Design, Development and Automation of Hydraulic Broaching Machine
Design, Development and Automation of Hydraulic Broaching Machine
Design, Development and Automation of Hydraulic Broaching Machine
Vol. 6, Issue 7, July 2017
ABSTRACT: This paper presents the design, modification and automation of hydraulic broaching machine by using
simulation and automation tool as automation studio. In automation, Accuracy and Precision are prime requirement for
each machine tool. Controller, Solenoid valves, servo control valves are crucial components of any automation.
Automation studio can be used for design of automatic hydraulic machines. The automation studio tool helps to
simulation, automation and design of hydraulic circuit. Automation studio supports hydraulic, digital electrical and
electronic technologies. The automation tool AS 5.7 helped to increase the productivity of broaching machine and to
reduce the cycle time of broaching operation. The hydraulic broaching machine circuit has modified with solenoid
operated valve and Automated by proximity sensor, proximity switch, electric JIC system. This electro-hydraulic
automation results into the reduction of production cycle time and increase in production by 78 jobs/day. In this way,
simulation of hydraulic broaching machine on automation studio approaches proved to be in good agreement. This
study also helps for working of actual hydraulic system and gives results after simulation on automation studio of
hydraulic system.
In today’s fast-moving, highly competitive industrial world, a company must be flexible, cost effective and efficient if
it wishes to survive. In the process and manufacturing industries, this has resulted in a great demand for industrial
automation in order to streamline operations in terms of speed, reliability and product output. Automation plays an
increasingly important role in the world economy and in daily experience. Automation is the use of control systems and
information technologies to reduce the need for human work in the production of goods and services. In the scope of
industrialization, automation is a step beyond mechanization. Whereas mechanization provided human operators with
machinery to assist them with the muscular requirements of work, automation greatly decreases the need for human
sensory and mental requirements as well.
Components of hydraulics:
Hydraulic reservoirs: A hydraulic system is closed, and the oil used is in a tank or reservoir to which it is returned
after use and also reused by using fixed or variable pump.. The volume of fluid in a tank varies according to
temperature and the state of the actuators in the system, being minimum at low temperature with all cylinders extended,
and maximum at high temperature with all cylinders retracted. Normally the tank volume is set at the larger of four
times the pump draw per minute or twice the external system volume.
Filters:Metal particles, Dirt in a hydraulic system causes blocking of valves, failure of seals and early wear. Even
particles of dirt as small as 20/x can cause damage, 1 micron is one millionth of a meter; the naked eye is just able to
resolve 40/x). Filters in the hydraulic system are used to prevent metal particles, dirt entering in the parts of the
hydraulic system, and are generally specified in microns or meshes per linear inch i.e. sieve number.
Hydraulic Actuators:There are various types of actuators used in hydraulic systems, e.g. hydraulic cylinders, motors,
etc. A cylinder is device which transforms fluid power into linear mechanical force and motion. It usually consists of a
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mobile element such as a piston and piston rod, plunger or ram operating within a cylinder bore. Functionally cylinders
are classified as: Single acting cylinders and Double acting cylinders.
Proximity Sensor: A proximity sensors are used to detect the presence of nearby objects without any physical contact.
The object being sensed is often referred to as the proximity sensor's target. A proximity sensor often emits a beam of
electromagnetic radiation or an electromagnetic field, and looks for changes in the field. Different proximity sensor
targets demand different sensors. For example, a capacitive photoelectric sensor might be suitable for a plastic target;
an inductive proximity sensor always requires a metal target. Proximity sensors can have a high reliability.
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Vol. 6, Issue 7, July 2017
Fig 2.4 shows the entire hydraulic system of broaching machine. This system consists of Double acting cylinder,
pressure relief valve, 4/3 way direction control valve, relief valve, variable flow controller valve and check valve etc.
The properties of hydraulic components are shown in Fig 2.5 and Fig 2.6 etc. These properties of particular
components are designed in automation studio.
Design and modification of existing hydraulic circuit consists two proximity sensors p1 and p2 connected to the end of
cylinder. The Automation software helps to replace 4/3 way DCV with solenoid operated 4/3 DCV. There are two
normally closed proximity switches are used in the electric circuit. The electric input given as 24 volt to operate electric
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circuit. A solenoid valve is an electromechanically operated valve and controlled by an electric current through a
solenoid: in the case of a two-port valve the flow is switched on or off .There are two solenoids used as S1 and S2.The
solenoid S1 operated serially with proximity switch 1-GRP1.p1 and solenoid S2 operatedserially with proximity switch
1-GRP1.p2.After simulation of this hydraulic circuit, the pressure generated at piston side is 13.19 bar during forward
stroke as shown in fig.2.8 and pressure generated during forward stroke is 0.78 bar as shown in fig. 2.10.
and it shows the time required for tool travel is 20 seconds. In fig 2.9 Hydraulic system is under simulation mode. The
hydraulic system is manually operated system. The operating pressure of broaching machine generated 13.17 bar
during forward stroke shown by pressure gauge.After forward stroke the retract stroke generates minimum pressure of
0.96 bar on the system.
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The above graph shows that, the relation between tool travel length in mm and the time required for forward stroke of
tool in sec. The tool travel length has length approximately 900 mm. The graphical results drawn on AS 5.7.
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C) Readings taken during forward stroke and retract stroke of length 700 mm due to proximity sensor
Table 3.3 Calculation for forward stroke and retract stroke
Readings by using proximity sensor Forward stroke Retract stroke
Stroke length due to proximity sensor 700 mm 700 mm
Time required for forward stroke of 700 mm 15 .55 sec 7.77 sec
Linear distance covered by piston in 1 sec. 45 mm 90 mm
Linear speed of cylinder per min. ( variable) 8 .85 ft/min. 17 .71 ft/min
D) Time required to produce keyway of GEAR 95T by setting stroke length using proximity sensor
Table 3.4 Time required to produce keyway of GEAR 95T
Time required for broach tool travel of length 700 mm in single pass 15.55 sec.
( proximity sensor used to set the stroke length )
Loading and Unloading of tool ( time reduced due to tool holder ) 15 sec.
Broaching tool finishing time 8 sec.
Total time used for single pass 38.55 sec.
Number of passes required to produce complete keyway 3
Time required to produce complete keyway 2 min.
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Production cost or broaching cost on hydraulic broaching machine/month = Rs.30, 225 /month.
= Rs.1747.50-/day.
Production cost or broaching cost on hydraulic broaching machine per month = Rs.45435- /month.
Daily increased production = (Final production/day) - (Initial production/day )
The main results of this experimental study can be summarized to following points.
a) Developed new correlation for simulation of hydraulic circuit with better accurate performances with wide
range of experimental database.
b) The simulation is performed on Automation Studio of version 5.7. The cycle time of operation can be
reduced with modification of components like solenoid operated direction control valve, proximity sensor,
proximity sensor etc. The time can be plotted by using automation plotter to represent the cycle time of
operation to produce keyway.
c) The results obtained by design of tool holder and automation are more effective than manual operation and
also reduce the work force in the industry.
d) Time to produce single keyway with manual operation is 3 min which is reduced up to 2 min by simulating
the hydraulic circuit. This results in increase in production 78 jobs per day and Profit Rs.15210/- per month.
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