Big Data Tools - FDP PDF
Big Data Tools - FDP PDF
Big Data Tools - FDP PDF
1. Dr. D. Venkata Srinivas Kumar, University of Dr. P. Udayakumar, HoD, CSE Dept.
Hyderabad. Dr. S. V. Achuta Rao, HoD, IT Dept.
2. Dr. Sunil Vuppala, Director, Data Science Lab., Program Coordinators
3. Dr. Suresh Kandulapati, Data Scientist, TEK Dr. S. A. Kalaiselvan, Professor, CSE Dept.
Systems Dr. R. Raja, Associate Professor, CSE Dept.
4. Mr. Sai Pawan Gadde, Big Data Developer, Co-coordinator One Week Online
Nimmetry Inc. Dr. A. V. Krishna Prasad, Secy, CSI, Hyd. Faculty Development Programme
5. Mr. Prasad Bezavada, Big Data Developer, Solix
Technologies. Advisory Committee on
6. Mr. Srinivas Budia , Big Data Developer .
Mr. Chandra S Dasaka,Vice-Chairman,CSI,Hyd
“Big Data Tools”
Sutherland global services
LinkedIn Links Dr. A. Amarendra Babu, Dean Academics 18th – 23rd May, 2020
1. Dr. M. Venkata Rao, CoE
2. Dr. D.V. Srikanth, HoD, MECH
3. Dr. N. Ramchandra, HoD, EEE
5. Dr. B. Hari Krishna, HoD, ECE
Dr. Y. Venkatarangaiah, HoD, MBA
CONTACT Dr. D. Ranadheer Reddy, HoD, H&S
Dr. S. A. Kalaiselvan, Professor, CSE Dept., Mr. G. Sai Krishna Teja, HoD, CIVIL
St. Martin’s Engineering College, Hyderabad In Association with
Organizing Committee
Email Id:
Dr. N. Satheesh, Prof., CSE Dept. Computer Society of India
Mob: 9043333903 Hyderabad Chapter
Dr. T. Poongothai, Prof., CSE Dept.
Dr. R. Raja, Associate Professor, CSE Dept.,
Dr. G. Govinda Rajulu, Prof., CSE Dept.
St. Martin’s Engineering College, Hyderabad
Email Id: Dr. P. K. A. Chitra, Assoc. Prof., CSE Dept.
Mob: 9994204032. Dr. Anuradha Meka, Assoc. Prof., CSE Dept.
Dr. R. Nagaraju, Assoc. Prof., IT Dept.
Dr. P. Udayakumar,
Mr. A. Shraban Kumar, Assoc. Prof ., IT Dept. Organized by
Professor & Head, Department of CSE,
Mr. D. Krishna, Asst. Prof., CSE Dept. Departments of Computer Science &
St. Martin’s Engineering College,
Ms. E. Sowmya, Asst. Prof., CSE Dept.
Dhulapally, Kompally, Secunderabad – 500100. Engineering
Email Id: and
Phone No: 9893263785
Information Technology
Dr. S. V. Achuta Rao,
Professor & Head, Department of IT, St. MARTIN'S ENGINEERING COLLEGE
St. Martin’s Engineering College, (UGC Autonomous)
Dhulapally, Kompally, Secunderabad – 500100. NBA & NAAC A+ Accredited
Email Id: Dhulapally, Secunderabad-500 100
Phone No: 9885463131
About the College Advisor
Sri Ch. Malla Reddy, Minister, Labour & St. Martin's Engineering College
St. Martin’s Engineering College, an Autonomous Institution,
Employment, Factories, Telangana State UGC Autonomous
situated in an eco-friendly environment, with state-of-art Dhulapally, Kompally,
infrastructure. College has achieved the prestigious grade A+ Chief Patrons Secunderabad-500100
from NAAC, UGC Paramarsh mentor, NBA accredited, ISO Sri. M. Laxman Reddy, Chairman
certified, DSIR Recognition, Remote center of IIT Bombay, Sri. G. Durgaiah Yadav,Vice -Chairman
Member of CII and MSME certified Institution. Signed more
One Week Online
Sri.G.Narasimha Yadav, Treasurer
than 82 MoUs with major companies’ and institutions.
Sri. Ch. Mahender Reddy, Secretary & Correspondent
Faculty Development Programme
Careers 360 Certified as AA+; Competition Success Review Sri. G. Chandra Sekhar Yadav, Executive Director on
Ranked 3 out of 20; Career Connect Ranked 13 ‘Best Sri. M. Rajasekhar Reddy, Director Big Data Tools
Engineering Colleges of India and Wikipedia Ranked 8th in
Sri. G. Raja Shekar Yadav, Director
Telangana. The college is bestowed with the glorious
Sri. G. Jai Kishan Yadav, Director
18th – 23rd May, 2020
Governor Award twice; The Engineering Educators' Award
2019; NIRDPR Award (Govt. of India); IDF Best Partner Patron
Award; Dewang Mehta Award; TCS ION Award; CSI Award Dr. P.Santosh Kumar Patra, Principal
(Students Chapter); Best Innovation by Federation of Gujarat
Industries and Street Cause-Most Dedicated Division. Best
Topics: Name: ____________________________________
Sports College by Stumagz, Telangana, National Leadership Day 1: Introduction to Big Data
Designation: ________________________________
Excellence Award- 2019 by ICCI. Day 2: HDFS and Map-Reduce
About Departments Day 3: Hive and Kafka
Day 4: Sqoop and Spark Department: _______________________________
The departments of CSE and IT has commenced right from
Day 5: Research issues in Big-Data
the inception of this college in 2002 with an intake of 60
Day 6: Developing AI Chatbot using Dialog flow and College / Industry :___________________________
and subsequently increased its intake to 240 by 2011.The
Deep Learning
department has well equipped laboratories with latest __________________________________________
configuration systems and updated licensed software's were Registration Details
installed. The department also provides a R&D lab with an Faculty / Research Scholars from AICTE approved Phone: ____________________________________
internet connection of 30 systems for staff and students to academic Institutions
take up their research work.The Department also has a tie Delegates from Industries Rs. 200/- E-Mail ID: _________________________________
up with various Multi National Companies which offers
Last Date for Registration :16th May 2020
training in latest technologies, placements and Internships.
Account Details Registration Fee:____________________________
The facultyhas authored 24 books, published 45 Patents and
papers in SPRINGER, IEEE&SCOPUS index journals. PRINCIPAL
ST. MARTIN’S ENGINEERING COLLEGE Signature of the Participant :___________
About the Faculty Development Programme Bank Name : SBI, Kukatpally, Hyderabad.
This FDP aims at providing a forum for members of the Account No: 30667640268
research and academic community, to interact on cutting- IFSC code: SBIN0011664 Place:
edge and ground breaking topics in Big Data Analytics. Registration Link: Date:
The objective of this FDP is topromote and foster Big Data
Science, Technology and Applications in the country and to
develop core generic technologies, tools and algorithms for Session Timing: 5.00 PM to 7:00 PM
wider applications and also to impart the state of art
knowledge of advances in research, different tools and real E-Certificate will be issued immediately to all the Signature of Sponsoring Authority with seal
participants on the last day of FDP.
time applications of big data.