Capitalist Trajectories of Global Interdependence and Welfare Outcomes: The Lessons of History For The Present
Capitalist Trajectories of Global Interdependence and Welfare Outcomes: The Lessons of History For The Present
Capitalist Trajectories of Global Interdependence and Welfare Outcomes: The Lessons of History For The Present
Utsa Patnaik
H Bernstein articulated this view in a paper titled ‘Is there an ‘Agrarian Question’ in the 21st Century?’
(Bernstein 2006).
today’s advanced nations, so interaction with other parts of the world was not
essential for their industrialization. In short in this view any role for the colonies in
the past or developing countries in the present, is ignored.
The most important inference is that the small peasant population evicted
and displaced from agriculture by the emerging capitalists seeking to establish
a larger scale of production, was absorbed productively into other faster
growing sectors especially industry. Such ‘primitive accumulation of capital’
involving the grabbing and centralizing of peasant property into fewer hands,
while it may have been painful for its victims, eventually turned out to be for the
greater good for it was the essential precondition for the transition to a far more
productive and advanced economic system. So goes the accepted
It is usually taken for granted that today’s developing nations will follow
the same or similar trajectories of development as today’s advanced nations
did, with a reduction in the share of the primary sector in both the nation’s
output and in its employment. Labour and population would face displacement
from agriculture, but with the much faster expansion of the secondary and
tertiary sectors characteristic of what Simon Kuznets had called ‘modern
economic growth’, displaced populations would be re-absorbed into the latter
sectors along with a fast rate of urbanization of the population.
However the assumptions underlying the view sketched above, turn out to
be untenable when we study the actual history of the development of industrial
capitalism. Nations build up their own mythical origins and history no less than do
communities. The scenario sketched above does serious violence to what
actually happened in history because it ignores the specific nature of the
exploitative interaction between today’s advanced and today’s developing
nations, an interaction without which capitalist industrialization at the core,
would hardly have been possible. This exploitative interaction is sought to be re-
created in new forms in the current era and this very fact makes it impossible for
developing countries, to follow the past growth trajectory of the advanced
This process of primitive accumulation certainly did occur not only in the
18th century through enclosures but in to the 19th century as regards Ireland
where tenant farmers were evicted on a mass scale during and after the great
famine of 1846-7 (Slicher van Bath 1963). It led to the formation of a large
property-less underclass, potentially an army of manufacturing workers, but in
fact only a fraction of this class was actually re-absorbed into productive
employment within national economic boundaries. Marx’s insight was that
capital requires the formation and expansion of a ‘reserve army of labour’
which keeps down wages, so that it leads necessarily to the accumulation of
wealth by the minority at one pole and to misery and deprivation of the majority
at the other pole. This insight has been attacked as a wrong prediction by citing
the rise in working class living standards which took place in industrial Europe. In
the long run however Marx has been proved to be more correct than his
myopic critics, once his system is opened to include global flows of labour and
capital (for estimates of such flows see Kenwood and Loughheed 1971, K.S
Jomo 2006). Capitalist accumulation did generate an expanding reserve army,
but heavy out-migration of the unemployed to the New World based on seizure
of land and resources from indigenous populations, continuously reduced the
metropolitan reserve army of labour and allowed a rise in working class
bargaining power. In the current era of globalization no such open frontiers exist,
even for advanced country populations. The share of wages in national income
is constant or shrinking in developing countries and in industrial nations alike.
The second process, the formation of larger scale capitalist farms, is
supposed to have raised productivity to a sufficient extent to meet the
expanding wage goods and raw materials needs of industrialization. It is this
second process which did not actually take place although it is wrongly
assumed to have occurred. Consider the most important food staple and the
wage-good of the labouring poor, wheat for making bread. Detailed research
by economic historians shows that the output per head of grain actually
declined in Britain during the second half of the 18th century when the maximum
enclosures and productivity rise was supposed to be taking place, and while
recovering a little in by 1850, still remained below the level of 1700. A non-
inflationary growth path was not possible and rapid food price inflation took
place during the Napoleonic Wars, 1793 to 1815, pushing the labouring poor to
starvation and causing food riots even as the factory system grew and
prospered (Chambers and Mingay 1971).
The problem did not arise from the prevailing Corn Laws alone, which
restricted the import of cheaper corn (wheat) from abroad. The basic problem
arose because output growth was so very slow despite all capitalist enclosures
that it fell below the accelerating population growth rate. The Corn Laws simply
aggravated further the basic problem of inflation in food prices owing to
domestic supply shortage, by not allowing duty-free imports until domestic
prices reached a very high levels. The most important political economy issue
for 50 years in Britain was the agitation for cheaper bread, and hence for free
imports of cheaper foreign corn, an agitation which united the manufacturers
and fledgling working class. David Ricardo’s ‘Essay on the Influence of a low
price of Corn on the Profits of Stock’ (1815) argued for free corn imports even
while maintaining silence on the raising of tariffs against imports of Asian textiles.
This prolonged agitation itself is a telling indictment of the failure of ‘agricultural
revolution’ to provide its wage goods requirements.
In 1988 I wrote a paper titled ‘Was there an agricultural revolution in
England?’ in which I presented the argument given above and made detailed
calculations which are summarized in Appendix Table 1, showing a one-eighth
to nearly one-fifth decline in per capita corn output depending on the
population series adopted.2 More recently a similar conclusion has been
reached by a number of economic historians researching agricultural growth in
Britain, and a debate has taken place between them and the upholders of the
earlier standard view of successful agricultural revolution (Overton 1996a, 1996b,
The paper was also presented to a seminar in the School of Oriental and African Studies, London in June
1992. It has circulated for two decades among students, and a shortened revised version was presented to
the Indian History Congress in May 2010,and published in 2011..
Allen 1998, 1999, Brunt 1999, Afton, Beckett and Turner 2001). Table 2 shows their
calculations of output, which when divided by population corroborate my
earlier finding of a decline in per capita output by one-fifth between 1700 and
1820. While per worker output within agriculture did rise, it did not rise enough to
maintain at least the same per head output for the population, thus violating
the essential condition of success in meeting wage good needs.
The reason industrialization could proceed without being hampered by
agricultural failure, lay in colonial imports which did not have to be paid for by
Britain in the sense that these imports created no external liability for the British
economy since local producers were ‘paid’ out of taxes they themselves
contributed to the state. In India the colonial state guided and operated from
Britain, extracted taxes from peasants and artisans, and used a portion of tax
revenues to purchase their products including exported crops like wheat. Even
when wheat was purchased from temperate lands like the European Continent
and USA, in the earlier period – the 18th century- direct re-exports of tropical
colonial goods paid for a large part of these imports. Later from the 19th century
onwards, the exchange earnings of colonies which exported to these lands
were appropriated and used to pay for a large part of temperate imports into
the metropolis through a continuation of the so-called multilateral payments
system (Saul 1960), which in essence functioned on the basis of colonial
transfers. The exact mechanism of colonial exploitation and appropriation of
foreign exchange earnings has been discussed elsewhere (Patnaik 1986, 2006).
There is little doubt that other European countries would show a similar failure of
their agricultural revolution and a similar dependence on their colonies,
particularly the Netherlands which controlled Java and which had even larger
dependence on re-exports of tropical goods to pay for its temperate imports,
than did Britain (Maddison 2006).
Interestingly in Japan too we find that early industrial transition was
marked by domestic rice shortages, and only the deliberate extraction of rising
tax-financed rice imports from its colonies, Korea and Taiwan, permitted it to
maintain about the same level of availability for its population by the 1930s as in
the 1870s ( Penrose 1940, Hayami and Ruttan 1971). Per head consumption of
rice and average calorie intake fell substantially in Japan’s colonies (Grabowski
W A Lewis (1978) very clearly articulates the common misconception that
there was higher land productivity in Britain, taken as representing the industrial
nations in general, compared to the tropics and makes this idea the lynch-pin of
his explanation of the great divergence among nations. The product wage IN
Europe was higher than in the tropics owing to allegedly higher yields, thereby
migrants from Europe to new lands also showed higher product-wage than
migrants from Asia to plantations.
‘the yield of wheat by 1900 was 1600 lbs. per acre as against the tropical
yield of 700 lbs. of grain per acre’ (Lewis 1978, The Evolution of the International
Economic Order’ p. 14).
But there is a fallacy in the comparison Lewis makes, because
‘productivity’ has no meaning without a uniform time dimension being clearly
specified, which he fails to do. Over one year, an acre of land in Britain may well
have produced 1600 lbs of wheat but it could produce nothing else since there
was only one growing season in cold temperate lands. In the tropics crops can
be produced all the year round. Over the same one year, an acre of land in the
tropics produced not only 700 lbs of grain but also a second crop - either
another crop of grain, or cotton or jute or vegetables, plus often, a third crop of
gram or lentils. The term ‘crop rotation ‘ in temperate lands refers to crops
grown over successive years; while the same term in tropical lands refers to
crops grown in successive seasons within the same year. Despite all technical
change in the advanced countries, by 2007 India, with smaller cultivated area
than the USA, produced annually a larger total tonnage (819 million tons) of all
crops than the USA (644 million tons).
As for China, its even more intensive cultivation developed over centuries,
and consequent high land productivity was legendary ; by 2007- China
produced 1275 million tons adding up all crops from a total arable area less
than two-thirds of that of USA – about double the latter’s output (Table 6).
China’s output per hectare was over three times that of the USA, while India’s
was 1.4 times higher. True, technical change in Northern agriculture meant
much higher output per worker or per head of population, but this was only
achieved by substituting dead labour – fertilizers and machinery- for living
labour, which require large inputs of fossil fuels to produce and to operate
respectively. The ‘energy balance’ namely the ratio of the energy embodied in
all the inputs required to produce a unit of final output, to the energy
obtainable from that unit of final output, is more unfavourable in temperate
lands and the ratio shows a rise over time.
Not only W A Lewis but most other writers completely ignore the growing
import dependence of today’s advanced countries on cheap primary imports
from tropical lands, used for diversifying their consumption baskets and output
structure. They show little awareness of the tremendously important role re-
exports of tropical goods played in boosting the global purchasing power of
exports from these countries. Global patterns of specialization of production
were deliberately engineered, were maintained by force exercised through
direct political control under colonialism, and were very far from the model of
voluntary specialization and exchange leading to mutual benefit, expounded in
David Ricardo’s fallacious theory of comparative advantage.
Ricardo’s theory using a two-country, two commodity model, said that
trade takes place because even when the cost of production of both goods is
lower in one country than the other, provided the relative cost of production is
different, both trading parties benefit from specialization and exchange in the
sense of consuming more of one good for no lower consumption of the other
good. Relative cost is the number of units of a good which a country can
produce by withdrawing labour from the production of one unit of the other
good. I have pointed out elsewhere that the fallacy in this theory arises from
the assumption ‘both countries produce both goods’. This assumption is
essential for defining relative cost at all, but the assumption is not true, since a
temperate country has never produced and cannot ever produce tropical
crops. Say Britain or Germany import Indian rice/ tea/cane sugar and export
spinning machines. The relative cost, namely number of units of rice/tea/cane
sugar producible by reducing machine output by one unit and diverting the
labour released to these goods, can be obtained for India. But such relative
cost does not exist for Britain and Germany which have zero output of
rice/tea/cane sugar since these simply cannot be produced at all. Where the
assumption is not true, there is no mutual benefit from trade. Trade did take
place in which cold temperate lands imported tropical products and exported
machine made goods, but such trade had nothing to do with comparative
advantage and mutual benefit. It had to do with the fact that tropical lands
are highly bio-diverse and can produce crops which are desired by temperate
advanced countries for consumption or as raw material, which they could
never produce, and which they sought to acquire through establishing
political control. The bulk of world trade in the 19th century was in primary
products (see Table 3) and the bulk of this in turn were crops which could only
be produced in warmer climes.
Far from benefiting the tropical developing country, specialization and
export of primary products became positively harmful because it always led to
a decline in the land and resources devoted to food grains, the basic staple
the local population required, and because food grains too were exported.
Very often the colonial masters taxed the population so heavily as to force a
shift in local consumption towards inferior food staples (millets, potatoes) while
the superior grains (wheat, rice) were exported to the metropolis. Not only did
nutritional standards see decline, colonized populations were periodically
plunged into famine.
Few theories have done as much harm to rational thinking, as Ricardo’s
logically incorrect theory of comparative advantage which embodies a
particular type of material fallacy – the ‘converse fallacy of accident’ or the
converse of Aristotle’s A dicto simpliciter ad dictum secundum quid. A highly
specific assumption is made – ‘both countries produce both goods’ to draw
the inference that specialization and trade is mutually beneficial to both
parties, and then this inference is improperly treated as a general one, even
where the assumption is not satisfied.3 Trade patterns which were actually the
result of military conquest, setting up of slave- based plantations or un-free
labour set to producing export crops for the benefit of metropolitan centres,
have been sanitized and rationalized as being ‘mutually beneficial’ for slaves
and masters alike. Fiction and apologetics replace intellectual honesty in
economic analysis. My paper ‘Ricardo’s Fallacy’ points out that the material
fallacy is supported and compounded by a verbal fallacy since Ricardo
repeatedly talks of ‘growing wine’, a term which makes no sense.
W Arthur Lewis (1978) too ignores real economic history in the same
manner by developing a modified Ricardian theory to say that because of
allegedly higher land productivity in temperate lands – an incorrect statement
of fact namely a material fallacy, as we have already seen – the ‘product
wage’ was higher for the English and European out-migrants generally and
lower for the ‘Chinese coolies’ and this is why the Australian ended up with a
much higher standard of life than ‘Chinese coolies’ did. The same argument
Whatever Ricardo’s own position may have been, the subsequent use made of his
theory leads to apologetics. The trade in wine and cloth between Portugal and England
was not owing to ‘comparative advantage’ which was not even definable for England
which could not produce grape wine, but resulted from Britain’s naval and 3diplomatic
dominance over Portugal allowing it to extract the Methuen Treaty in 1703 giving non-
agricultural market access.
would be applied to explain the higher wage of white settlers in South Africa or
in Canada.
The real reason for higher Australian or South African wage than in
China, were very different. Britain appropriated the entire Australian land mass
relegating its original inhabitants to the same fate as it had the Amerindians,
while it followed an equally exclusionist policy vis a vis the indigenous black
population in South Africa, appropriating their best lands and relegating them
to ‘homelands’. These vast areas permanently grabbed through a process of
primitive accumulation were used for exporting Britain’s criminal underclass
and later for settling emigrants. It is easy enough to understand the strong
impetus to emigrate from Britain, a country which could not feed its people at
the same level by 1850 as it had in 1700. To fill the consumption gap Britain
colonially exploited Ireland so severely that it caused a massive famine,
carrying off one-eighth of the Irish population in 1846-7 and initiating a long
period of demographic collapse. The high ‘product wage’ of emigrants from
Europe was not because of high productivity in England or other European
countries, but because of land-grabbing and resource–grabbing on a scale
never seen before in history, which gave an endowment per household to the
settlers which was usually far larger than they had commanded in their home
countries where they were either land-poor or entirely landless. The human
cost to indigenous populations was very high especially in the Americas.4
To sum up, the failure of capitalist agriculture in Northern countries has
not been recognized at a conceptual level and a large part of the reason is
that this failure did not constrain their industrial expansion. But this lack of
constraint itself arose solely from the forcible access they acquired to tropical
lands with their superior productivity and bio-diversity. More rarely they also
acquired access to temperate colonies – of which only Ireland remained by
Over nine-tenths of the indigenous population of the Central American
civilization was destroyed over the century following Spanish conquest and the
settling of Hispania.
the 20th century, the only region in Europe to have halved its population over
less than a century after the colonial exploitation induced the shock of the
great famine of 1846-7.
As advanced countries enjoyed more and more diversified imports-
based consumption baskets, the availability of food grains for third world
populations declined. This inverse relation, namely rising primary exports and
decline in food grains output /availability, can be established very firmly on the
basis of the historical data. Nutritional decline and in extreme cases famines
were the result – this is the most important adverse impact of export-oriented
growth and it is a result in present-day India and China as well : both countries
have seen deteriorating average nutrition in the last fifteen years
accompanying high GDP growth.
The reason is not far to seek. Land is not a product of human labour – as
Karl Marx had pointed out in a striking formulation, therefore the ‘price of land’ is
an irrational category. What we understand as the ‘price of land’ can only be
the capitalized value of the product of the land or of capitalized value of the
income to be drawn from the land. Land, not being itself a product of human
labour, cannot be augmented at will, it cannot be ‘produced’. Greater
external demands on a developing country’s limited land simply means that less
is available for satisfying the needs of the local population. And if the purchasing
power of local populations can be restricted through heavy taxation and
measures of fiscal compression, so much the better for the advanced countries
which can then access the productive capacities of these foreign lands simply
through the market, which responds only to purchasing power and not to
needs. Indian and other developing country lands then produce more and
more products for filling up supermarket shelves in the North at the expense of
less and less food and basic staples for their own populations.
3 The Export of Unemployment and constraints on such export on developing
Accumulation through displacement of small producers combined with
technical change under capitalism continuously generates unemployment :
profits are the driving force of investment and capitalists are concerned neither
with ensuring a high level of employment nor with maintaining livelihoods for
labouring populations.
The early industrializers overcame the problem of growing unemployment
inherent in their capitalist growth and technical change, simply by exporting
their unemployment abroad, an option which is not open in any serious way to
today’s large labour surplus economies like India and China. The export of
unemployment took place through colonization and imperialism and appeared
in multifarious forms. The most direct form of export of unemployment was the
physical migration of population. The precondition for this was the seizure of
enormous tracts of land by the West Europeans from indigenous peoples in the
Americas, South Africa, and Australia, and their permanent occupation by the
in-migrants. ‘Land’ in this context means not just crop land but includes all the
natural fauna, the rich water, timber and mineral resources of these occupied
In Britain nearly half the increment to the population every year was
migrating for permanent settlement abroad for a century. Emigration from
Britain alone accounted for 37 percent of all emigration from Europe between
1821 and 1915 (Table 4).5
Unemployment was also exported by industrializing countries through the
flooding the subjugated already populous tropical colonies with cotton textiles
Emigrants numbering 7.2 million made up 46 % of the observed population increment
of 15.5 million in Britain over the period 1821 to 1880. This process accelerated between
1880 and 1915 when 9 million people emigrated, while the observed population
increase was 11.5 million over this period. Emigration thus amounted on average to
nearly half of the actual annual increment to population.
and other manufactured goods under discriminating commercial policy which
kept these markets compulsorily completely open to imports, while the home
market was protected from their handicraft manufactures for nearly 150 years.6
While employment and wages rose in the industrializing country with output
expanding at about double the rate of domestic absorptive capacity, the other
side of the coin was that in the colonies manufactures employment went down
sharply resulting in de-industrialization.
As the unwilling recipients of the export of unemployment from today’s
advanced countries, India the former colony and China the former semi-colony,
had ended up by the mid-20th century with mass poverty and with significantly
tertiarized economies -a higher share of services and lowered share of both
agriculture and industry in GDP- compared to their initial states. They inherited
very high levels of unemployment and under-employment, which became a
matter of serious concern as they sought to pursue an independent path of
national development. The choice of techniques question was much discussed
in the early decades, the 1950s and 1960s, and it was recognized in both
countries that industrialization with employment generation meant ‘walking on
two legs’, to borrow Mao Zedong’s words - capital intensive heavy industries
and intermediate goods production had to be built up from scratch or
expanded, there had to be a simultaneous thrust for expansion in labour-
intensive segments of manufacturing including small-scale and village industry,
and for all this to occur in a non-inflationary way agricultural growth had to
accelerate to provide the required wage goods and raw materials. This was the
rationale for giving priority sector status to small scale industry and agriculture in
India as regards credit.
It is a notable fact that leading historians of industrialization and technical change in advanced countries
(E J Hobsbawm,Industry and Empire D S Landes The Unbound Prometheus) make no mention of these
crucial discriminatory commercial policies in their writings though they were in operation for over a
hundred years.
However though the fastest expanding segments of manufacturing
output in the first 15 years of Indian independence logged 9 percent annual
growth rate, the associated employment growth was only 3 percent. It was
already very clear and widely recognized that no visible net shift of the work-
force out of agriculture could be expected even at such high manufacturing
growth rates. Subsequently the elasticity of employment with respect to
manufacturing output has been falling steadily and especially sharply after
liberalization in the 1990s for obvious reasons. Maintaining competitiveness by
firms in a trade- and- investment open economy entails adopting the latest
technology and the loss is in terms of employment generation. Additionally the
thrust of neo-liberal reforms is always towards retrenchment of labour and
‘downsizing’ with a total ignoring of the impact of this on aggregate demand
and hence on the inducement to invest. The combination of the two factors has
led to near-zero impact of manufacturing growth on employment while for
organized industry there is absolute job-loss, as is well established by now.
It was amply clear from the 1960s that industrialization even at a
respectably high rate could not make any substantial dent in the
unemployment and livelihoods problem especially for the rural millions. While
there was never any conscious strategy of mobilizing labour for capital
formation in India, an expansionary fiscal stance up to the 1980s including
expanding rural development expenditures, and a system of market intervention
via state procurement or commodity board procurement of crops at prices
covering production costs, were together conducive to maintaining reasonably
buoyant levels of activity and inducing private investment, so that employment
in rural India was expanding faster than the labour force up to the early 1990s.
True, the inequality of distribution of assets and incomes was not addressed and
actually worsened slowly over time, but absolute downward movement of real
incomes for rural populations did not take place except briefly in the mid-1960s.
In the late 1970s and early 1980s a number of studies were carried out,
many under ILO auspices, which correctly argued that there was scope in poor
developing countries for more intensive cultivation and greater labour
absorption within agriculture and side-line activities. The intensity of cultivation
was substantially lower in India compared to East Asia both in terms of material
input use and labour use per unit area, and yields were capable of being raised.
This technical slack could be taken up provided price –cost conditions were
created to make it profitable to invest in cultivating intensively.
From the 1980s onwards however the entire theoretical discourse was
radically altered by the incessant pushing by international financial institutions of
conservative neo-liberal dogmas which advocate expenditure deflation and
fiscal austerity no matter how high unemployment might be, and which
represent a reversion to pre-Keynesian theory.
The impact of expenditure-deflating neo-liberal reforms from 1991 has
been extremely adverse on both rural and urban employment and incomes
because it has entailed contraction not only in public investment but in
development expenditures generally, lowering the level of activity and affecting
the inducement to invest of small producers especially farmers.7
A surprising aspect of current discussion on unemployment in India is the
total amnesia regarding all previous literature on the impossibility of
industrialization alone, leading to notable labour shifts out of the primary sector.
We hear the opinion aired by many economists that it is high time the Indian
labour force started shifting out of agriculture and into the secondary sector, as
though it is a question of subjective wishes and not objective constraints, which
are far more binding today than earlier. The prospects for labour absorption in
agriculture and in industry have been worsened greatly by the public
investment reducing, development expenditure deflating and labour-
Allocations to agriculture, rural development , irrigation and flood control, special areas programmes and
small scale industry taken together declined from about 4 percent of NNP to 1.6 percent over the decade
1991 to 2001 (Plan expenditures, actual in the Finance Ministry’s annual Economic Surveys),.
retrenchment policies which are at the core of economic reforms, and which
are supported in the main by the same economists who argue for
industrialization and more free trade as the solutions to unemployment. They
choose to ignore the contradiction in their position: how public investment and
expenditure deflation, fiscal austerity, ‘downsizing’ and reduction in public
utilities employment can possibly be compatible with expanding aggregate
demand and maintain the inducement to accumulate in the material
producing sectors – agriculture and industry – is a question which does not
appear to exercise their minds. Nor can it be seriously maintained that India is in
a position to export unemployment in the manner today’s advanced countries
had done.
K Nagaraj 2008, ;Farmers’ Suicides in India’
forty farmers a day continue to commit suicide mainly driven by debt. It is more
than a little difficult to explain declining per head daily energy (calorie) intake
and similarly declining average protein intake in both rural and urban India, as a
positive effect of ‘dietary diversification’. It is hardly a credible proposition,
which is officially put forward and continues to be reiterated, that over the same
period that agricultural incomes became stagnant and unemployment rose
sharply in both rural and urban India, poverty as officially estimated, registered
substantial decline.
The truth of the matter is that capitalist accumulation has never taken
place within closed economic systems. The historical conditions for the industrial
transformation of today’s advanced nations, lay in the primitive accumulation
they practiced vis a vis other nations and regions, through direct seizure of
resources by means of force. Without primitive accumulation on this scale their
poorly endowed temperate lands were incapable of meeting the wage good
and raw material needs of their own industrial growth. This resulted in initially in
decimation of entire populations and subsequently in their enthrallment and
exploitation producing declining nutrition and famine. The labour displacement
caused by the mechanization associated with industrial transformation, far
exceeded any notion of a normal ‘reserve army of labour’ and only their ability
to export unemployment staved off acute social and political tensions. At the
other pole de-industrialization and unemployment resulted in the global South.
After half a century of decolonization we find once more that a new
phase of primitive accumulation has been launched with a more sophisticated
ideology, under which developing country elites are offered integration with the
global elite provided they collaborate with the economic and educational
policies which will betray the interests of their own people and will once more
subordinate the national interest to global capital.
Rosa Luxemburg’s brilliant insight in The Accumulation of Capital, that
capitalist expansion at the core was always at the expense of destruction of the
small –scale production of the peasant and the artisan not only within the core
countries but at the global level, remains as true today as it was a century ago
(Luxemburg 1963). While the main emphasis in her work was on the question of
creation of markets for realizing surplus value – which was indeed very important
– I have in this paper stressed the question of past and continuing appropriation
of land and resources. The importance of the struggle for control over energy
resources hardly needs to be emphasized. The new element is that with
increasing uncertainty faced by advanced industrial nations over their control of
global energy resources, there is a reversion to the land to provide energy just as
was the case during the first industrialization: corn in the North and sugarcane in
Brazil is being diverted on a large scale for producing ethanol. This has serious
implications for food security in the South.
Since the advanced countries today are even more dependent on the
qualitatively superior productive capacity of tropical lands, over the last three
decades they have made ever increasing demands on these lands to produce,
apart from traditional tropical exports, a new range of perishable products from
fruits and vegetables to flowers. Most developing countries have succumbed to
the demand to open up and engage in free trade. This produced area
diversion to export crops, led to decline in the food grains growth rate which fell
below the population growth rate, resulting in falling per capita output and
availability of food grains. In India per capita output of foodgrains which had
been rising more or less steadily between 1951 and 1993, started falling
thereafter under the new policy regime of trade-openness. By 2005 the entire
gain of forty years after Independence, the rise of per head net grain output
from 155 kg to 185 kg., had been wiped out.
The inverse relation has been recreated with a vengeance since we find
declining per head food grains output combined with fast growing per head
exportables output in every important developing region ranging from India to
countries in Latin America and the whole of Sub-Saharan Africa. Developing
countries were urged to dismantle their domestic foodgrains procurement and
distribution systems and purchase their requirement of grains from the global
exporters. In India as agricultural output growth has slowed down drastically, far
from larger imports, it is a larger net foodgrains exports which has emerged. This
is owing to the contraction of domestic aggregate demand following from fiscal
compression and rising unemployment. The National Sample Survey data show
that per capita calorie intake, per capita protein intake, and per capita cloth
consumption has fallen. The nature of growth in GDP has been such as to enrich
a minority which is consuming much more, while a sufficiently large majority is
eating so much less than before, as to lower the overall average consumption.
As Table 7 documents using FAO-FBS data, with all its great ‘success’ in
achieving high GDP growth and global integration, India by 2007 showed a
level of per capita cereals supply and demand (namely output available for
uses of all kinds after adjusting the gross output for net exports and addition to
stocks), which at 174 kg. had fallen below the level of not only the African
countries but also below that of the least developed countries. (For comparison,
domestic cereal supply/demand per capita in South Africa in 2007 was 287.6 kg.
of which two-thirds was directly consumed as food). India’s consumption had
fallen below that of the poorest countries in the world, the least developed
countries. Cereal supply is identically equal to the demand for all uses, both
direct demand for consuming as food and indirect demand for consuming as
animal products raised on feed cereals, plus other uses (seed, processing, fuel).
The annual direct demand in India had fallen to only 153 kg. Four decades of
successful effort to raise domestic per capita supply and demand up to the
early 1990s when reforms started, has been wiped out in two decades of trade
liberalization and reforms.
There is a widely held misconception among economists that per capita
cereal consumption is bound to fall as a country develops because people
diversify their diets away from cereals to protein-rich animal products. This idea
of an inverse relation between income and cereal demand, reflects ignorance
of the material fact that animal products require feed to produce and these
feeds include cereals and their by-products in advanced and developing
countries alike, apart from concentrates and green roughage. Far from falling,
total cereal use per head for food plus feed normally rises quite sharply as per
capita incomes rise and diets are diversified (by ‘normally’ we mean, as long as
income distribution does not shift too much adversely). Populations normally
show quite sharp absolute rise in cereal consumption per capita with an
increasing share devoted to indirect, mainly feed use. Table 9 shows US cereal
consumption at nearly 900 kg. per head of which only one-eighth was directly
consumed and the bulk – 60 percent - used as feed for producing animal
products with the balance, 27 percent, being divided between processed foods
and conversion to ethanol. The European Union consumed 558 kg. per head of
which over three-quarters was indirectly consumed. China consumed almost
300 kg per head, close to the global average of which nearly half was indirectly
consumed. At the other pole India consumed only 174 kg. per head of which
seven-eighths was directly consumed one-eighth used indirectly. This level has
fallen below the average consumption level of not only the African countries
but also of the Least Developed countries. The per capita supply/demand in
India fell further in 2008 as global recession impacted aggregate demand: India
exported 14 million tonne of grains and added a massive 17 million tonne to
stocks, reflecting emptier stomachs for the poor whose purchasing power
reduced. Per capita total supply/demand hit an all-time low of 156 kg per head,
the same level as during 1937 -41.
In a critique of the proposition put forward by A.Deaton and J. Dreze
(2002, 2005) that as per capita income rises cereal consumption falls, where
they had claimed US cereal consumption per head as being lower than in India,
I had pointed out (Patnaik 2010c) that this proposition is factually incorrect since
US per capita cereal consumption, was more than five times the Indian level as
Table 7 shows. The widely –held misconception (an inverse relation between per
capita income and per capita cereal consumption namely a negative income
elasticity of cereal demand) that Deaton and Dreze articulated represents a
fallacy of composition, in which the behaviour of only a part of cereal
consumption namely direct consumption (which is indeed lower in US
compared to India) is improperly taken as representing the behaviour of cereal
consumption in general. Contrary to popular belief cereal consumption has a
positive elasticity with respect to income – it normally rises when populations get
better off and diversify diets towards more high-protein animal products. The
only exceptions found are small insular nations that are habituated to
consuming fish in preference to other animal products (Iceland, Fiji).
It is not surprising that poverty has risen substantially in the sense that the
percentage of persons unable through their monthly spending to reach official
nutritional standards, has gone up (see Table 5). The official claim is that poverty
has reduced, but this claim is based on an incorrect methodology in which the
definition of poverty line adopted by the Indian Planning Commission has been
changed in practice after the initial estimate and de-linked from the official
nutrition norms. The new definition adopted was that the ‘poverty line’ was
simply the original nutrition norm based poverty line of 1973 adjusted upwards
by a consumer price index, without ever asking the question whether this index-
adjusted ‘poverty line’ allowed people to obtain the same level of nutrition as
before. This procedure kept the 1973-74 basket fixed for ever and simply
updated its cost. Since the economic environment has been changing,
particularly so as per capita grain output declined and market pricing of
essential services was introduced, the same basket no longer exists. The poverty
lines calculated assuming a fixed basket underestimated the sum actually
required to maintain any given nutrition level, and the underestimation became
cumulative as time passed.
There is a serious logical problem with this official estimation procedure,
namely the standard against which poverty is being measured is not kept
constant over time or space. So successive poverty estimates cannot be
compared, no valid inference can be drawn regarding the direction of change
and official claims of poverty reduction are not true. Consider an example: we
are told that the percentage of failed students in a school has declined sharply
from 30 to 10 between 1973 and 2010, so we infer that academic performance
has ‘improved’ for we take it for granted that the pass mark must be
unchanged to allow such a comparison. But then we find out that in fact the
pass mark has been steadily lowered over time, from say 50 out of 100 in 1973 to
20 out of 100 in 2010. By the latter date, we find that two-fifths of students could
not reach the original 50 percent pass mark and this figure exceeds the school’s
failure percentage in 1973. It is clear the inference of academic ‘improvement’
is not true, rather the opposite inference of worsening is true.
Similarly in official poverty estimates a certain standard was set in the
initial year 1973-74, that those persons were to be considered ‘non-poor’ who
through their MPCE (monthly per capita expenditure) on all goods and services,
could obtain at least 2400 (kilo)calories energy per day in rural and 2100 calories
in urban areas, and these MPCEs were the ‘poverty lines’. The rural norm was
quietly lowered to 2200 calories for the base year estimate itself to obtain 56
percent in poverty, the urban estimate being 49 percent unable to access 2100
calories. But for all later years the standard was steadily lowered as a
consequence of changing the definition of poverty line which de-linked it from
the requirement of the initial standard being satisfied.
Every poverty line after the base year underestimated the sum required to
maintain the same nutrition level. With cumulative underestimation over nearly
four decades by 2004-05 we find a very large divergence between the correct
poverty line on the one hand (at which the original nutrition level is accessible,
and which can be easily obtained from the nutritional intake data of the
National Sample Survey Reports), and the price-index adjusted ‘official poverty
line’. (See Table 5 and Chart 2). Just as the definition of a student ‘passing the
examination’ is changed from one who has at least 50 marks in 1973 to one who
has at least 20 marks by 2010, the definition of a rural/urban person who is ‘non-
poor’ was effectively changed from one who could afford at least 2400/2100
calories in 1973 to one who can afford 1820/ 1795 calories in 2004-5. Note that
since about 1000 calories a day is the survival level, the decline in the standard
on a normalized basis is effectively from 1400/1100 to 820/795. It is obvious that
comparison over time is not valid when the standard is changed. In the face of
the correct, widespread criticism that poverty lines were underestimates, all that
the Tendulkar committee 9 did was to raise as it were the ‘pass mark’ from 20 to
25 (from 1820 calories to 1930 calories, for rural areas alone)by raising the rural
poverty line by a trivial amount. The basic methodological error remained since
lowering the ‘pass mark’ from this new level (lowering the calorie intake at the
official poverty line) was ensured in future estimates which continue to apply
price indices to update the cost of a fixed four-decade year old basket. The
result by 2009-10 is a further sharp divergence between the new official poverty
line and the nutrition-invariant direct poverty line (Chart 2).
We find that the percentage of rural persons unable to access 2200
calories, changed little during 1972 and 1993-4 for the 2200 calories norm,
ranging between 56.5 and 58.5 percent But over the subsequent period of
economic reforms, poverty has risen sharply in both rural and urban areas 10.
From the recently released NSS 66th Round, 2009-10 nutrition data we can see
that the percentage of rural persons unable to reach even the modest 2200
calories daily nutrition norm has gone up steeply from 58.5 to as high as 78
In view of widespread criticism that the Planning Commission poverty estimate especially for rural India
were too low, a Committee chaired by S D Tendulkar was set up to look into the matter, which submitted
its report in 2010.
For 1993-4 and 2004-5 estimates of rural and urban poverty see Patnaik 2007, 2010a. Estimates for
2009-10 in Table 5 use data from NSS Report 540 Nutritional Intake in India 2009-10 available online accessed January 28,2012.
between 1993-4 and 2009-10 (see Table 5) while the percentage of urban
persons unable to reach the official 2100 calories nutrition norm has risen
substantially from 57 to 73 over the same period.
There is a serious question of ethics among academics and those in public
life raised by the poverty estimation issue. The state and its functionaries may
wish to claim improvement in the poverty situation to justify current public
policies, but to do so by changing the definition such that the standard against
which poverty is measured is continuously lowered, and to continue with this
method without any reference to the criticisms raised and even after the
problem of non-comparability has been pointed out, is intellectual dishonesty
amounting to apologetics.
Nassau Senior, professor of political economy at Oxford University in
Britain had exercised considerable influence by opposing the proposed 10 Hours
Bill for reducing the factory work- day, putting forward the argument that
capitalists made their profits ‘in the last hour’ and all profits would disappear if
the daily workday was reduced by one hour from eleven to ten hours. Karl Marx
attacked Senior’s theory of ‘the last hour’ as anti-working class apologetics
pretending to be legitimate academic work. Today in India poverty reduction is
being falsely claimed by lowering the standard by which it is measured, and the
apologetic intent is very clear since the governing classes following Fund-Bank
guidance despite all food crises, are averse to removing the arbitrary targeting
into ‘below poverty line’ and ‘above poverty line’ introduced in 1997 with the
objective of reducing the food subsidy and eventually throwing the poor to the
mercies of the market by winding up the public distribution system altogether.11
Like Senior’s infamous ‘last hour’, we have the Indian equivalent in the daily
‘poverty lines’ of Rs.26 and Rs.32 rural and urban in 2011 which were supposed
to meet all essential food and non-food expenses for one person whereas these
A system of public procurement and distribution of food grains and other necessities (paraffin used as
fuel by the poor) expanded fast after the mid -1960s with the setting up of the Food Corporation of India.
paltry sums would not have bought a single cup of coffee at any airport
frequented by those policy makers who make these estimates.
China’s 2011 rural poverty line of 3.5 yuan per day is similarly obtained by
price-index updating from a 1984 base year annual poverty line of 200 yuan,
whose food spending part had satisfied a nutritional norm at that date, over a
quarter century ago. But the 2011 level clearly is as grossly underestimated as is
the Indian poverty line. One kilogram of the cheapest rice alone, cost 4 yuan at
that date. As in India, actual poverty in China is bound to be substantially higher
than official claims.
The World Bank’s global poverty line has as little conceptual validity, since
after all, it is based on national poverty lines which are grossly underestimated as
already shown. The World Bank apparently took the local currency rural official
poverty lines (of the median country or countries) out of the ten poorest in the
world12 and applied upward purchasing power parity adjustment to obtain the
global poverty line, which in recent years has been updated from $1.08/day to
$ 1.25 per day. This global poverty line was then applied to each individual
developing country by reversing the process, namely deflating its local currency
value at the current exchange rate by the PPP coefficient for that country, thus
giving a poverty line little different from the original one and hence poverty
ratios close to the official ones.
Since in deriving the global dollar poverty line, upward PPP adjustment to
national poverty lines had been carried out, the designated poverty line in
dollars should be equally applicable to developed countries like the US. We get
a clear idea of how both national currency poverty lines and the derived global
poverty line based on these, grossly underestimate actual cost of living, since
not even homeless vagrants in the sub -tropical deep South of the US can
survive on $ 1.25 per day ($ 456 per year). The entire discourse claiming ‘poverty
reduction’ is based on bad theory and inadmissible statistical procedure. It is
For an examination of the World Bank’s procedure see S. Reddy and T.W.Pogge 2006, 2007.
producing notable howlers owing to the unthinking use by economists of
‘poverty lines’ which are falling further and further below minimum living
standards as time passes. Thus, ‘extreme poverty’ in India is defined as spending
half or less of the official local currency poverty line. A number of economists in
India have claimed the happy result that ‘extreme poverty’ has become zero
in many constituent states of the country. However the reality is that since the
official poverty line they use is being underestimated cumulatively and is
already far too low, at half the poverty line there were no longer any people to
be observed. Anyone spending only Rs.6/ Rs. 9 per day in rural/urban areas in
2005 (nominally equal to US 11 cents/ 17 cents respectively and about US 28
cents/ 43 cents after adjusting for purchasing power), would be dead. It is not
extreme poverty which is zero, but people who are dead at such low levels of
Concluding Remarks
The character of capitalist industrialization at the core was unique in
relying quite substantially on primitive accumulation at the expense of other
peoples and on the consequent ability to export domestic unemployment
constantly engendered by technological change. This particular trajectory is
closed to late industrializing countries today. Developing countries in the interest
of preserving livelihoods, necessarily have to innovate an alternative trajectory
which far from destroying small scale labour intensive production, stabilizes it
while avoiding the disadvantages of small scale, through co-operation.
It is a grave mistake to think that the small scale production of the
peasant, the artisan and petty sellers, is going to disappear in developing
countries. The small producers will survive because large scale production
cannot produce a viable employment alternative in the material productive
spheres: and because the small scale producers if forcibly displaced, have no
place to go. They will resist, and are already resisting displacement fiercely.
Capitalism cannot ameliorate the condition of the masses because its
functioning at the global level is predicated on the growth of riches at one pole
and the promotion of unemployment and hunger at the other. The agrarian
question has not become otiose in the present era. On the contrary, the new
phase of primitive accumulation which has been variously characterized as
‘accumulation through dispossession’ (D. Harvey 2003) and ‘accumulation
through encroachment’ (P. Patnaik 2005) is producing a new set of
contradictions and giving rise to new struggles. From being passive objects of
history and using passive forms of protest like suicide, the peasantry is turning
once more to active forms of struggle, both against state acquisition of land
and against corporate attacks on the very basis of their livelihoods.
Capitalism cannot provide a solution to the unemployment problem or
maintain living standards in advanced countries without constantly promoting
higher unemployment and inducing greater poverty among developing
country populations. Alternative strategies of growth which preserve
employment and livelihoods, are feasible in the small and are being
implemented already in many local level experiments. In the large however, I
believe that only a system- transcending change, which is not on the immediate
horizon, can provide the answer; and such change must be theorized anew
even when its realization appears to be remote.
Patnaik P., 2005 “The Economics of the new phase of Imperialism” included in P. Patnaik
Re-Envisioning Socialism New Delhi: Tulika Books, 2011
Patnaik U., 2003 ‘On the Inverse relation between Primary exports and Domestic Food
Absorption under liberalized trade regimes’ in C P Chnadrasekhar and J Ghosh eds. Work
and Welfare in the Age of Finance New Delhi: Tulika Books
_________ 2004 “The Republic of Hunger” Social Scientist, Vol.32, Nos.9-10, Sept.-Oct.
Also included in The Republic of Hunger and other Essays Second Reprint, Three Essays
Collective, Delhi 2008
_________ 2006 ‘The Free Lunch – Transfers from Tropical Colonies and their role
in Capital Formation in Britain during Industrial Revolution’ in Jomo K S ed. Globalization
under Hegemony-The Changing World Economy Delhi: Oxford University Press.
__________ 2010c ‘On some Fatal Fallacies’ Economic and Political Weekly
Volume 45 No.48, November 20.
Table 1 Estimated Index of Total Cereals Output in Volume units, and Indices of Per
capita Cereals Output, England and Wales 1701 to 1801 on Alternative Population
growth estimates
1700 1710 1720 1730 1740 1750 1760 1770 1780 1790 1800
Source: Turner, Beckett and Afton 2001 for net output (namely gross output
minus seed), Lee and Schofield 1981 for population. One bushel (Imperial
measure) of wheat with standard moisture content weighs 56 lbs. or 25.45 kg.
and the conversion is made on this basis by this author to obtain the last
Table 3 Share of Primary Products in World Trade
PERIOD on Based on
volumes Volumes
in in
current prices
1876-80 63.5 61.8
1886-90 62.3 62.3
1900 64.3 67.7
1906-10 63.2 64
1913 62.5 62.5
NSS Round 28 38 50 61 66
1973 1983 1993 2004 2009
-74 -94 -05 -10
Source: Simplified from Patnaik 2007and updated using NSS Report No.540 Nutritional Intake in
India 2009-10. The Direct, nutrition invariant Poverty Ratios (DPR) are shown for two levels,
2400 calories the original declared official norm, and 2200 calories, the norm which was actually
applied in base year 1973-4 to make the official initial estimate. Values marked with T refer to
revised poverty lines by the Tendulkar Committee, expressed in Uniform Recall Period (URP)
basis (which is Rs.30-40 lower than the MRP basis) and the corresponding revised official poverty
percentages are shown.
Chart 2 Increasing divergence between Official Poverty Lines and Direct
(Nutrition invariant) Poverty Lines, 1973-74 to 2009-10 All-India
Source: Table 5. OPL is Official Poverty Line value in different years and OPLT is the
revised official lines incorporating the Tendulkar Committee method. These revised
official poverty lines are shown on URP basis which is Rs30 to Rs.40 lower than the MRP
basis, to maintain comparability with earlier poverty line values. The direct poverty lines
are shown for two levels of energy intake, 2400 and 2200 calories.
Table 6 Arable area and volume of Food Crops Output in India, China and USA,
in 2007
000 Ha. Tonne HA., Tonne
Note: Food Crops Output includes cereals and pulses, starchy roots, sugar crops,
treenuts, oilcrops, vegetables, fruits, stimulants and spices. It excludes sugars and
sweeteners, and vegetable oils as these are processed products including use
of imported raw materials.
Table 7 Output and Consumption of Cereals Directly as Food and Indirectly for
Feed and other uses, in 2007 for selected countries/regions
FAO Statistical
2009 (million tonne except cols. 7-9 )
6 Feed,
3 Net seed, 9
Imports processing, 7 Per Percent
and 5 Food other head 8 Per of
Country / Stock 4 Total (DIRECT (INDIRECT Direct Head Indirect
Region 2 Production changes Supply use) use) Kg. Total, Kg. to Total
INDIA 212.4 -9.5 202.9 177.7 25.2 152.6 174.2 12.4
DEVELOPED 125.9 14.5 140.4 105.5 34.9 136.9 182.1 24.9
AFRICA 130.8 58.1 188.9 138.7 50.2 144.1 196.4 26.1
CHINA 395.3 -8.9 386.4 203.8 182.6 152.5 289.1 47.3
UNION 261 14 275 61.7 213.3 125.1 557.3 77.6
USA 412.2 -137.6 274.6 34.5 240.1 111.6 889.5 87.5
WORLD 2121.3 54.6 2066.7 966.2 1100.5 146.6 313.6 53.2
Source: Food Balance Sheets from FAO. accessed 10 June
2010. Data not only for individual countries but the aggregates presented here
such as Least Developed Countries, European Union and Africa, are available in
the source. The break-up of indirect uses into feed, seed, processing & other, is
also available in source, which gives data for every year up to 2007.