Physics Lab Act 3 - Group 6
Physics Lab Act 3 - Group 6
Physics Lab Act 3 - Group 6
Lab Act No. ___ 3______ Section: 12STEM-_____13______ Group Number: ____6_______
A charged particle has the capacity to bring about an electric field to the area surrounding it.
Electric force will occur to any additional particle placed in this area. At a given point, the electric force
per unit charge that is experienced by a test charge will be equivalent to the electric field. In order to
determine the strength of the electric field, both the rate of voltage change at a certain point and the space
between the electric field lines parallel to the equipotential surface will be measured.
Point charges will have radially oriented electric field lines perpendicular to the equipotental
surface. Its electric field is also radial; hence the strength of the electric field is proportional to the
distance from the charge. The closer the proximity, the stronger the electric field. On the other hand,
parallel plates will have electric field lines perpendicular to the equipotental surface and parallel to the
plates. Since there is a fixed distance between the plates, the strength of the electric field will remain the
same at all points on the plates.
Place the
Connect the red lead to Set the dial to 20V DC
Prepare the materials conductive/resistive
V jack and the black and turn on the digital
needed paper on the circuit
lead to COM jack. multimeter.
Attach the power Attach the red post in Create two holes in the
supply to the posts: one connector and the Put the point charge paper. Holes must be
back to black and red to black post in the other connector on each hole. oposite to each other
red. connector. and in the middle.
Part 1
Equipotential lines
Part 2
Parallel Plates
Attact the
other Draw the
parallel best
Attach a plate smooth
Extend the
new sheet Set up one connector Use the Repeat curves
Connect equipoten
of parallel to the Outline procedure steps 5-7 through
the dots tial line to
conductive plare ramaining the in part 1 to he process points
and label it at least
paper to connector two posts parallel locate the for 2.0 V, with the
with the three
the circuit so that it so that the plates with 1.0 V 3.0 V, 4.0 same
voltage points past
board connects parallel the pencil. equipoten V and 5.0 potential.
value. the ends
using four two posts. plate tial. V. These are
of plates.
posts. connector the
is parallel equipoten
to the first tial lines.
Measure field
Starting at the Draw 6 to 9 lines strength between
positive electrode on between the both plates by
the diagram, draw a electrodes, and calculating. Calculate the
line to the negative above and below 𝐸=− Find the average devation of each
electrode. Make sure their ends. Use for each adjacent value of E. value and find the
that the line crosses arrows to show the pair of equipotential average deviation.
an equipotential line direction of the lines. Let ∆𝑋 be the
at the right angles. elastic field. distance from the
positive electrode.