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1. Introduction
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178 Advances in Bioengineering
output signal. According to the basic sensing principle, sensors are classified into mechanical
sensors, electrochemical sensors, biosensors, optical sensors, semiconductor sensors, magnetic
sensors, and thermal sensors. From different viewpoints, there are different classifying
methods. According to the physical parameters measured by sensors, sensors are classified
into resistance displacement sensor, inductive displacement sensor, capacitive displacement
sensor, piezoelectric pressure sensor, laser interferometer displacement sensor, bore gagging
displacement sensor, ultrasonic displacement sensor, optical encoder displacement sensor,
optical fiber displacement sensor, optical beam deformation sensor, flow sensor, imaging
sensor, temperature sensor, intelligent sensor and chemical ingredient sensor. Biomedical
sensors are used to gain the information on body and pathology, which is a branch of bio‐
medical engineering. Biomedical sensors are classified into physical sensor, chemical sensor
and biosensor. Physical sensor could be employed to measure blood pressure, body temper‐
ature, blood flux, blood viscosity, biological magnetic field, etc. Chemical sensor is utilized to
detect the ingredient and concentration of body liquid such as PH value, Ca+ concentration,
glucose concentration, etc. Biosensor is used to sense enzyme, antigen, antibody, hormone,
DNA, RNA and microbe. In nature, biosensor is a kind of chemical sensor, which is mainly
used to detect biological signals.
Accurate medical diagnostic procedures require the stringent specifications on the design and
use of biomedical sensor. Depending on the intended applications, the performance specifi‐
cations of biomedical sensor may be evaluated to ensure that the measurement meets the
design specifications.
Biomedical Sensor, Device and Measurement Systems 179
(a) Linear sensor (b) Nonlinear sensor
Figure 1. Input versus output calibration
of a typical
(3) Accuracy
Accuracy refers to the difference between the true value and the actual value measured by
sensor. Classically, accuracy is expressed as a ratio between the preceding difference and the
true value; it is specified as a percent of full-scale readings. Here, note that the true value could
be traceable to a primary reference standard.
180 Advances in Bioengineering
(4) Precision
Precision refers to the degree of measurement reproducibility under the same conditions. Very
reproducible readings indicate a high precision. Precision should not be confused with
accuracy. For an example, measurement may be very precise but not necessary accurate.
(5) Resolution
When the input is increased from some arbitrary nonzero value, the output of a sensor will
not change until a certain input increment is exceeded. Accordingly, resolution is defined as
the smallest distinguishable input change that can be detected with certainty.
(6) Reproducibility
Reproducibility describes how close measurements are when same input is repeatedly exerted
into same sensor under same conditions. When the range of measurement is small, the
reproducibility is very high. For example, a temperature sensor may have a reproducibility of
±0.1V/℃ for a measurement range from 20℃ to 80℃. Here, what need to be noticed is that
reproducibility can vary depending on the measurement range. In other words, readings can
be highly reproducible over one range and less reproducible over a different operating range.
(7) Offset
Offset refers to the output value when input value is zero, seen in figure 1 (a) and (b).
(8) Linearity
Linearity of sensor also called nonlinear error of sensor’s characteristic curve; it is a measure‐
ment of the maximum deviation between calibration curve and fitting curve. Usually, linearity
of sensor is expressed as a percent of full-scale readings or a percent of the actual readings.
Linearity could be expressed as the following equation:
s Linearity = ± ´ 100% (1)
Here, σLinearity ——linearity of sensor; Δ L max = max(V cal − V fit ), Δ L max is the maximum error
between calibration line and fitting line; Y F .S is the full-scale meaning value of sensor,
Y F .S = Y max − Y o , Y max is the maximum deviation of output, Y 0 is the deviation without any input
The response time indicates that the time it takes a sensor to reach a percent of its final steady-
state value when input of sensor is changed. For example, it takes 10 seconds for pressure
sensor to reach 95 percent of its maximum value when a change in pressure of 1Pa is measured.
Ideally, a short response time indicates the ability of a sensor to respond quickly to change in
Biomedical Sensor, Device and Measurement Systems 181
(10) Drift
Drift refers to the change in sensor reading when the input keeps constant. Drift is divided
into temperature drift and zero point drift. Zero point drift refers to the output without any
input or with a constant input. Zero point drift could be expressed as the following equation:
Dzero = ´ 100% (2)
Temperature drift refers to the change of output with the change of temperature. It means the
deviation of sensor output, which could be expressed as the following equation:
DTemp = ´ 100% (3)
YF .S ´ DT
1. Biological active material immobilized is used as catalyst, and expensive reagents could
be repeatedly used to detect same biological parameters.
2. Biosensor has intensive specificity. Biomaterial only senses definitive ingredient and it is
not affected by color and concentration of measured material.
4. Biosensor’s accuracy is very high, which relative error could reach one percent.
According to biological sensing component, biosensor may be divided into five classes:
enzyme sensor, microbe sensor, cell sensor, tissue sensor, and immune sensors. According to
the signal converter of biosensor, biosensor may be also divided into five classes: bioelectrode
sensor, semiconductor biosensor, optical biosensor, piezoelectric biosensor and thermal
biosensor. According to the interaction between sensing component and measured material,
biosensor can be divided into two classes: affinity biosensor and catalytic biosensor.
2. Biomedical sensors
Many different kinds of sensors can be used in biomedical application. According to the
sensing principle in biomedical application, biomedical sensors can be classified into physical
sensors and chemical sensors, seen in table 1.
It’s possible to categorize all sensors as being physical or chemical. In the case of physical
sensors, quantities such as geometric, mechanical, thermal, and hydraulic variables are
measured. In biomedical applications these variables can include things such as muscle
displacement, blood pressure, core body temperature, blood flow, cerebrospinal fluid pres‐
sure, and bone growth velocity. Two types of physical sensors deserve special mention with
regard to their biomedical application: sensors of electrical phenomena in the body, usually
known as electrodes, play a special role as a result of their diagnostic therapeutic applications.
The most familiar of these are sensors used to pick up the electrocardiogram, an electrical signal
produced by the heart. The other type of physical sensor that finds many applications in
biology and medicine is optical sensor. These sensors can utilize light to collect information,
and, in the case of fiber optic sensors, light is the signal transmission medium as well.
184 Advances in Bioengineering
The second major classification of sensing device is chemical sensors. In this case sensors are
concerned with the chemical quantities such as identifying the presence of chemical composite,
detecting the concentration of various chemical species, and monitoring the chemical activities
in the body for diagnostic and therapeutic application. A wide variety of chemical sensors are
classified in many ways. Chemical sensors are used to detect chemical components being
measured and chemical composition measured in the gas phase. Electrochemical sensors are
utilized to measure chemical concentration, or more precisely, activities based on chemical
reactions that interact with electrical systems. Photometric chemical sensors are optical devices
that detect chemical concentrations based on changes in light transmission, reflection or color.
Other types of physical chemical sensors such as the mass spectrometer utilize various physical
methods to detect and quantify chemicals associated with biologic systems.
Although bioanalytic sensors are essentially chemical sensors, they are often classified as a
separate major sensor category. These devices incorporate biologic recognition reaction such
as enzyme-substrate to identify complex biochemical molecules. The use of biologic reactions
gives bioanalytic sensors high sensitivity and specificity in identifying and quantifying
biochemical substances.
Measurements of arterial blood gas (pO2 and pCO2) and pH are frequently performed by on
critical patients in both the operating rooms and intensive care unit. They are selected and used
by the physician to adjust mechanical ventilation or administer pharmacological agents. Such
measurement could provide information about the respiratory and metabolic imbalance in the
body and reflect the change of blood oxygen increment and carbon dioxide(CO2) elimination.
Noninvasive sensors for measuring O2 and CO2 in arterial blood are based on the discovery
that gases such as O2 and CO2 can easily diffuse from body skin. Diffusion occurs due to a
partial pressure difference between the blood in the superficial layers of the skin and the
outermost surface of the skin. Such idea has been used to develop two types of noninvasive
electrochemical sensors pO2 and pCO2. The discovery that blood changes its color depending
on the percent of oxygen has led to the development of several optical methods to measure
the oxygen saturation in blood.
The method for measuring blood oxygenation is very great important in assessing the
circulatory and respiratory condition of a patient. The blood from the lungs to the tissues in
two distinct states transports oxygen. Under normal physiological conditions, approximately
2% of the total amount of oxygen carried by the blood is dissolved in the plasma. This amount
is proportional to the blood pO2.. The 98% remain is carried inside the erythrocytes in a loose
reversible chemical combination with hemoglobin (Hb) as oxyhemoglobin (HbO2). Thus, there
are two methods for measuring the blood oxygenation: either using polarographic pO2 sensor
or measuring oxygen saturation (the relative amount of hemoglobin dioxide HbO2 in the
blood) by means of an optical oximeter.
A pO2 sensor, also widely known as a Clark electrode, is used to measure the partial pressure
of O2 gas in a sample of air or blood. This sensor is categorized as an amperometric sensor and
requires an external polarization bias source. The measurement is based on the principle of
polarography as illustrated in figure 4. The electrode utilizes the ability of oxygen O2 molecules
to react chemically with H2O in the presence of electrons to produce hydroxyl (OH-) ions. This
electrochemical reaction, called an oxidation/reduction or redox reaction, generates a small
current and requires an externally applied constant polarizing voltage source of about 0.6V.
Oxygen is reduced (consumed) at the surface of a noble metal (such as platinum or gold)
cathode (this electrode is connected to the negative side of voltage source) according to the
following the chemical reaction:
186 Advances in Bioengineering
O2 + 2H 2O + 4e ↔ 4O H −
In this reduction reaction, one O2 molecule takes four electrons and reacts with two water
molecules, generating four hydroxyl ions. The resulting OH- ions migrate and react with a
reference Ag/AgCl anode (this electrode is connected to the positive side of voltage source),
causing a two-step oxidation reaction as follows:
Ag ↔ Ag + + e
Ag + + Cl − ↔ AgCl ↓
In this oxidation reaction, silver from the anode electrode is firstly oxidized to silver ions, and
electrons are liberated to the anode. These silver ions are immediately combined with chloride
ions to form a kind of compound precipitant silver chloride AgCl which precipitates on the
surface of anode. The transient current between the anode and the cathode in the external
circuit produced by this reaction is directly proportional to the number of O2 molecules
constantly reduced on the surface of the cathode. The electrodes in the polarographic cell are
immersed in an electrolyte solution of potassium chloride and surrounded by an O2-permeable
or polypropylene membrane that permits gases to diffuse slowly into electrode. Thus, by
Biomedical Sensor, Device and Measurement Systems 187
measuring the change in current between the cathode and the anode, the amount of oxygen
that is dissolved in the solution can be determined.
Electrodes for measuring partial pressure of carbon dioxide CO2 in blood are based on
measuring the pH as illustrated in figure 5. The measurement is based on the observation that
it forms a weakly dissociated carbonic acid (H2CO3) that subsequently forms free hydrogen
and bicarbonate ions when CO2 is dissolved in water according to the following reaction:
As a result of this chemical reaction, the pH of the solution is changed. This change generates
a potential between the glass pH and a reference electrode that is proportional to the negative
logarithm of the concentration of the carbon dioxide pCO2 in the plasma.
The expansion and shrinkage of heart necessarily lead to the vibration of artery that is formed
by blood turbulence in vein. When the vibration of artery is transported to the surface of
188 Advances in Bioengineering
thoracic cavity, heart sound will take place. Heart sound is very valuable for doctor to diagnose
many kinds of diseases in our body.
The range of heart sound is from 20Hz to 200Hz. Low limit frequency of heart sound could
reach about 4Hz and high frequency limit is greater than 1000Hz. There are many kinds of
medical heart sound sensors that are divided into two classifications: air conduction heart
sound sensor and direct conduction heart sound sensor. Air conduction heart sound sensor
consists of air chamber and common sensor. Such sensor has obvious defects: low sensitivity
and easy disturb by surrounding circumstance. Hence, in clinic application, the most sensors
applied are direct conduction heart sound sensor.
The sensing structure of piezoelectric acceleration sensor is illustrated in figure 6. Such sensor
is used to measure heart sound. Its structure is very simple, which consists of vibration mass
block and piezoelectric crystal. A stress spring is utilized to exert a certain stress on vibration
mass block between top shell and mass block. Such method could timely adjust the linear
characteristic of sensing component. This sensor’s gravity is less than 30g, and is used to detect
heart sound and buffeting from body organisms.
Detecting fetus heart sound is very important in clinic application for doctor sometimes needs
to grasp the present body status of fetus. PVDF piezoelectric thin film sensor is utilized to be
fit for the measurement of fetus’s heart sound as illustrated in figure 7. Its piezoelectric
coefficient is the following:
Biomedical Sensor, Device and Measurement Systems 189
In this structure, silicon rubber converts the vertical motion of itself into the radial motion of
PVDF piezoelectric thin film and then corresponding dynamic charge produced by PVDF thin
film is proportional to the externally transient force. The voltage along thickness direction is
output. Obviously, its work mode is d31 work mode. For both thin film and silicon rubber are
very soft, they could well touch the skin of body belly. Then fetus heart sound is gained to
judge fetus heart. Design requirement of PVDF heart sound sensor is as follows:
1. In the same piezoelectric thin film, one part is used as driving electrode; another is utilized
as receiving the sound wave from heart sound.
2. Dynamic response characteristics on the surface of belly should be considered to well mate
belly skin and sensor.
With the development of sensing technology, more and more heart sound sensors are
appearing in our life. Although they have different sensing principle, their functions are alike.
If oxygen and nutrients are to reach tissues, the flow of blood must be maintained in body.
Cardiac output flow is often measured as an index of cardiac performance, blood flow through
arterial graft is used to ensure that a graft has been successfully inserted during surgery, or
190 Advances in Bioengineering
the blood flow in peripheral arteries and veins may be measured to assess vascular diseases.
There are usually two kinds of measuring methods: one method is direct measurement, sensor
is inserted into the blood pipe to sense transient blood flow; another one is indirect measure‐
ment, sensor is placed outside vein and senses blood flow by the parameter related to the blood
flow. Here, an electromagnetic flow sensor as an example is introduced to demonstrate the
measurement of blood flow.
Figure 8. Sensing principle of electromagnetic flow sensor (a) Relation diagram between electrode and magnetic field
intensity; (b) Three dimension diagram
Blood flow through an exposed vessel could be measured by means of electromagnetic flow
sensor. Electromagnetic flow sensor can be used in biomedicine and science research studies
to measure blood flow in major blood vessels near the heart. Such sensor requires that the
tested vein must be peeled off and placed into the magnetic gap of sensor. According to the
output voltage of sensor, the mean velocity of vein can be calculated and known. And then in
terms of the section area tested of vein, the blood flow could be gained finally. According to
above idea, the sensing principle of electromagnetic flow sensor is illustrated in figure 7.
Magnetic field intensity B is exerted along the direction vertical to vein, two electrodes are
installed at both sides of vein, and then potential between two electrodes could be tested:
V = 2aBva
Here, B is the magnetic induction intensity at the magnetic gap; a is the radius of tested vein;
υa is the mean velocity of vein during given test time; V is the output potential between two
electrodes EE’.
Practically, this device consists of a clip-on probe that fits snugly around the blood vessel, as
illustrated in figure 8. The probe contains electrical coils to produce an electromagnetic field
that is transverse to the direction of blood flow. This coil is usually excited by an AC current.
Biomedical Sensor, Device and Measurement Systems 191
A pair of very small biopotential electrodes is attached to the housing and rest against the wall
of blood vessel to pick up the induced potential. The flow-induced voltage is an AC voltage
at the same frequency as the excitation voltage. Utilizing AC method instead of DC excitation
could help to remove any offset potential error due to the contact between the vessel wall and
the biopotential electrodes.
Certainly, ultrasonic wave could be also used to detect blood flow of artery. In biomedical
application, there are four kinds of ultrasonic wave blood flow sensors according to specific
sensing principle and methods: (1) pulse time difference; (2) voice beam deflection; (3) phase
shift; (4) Doppler frequency shift. Readers could research biomedical engineering handbook
to learn more information.
Figure 10. Thermistor sensor for respiration frequency (a)structure diagram, (b)measurement diagram
Of course, elastic strain instrument could be also utilized to detect the respiration frequency.
Its sensing principle is such: resistance wire is fixed to the surface of elastic plastic pipe. And
then mercury or other electrolyte is sealed into the elastic plastic pipe. After elastic plastic pipe
is adhered to the front of breast, respiration would lead to the length change of elastic plastic
pipe. Such length change causes the change of resistance wire which could show the change
of respiration frequency. When resistance wire is introduced into a detecting circuit, the
respiration frequency will be sensed and measured.
If blood circulation is to be maintained in the body, tissues are to be perfused with oxygen.
Then correct pressure measurement has to be applied in the vascular system. The usual blood
pressure methods have: liquid coupling direct measurement, pipe-end sensing measurement,
indirect blood pressure sensing measurement. Liquid coupling direct measurement means
that the pipe filled with liquid is inserted into the measured part and that the pressure is
measured by liquid coupling of pipe end position in the body, which is the simplest method.
Pipe-end sensing measurement employs pipe-end sensor to measure blood pressure. Pipe-end
sensor which can convert the pressure signal into electronic signal is placed on the measured
part. And then the electronic signal measured is transmitted to the external wire. Such method
could avoid the distortion of signal of blood pressure. Pipe-end sensing measurement has a
lot of advantages, but such method needs to activate the skin and relative sensors have to been
placed into the body. Hence indirect blood pressure measurement is noted by people and
continuously explored. Blood-pressure meter is a classic example of indirect blood pressure
measurement, which is shown in figure 10.
In figure 10, the sensing principle is based on Coriolis sound. Gas is filled into cuff to hold back
the arterial blood flow. And then gas in cuff is sent out slowly to monitor whether there appears
arterial blood flow at the downstream of arterial blocking point. Here, the employed sensor is
common mercury pressure meter. And such method is up to the actual experience of staff.
Biomedical Sensor, Device and Measurement Systems 193
When coriolis sound is heard, namely when blood flows through artery blood pipe, blood
pressure in cuff is shrinking pressure in artery pipe. When blood flows recover normal level,
blood pressure in cuff is diastolic pressure of artery. Systole pressure and diastolic pressure
are recorded as blood pressure. Such method is not harmful to the skin or organ in the body.
The half-cell potentials of several important metals are listed in table 2. Here, a point needs to
be pointed out that hydrogen electrode is considered to be a standard electrode against which
the half-cell potentials of other metal electrodes are measured.
194 Advances in Bioengineering
Silver and zinc electrodes are immersed in an electrolyte solution. And then we may calculate
the potential drop between two electrodes. From table 2, the half-cell potentials for silver and
zinc electrodes are 0.799V and -0.763V respectively. Hence, the half-cell potentials between
two electrodes are equal to the following value:
0.799-(-0.763) =1.562V
Typically, utilizing the electrochemical electrodes composed of the same metals could measure
the half-cell potentials. Hence, the two half-cell potentials for these electrodes would be equal
in magnitude. Some common electrodes are introduced here, which is utilized as a sensor.
Fe → Fe2++2e- -0.409
Ni → Ni2++2e- -0.230
Pb → Pb2++2e- -0.126
Ag → Ag++e- +0.799
Au → Au3++3e- +1.420
Cu → Cu2++2e- +0.340
Electrochemical electrodes are also used to record electromyography (EMG) signals from
different muscles in the body. The body and size of the recorded EMG signals depends on the
electrical property of these electrodes and the recording location. For invasive recordings,
proper skin preparation, which normally involves cleaning the skin with alcohol or the
application of a small amount of an electrolyte paste, helps to minimize the impedance of the
196 Advances in Bioengineering
skin-electrode interface and to improve the quality of recording signal considerably. The most
common electrodes used for the surface EMG recording and nerve conduction studies are
circular discs, about 1 cm in diameter, that are made of silver or platinum. For direct recording
of electrical signals from nerves and muscle fibers, a variety of percutaneous needle electrodes
are available as illustrated in figure 14. The most common type of needle electrode is the
concentric bipolar electrode as illustrated in figure 14a. This electrode is made from the thin
metallic wires encased inside a larger canola or hypodermic needle. The two wires serve as
the recording and reference electrodes.
Another type of percutaneous EMG electrode is the unipolar needle electrode as illustrated in
figure 14b. This electrode is made of a thin wire that is most insulated by a thin layer near the
distal tip. Unlike bipolar electrode, this type of electrode requires a second unipolar reference
electrode to form a closed electrical circuit. The second recording electrode is normally placed
either adjacent to the recording electrode or attached to the surface of our skin.
2.7.4. Microelectrodes
Microelectrodes are biopotential electrodes with ultra-fine tapered tip that can be inserted into
biological cells. These electrodes play a very important role in recording action potentials from
Biomedical Sensor, Device and Measurement Systems 197
single cells and are used in neurophysiologic studies to comprehend the course of biological
information conversion and transmission in our body. The tip of these electrodes must be very
small with respect to the dimensions of the biological cell to avoid cell damage and at the same
time sufficiently strong to penetrate the cell wall. The electrode which is applied to microbe
studies is called microelectrodes. Generally, there are three types of microelectrodes: (1) glass
microelectrodes, (2) metal electrodes, and (3) solid-state microprobes.
For glass microelectrodes, when the tip of such electrodes is inserted into an electrolyte
solution, such as the intracellular cytoplasm of a biological cell, ionic current can flow through
the fluid junction at the tip of the microelectrode. Such mode could establish a closed electrical
circuit between two Ag/AgCl wire electrodes inside the microelectrode and biological cell. For
metal electrode, when the tip of such microelectrodes is usually sharpened down to a diameter
of a few micrometers by an electrochemical etching process. The wires are then insulated up
to its tip.
Enzyme constitutes a group of more than 2000 proteins having so-called biocatalytic proper‐
ties. These properties give the enzymes the unique and powerful ability to accelerate chemical
reactions inside biological cells. Most enzymes react only with specific substrates even though
they can be contained in a complicated mixture with other substances. It is important that
soluble enzymes are very sensitive both to temperature and pH variations, and they can be
inactivated by many chemical inhibitors. For practical biosensor applications, these enzymes
are normally immobilized by insolubilizing the free enzymes via entrapment into an inert and
stable matrix such as starch gel, silicon rubber, or polyacrylamide. This process is very
important to ensure that the enzymes retains its catalytic properties and can be reusable.
The action of specific enzymes may be utilized to form a range of different biosensors. A typical
example of enzyme-based sensor is a glucose sensor that uses the enzyme glucose oxidase.
Glucose plays an important role in metabolic process. Currently, available glucose sensors are
based on an immobilized enzyme, such as glucose oxidase, which acts as a catalyst. Glucose
is detected by electromechanically measuring either the amount of gluconic acid or hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2) produced or by measuring the percent of oxygen consumed according to the
following chemical reaction:
glucose oxidase
Glucose + O2 + H 2O ↔ gluconic acide H 2O2
198 Advances in Bioengineering
A glucose sensor is similar to a pO2 sensor and is shown in figure 15. Glucose and oxygen enter
through outer membrane to interact with glucose oxidase enzyme. The remaining oxygen
penetrates through the second oxygen-permeable membrane and is measured by the oxygen
of microbial sensors have been continuously developed and applied to various environment,
agriculture, food and pharmaceutical.
Microbial sensors typically involve the assimilation of organic compounds by microorganisms,
followed by a change in respiration activity(metabolism) or the production of specific electro‐
chemically active metabolites, such as CO2, H2, or NH3, that are secreted by the microorganism.
A microbial sensor is composed of immobilized microorganisms that serve as specific recog‐
nition elements and an electrochemical or optical sensing device that is used to convert the
biochemical signal into electronic signal that can be processed. The operation of a microbial
sensor can be described by the following five-step process:
N H 3 + 1.5O2 = N O2 + H 2 O + H +
200 Advances in Bioengineering
This oxidation process proceeds at high rate, and the amount of oxygen consumed by the
immobilized bacteria can be measured directly by a polarographic oxygen electrode placed
behind the bacteria.
Nitric oxide (NO) and NO2 are two principal pollution gases of nitrogen in the atmosphere.
The principle of a NO2 biosensor is shown in figure 16. When a sample of NO2 gas diffuses
through the gas-permeable membrane, it is oxidized by the nitrosomonas bacteria as follows:
2N O2 + O2 = N O3
Many biomedical instruments utilize a sensor to convert a signal created by the body into an
electrical signal. In medicine, the electrical circuits and electrical components are often utilized
to detect the biomedical signal by sensor. After basic electrical components and biomedical
sensors are connected together, a bioinstrumentation is then formed. Hence, describing a
bioinstrumentation could begin with charge, current, voltage, power and energy. In this
section, these basic variables will be introduced and explained.
qe = − 1.6 × 10−19C
The symbol, q (t ), is used to represent the charge that change with time, and the symbol, Q , is
used for constant charge. The charge carried by a proton is the opposite of a electron.
3.2.1. Current
Electrical current, i (t ), is defined as the change in the amount of charge that passes through a
given point or area in a given time period. Current is measured in amperes (A). By the
definition, one ampere equals one coulomb/second (C/s):
i (t ) =
Biomedical Sensor, Device and Measurement Systems 201
q (t ) = t i (λ )dλ + q (t0)
Figure 17. A simple circuit illustrating current flowing around a closed loop
In addition to the above definition, current also depends on the direction of flow, as illustrated
in figure 17 Current is defined as positive if
Since these two cases cause the same outcome, there is no need to be concerned as to which is
responsible for the current. In electrical circuits, current is carried by electrons in metallic
Consider the waveform in figure 18, with the current entering into terminal1 in the circuit on
the right, the current in the time interval 0 to 1.5 second, is positive and enters terminal1. The
current in the time interval 1.5 to 3 second, is negative and enters terminal2 with positive value.
If there are no current changes in the time interval 0 to 3s, the curve of current will be a line.
Then the electrical circuit in figure 18 is constant which is called direct current (DC) indicating
that it does not change with time. We denote a time-varying current with lowercase letter, such
as i or just i (t ).
Current can only flow in a closed circuit. Kirchhoff’s current law is used to ensure the rela‐
tionship among every branch of circuit at same point. For current is continuous, any a point
in circuit can not accumulate charge. Hence, at any time and any node, the sum of the currents
which flow same node is equal to the sum of the currents which outflow from same node. This
principle is known as Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL).
In circuit as illustrated in figure 19, the current at the node, a, can be written as:
I1 + I2 = I3
I1 + I2 − I3 = 0
∑ I =0
At any time, the algebraic sum of the currents at a node is equal to zero. It should be clear for
all currents whether they are all leaving or entering the node.
In describing a circuit, we define its characteristics with terms node, branch, path, closed path,
and mesh as follows:
• Node: A point at which two or more circuit elements have a common connection.
• Closed Path: A path that starts and ends at the sam node.
• Mesh: A closed path that does not contain any other closed paths within it.
• Essential Node: A point at which three or more circuit elements have a common connection.
3.2.2. Voltage
Voltage represents the work per unit charge associated with moving a charge between two
points (A and B in figure 20) and that is given as the following formula:
The unit of measurement for voltage is the volt (V). A constant voltage source is denoted by
the letter V, while a time-varying voltage is denoted by the lowercase letter v (t ), or just v . In
figure 20, the voltage, υ between two points (A and B) is the amount of energy required to
move a charge from point A to point B.
Kirchhoff’s voltage law is utilized to ensure the voltage relationship at any branch of circuit.
Starting from any point of circuit, the sum of potential drop at the closed branch along the
clockwise or counterclockwise direction is equal to the sum of potential rise.
204 Advances in Bioengineering
In figure 21, the reference direction of electromotive force, current and branch voltage is
marked. Cycling one circle along virtual line given in circuit, the following equation could be
listed out:
U1 + U4 = U2 + U3
U1 − U2 − U3 + U4 = 0
Namely, ∑ U = 0
According to above voltage equation, the algebraic sum of branch voltage is equal to zero along
any a closed branch circuit. If it is stipulated that potential drop is negative, potential rise is
Kirchhoff’s laws are applied in electrical circuit analysis to determine unknown voltages and
currents. Each unknown variable has its distinct equation. To solve for the unknowns using
MATLAB, we create a matrix representation of the set of equations and solve them using the
matrix calculation techniques.
dW dW dq
p= = = ui = i 2 R
dt dq dt
Where, the letter, p , is power measured in watts(W), and the letter, w , is energy measured in
joules(J). Power is usually determined by the product of voltage across a circuit element and
the current through it. By convention, we assume that a positive value for power indicates that
power is being delivered (or absorbed or consumed) by the circuit element. A negative value
Biomedical Sensor, Device and Measurement Systems 205
for power indicates that power is being extracted or generated by the circuit element which
could be considered as a battery.
Figure 22. Polarity references for four cases of current and voltage. Cases (a) and (d) result in positive power being
consumed by the circuit element. Cases (b) and(c) result in negative power being extracted from the circuit element.
Figure 22 illustrates the four possible cases for a circuit element’s voltage and current config‐
uration. According to the convention, if current and voltage are positive, with the arrow and
polarity shown in figure 22, energy is absorbed. If either the current arrow or the voltage
polarity is reserved, as in (b) and (c), energy is supplied to the circuit. If both the current
direction and voltage polarity are reserved together as in figure 22(d), energy is absorbed.
A passive circuit element is defined as an element whose power is always positive or zero,
which is dissipated as heat (resistance), stored in an electric field (capacitor), or stored in
magnetic field (inductor). We define an active circuit element as one whose power is negative
and capable of generating energy. Energy is given by the following equation:
206 Advances in Bioengineering
W= pdt
In circuit, the basic source symbol is listed in figure 23.
4.1.1. Resistance
In figure 24, the direction of current and voltage is the same. According to Ohm’s law, the
following formula could be given:
u = iR
The parameter of resistance is gained: R = i
This parameter is called resistance which has the property of holding back the current in circuit.
And it is denoted with the symbol in figure 24b. Here, this relationship could be applied at
very high voltage and current. Some electrictronic materials have a very small range of currents
and voltages where they exhibit linear behavior. In reality, some material is linear only within
a range of values. Outside this range, resistance is not linear. In circuit, we define:(1) having a
0V voltage drop when R=0;(2)having a 0current through resister when R=∞.
Each material has a property called resistivity(ρ) that indicates the resistance of the material.
Conductivity is the inverse of resistivity, and conductance (G) is the inverse of resistance.
Biomedical Sensor, Device and Measurement Systems 207
Conductance is measured in unit called siemens(S) and has the unit of A/V. In terms of
conductance, ohm’s law could be written as:
i = Gu
For formula u = iR , if current is produced by both sides of this equation and they are integrated,
the following equation could be given:
∫ uidt = ∫ i Rdt
t t
0 0
This formula demonstrates that electrical energy is all consumed by resister component. And
the energy is converted into thermal energy, that’s to say, resister is a consuming-energy
If the same current flows from one resister to another, the two are said to be in series. If these
two resisters are connected to the third and the same current flows through all of them, then
the three resistors are in series. Consider figure 25 with three resisters in series, an equivalent
circuit can be derived through Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law as follows:
− V s + I R1 + I R2 + I R3 = 0
Req = R1 + R2 + R3 =
208 Advances in Bioengineering
Where, the equivalent resistance, Req , is the sum of three resister in figure 25 which is called
equivalent resistance. In general, if there are N resisters in series, their equivalent resistance
is equal to the sum of all resistance, namely:
Req = ∑ Ri
Two or more resisters are said to be parallel if the same voltage is across each of resisters.
Consider the three parallel resisters as illustrated in figure 26, a equivalent circuit for figure 26
is derived through Kirchoff’s Current Law as
Vs Vs Vs
−I + + + =0
R1 R2 R3
Vs 1
Req = =
I 1 1 1
+ +
R1 R2 R3
Vs 1
Req = =
I 1 1 1
+ +⋯+
R1 R2 RN
Biomedical Sensor, Device and Measurement Systems 209
4.2. Capacitor
A capacitor in figure 27 is a device that stores energy in the electrical field by charge separation
when appropriately polarized by the voltage. Simple capacitors consist of parallel plates of
conducting material that are separated by a gap filled with a dielectric material. Dielectric
materials that are air or mica contain a large number of electric dipoles that become polarized
in the presence of electric field. The charge separation caused by the polarization of the
dielectric is proportional to the external voltage and given by the following equation:
q (t ) = Cu (t )
Where the symbol, C , represents the capacitance of element. The unit of measurement for
capacitance is the farad or farads (F).
1F = 106μF = 1012 pF
When the charge or voltage of capacitor changes, the produced current in circuit is given as:
dq du
i= =C
dt dt
This equation is given on the base of the same direction of current and voltage; otherwise there
should be a negative symbol in this equation.
The capacitance of capacitor is determined by the permittivity of the dielectric, ε , that fills the
gap between the parallel plate, the size of the gap between the plates, d , and the cross-section
area of the plates, A, as
When a constant voltage is exerted on the both sides of capacitor and its current is zero, this
capacitor is considered as an open circuit or DC circuit. In physical structure, capacitor consists
of two conducting surfaces that store charge, separated by a thin insulating material that has
a very large resistance.
For the equation idt = Cdu , if voltage is produced by both sides of this equation, the following
equation could be given as:
∫ uidt = ∫ Cudu = 12 Cu
t u
0 0
Above equation demonstrates that the electric energy increases with the increase of voltage
on the capacitor, and in the course, the capacitor component acquires electric energy from
210 Advances in Bioengineering
electric source. Formula 2 Cu 2 is the electric energy in the capacitor. When voltage reduces on
the capacitor, electric energy reduces. Namely, capacitor releases electric energy to electric
source. Hence, capacitor is an energy storage element in circuit.
For the equation idt = Cdu , integrating both sides yields the following formula:
∫ idt + u (0)
u (t ) =
C t0 0
u (t ) = idt
C −∞
The initial voltage in above equation, u0(t0), is usually defined with the same polarity as u ,
which means u0(t0) is a positive quantity. If the polarity of u0(t0) is in the opposite direction,
then u0(t0) is negative.
Biomedical Sensor, Device and Measurement Systems 211
4.3. Inductor
An inductor in figure 28 is a passive element that is to store energy in magnetic field and is
made by winding a coil of wire around a core that is a insulator or a ferromagnetic material.
A magnetic field is established when current flows through the coil. The symbol
is utilized to represent the inductor in a circuit. The unit of measurement for inductance is the
Henry or Henries (H). The relationship between voltage and current for inductor is given by
The convention for writing the voltage drop across an inductor is similar to that of a resistor.
Physically, current cannot change instantaneously through a inductor since an infinite voltage
required. Mathematically, a step change in current through an inductor is possible by applying
a voltage. For convenience, when a circuit has just DC currents (or voltages), the inductors can
be replaced by short circuits, since voltage drops across the inductors are zero.
After producing current on the both sides of equation, the following expression can be acquired
after integration:
∫ uidt = ∫ Lidi = 12 L i
t i
0 0
Above expression demonstrates that magnetic energy increases with the increase of current
through inductor component. In this course, electrical energy could be converted into magnetic
energy, namely inductor acquires energy from the source. Formula 2 L i 2 is the magnetic
energy of inductive element. When current decreases, magnetic energy decreases and then is
converted into electric energy, namely inductor releases energy to the source. Hence, inductor
is not a dissipative element, but a energy storage element, too.
For the equation udt = Ldi , integrating both sides yields the following formula:
∫ u(t )dt + i(0)
i (t ) =
L t0
i (t ) = u (t )dt
L −∞
212 Advances in Bioengineering
The initial current in above equation, i (t0), is usually defined with the same polarity as i , which
means i (t0) is a positive quantity. If the polarity of the initial current i (t0) is in the opposite
direction, then i (t0) is negative.
Biosignals are recorded as potentials, voltages, and electrical field strengths generated by
nerves and muscles. The measurements involve voltages at very low levels, typically ranging
from 1μV to 100mV, with high source impedances and superimposed high level interference
signals and noise. The signals need to be amplified to make them compatible with devices such
displays, recorders, or A/D converters for computerized equipment. Amplifiers adequately to
measure these signals have to satisfy very specific requirements. They have to provide
amplification selective to the physiological signal, reject superimposed noise and interference
signals, and guarantee protection from damages through voltage and current surges for both
patient and electronic equipment. Amplifiers featuring these specifications are known as
biopotential amplifiers.
3. The amplifier has to provide protection of patient from any hazard of electrical shock.
4. The amplifier itself has to be protected against damages that might result from high input
voltages as they occur during the application of defibrillators or electrosurgical instru‐
A typical configuration for the measurement of biopotentials as illustrated in figure 29. Three
electrodes, two of them are used to pick up the biological signal and the third providing the
reference potential, connect the subject to amplifier. The input signal to the amplifier consists
of five components:(1) the desired biopotential, (2)undesired biopotential, (3) a power line
interference signal of 60Hz (50Hz in some countries) and its harmonics, (4)interference signal
generated by the tissue/electrode interface, and (5) noise. Proper design of the amplifier
provides rejection of a large portion of the signal interferences. The main task of designing
deferential amplifier is to reject the line frequency interference that is electrostatically or
magnetically coupled into subject. The desired biopotential appears as a voltage between two
input terminals of differential amplifier and is referred to as the differential signal. The line
frequency reference signal shows only small differences in amplitude and phase between the
two measuring electrodes, causing approximately the same potential at both inputs, and thus
Biomedical Sensor, Device and Measurement Systems 213
appears only between the inputs and ground and is called common mode signal. Strong
rejection of the common mode signal is one of the most important characteristics of a good
biopotential amplifier.
In order to provide optimum signal quality and adequate voltage level for further signal
processing, amplifier has to provide a suitable gain range and needs to maintain a possible
signal-to-noise ratio. The presence of the high level interference signals not only deteriorates
the quality of the physiological signals, but also restricts the design of the biopotential
amplifier. For example, electrode half-cell biopotentials limit the gain factor of the first
amplifier stage since their amplitude can be several orders of magnitude larger than the
amplitude of physiological signal. To prevent the amplifier from going to saturation, this
component has to be eliminated before the required gain be provided for physiological signal.
Figure 30. Schematic design of the main stages of a biopotential amplifier. Three electrodes connect the patient to a
preamplifier stage. After removing DC and low frequency interference, biological signal is connected to an output low-
pass filter through an isolation stage which provides electrical safety to the patient, prevents patient loops, and reduces
the influence of interference signals.
A typical design of the various stage of a biopotential amplifier is shown in figure 30. The three
electrodes which provide the transition between the ionic flow of currents in biological tissue
214 Advances in Bioengineering
(a) One-order low-pass filter for its circuit and logarithmic amplitude-frequency characteristics
(b) One-order high-pass filter for its circuit and logarithmic amplitude-frequency characteristics
(c) Band-pass filter principle diagram (d)Band elimination filter priciple diagram
Figure6.30 Four types of filters and its amplitude-frequency characteristics
After biosignals are preamplified, some unuseful signal have to be eliminated or filtered to
highlight the useful biosignal. Such function can be realized by all kinds of filters. In circuit,
according to the frequency range of signals there are four classes of filters: low-pass filter (LPF),
high-pass filter (HPF), band-pass filter (BPF) and band elimination filter (BEF). These four
types of filters are shown in figure 31.
Operational amplifiers play an important role that they amplify a weak signal and adjust
voltage or current in detecting circuit. An operation amplifier is an electronic device that
consists of plenty of transistors, resistors, and capacitors. Fully understanding its operation
requires that people have the knowledge of diodes and transistors. Circuit involving opera‐
tional amplifier forms the cornerstone of any bioinstrumentation, from amplifiers to filters.
Amplifiers used in biomedical applications have very high-input impedance to keep the
current down from the system being measured. Most body signals have small magnitudes.
For example, ECG has a magnitude in millivolts and the EEG has a magnitude in microvolt.
Analog filters are often used to remove noise from a signal, typically through frequency
domain analysis to design the filter.
uo RF
Voltage uo RF Auf = =1− uo RF
Auf = =− ui R1 Auf = =
amplification ui R1 ui' − ui R1
Output and input voltages are
factor Output and input voltages are inverse When R1=R’1, RF=R’F
The operational amplifier is an amplifier, but when it is combined with other circuit elements,
it may integrate, differentiate, product, divide, sum, and subtract. In circuit, there are three
basic types of proportional operation amplifiers: inverse scaling operation circuit, noninverse
scaling operation circuit, and differential scaling operation circuit. These three types of
operation circuit are compared as illustrated in table 3.
According to the information listed in table 3, we could know that operational amplifier is
drawn with the symbol in figure 32. The input terminals are labeled the no inverting input (+)
and inverting input (-). The power supply terminals are labeled V + and V −, which are frequently
omitted, since they do not affect the circuit behavior except in saturation conditions. Most
people shorten the name of operational amplifier to the “op amp”.
Figure 33 shows an ideal mode of op amp, focusing on the internal behavior of input and
output terminals. The input-output relationship is the following:
uo = A(V p − V n )
Biomedical Sensor, Device and Measurement Systems 217
Since the terminal resistance is very large, we may replace it with an open circuit to simplify
analysis, leaving us with the op amp model shown in figure 34.
With the replacement of the internal resistance in an open circuit, the input current is zero
(ip = in = 0A). In addition, the output current (iA) of the op amp is not zero. Because the output
current (iA) is not known, seldom is KCL applied at the output junction. In solving the op amp
problems, KCL is always applied at input terminals.
Example problem 1
Using the op amp model shown in figure 33, we may apply KCL at the inverting terminal and
gain the following:
i1 + i2 = 0
since currents do not flow into the op amp’s input terminals. Replacing the current using ohm’s
law gives:
Vs −Vn Vo −Vn
+ =0
R1 R2
Now V o = A(V p − V n ), and since the no inverting terminal is connected to the ground, V p = 0,
218 Advances in Bioengineering
V o = − AV n
( VA ) − R V
R2V s = (R1 + R2) −
1 o
R2V s
Namely, V o = − R1 + R2
R1 +
Vo = − V
R1 s
Interestingly, with A going to infinity, output voltage V o remain finite due to the resistor
R2.This happens because a negative feedback path exists between the output and the inverting
input terminal through resistor R2. This circuit is called the inverting scaling operation circuit.
Of course, similar circuits have differential circuit, integrating circuit, summing circuit, index
circuit, logarithmic circuit and dividing circuit. These circuits could be found and read in the
analog circuit textbook.
Biological signals are often very small and typically contain some unwanted noise or interfer‐
ence. Such interference could determine the effect of obscuring relevant information that may
Biomedical Sensor, Device and Measurement Systems 219
be available in the measured signal. Noise can be extraneous in nature, arising from sources
outside the body, such as thermal noise in sensors or noise in the electronic components of the
acquisition system. Noise can be intrinsic to the biological media, meaning that it can arise
from adjacent tissues or organs. ECG measurement from the heart can be affected by bioelectric
activity from the adjacent muscles.
In order to extract the meaningful information from biological signals, sophisticated bioinfor‐
mation acquisition techniques and equipment are commonly utilized and explored. Equip‐
ments with high-precision low-noise are very necessary to minimize the effect of unwanted
noise. Basic components include sensors, amplifiers, analog signal conditioner, data acquisi‐
tion, data storage and display, digital signal processing circuit. The bioinformation acquisition
procedure is shown in figure 35.
In figure 35, sensors feel the biological signal that is being observed into an analog signal
conditioner to adapt the requirement of data acquisition system. Here data acquisition system
converts the analog signals into a calibrated digital signal that can be stored. Digital signal
processing techniques are employed here to reduce the noise and extract additional informa‐
tion that can improve understanding of physiological meaning of original parameter.
Throughout the data acquisition shown in figure 35, it’s very critical that the information and
structure of original biological signal of interests be faithfully preserved. Because these signals
are often used to help people diagnose the pathological disorder. The procedure of analog
signal conditioner, data acquisition system, analog amplifying and signal filtering, and A/D
conversion should not generate misleading or untraceable distortion. Signal distortion would
lead to an improper diagnosis on biological body.
In bioinstrumentation, after biological signal has been detected with an appropriate sensor, it
is amplified and filtered. Operational amplifiers are electronic circuits that are used to adjust
the amplitude or size of biological signal. Analog filter may be used to remove the noise hiding
in biological signal or compensate for distortions caused by sensors. Amplification and
220 Advances in Bioengineering
filtering of biological signal may be necessary to meet the requirement of hardware specifica‐
tions of signal conversion procedure. Continuous signal needs to be limited to a certain band
of frequencies before signal can be digitized with an analog-to-digital converter, prior to
storing in a digital computer.
Figure 36. Basic biomeasurement system using sensors to measure a biological signal with data acquisition, storage
and display capabilities, data transmission, along with control and feedback
With the invention of telephone and with appearance of internet, signal can be required with
a device in one location, perhaps in patient’s home, and transmitted into another device for
transmission or storage. For example, if a biological signal from bioinstrumentation system in
rural area could be transmitted into a diagnosis center in hospital, doctor would quickly judge
some diseases to make patients gain an accurate treatment or diagnosis in time.
Biomedical Sensor, Device and Measurement Systems 221
Two other components play important roles in bioinstrumentation system. The first is the
calibration signal. A signal with known frequency and amplitude is applied to the bioinstru‐
mentation system at sensor’s input. The calibration device permits the system components to
be adjusted so that it’s known that the output and input have a certain linear relationship.
Without such information, it’s impossible to convert the output of an instrument system into
a meaningful representation of the measurand.
Another important component, a control or feedback element, is not a part of all instrument
systems. These parts include pacemakers and ventilators that could stimulate the heart and
lungs. Some feedback devices collect physiological data and stimulate a response— a beat or
breath—when needed or are part of biofeedback systems in which patients are made aware of
a physiological instrument, such as blood pressure, and uses conscious control to change the
physiological response.
Figure 36 shows the basic elements which constitute basic bioinstrumentation system. Circuits
play a very important role in bioinstrumentation system. If a bioinstrumentation needs to be
developed or improved to be fit for new condition, function circuits in different blocks from
figure 36 have to be respectively designed to form bioinstrumentation system with relative
indexes. Among all kinds of circuits, amplifiers and A/D converters are very important
component for detecting the biological signal. Hence, amplifying circuits will be only intro‐
duced here in detail, and other function circuits could be read or utilized in relative books.
• Bioelectric amplifier
In order to record the bioelectric potential from the body, biological amplification is always
required. The simplest form is shown in figure 37 which uses a single-input amplifier. Here
amplifier only amplifies one input signal which is applied in the input and the reference
“earth” or “ground”.
In this amplifier, the resistor R1 is required to allow the “bias current” to flow into the non-
inverting (+) input of the operational amplifier and the resistor R2 is required to balance the
resistor R1 so that the bias currents do not produce a voltage difference between the two inputs
of the amplifier. If there is no capacitor in the positive input, amplifier in figure 37 will become
a voltage follower, that’s to say, the bioelectric input signal could be transmitted completely
to the output. Namely, the following equation is given:
uin+ = uout
Unfortunately, in circuit shown in figure 37, the resistor R1 defines the maximum input
impedance of the amplifier. The input impedance is an important consideration in bioelectric
amplifiers because it can cause attenuation of a signal which is derived from electrodes with
high impedances. For example, if the two electrode impedances were 10kΩand the input
impedance of the amplifier was 1MΩ, then 1% of the signal would be lost by attenuation of
222 Advances in Bioengineering
two electrodes. The impedance presented by electrodes is termed the source impedance which
has to be very much less than the input impedance of amplifier. Source impedance is very
important when we consider differential amplifier shortly.
There is also capacitor introduced in figure 37 in series with the input signal. Capacitor C blocks
any DC (direct current) signal by acting as a high-pass filter with the resistor R1. This function
is usually referred as AC (alternative current) coupling. AC coupling will also cause some
attenuation of the signal which may be important. We could determine the attenuation of
signal by the following equations:
| |
U out
U in
1 + 1 / (ω 2
R12C 2
1 + ω02 / ω 2
, where ω0 = 1 / R1C.
Biomedical Sensor, Device and Measurement Systems 223
If capacitor C is 1μF and resistor R1 is 1MΩ, then the attenuation of a 1Hz signal will be 1.25%.
This is perhaps a significant attenuation for ECG which has considerable energy at 1Hz.
Unfortunately, even with capacitor C added, this type of amplifier is not suitable for recording
small bioelectric signal because of interference from external electric fields. An electric
electrode has to be connected to the amplifier via a wire and this wire is exposed to interfering
signals. However, the interference will only appear on the input wire to the amplifier and not
on the “ground” wire which is held at zero potential. An elegant solution to this problem is to
utilize differential amplifier as shown in figure 38. The input of the type of amplifier has three
connections marked ‘+’, ‘-’ and ‘ground’.
• Differential amplifier
In figure 38, the signal which we wish to record is connected between the ‘+’ and ‘-’ points.
Now both inputs are exposed to any external interfering electric fields so that the difference
between the ‘+’ and ‘-’ input will be zero. This will not be quite true because the electric fields
experienced by the two input wires may not be exactly the same, but if the wires are run close
together then the difference will be small. Differential amplifier is not perfect in that even with
the same signal applied to both inputs, with respect to ground; a small output signal can
appear. This imperfection is specified by the common mode rejection ratio or CMMR. An ideal
differential amplifier has zero output when identical signals are applied to the two ‘+’ and ‘-’
inputs. CMMR could be defined as the following equation:
signal gain
CMMR = 20log
common − mode gain
U out U out
signal gain = =
U in U + − U −
U out U out
common − mode gain = =
U cm (U a + U b) / 2
U out / 0.1mV
CMMR = 20log = 100dB
U out / 1002mV
In fact, it’s not always easy to achieve a CMMR of 100dB. As we have known, electrode source
impedances have a very significant effect on CMMR and hence electrode impedance affects
noise rejection.
Of course, in detecting biosignals, the AC coupling shown in figure 37 and figure 38 degrades
the performance of the amplifiers. If the input impedance and bias current of amplifiers is
sufficiently high, then they can be connected directly to the input electrodes, without produc‐
ing electrode polarization. Furthermore, DC offset will occur from the electrode contact
potentials, but if the amplifier gain is low (<10) DC offset will be not a significant problem. The
offset can be removed by AC coupling at later stage.
However, there are some safety arguments against the use of DC coupling. If a fault arises in
the operational amplifier, then it’s possible for the power supply to be directly connected to
the patient and so give rise to a hazard. DC currents will cause electrolysis and result in tissue
necrosis. AC coupling could avoid this problem and is often used. Nonetheless DC coupling
is also often used in biomedical field.
The purpose of using bioinstrumentation is to monitor the output of a sensor or sensors and
to extract some useful information from signals that are produced by sensors.
Acquiring discrete-time signal and storing this signal in computer memory from a continuous-
time signal is accomplished with analog-to-digital (A/D) converter. After analog signals have
been processed which are based on analog filters such as low-pass or high-pass filters, A/D
converter uniformly samples the continuous-time waveform and transforms it into a sequence
of numbers, one every tk seconds. The A/D converter also transforms the continuous-time
waveform into a digital signal, which is converted into computer words and stored in
computer memory. To adequately capture the continuous-time signal, the sample frequency
has to be carefully selected to ensure any signal information is not lost. The minimum sampling
frequency is twice the highest frequency content of the signal based on the sampling theorem
from communication theory. In reality, we often adopt the sampling frequency from five to
ten times the highest frequency content of the signal so as to achieve better accuracy by
reducing aliasing error.
The electrical, chemical and mechanical activity that occurs during this biological event often
produces signals that could be detected and analyzed. Biological signals are the record of a
biological event such as a beating heart or a contracting muscle. Hence, biological signals
contain useful information which could reflect human’s activities and physiology, that’s to
say, biological signal could be used for biomedical diagnosis. Biological signals are classified
Biomedical Sensor, Device and Measurement Systems 225
is being monitored. Power line noise is a very difficult problem in biological monitoring
because the 50-or-60-Hz frequency is usually at the range of biological signal which could be
monitored. Band-stop filters are commonly used to reduce the power line noise. The notch
frequency in the band-stop filters is set to the power line frequency of 50 or 60Hz with the
cutoff frequency located a few Hertz to either side.
The second type of noise is called inherent noise. Inherent noise arises from random processes
that are fundamental to the operation of circuit’s elements and thus is reduced by a good circuit
design practice. While inherent noise is reduced, it can be never eliminated. Low-pass filters
are used to reduce high-frequency components. However, noise signals within the frequency
range of biological signals being amplified cannot be eliminated by this filtering approach.
• Computer
Computer is a main device which is used to display the biological signals being monitored.
However some low or high level languages such as machine language, FORTRAN, visual C+
+, MATLAB or LabView, have to be used to realize the operation on the acquisition data from
biological body. When computers are used to acquire physiological data, programming
instruction tell computer when acquisition data should begin, how often samples should be
taken from how many sensors, how long acquisition data should continue, and where the
digitized data should be stored. The rate at which a system acquires sample depends on the
speed of computer clock’s frequency and the number of computer instruction that could be
completed in order to realize a sample. Of course, some computers are utilized to control the
gain on the input amplifiers so that biological signals could be adjusted during data acquisition.
In other systems, the gain of data acquisition has to be adjusted.
7. Chapter summary
In this chapter, main biomedical sensors, devices and biological measurement systems are
introduced to make readers understand present bioinstrumentation in market. The common
biomedical sensors are narrated here to make readers grasp their basic sensing principle such
as heart sound sensor, blood flow sensor and enzyme sensor. Furthermore, basic charge,
current, voltage, power and energy used in biomedical engineering are explained to design
some detecting circuits. Besides above, signal filters and operational amplifiers are also
described and some advice or opinions are given out to give readers some available references.
The basic detecting blocks of biomeasurement system are provided to quickly design relative
bioinstrumentations. Readers need to carefully learn the content of biomedical sensors, signal
filters, operational amplifiers for bioinstrumentation.
Suggested reading
[1] Wang Baohua. Biomedical measurement and instrument [M]. China Fudan press, shanghai,
January, 2009.
Biomedical Sensor, Device and Measurement Systems 227
[2] Yang Yuxing. Biomedical sensor and measurement technology [M]. Beijing Chemical
industry press, Beijing, 2005.
[3] John Enderle, Joseph Bronzino. Introduction to Biomedical Engineering [M]. Elsevier press,
Author details
[1] Chenlin Peng. Biomedical sensing principle and application [M]. Advanced Educa‐
tion Press, 2000.
[3] Jiang Yuanhai, Huo Jiwen, Yi Lizhi. Medical Sensor [M]. Science Press, 1997.
[4] Waldemar Nawrocki. Measurements and sensors [M]. Artech House, 2005.
[5] Ping Wang, Qingjun Liu. Biomedical sensors and measurement [M]. Zhengjiang Uni‐
versity Press, 2011.
[6] Deric P. Jones, Joe Watson. Biomedical sensors [M]. Momentum Press, 2009.
[7] Tatsuo Tagawa, Toshiyo Tamura, P. Ake Oberg. Biomedical sensors and instruments,
second edition, CRC Press, 2011.
[8] Suxing Yang. Analog electronic circuit [M]. China Higher Eduction Press, 2006.
[10] Claus Hélix-Nielsen. Biomimetic membranes for sensor and separation applications
[M]. Springer, 2012.