CNC 5 Axis
CNC 5 Axis
CNC 5 Axis
There are various uses for the DMU 40 eVo linear 5 Axis CNC Machine but at the center of it all it chip removal by means of milling and turning to produce the
desired product. However, how these products are used are various in industries. Firstly, the of DMU 40 eVo linear is used in the automotive industry. DMU 40
eVo linear is used to make aluminium parts that are complex in geometry as well as die and molds. An example of a complex part is a hydraulic component or
bearing block and as for mold, the tyre thread mold can be made using a ball nose end mill. Gears for automotive can also be made using gear skiving with Steel
16MnCr5 and impeller with aluminium can be made using tapered ball end nose mill. This can be further discussed in the transportation industry. Due to the DMU
40 eVo linear ability to rapidly create parts and long-lasting robust components, parts for freight trains and trucks are made [2]. In the plastic industry, the DMU
40 eVo linear can be used to produce die and mold for the desired plastic product such as a bottle mold made from Aluminium AlZnMgCu1,5 using a ball nose
end mill tool. In the aerospace industry, many parts that make the structure are made of aluminium such as AL 7.705. The DMU 40 eVo linear is excellent in this
as it high enough precision to make the frame component of an aircraft using shank-type cutter. The main reason why DMU 40 eVo linear is used for aerospace
part precision is due to its ability to keep tight tolerances which can affect lift and drag performance even [2]. Apart from this, the DMU 40 eVo linear can also
make product for the medical industry. By using a ball nose end mill tool, bone plates and knee implant made from titanium Gr-2 and Cobalt Chrome respectively
can be made [1]. The DMU 40 eVo linear 5 is favoured because it can create rapidly of customized and unique parts. By incorporating 3D modelling, the
engineering can control at a very precise level the part, so each part has the smallest possible margin of error to avoid medical misdiagnoses and part
malfunctioning.[2] in the petrochemical industry, DMU 40 eVo linear can be used in refineries and drilling rigs. Parts made such as valves, pistons and cylinders
must be made with perfect fit in order to perform competently. This is especially true for drilling rigs which are isolated and may take days of production to repair
should a part fail. Lastly, DMU 40 eVo linear is used in the electronics industry to produce parts like heat sinks, amplifier housings and interference shielding.
Since CNC machining excels in tight tolerances, electronic components can be mass produced with little error in the micromachining processes. [2]
This section with discuss both the features and specification of the DMU 40 eVo linear. First the features will be discussed. Firstly, the DMU 40 eVo
linear has an optimized gantry design. What this means is it has less space requirements but improved access. Apart from that, due to its low spindle overhang, its
highly rigid and able to handle a loading weight of 250kg. it offers a high level of stability and long-term accuracy to complement this, the DMU 40 eVo linear has
high precision and is dynamic. By using coding, it has a positioning accuracy of 6µm and an increase in cutting performance which traverse cutting of up to
80m/min. The DMU 40 eVo linear also boasts an impressive ergonomic design with both raw material and operator in mind. It has a large door access for
comfortable insertion of raw material including using crane loading. The working area is also large which specifications will be discussed later as well as a short
path design for operator to reach tool magazine, machine and handling system from the front. Additionally, the DMU 40 eVo linear has an impressive cooling
which includes motor, spindle flange, ball of screw drive nut, drive motors, guide rails and NC rotary table. Last but not least, it has an improved chip transport
with bed slopes >35° and optional flushing of the machine bed and the working area and CELOS interface both hardware and software which improves operator
efficiency. Next, this section will discuss the specifications of the DMU 40 eVo linear. Firstly, the obvious is the dimensions versus the performance. The
footprint of the DMU 40 eVo linear is 5.77m2 with table size of 450x400 mm. It is the smallest of all the models but still able to hold 250kg. The layout of the
DMU 40 eVo linear is seen in Figure 1. The milling capabilities are also impressive. The chip removal rate is 675cm 3 /min only slightly slower than the bigger
model of 750 cm3 /min. The cutting speed is also same as all the other models at 300m/min although it is much smaller in footprint. The full details can be seen in
Table 1. Next, the spindles used is speedMASTER although there are other optional spindles using the SK40/HSK-A63 tool holder. It has a speed range of 20,000
rpm and corresponding torque of up to 130Nm. This gives it mid-level speed and torque to handle the tool attached to the spindle. This gives it a vast versatility to
handle various tools with only need to change for much larger or smaller tools. It is shown in Figure 2 the graphical results of RPM versus torque using various
spindles. Additionally, it uses a modular spindle portfolio meaning more customization for the operator as well as quick access for quick and cost-effective
repairs. In Table 2, the performance of the Speed MASTER on steel with different tool. Overall, we can see an impressive performance especially in the second
tool with a higher chip removal rate as compared to the second performance with lower RPM but higher torque of 15,000rpm and 200 Nm respectively.[1] Last but
not least the most obvious feature is it is a 5 axis CNC machine. The X, Y and Z cover the three of the five axes. From these three axes, three more axes are born
with the roll about the X, Y and Z axes. All the six axes are show in Figure 3 below. Since this is a 5 axes CNC machine, axis C is not used.[3] The benefits of
using a 5 axis CNC machine are many. Firstly, it saves time on setup because when working as the faces of the product, it can affect all the faces except the
clamped area. Next, 5 axis CNC machines can handle more complex designs. With the 5-axis machine, there is access to machining angles and arcs that were
previously achievable only through multiple setups and a myriad of special fixtures. Ultimately, 5-axis machining eliminates the need to create complex fixtures as
it can hold the part once and rotate in a single process to achieve the desired geometry. Next, it has faster material removal. In 5-axis machining, the cutting tool
remains tangential to the cutting surface, allowing for low cycle times, which helps save costs as you remove more material each time the tool passes. Last but not
least, it can produce a better surface finish. The fourth and fifth axes helps to orient and bring the part closer to the cutting tool, allowing use a shorter cutting tool,
which is less susceptible to vibration at extremely high cutting speeds, helps to achieve a better surface finish. It also saves time; when using a 3-axis machine, you
must make use of very small cuts to achieve a good surface finish, which leads to longer lead times. [3] For the full specifications, Table 3 is provided.
Part 1 – for the learning process, its something unique to learn by it definitely makes sense once understood. The first step is to check the home position to avoid
error in machining. Next, datum setting, or calibration must be done for the same reason. Then, placing the material in the clamp and selecting the correct tool and
spindle for the product. So, we need to learn how to decide this. Then CAD model information is transferred into the system and then milling can start. Always
check if everything is in position and coding is correct. Then coolant will be used so must check if it’s used to prevent overheating and lastly cleaning process.
Part 2 – For the coding, there are two ways to go about it which is open loop and closed loop. The closed loop has feedback on the position or coordinate
measurement which is important if higher precision is needed. Open loop is faster to process but is less accurate. The programming takes awhile to understand due
to codenames in the blocks as well as proper planning to know which step comes from home position to end. Its also important to know machining processes such
as contouring and drilling but in terms of coding. Lastly, we need to understand the coordinate system in X, Y and Z axes in the coding program to ensure the
material is machined properly.
4. The What, Why and How of 5-Axis CNC Machining [Online] - [Accessed on 16 May 2020]