Endocrine System: (General Key Points)
Endocrine System: (General Key Points)
Endocrine System: (General Key Points)
ATI (Unit 11)
Endocrine System -
Carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism are all affected by diabetes
All people with type 1 diabetes require insulin for management of blood glucose
People with type 2 diabetes require insulin when undergoing surgery,
experiencing high levels of physiologic stress (e.g. infection), and during
Insulin is classified two ways:
Type – How it’s made
Natural or regular
Addition of protein to prolong duration (NPH)
Insulin analogs
Lispro and Aspart insulins have shorter durations than Regular insulin
Glargine insulin has a longer duration than Regular insulin.
Group – Time-course-of-action
Oral hypoglycemics used for type 2 diabetes when diet/exercise are not enough
Oral Hypoglycemics
ATI (Unit 11)
Endocrine System -1A
Agent Adverse Effect
Sulfonylureas Meglitinides (fast, short-lived)
1st generation Repaglinide (Prandin)
Tolbutamide (Orinase) (30m ac 1st meal) ( risk hypo)
Chlorpropamide (Diabinese)
2nd generation ( duration) Biguanides (take ĉ food)
Glipizide (Glucotrol) – 30 min ac 1st meal Metformin (Glucophage)
Glyburide (DiaBeta) – QD with 1st meal (Don’t promote insulin release
Glimepiride (Amaryl) – QD with 1st meal don’t hypoglycemia)
Thiazolidinediones α-Glucosidase Inhibitor
Rosiglitazone (Avandia) Acarbose (Precose)
(Given ŝ regard to food, usually 1x/day) (With 1st bit at 3 meals/day)
(1 of 2)
ATI (Unit 11)
Endocrine System -
Type Duration Route Time Onset Peak
Lispro Short, Quick
SC / Pump 15 m ac 15 – 30 m ½ – 2½ hr
(Humalog) (3 - 6 h)
Aspart Short, Quick
SC / Pump 5-10 m ac 10 – 20 m 1 – 3 hr
(Novolog) (3 – 5 h)
Regular Short, Slower SC / Pump /
30 m ac 30 – 60 m 1 – 5 hr
(Humulin R) (6 – 10 h) IH / IM / IV
NPH Intermediate 2x/day
SC 1 – 2 hr 6 – 14 hr
(Humulin N) (16 – 24 h) (same time)
Glargine Long 1x/day
SC 70 min None
(Lantus) (24 h) (same time)
Insulin: promotes cellular GLC uptake // GLCGLYC // moves K+ into
Type 2 may need insulin: severe renal/liver disease // neuropathy // Severe
Insulin also used: Tx of hyperkalemia // Tx of DKA and HHNS.
ATI (Unit 11)
Endocrine System -
Adverse Effects: Hypoglycemia Lipohypertrophy
Contraindications/Precautions: ♀ (?) Only regular insulin by IV
Additive GLC effect with sulfonylurea, meglitinides, β-blocker, EtOH
Thiazide diuretics, glucocorticoids glucose-reducing effects
When mixing short-acting and long-acting draw short-acting first and
then longer-acting in order to keep longer-acting from contaminating shorter-
Disperse particles in suspension before drawing insulin.
Glargine is never IV and should not be mixed
Use one general area to produce consistent results (rate
GLC 90-130 mg/dL preprandial, < 180 mg/dL postprandial. HgA1c < 7%
(Oral Hypoglycemics)
ATI (Unit 11)
Endocrine System -
Proto: 1st – tolbutamide / 2nd – glipizide
Expected Action: Others: 1st – chlorpropamide, 2nd – glyburide
Promote insulin release from the pancreas
With diet/exercise, control blood GLC in type 2
Therapeutic Uses:
Adverse Effects: Hypoglycemia (abruptSNS / slowCNS symptoms)
Contraindications/Precautions: ♀ (C) Pregnancy/lactation
Diabetic ketoacidosis Renal/liver dysfunction
Interactions: EtOH: disulfiram-like reaction
EtOH, NSAIDs, sulfonamides, ranitidine, cimetidine additive
Concurrent use of β-blockers may mask awareness of hypoglycemic,
specifically SNS symptoms of tachycardia, palpitations, and diaphoresis.
GLC 90-130 mg/dL preprandial, < 180 mg/dL postprandial. HgA1c < 7%
(Oral Hypoglycemics)
ATI (Unit 11)
Endocrine System -
Expected Action: Proto: repaglinide (Prandin) — Others: nateglinide (Starlix)
Promote insulin release from pancreas
Therapeutic Uses: Type 2 diabetes, with diet and exercise
Often use with metformin
Adverse Effects: Hypoglycemia
Contraindications/Precautions: ♀ (C) Diabetic ketoacidosis
Hepatic dysfunction
Gemfibrozil (Lopid) inhibition of repaglinide metabolism
GLC 90-130 mg/dL preprandial, < 180 mg/dL postprandial. HgA1c < 7%
(Oral Hypoglycemics)
ATI (Unit 11)
Endocrine System -
Expected Action: Proto: Metformin (Glucophage)
muscular uptake and use of
Inhibit gluconeogenesis in liver
Therapeutic Uses: Type 2 diabetes
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
Adverse Effects: GI effects (nausea, vomiting, weight loss 6-8 lb)
Vitamin B12 and folate deficiency d/t altered absorption
Lactic acidosis (hyperventilation, myalgia, sluggishness) – 50% mortality
Contraindications/Precautions: ♀ (B) Diabetic ketoacidosis
Renal, hepatic, cardiac failure Severe infection, shock, hypoxia
Interactions: EtOH - risk lactic acidosis with concurrent use
GLC 90-130 mg/dL preprandial, < 180 mg/dL postprandial. HgA1c < 7%
ATI (Unit 11)
Endocrine System -
Expected Action: Proto: rosiglitazone (Avandia) — Others: pioglitazone (Actos)
ATI (Unit 11)
Endocrine System -
Expected Action: Proto: acarbose (Precose) — Others: miglitol (Glyset)
Slow carbohydrate absorption and digestion
Therapeutic Uses: Control postprandial blood sugar in type 2 diabetes
Adverse Effects: Risk for anemia d/t iron absorption
Hepatotoxicity with long-term use
Intestinal effects (abdominal distention, cramping, hyperactive bowel
sounds, diarrhea, flatulence)
Contraindications/Precautions: ♀ (B) Diabetic ketoacidosis
GI disorders (inflammatory disease, ulceration, obstruction)
Interactions: Insulin, sulfonylureas risk of hypoglycemia
Metformin Additive GI effects and risk for hypoglycemia with
concurrent use.
Education: Take medication with first bite.
Postprandial blood glucose < 180 mg/dL HgA1c < 7%
For Insulin Overdose
ATI (Unit 11)
Endocrine System -
Expected Action: Proto: Glucagon
glycogenolysis glycogenesis
Therapeutic Uses: Hypoglycemia 2º insulin overdose
GI motility while undergoing radiological procedures of stomach /
Adverse Effects: GI distress (turn on left side to risk of aspiration)
Contraindications/Precautions: ♀ (?)
Pheochromocytoma d/t catecholamine stimulating effects
Ineffective for starvation-related hypoglycemia because depleted
glycogen stores.
Education: Provide food as soon as patient is able to eat.
Thyroid Hormones
ATI (Unit 11)
Endocrine System -
Expected Action: Proto: levothyroxine (Synthroid) — Others: liothyronine, liotrix
Synthetic thyroxine metabolic rate, protein synthesis, cardiac output,
renal perfusion, oxygen use, body temperature, blood volume, and growth
Therapeutic Uses: Hypothyroidism (all forms)
Emergency treatment of myxedema coma by IV
Adverse Effects:
Hyperthyroidism (anxiety, tachycardia, palpitations, appetite, heat
intolerance, fever, diaphoresis, and weight loss)
Contraindications/Precautions: ♀ (A) Thyrotoxicosis and MI
Cardiovascular problems and pregnancy
Interactions: Levothyroxine breaks down vitamin K Warfarin effects
Many antiseizure and antidepressant meds like carbamazepine,
phenytoin, phenobarbital, sertraline levothyroxine metabolism
Binding agents (iron, calcium, antacids, cholestyramine)and sucralfate
levothyroxine absorption
Antithyroid Medication
ATI (Unit 11)
Endocrine System -
Expected Action: Proto: propylthiouracil — Others: methimazole (Tapazole)
Block thyroid hormone synthesis // Prevent oxidation of Iodine // T4 T3
Therapeutic Uses: Adjunct to thyroid irradiation
Produce euthyroid state prior to thyroid Emergency
removal thyrotoxicosis treatment
Overmedication hypothyroidism (drowsiness,
Adverse Effects:
weight gain, edema, bradycardia, cold intolerance, dry skin)
Agranulocytosis Monitor for early signs (fever, pharyngitis) Tx:
Contraindications/Precautions: ♀ (D) Pregnancy
Marrow depression or immunosuppression
Interactions: anticoagulant effects
Education: Take at consistent time and with meals ( GI distress)
Hyperthyroidism may get β-adrenergic blocker (propranolol) to
Radioactive Iodine (I131 )
ATI (Unit 11)
Endocrine System -
Expected Action: Proto: Radioactive iodine
ATI (Unit 11)
Endocrine System -
Proto: strong iodine solution (Lugol’s solution) — Others: sodium
Expected Action: iodide, potassium iodide
iodide levels uptake (by thyroid), thyroid hormone production,
and block release of thyroid hormones into blood stream.
Development of euthyroid state and size prior to
Therapeutic Uses:
Emergency treatment of thyrotoxicosis
Adverse Effects:
Iodism symptoms d/t corrosive property (metallic taste, stomatitis, sore
teeth and gums, gastric distress). – drink through straw // take ĉ food // OD
Contraindications/Precautions: ♀ (D) Pregnancy
Interactions: Foods high in iodine (fish, salt) Risk for iodism
Education: Dilute Lugol’s solution with juice to improve taste.
Growth Hormones
(Anterior Pituitary)
ATI (Unit 11)
Endocrine System -
Expected Action: Proto: Somatropin — Others: Somatrem (Protropin)
ATI (Unit 11)
Endocrine System -
Expected Action: Proto: vasopressin (Pitressin) — Others: desmopressin (DDAVP)