Gonzaga - Sec1 - Exercises On Internal Control Framework
Gonzaga - Sec1 - Exercises On Internal Control Framework
Gonzaga - Sec1 - Exercises On Internal Control Framework
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Write the letter that represents the best answer.
1. The COSO framework treats internal control as a process designed to provide reasonable assurance
regarding the achievement of objectives related to
A. Reliability of financial reporting
B. Effectiveness and efficiency of operations
C. Compliance with applicable laws and regulations
D. All of the answers are correct
2. Which term best reflects the attitude and actions of the board and management regarding the
significance of control within the organization?
A. Control environment
B. Risk assessment
C. Control activities
D. Monitoring
3. Internal control can provide only reasonable assurance that the organization’s objectives will be met
efficiently and effectively. One factor limiting the likelihood of achieving those objectives is that
A. The internal auditor’s primary responsibility is the detection of fraud.
B. The cost of internal control should not exceed its benefits.
C. The board is active and independent.
D. Management monitors performance.
4. Which of the following is most likely to be performed in the control activities component of internal
A. Segregation of duties
B. Ongoing evaluations
C. Information processing
D. Assessing fraud risks
5. An organization’s directors, management, and internal auditors all have important roles in creating a
proper control environment. Senior management is primarily responsible for
A. Implementing and monitoring controls designed by the board of directors.
B. Designing and operating a control system that provides reasonable assurance that established
objectives and goals will be achieved.
C. Ensuring that external and internal auditors adequately monitor the control environment.
D. Establishing a proper ethical culture
6. According to COSO, which of the following is the most effective method to transmit a message of
ethical behavior throughout an organization?
A. Strengthening internal audit’s ability to deter and report improper behavior.
B. Removing pressures to meet unrealistic targets, particularly for short-term results.
C. Demonstrating appropriate behavior by example.
D. Specifying the competence levels for every job in an organization and translating those levels to
requisite knowledge and skills.
7. Each of the following statements is correct regarding the existence and implementation of codes of
conduct except
A. The codes of conduct must be in writing and displayed in public areas, such as a break
B. Employees understand what behavior is acceptable or unacceptable and know what to do if they
encounter improper behavior.
C. The codes of conduct are comprehensive, addressing conflicts of interest, illegal or other improper
payments, anticompetitive guidelines, and insider trading.
D. The codes of conduct are periodically acknowledged by all employees.
8. Which of the following is not a component of the CoCo model?
A. Commitment
B. Capability
C. Risk assessment
D. Monitoring and learning
9. An organization’s directors, management, external auditors, and internal auditors all play important
roles in creating a proper control environment. Senior management is primarily responsible for
A. Designing and operating a control system that provides reasonable assurance that established
objectives and goals will be achieved.
B. Establishing a proper organizational culture and specifying a system of internal control.
C. Ensuring that external and internal auditors adequately monitor the control environment.
D. Implementing and monitoring controls designed by the board of directors.
10. The policies and procedures helping to ensure that management directives are executed and actions are
taken to address risks to achievement of objectives describes
A. Risk assessments
B. Control environment
C. Monitoring
D. Control activities
Note: You can write your answers here or in a half-sheet paper (lengthwise).