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Tea Iaea1

Teʻa Iaea

Mr. Ryan Smith

English 11 section - G

April 2nd, 2020

Dogs in Shelters: Shelters are providing the proper care for dogs.

Shelters across America Presents with the responsibility of providing care and attention

to all animals. In the United States, there is a rising increase of over six million rejected, stray, or

lost dogs all around the county. Overpopulation occurs when there are more people breeding

animals and animals not being spay or neutered; then, there are households who are willing to

adopt these pets. People who adopt dogs look more for size, age, breed, and appearance of the

dog, which leaves many of these dogs who don't match the adopter's standards placed in shelters

or left on the streets. Although for all dogs that enter shelters majority young and healthy few

will be adopted with permanent loving families, while over 50 percent of dogs entering shelters

with euthanized due to the overload of animals in shelters. With the rise in population to dogs,

Dogs must have provided with the necessary needs of health to all contemporary animals in

shelters. This including medical, spays and neuters, inspection, and specific care based on the

animal's needs. A resolution to this development of dogs is to adopt animals only from shelters

and have them spayed or neutered to stop the harsh overpopulation that sentences upon millions

of animals a year to death in the United States when there are no other options. Are shelters

providing Dogs with the necessary needs such as vaccinations, medical procedures, and ways for

dogs to be adopted?
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James Cook Australia states that all animals, including dogs, should be provided with the

correct vaccinations for the animal, for the health and safety of the animal and humans who

encounter the animals. For dogs, they say that the following treatments that include CDV

(Canine Distemper Virus), CAV (Cardiac allograft vasculopathy), CPV-2 and (Canine

parvovirus) all should require for the health regulation of their animals. These following

vaccinations fight against distemper virus, canine adenovirus, variants of canine parvovirus, type

2, and rabies. The treatments are critical to animal shelters and should have provided for all dogs.

The Vaccinations provided for the dogs are to ensure the less likely hood of dogs getting sick

and spreading disease. Shelters that give the vaccination shots are to ensure the safety of the

animal and the owner as well. All dogs entering a shelter establishment should have the

vaccination before or at the time of entry, with core vaccines. Where finances permit, repeated

core vaccines should administer as per the schedules defined in the guidelines, and non-core

vaccines against respiratory disease may include. The VGG (vaccination guidelines group )

identifies the significance of conflicting reaction reporting schemes but knows these vary

depending on the production in different countries. Wherever possible, veterinarians for shelters

should be actively encouraged to report all possible adverse events to the manufacturer and

regulatory authority to expand the information foundation that drives the growth of improved

vaccine safety.

These shelters vaccinations guideline group has established a vaccine required for only

dogs in specific geographical locations, local circumstances, or lifestyle areas that risk the dog

catching diseases. The VGG further analyzed vaccines as not recommended and has not passed

several minor restrictions for geographical availability or purpose in where the vaccination for
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dogs is needed. The VGG strongly recommends the notion of annual health checks with dogs in

shelters. The VGG examined uses of shots for dogs in shelters and again acknowledging the

appropriate conditions of such establishments and the financial restrictions of some

accommodations. Vaccinations are one step into advocating for animal care in shelters, with this

there also comes with important medical procedures that dogs are required.

The humane society is not authorized to provide medical attention to a lost dog that is

injured and requires medical attention. The humane society, by law, cannot assist the medical

attention of a lost or injured dog for nine whole days. They must wait for an owner to come to

claim the dog or wait out the period until they can provide medicine or surgery. This is a major

problem for these animals who will sit in pain and agony over this period. The article "benefits

of pet adoptions" by Hills, an animal organization, saying, “microchips provide an extra level of

protection in case your pet loses their collar and tags. Providing your pets with both tags and a

microchip can help ensure a happy reunion if the unthinkable happens." (Amanda Arrington) A

microchip on your pet is a smart way to solve this situation; this way, shelters like the humane

society return strays back to the owner, and this provides easy contact to the owner so if the dog

is in need for medical treatment, the shelter can get permission from the owner. All humane

society animals are microchip when they enter the shelter and they offer microchip procedures

for $25. Shelters like the humane society offer euthanasia, although the stigma behind this has a

bad reputation after discussing this topic Anna, a representative for the humane society said

“After seeing animals come in in pretty bad shape; hit my cars, abused, skin is raw, shot by bows

and arrows, having to see animals sit in pain for nine days with their bodies and emotional state

taking a tole” this shows the importance of euthanasia when necessary. With shelters providing

ways of locating lost pets to keep them out of the street and back to their homes initiates a step
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into in shelters providing necessary medical procedures, with this there also must be ways for

adoption of these pets.

Ways we can help get dogs off the street is by supporting your local shelters or attending

pet adoption events. Dogs need our help with assisting them in finding a loving and caring home

to live. The film on Netflix "Life in the doghouse" provides an inside look at the lives of shelter

owners who've provided thousands of dogs with new homes. In South Carolina, Danny and Ron,

who have been rescuing dogs for 15 years. They have 70 to 80 dogs in their ranch and home at a

time. They have adopted over 10,000 dogs and do this all coming from their own pockets and

donations. They started a nonprofit organization called Danny and Ron rescues where they help

rescue dogs all around the place from shelters who have to euthanasia their dogs, Strays, and

abandoned dogs. Danny and Ron say, "We like to pick the dogs who are less energetic and shy

because those are the dogs who are less likely to get adopted, and we shelter them back to a

healthy, active dog." At horse riding contest, they set up a station where dogs can be adopted. In

2005 when hurricane Katrina hit the south, Ron and Danny saved over 600 dogs from Louisiana.

From this, they used 40% of their retirement funds to save the dogs from Katrina. Because their

organization relies on donations to keep them afloat, they also use a lot of money from their

pockets to help rescue dogs. Last year they spent 1 million dollars for their organization and are

now 501 c 3 nonprofits.

An article written by Christine Oʻbrien “benefits of pet adoption events” ; "Participating

in pet adoption events is a perfect way to connect with a shelter animal and for them to find them

forever homes. Typically, these animal adoption events draw attention to pets in need. And, to

sweeten the deal, some shelters will offer certain promotions to encourage more adoptions during

these events." The rise in social media and sharing to everyone can provide people to share on
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platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter where they help create public support to

their followers. Article written by Matthew Bershad Ker, said "According to more than 800

shelters, rescue and municipal animal agency professionals and volunteers surveyed, use of

social media among this group to help advocate for adoption rescue and spread their message to

a large group of people.”

After interviewing with Anna, the program coordinator of the Hawaiian humane society;

she said “we receive up to 70 animals per day at the Hawaiian humane society, and by the end of

the year we receive up to 25,000 animals that have walked through our doors.” She also

explained the humane society's greatest issue is “finance and Community support, the Hawaiian

humane society is currently in a deficit.” They provide over thirty different programs in service

ranging from dog food bank, free pet lost support group, animal adoption event, and more.

Because there is not enough support in donations and adoptions from the community this causes

lots of independent nonprofit organizations to fall into a deficit. Foster care for dogs is another

way shelter are providing dogs with a chance of adoption. Nurturing them for all the time you

have them until they're found a lifelong home with a family who will love them unconditionally.

No matter what kind of dogs you foster, all foster homes provide the valuable service of

socializing a dog and getting to know its personality. Your relationship with the dog is key

information in helping find it's forever home." This way, when they try to find a dog's forever

home, they will know what kind of owner these dogs would have a good relationship. The

Humane Society provided us with information that "Foster programs prioritize the needs of the

dog and make sure foster homes have all the resources they need to be successful, from food,

leashes, toys, and a create to veterinary care and training." This entails caring for your foster as

you would for your dog: offering food, affection, socialization, and exercise to keep the dog
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happy and healthy." (Elisabeth Geier) So, to provide a foster care home for these dogs and it

doesn't matter what kind of dog it is, they will provide a safe, loving, and caring home for these

dogs to live in so that they can finally be happy and treated right.

Now that we have seen the three main factors out of many that shelters are doing to

provide Dogs with the necessary needs such as vaccinations, medical procedures, and ways for

adoption, let’s talk about some solutions that could help the problem. First, let’s discuss the

financial aseptic of this issue. Because the point in this problem for shelters is the lack of support

from the community, we must recognize the benefits of shelter adoption. When you adopt a

shelter dog instead of purchasing from a breeder, you help not only help the problem of

overpopulation but help a shelter dog in need of a home. Next, let’s look at the second point to

solve, which is medical procedures for dogs in shelters. Many animals and stray dogs that are

found injured in need of medical attention must wait out nine days before treated. However, a

way to help solve this issue is by microchipping your pets. This way, shelters can contact you

that they found your dog and can give medical attention on sight with the permission of the

owner and stop the increase of stray dogs. Lastly, one of the most significant issues that we can

fix is by spreading the word and fostering animals. Participating in pet adoption events is a

perfect way to connect with a shelter animal and for them to find them forever homes. When we

use our platforms on social media to share about adoption charity's happening and sharing news

about adoption, in general, we help others know the importance of approval for these animals

from shelters.
Tea Iaea7

Research Essay Rubric

Name: ________________________________

Criteria / Standard 1 2 3 4 Scor Feedback

x x Do more to introduce your
❑ Text is focused; captures the reader’s attention.
❑ Topic is narrow and manageable.
research. Say
❑ Details are relevant, interesting, vivid, who/where/when to help
❑ Point is clear. establish your credibility.
❑ Details support the paper’s main idea.
❑ Ideas engage, inspire, or intrigue reader.

You need more

commentary. You’ve read
a lot and should have lots
to say on this large topic.


❑ The order compels, enhances, and moves

❑ Introduction intrigues, invites; conclusion
❑ Thoughtful transitions show how ideas
❑ Sequencing is logical and effective.
❑ Pacing is well controlled and purposeful.
❑ Organization flows smoothly; matches


❑ Writing is compelling, engaging; aware of the

❑ Tone is interesting and appropriate for
audience and the purpose.
❑ Author’s presence is evident, powerful.
❑ Expository writing is committed, persuasive.
❑ Narrative writing is honest, engaging, personal.


❑ Words are precise, interesting, powerful.

❑ Words are specific; meaning is clear.
❑ Words and phrases are striking.
❑ Language is effective and appropriate.
❑ Verbs are lively, nouns precise, modifiers
❑ Choices enhance meaning and clarify


❑ The writing flows with rhythm and elegance.

❑ Sentences are constructed to enhance
❑ Sentences vary in length and structure.
❑ Sentences use purposeful, varied beginnings.
❑ Writing has cadence.
Tea Iaea8


❑ Observes and uses standard conventions; few

❑ Spelling is mostly correct.
❑ Punctuation is accurate and effective.
❑ Capitalization skills are evident.
❑ Grammar and usage are correct and enhance
the text.
❑ Paragraphing is sound; reinforces
❑ Writer may manipulate conventions for style.


Total Score
1 = standard not met; 2 = standard partially met; 3 = standard met; 4 = exceeds expectations

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