"Fun Activities To Improve Speaking Skill" Bio Data
"Fun Activities To Improve Speaking Skill" Bio Data
"Fun Activities To Improve Speaking Skill" Bio Data
Bio Data
The author’s name is Zesi Rusma, she has been a student at Makassar
Muhammadiyah University since 2013, she was born on 3rd of October
1994 in Parepare (South Sulawesi ). She started her elementary school
in 2001 at SDN 14 Parepare, graduated in 2007. Then she continued
her study in Junior High School 2 Parepare and graduated in 2010.
She moved to Sengkang and continued her senior high school at SMA
Negeri 3 Sengkang, and graduated in 2013. A few months later, she
was accepted as English department student of faculty of teacher training and education, At
Makassar Muhammadiyah University.
Teaching speaking is a very important part of second language learning. The ability to
communicate in a second language clearly and efficiently contributes to the success of the
learner in school and success later in every phase of life. Therefore, it is essential that language
teachers pay great attention to teaching speaking. Rather than leading students to pure
memorization, providing a rich environment where meaningful communication takes place is
desired. In addition, there are a number of factors relating to speaking skills to be considered for
effective English speaking performance. Pronunciation, vocabulary, and collocations are singled
out as important factors to be emphasized in building fluency for EFL speakers. Providing
students with a variety of situations and frequent speaking tasks plays a significant role in the
improvement of students’ fluency when speaking (Tam, 1997). Confidence and competence
usually reinforce English speaking skills. Patil (2008) asserted that building up the learner’s
confidence to eliminate their fear of making errors was a priority that a teacher should consider
in order to make learners feel comfortable with their language use. Confidence and competence
in speaking could be developed from appropriate syllabus design, methods of teaching, and
adequate tasks and materials (Bailey, 2005; Songsiri, 2007). Regarding speaking effectiveness,
Shumin (1997) pointed out a number of elements involved, including listening skills, socio
cultural factors, affective factors, and other linguistic and sociolinguistic competences such as
grammatical, discourse, sociolinguistic, and strategic competence. Grammatical competence
enables speakers to use and understand English language structures accurately and
unhesitatingly, which contributes to their fluency, which, in turn, develops confidence in
communication. With this aim, various speaking activities such as those listed above can
contribute a great deal to students in developing basic interactive skills necessary for life. These
activities make students more active in the learning process and at the same time make their
learning more meaningful and fun for them. As an example for Role Play, we can say that role
play technique has positive impact in improving learners’ speaking skills as it gives the students
a chance to explore different situations of real life and enables them to speak accurately and
confidently in that situation in the target language. Although during role play in a large class
room, the situation gets chaotic and the performers sometimes forget their dialogues, which
create embarrassment, eventually with the help of little feedback from the teachers, this problem
can be resolved. Teachers may give prompt verbal feedback or written feedback in case of
technical difficulties while recording acts. Providing a variety of activities out of class in
different, more intimate environments helped the students overcome some anxiety. Students
were generally more talkative in class and willing to risk making mistakes than those in previous
classes who did not complete extra oral production activities. Utilizing new technologies enables
beginning-level-language instructors to offer more personal means to practice the language.
Technology and small-group conversations appear to be effective strategies for breaking down
common student hesitations which prevent many adult language learners from fully involving
themselves in the learning process. Even students who are hesitant to speak in class will be
gaining practice outside of class which will build their confidence levels and improve their
performance in future English courses. Students with the fun activities will enjoy the classroom
language and join the process without any fear to make a mistake that is caused by the method or
the activity just bring them fun, such as the game.
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