. If there are less than three (3)
community-based service provider, the BAC shall continue the
procurement process and determine the eligibility of the community-
based service provider(s) that submitted its quotation/proposal. If
none are qualified, the invitation may be extended to other barangays
For national government projects, it is important for the procuring entity and its BAC to coordinate with the
local government units to ensure that consultation(s) is/are conducted before the procurement begins. This is
also an opportunity to gather more recent information needed to prepare the procurement documents (e.g.,
poverty incidence, public places, unemployment data, list of civil society organizations, market conditions,
within the same municipality only. (See Section 2.4 of this Manual for
determining an eligible community-based service provider)
7.2 For the hiring of community labor, proposals are evaluated based on
the labor requirements of the project. (See Section 3.3 of this Manual
for the establishment of community labor groups)
E. Awarding of contract
9. The BAC shall submit its findings and recommendations to the Head of the
Procuring Entity (HOPE) for her approval/disapproval. The submission shall
contain the documents submitted, its evaluation, and the contract
10. In case of approval, the HOPE shall immediately issue the notice of award.
In case of failure to enter into a contract, the HOPE shall disqualify the
provider and direct the BAC to determine the responsiveness of the
quotation of the community-based service provider with the second lowest
calculated quotation.
11. The procuring entity shall ensure that the contract provides the most
advantageous terms and conditions to the Government.
12. The BAC, through the Secretariat, shall post, for information purposes, the
notice of award, the contract, and the notice to proceed in the following:
a. PhilGEPS website;
b. Procuring entity’s website, if any; and
c. Conspicuous place reserved for this purpose in the premises of the
procuring entity and in the community where the project will be
F. Contract implementation
15. The procuring entity shall release payments based on the payment scheme
provided in the contract and only upon validation by the end user unit that
the community-based service provider has delivered or performed the
outputs specified in the work and financial plan and the same has been
inspected and accepted by the community and confirmed by the procuring
16. The procuring entity and the Commission on Audit shall conduct visit-audit
and examination for the project.
17. Payments and release of funds shall be subject to government auditing and
accounting rules and regulations.
a. Legal Requirements
b. Technical Requirements
i) List of completed contracts similar to procurement or list indicating the
experiences of members of the community-based service provider that
satisfies the technical requirements of the procurement at hand in terms
of its capacity to deliver the goods, perform the non-consulting service,
or construct the simple infrastructure project, at an equal or higher
established standards.
c. Financial Requirements
iii) Proof that it has financial management system that maintains the
following sets of book of accounts: cash receipts book, cash
disbursement book, ledger/logbook, subsidiary ledger (particularly for
inputs, assets, properties belonging to community based service
provider, bank book/bank statements, disbursement vouchers, and
official receipt.
a. Legal Requirements
b. Technical Requirements
c. Financial Requirements
This Chapter guides the community and barangay in establishing community groups and
committess necessary for the successful implementation of a project procured using
Negotiated Procurement-Community Participation.
This Chapter takes off from LGC provisions on community participation through the
barangay development council (BDC) and barangay assembly (BA). It details the steps
to be undertaken in ensuring that the project achieves the positive social outcomes and
project sustainability, including the roles and responsibilities of the community.18
Projects implemented in barangays can come from the barangay’s own planning process,
other LGUs (cities, municipalities, and provinces), NGAs, GOCCs, GFIs, and SUCs. These
projects require barangay approval in the form of ordinances (i.e., inclusion in
development plans, priority projects, budget ordinance or its supplement, etc.) and
inclusion in barangay approved documents, such as the annual investment plan and the
approved APP.
According to the LGC, agencies and offices are expected to consult with appropriate local
government units and community organizations before any project or program is
implemented in their jurisdiction. This may be formally accomplished through a
Barangay Assembly (BA), which is composed of “all persons who are actual residents of
the barangay”19, and its resolutions express the will of the people in the community. The
BA meets at least twice a year20 to discuss barangay activities, finances, and problems
in compliance with the LGC. It is called upon by the punong barangay, or of at least four
(4) members of the SB, or through a petition of at least five percent (5%) of assembly
members.21 Amongst its key functions are to recommend to the Sangguniang Barangay
the adoption of measures and initiatives, and to serve as a venue for the Barangay to
report its activities and finances.
The BDC on the other hand serves as a multi-sectoral body that formulates the
barangays development plan, mobilizes people’s participation, and monitors and
evaluate projects. The BDC is headed by the Punong Barangay and represented by an
Executive Committee when not in session. 22 It has the authority to form sectoral and
functional committees to assist it in performing its functions.23
In accordance with the requirements for membership in the BA 24, only residents of the
barangay for at least six (6) months, fifteen (15) years of age or over, and citizens of
the Philippines can be elected as a community member to the committees.
Suggestions put forward in this chapter take inspiration from existing laws and guidelines, and lessons
garnered from the KALAHI-CIDSS project and good LGU practices.
Section 397 of the LGC.
Last Saturday of March and second Sunday of October pursuant to Proclamation No. 260, Series of 2011.
Section 111 of the LGC.
Section 112 of the LGC.
Section 397 of the LGC.
1. Project Management Committee (PMC);
2. Project Preparation Committee (PPC);
3. Project Monitoring and Inspection Committee (PMIC); and
4. Project Reporting and Feedback Committee (PRFC).
A representative from one (1) registered community group and two (2) community
members will be elected at large during the BA to these committees. Insofar as
practicable, no individual shall be elected in more than one committee. Moreover, except
for the PMC, which will automatically be headed by the Punong Barangay, there shall be
no other committee where the Punong Barangay may be a member. Each committee will
elect its chairperson and, if there are more than five members, a vice chairperson. The
committees will ultimately be accountable to the BA, with the PMC overseeing the
activities of the other committees.
Diagram 1 below illustrates the relationship between the committees and the regular
barangay structures for procurement.
The PMC shall be composed of community volunteers who shall be responsible for
managing prioritized and approved community based projects and for ensuring
that these are done in accordance with prescribed government procedures. It
shall be responsible for supervising the performance of the other committees and
for coordinating with the procuring entity on matters relating to the project.
The PMC shall be headed by the Punong Barangay, and composed of the BDC’s
Executive Committee (made up of a representative from the Sanggunian and a
representative from the NGOs/POs), at least two (2) community members elected
during the BA. The Barangay Secretary and Treasurer shall be non-voting
The PPC shall be composed of community volunteers who shall be responsible for
the evaluation of proposed projects for community participation and preparation
of community proposals for projects to be recommended to the BA for possible
inclusion in the barangay development plan or for submission to possible funding
entities. The BDC may form several PPCs to prepare proposals for different
The members of the PPC shall have some capacity to conduct simple studies
(e.g., an inventory or listing, consultation) on the barangay market conditions
relevant to the project, the development needs of the barangay, and the
preparation of plans or proposals. The chairperson of the PPC shall come from the
elected registered community group or community members. The head of the
Barangay Committee relevant to the project shall be a member of the PPC.
The chairperson of the PMIC shall come from the elected registered community
group or community members. A member of the barangay inspection team shall
be a member of the PMIC. The size of the PMIC should consider the size of the
project (e.g., number of components, geographic reach, volume and frequency of
deliveries, etc.).
The PRFC shall be composed of five (5) to seven (7) members who do not have
any conflict of interest with the project and relationship within the fourth civil
degree of consanguinity or affinity with the members of other committees.
Elected barangay officials are disqualified from being members of the PRFC. (See
Annex 3 for a guide to the PRFC)
For projects requiring labor components, the procuring entity shall draw such labor from
the community(ies). In line with this, the community shall establish community labor
groups, as follows:
2. The formation of community labor groups should actively involve the barangay
leaders and the community. A Project Facilitator (PF) shall be appointed by the
procuring entity to assist in the organization of the community labor groups. The
PF shall, for purposes of informing the community of the project and of organizing
labor groups, attend community meetings convened by the barangay(s) officials.
4. The community labor group leader and officers shall be elected from among the
members of the group. They may be replaced at any time by the group through
an election for that purpose, after due notice to the PF and the Punong Barangay.
Any such replacement shall not invalidate any contract entered into by the
community labor group.
Box 2. More tips for community members on how to enhance involvement and
empower themselves:
ANNEX 1. Sample Monitoring Report
ANNEX 2. Sample Inspection and Acceptance Report
ANNEX 3. Guide to the Project Reporting and Feedback Committee
The PRFC shall implement a reporting and feedback mechanism to ensure that the
contract implementation achieves the desired social objectives and/or project
sustainability requirements. For this purpose, the PRFC shall evaluate the quality of
participation by the community and the over-all management of the project. It shall
also monitor the efficiency and effectiveness of the steps taken and the time utilized by
the committees to reach project milestones.
a. Is/Are the social objective(s) of the project and its procurement(s) being met? If
yes, how? If not, why?
b. Are there project related gaps or shortcomings that can be addressed to achieve
the social objectives effectively? If yes, what are these?
Other questions can be asked by the PRFC especially if the desired social objectives are
not being met.
The team’s main output will be a report to be presented to the BA and submitted to the
DILG and the procuring entity. It can also be asked by the BA whenever needed to
report during the BAs its major findings on the implementation of the project. Its report
shall be different from that of the PMIC and shall be made available to the public and
posted in a conspicuous place in the barangay.