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12 - Chapter 6

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Caste system of the Indian society is a unique characteristic. Its origin is from
Varna. It has divided the Indian society in various stages and hierarchy. The
word is generated from 'Jan dhatu,' of Sanskrit word, it means race or birth. This
is originally Portuguese word ‘caste’ meaning birth race or nasal. We can say
that caste system is based on birth. There are some boundations related with it.
In India, it is union of family related with one person.

1 continuous membership
2 related with birth
3 professional boundation
4 origin form one
5 person cannot marry out of caste
6 common food habit
7 class differences
8 social boundation
9 division of society
10 continuously continuity
11 religious disabilities and power
12 restrictions to choose profession
13 it is different from Varna system
6.1.1 Some principles of origin of caste system
1 divine theory of caste system
2 political system
3 religious principle
4 professional principal
5 related race with principle

6.1.2 Role of caste system in life
1.In personal life
2.In Social life
3.In State, and in national life.
Amish has mingled the concept of Varna ashram and caste system in his
novels. we have already seen the difference between the two. The plot of the
novel is presenting the time of Meluhan civilization, which was known as Indus
valley civilization. In the very beginning of the novel, which is in chapter two when
Bhadra and Shiva are talking about the society, Bhadra is telling Shiva about
some concepts relating to the caste system. They are in Kashmir they have
come all along from Kailash. This place and society is new for them .Bhadra has
some knowledge about this place and society. They have already taken the
Somras the previous night when all of the tribe of Shiva suffered from fever. The
effect of Somras is clearly seen on Bhadra, whose hump has reduced a little bit,
so they were having discussions on medicines. Bhadra telling Shiva about
Ayurvati, who is a doctor Kashmir, and has cured them all. She is very
intelligent, talented and specialized. Not only Ayurvati, but also all the doctors are
very able persons. They are called Brahmins. Then Bhadra tells Shiva that they
have a group called Kshatriyas, who are warriors and rulers in their society even
women can be warriors and rulers. He further tells Shiva about Vaishyas and
Shudras .In a gist he says,
Brahmins - were doctors (intelligent people)
Kshatriyas- were warriors,
Vaishyas - were artisans, traders and business people,
Shudras – were farmers and workers.
From this it is clear that Amish has divided the caste on the basis of the work
which they used to do and also that these people cannot do others work they
are supposed to do the same job which is allotted to their own caste.
Bhadra said, ‘Talented people’ sniffed Shiva. ‘They have a
concept of specialization. Therefore, in addition to the Brahmins they have

group called Kshatriyas, who are the warriors and rulers. Even the women
can be Kshatriyas!’‘Really? they allow women into their army?’ ‘And they
Vaishyas who are artisans, traders and business people and finally
Shudras are the farmers and workers. And one caste cannot do another
caste’s job.’37
we do not find anywhere that the people belonging to different caste used to
wear different types of ornament or so. Novel is a fiction, the author generally
used to mix their own imagination to make it more interesting add the elements of
excitement for the readers. Nandi in the novel is wearing amulet, which is
representing the caste. Nandi in detail explains this to Shiva,
‘This is the amulet that represents my caste. The lines dawn on it
symbolizes the shoulder of the paramatma, the almighty. This means that I
am a Kshatriya.’‘I am sure there are clearly codified guidelines for
representing the other class as well.’ Asked Shiva. ‘well, if the lines are
drawn to represent the head of the paramatma, it would mean the wearer is
Brahman. The symbol for the Vaishyas would be the lines forming a
symbol of the thighs of the paramatma. And the feet of the paramatma on
the amulet would make the wearer of the Shudras.’39
Nandi again tells Shiva about other amulets like this,
Brahmins must choose from birds,
Kshatriya must choose from animals,
Vaishyas must choose from flowers,
Shudras must choose from fish.
In the Immortals of Meluha, chapter six Shiva Nandi and Daksha were having
discussions on the Maika system where children when comes to the age of
sixteen are allowed to leave the Maika. In between, they are also discussing
about the changes that the Lord Ram has brought in Indian society, and how it
affected the rebellion of their renegade Brahmins. The rebellion was that the
Brahmins were not following the proper code. Some Brahmins wanted to change
their religion. So Lord Ram felt that this is a conflict between persons natural

karma and forced karma. There was a process of selection to become Brahmin
by Lord Brahma.
‘That is true my lord .but over time this process of selection
lost its fairness. Children of Brahmins became Brahmins. Children of
Kshatriyas became Kshatriyas and so on. The formal system of selection
soon ceased to exist. A father should ensure that his children got all the
resources and support needed to grow up and become a member of his
own caste. So the caste system became rigid.’39(book I page, 95.).


The position of women in ancient Indian society was very important and
respectable. Literary and historical researches have shown that the women had a
position of equality with men during the Vedic period. They have equal
opportunity for self-development, marriage, right to education and natural assets.
In fact in some matters she was in more respectable conditions than man.
According to Atharva Veda the women was considered the queen of the house.
She was respectable in house as the mother, as a girl (kanya) and as a wife. In
Indian literature, it was said that women is the goddess of the wealth
(Lakshmi).She was considered to contain the happiness and prosperity in human
life. In Manu-Smriti it was said that,
‘Yatra naryastu pujyante ramante tatra devata.’
It means where women is honored deities live there.
In Vedic age, they were well educated. So many women had composed several
hymns of the Vedas. Lopamudra, Sikta, Ghosha, Vishwara etc were such a
scholar women. Some women (Sulabha, Gargi, and Maitraiyi) were also pioneers
(contributors) in sacrificial activities. Their reputation was similar to the Vedic
sages. In the religious debate held by king Janak (The king of Mithila) on
sacrifice, Gargi was introduced by her intelligence, genius and unique rationality
and wisdom. Due to intensive and profound questions of Gargi, sage
Yajyavalkya became spellbound. One of the most celebrated Upanishadic
passages is the conversation between Maitraiyi and her husband Yajyavalkya.

Yajyavalkya decided to divide his property between his two wives and renounce
the world. Maitraiyi preferred to get Brahmavidya rather than choosing her
husband’s property. Such as women who were engaged in lifelong learning was
called Brahmawadini. To get educated girls special rituals were conducted. Like
a men women also attended a life of brahmcharya. In Valmiki Ramayana, we see
queen Koshalya performing sacrifice. In Mahabharata, Kunti and Gandhari were
educated queens. Kunti gives proper guidance to her children. In the
Mahabharata Bheeshma’s statement that women should be always treated like a
Goddess. Where women are respected their lives god and in her absence all
completed tasks become impure. In Ramayana Sita seeks respect and love.
This proved that, at that time women did not live in veil, they take active part in
social works and become well educated.
In the Trilogy, the female characters are educated and morally strong.
Ayurvati is a doctor, Sati, Kali, Anandamayi are morally very strong.


Women education was at its highest in the Vedic age. Women were educated
equal to men without any discrimination. At that, time women were in the
forefront of knowledge and wisdom. In this era daughter as a son, were
considered equal and upanayan rite was performed. She can also practice
Brahmcharya, studied various subjects. She has full right to sacrifice and study of
Veda’s. Rig-Veda mentions that several women had contributed to the infliction
of hymns. In that era, there were approximately twenty women whose intellectual
contribution was mentioned. Some of them are more renounced namely- Apala,
Urvashi, Vishwavara, Sikata, Ghosha, Lopamudra, etc. In that Era, the women
practiced celibacy. They were offered the sacrament upanayan. There were two
classes of girls students, One Sadyovadhu and second Brahmawadini.
Sadyovadhu were those girls’ students who had some knowledge of Vedmantras
and prayers before marriage. Sadyovadhu were those, which had to complete life
to attain education. The daughter of sage Kushadwaj, Vedvati was such a
Brahmawadini woman. Some girls’ students did not marry lifetime and was
engaged in the study. They were privy to the various disciplines of the
philosophy, metaphysics, literature etc. Kaskrishni wrote a book on complex and
enigmatic metaphysics well famed book, which was famous later of the same
name. This class of fellows also stated kashkristni. It is mentioned in Valmiki
Ramayana that Aaitreyee had learned by in the Valmiki Ashram with Lava and
Kusha. There were two types of women education at that time, one spiritual and
second behavioral. Aparna, Bhuwana-the sister of lord Brihaspati, Ekparana,
Ekpatala, Mena, Dharini, Sannati, and Shatrupa etc were those women who got
Spiritual education. On the other side Uma, Dharmavrata had found suitable
husband on the strength of their austerity. Girls used to be aware of domestic
education in that age. For example, Apala cooperates with her father in
agriculture work. In post-Vedic age, women education included practical
knowledge of singing, dancing, music, painting etc. Upanayan of women's in the
latter age was lost. The decline in the education system has come in later time.


The people follow the Chandravanshi way of life. The women wore too small
clothes, they were bold and confident about their sexuality. The men were
equally fashion and beauty conscious. The relationship between the men and
women could only be characterized as one unstable on extremes. The extremely
love each other and extremely hate.
In the beginning of the story when Ayurvati, the doctor was introduced by the
author her dress was described. She was the doctor, small White skinned
women dressed in a simple white cloth tied around her waist and legs in a style
the Meluhans called dhoti. A small white cloth was tied as a blouse around her
chest while another cloth called an angvastram hung over her shoulders. She
was having a white dot on her forehead. Head had been shaved clean, except for
a knotted tuft of hair at the back called choti. She was wearing a Janau that was
tied from her left shoulder across her torso down to the right side. In all the looks
of Ayurvati was like a Pandit having tuft of hair on her head, wearing janau. This
is something very odd on a Woman that Amish has put in the novel.
When Shiva becomes Neelkanth, his appearance was totally changed by
Ayurvati. He was given to wear an expensive clothes attractive earrings
necklaces and other jewellery that added to his muscular beauty. His face was
scrubbed with clean Ayurvedic herb to remove hairs of dead skin and decay. It is
the massage of herbs to make his face glow like a God. His neck was covered
with white folded cloth. Beads darned onto fabric that was giving an appearance
of traditional necklace that Meluhan people used to wear during the times of
ritual. The cloths of Daksha were also elegant in appearance. He wore a dhoti
and an angvastram Placed over his right shoulder. A large amount of functional
jewellery including two amulets was on right arm.

Marriage was well-established institution in ancient India. It was a social and
religious custom and Ceremony of Indian society and has an important role. It
was a pious knot and important religious ritual. It was necessary for those who
want to perform any religious customs. Without marriage, the Pitra- rina cannot
be pay. In Hindu society, no religious function can be done in absence of wife
that is why the wife is called Dharma-Patni
Object of Marriage:-
1. To perform religious rituals
2. for progeny
3. To streamline personal life
4. For Family life and to discharge of social responsibilities
5. for happiness
1. Brahma-Vivah:-
This was the best method of marriage in Indian culture. In this
method father of girl searched the groom. After selecting the groom,
he sees the pedigree, family, house, posterity, of groom. After
satisfaction, He gives the bride adorned with jewelry to groom.
2. Daiva-Vivah:-
Marriage:-In this method, the father of girl organized a sacrifice. The
person who completed the sacrifice methodically, the girl adorned with
ornaments was provided to him for marriage as Dakshina. Generally, it was
familiar in Brahmins.
3. Arsha-Vivah:-
When the father of girl took a pair of ox and cow for the purpose of
religious work from broom and then he gives the girl for marriage to broom, this
system for marriage was called Arsha-Vivah. Indirectly it was the price of bride,
taken by the father of girl but some moralist does not think like so. They say that
this was the symbol of acceptance given by Rishis for marriage. Who become

agree to give a couple of ox and cow, it means he is agree to marry. It was not
a price of bride infect it was the gift to bride’s father.
4. Prajapatya-Vivah: -
In this type of marriage, the girl was given to broom with great hospitality.
This assumed that they would behave lifetime according to religious traditions. It
was necessary for healthy family life. This system of ritual marriage was the
popular at that time. There were high dignity and advance moral in this system.
Today, what type of marriage is popular in society, the advance form of this
5. Asur-Vivah:-
When the parents of girl take money in the consideration of girl, was called
Asur marriage. The difference between Arsha and Asur marriage was that when
consideration was taken by the parents of girl, called Asur Marriage and when
gift was taken by girl’s father was called Arsha marriage.
Infect it was the purchasing system of girl for marriage. This was not much
popular system in ancient India, but we can find some examples there.
6. Gandharva-Vivah :
When and woman get married with attraction of love without permission
of parents, was called Gandharva Marriage.The most popular example of this
style is the marriage of Shakuntala and Dushyanta. This is not only one example,
there are so many examples like Pururava and Urvashi in history. Sometime girl
received permission from parents and some time may not. This form of marriage
was popular and acceptable in Kshatriyas. In Buddhist era, Udayan and
Vasavdatta were married in Gandharva style. It can be said that this form of
marriage was popular in ancient India.
7. Rakshasa-Vivah:-
This kind of marriage was based on force. After kidnapping the girl was,
marry by force without her desire. It includes cruelty, undue force and fraud.
Because it was based on cruelty and force that is why it called Rakshasa Vivah.
This function operated without acceptance of girl and without permission of girl’s
parents. Generally, they oppose it and fight against it but they defeat. At the time

of Mahabharata, there were some examples of this kind of marriage. Bheeshma
has done such work for his younger brother Vichitravirya. He concord the Kashi
King. But such a work was not appraisable in India.
8. Paishacha –Vivah:-
It was the most condemnable Discreditable, and hateful form of marriage.
When a man marry with a sleeping, plastered, frantic or drunkard woman then it
was called Paishacha Vivah. This was condemned by moralists.
This was heinous, miserable and forbidden work. Infect it was primitive system
and some examples can see in ancient India. Is was not permissible in society.

Other forms of marriage

This form of marriage was prevailing in India. In this method girl choose the
broom herself. Eager man collected at a one place for the object of marriage and
if they fulfill the condition of marriage or girl likes one of them, they will get
married. In early Vedic period and even if post Vedic period it was the popular
system of marriage. Ram and Sita’s marriage was a swayamvar and was Arjun’s.
It was arranged by parents as well as by the girl. Moralists say if parents do not
marry a girl, she can marry herself by the swayamvar. Therefore, it was
permissible and popular method in India.

Marriage plays a very important role in our life. It is a social arrangement. It is
true marriage that progeny goes on increasing. Amish also given importance to
the marriage. When Shiva and Sati started liking each other and loving each
other, Shiva tell Daksha that he wants to marry his daughter Sati. Daksha was
very happy and seven days celebration started in the city of Devagiri. The city
was beautifully decorated; colorful banners were hung on the city walls, showing
the festive beauty in very different colors. The road freshly tired in blue color. All
the restaurants and shops of the city served their customers free of charge for
seven days. The buildings were freshly painted. Many channels were dug, to

have a smooth flow of water. The channels were dug in a form of grand
Swastika, an ancient symbol that literally translated into 'that which is associated
with being' are very simply and lucky charm. The Swastika, which was formed by
the channels by the flow of the Holy Saraswati, was of red color, symbolizing
Suryavanshi. On the three platforms, big Rangolis were made which were visible
from miles away. Elite families from across the Empire had been invited to attend
the festival. All the important people like, governors, scientists, generals, artists,
Sanyasis were invited. Ambassadors of eminent countries as Mesopotamia and
Egypt were also invited. Brahaspati came down and it was for the first time in
history that Mount Mandar was closed. The seven-day celebration begins.
The first day two Puja's were organized in the name of Lord Indra and Lord Agni.
These two Gods are considered important Gods in people of India and it is
believed that before any significant event their blessings are to be sought first.
Other celebrations could begin only with their sanctions. Here Daksha explains
that people, that it is not only a celebration of the marriage between Neelkanth
and Sati but also they are celebrating the massive defeat of terrorist at Koonj.
Next pooja was the formal marriage ceremonies of Shiva and Sati. They finally
got married after the celebrations of seven days and on the last day there was
Yagya. The Pundit chanted the slokas and Shiva and the Daksha pours ghee in
the Fire. In between Veerabhadra comes to Shiva, asks him, and tell him that he
also wants to get married. Veerabhadra is Shiva's friend and Kritika is Sati's
friend. While they were all living together Veerabhadra and Krittika started loving
each other. Finally they want to get married so they comes to Shiva and they
were also married.
Marriage ceremonies are over. Social festival in Indian society, the marriage
between Shiva and Sati can be related with the love marriage which is so
prominent in modern India today. So this marriage comes in the category of love
and then marriage. This marriage is a totally arranged marriage because it was
with the full consent of the parents of Sati. Shiva in the story do not have any
family so he is simply comes with his group to get married.

The social life of the people was accompanied by dancing as well Shiva and Sati
were found of dancing. When Shiva meets Sati she was having a practice of
dance with his master. She was dancing on a small platform .Her hands were
raised mechanically. She was ready for the moments, she danced in keeping
with the steps body helps in a very beautiful manner. But grace was somewhere
absent. There were emotions of happiness and anger missing in her moments.
Like a professional dancer she was not covering whole of the area ha moments
were restricted to the center only. Shiva was continuously staring at Satis' dance
and he comments,
"You are being too methodical. and they stay in the land that I come from
the mudras and the kriyas were all technically correct. But the bhava or
emotion was missing.. In addition, a dance without love is like a body
without a soul. When the emotions of the dancer participate, she should
not even need to remember the steps. The steps come to you the bhava is
something that you cannot learn it comes to you if you can create the
space in heart for it. “40
'This shows the deep knowledge of dance which Shiva has. When Kritika ask
Shiva to dance started dancing. Dancing was something he has accomplished in
as in warfare .He placed both his arms in an elegant circular manner to the sides.
His right hand was holding and imaginary to, his left hand work open with its
Palm facing upward. The Dance show the various emotions of a woman. In the
beginning it showed her feelings of joy and left the next motion was anger and
pain.. Despite the Rough masculine body Shiva managed to convey the tender
and strong emotions of a sad woman. When is stop dancing sati asked,
“What was that you did before the dance was it some kind of proprietary
step.?. Yes it is called the Natraj pose the Lord of dance. The Natraj pose
what does it do? It aligned my energy to the universal energy so that the
dance images on its own. We believe that everything in the world is the
career of Shakti The Natraj pose help me to ask respectfully for energy for

a dance that wants to come to me. If I wanted the energy for a thought to
come to me I would have to sit cross legged and meditate.'41
This shows that Shiva is having energy from his dance. It shows the social life of
the people that the injured there time with dancing. The know the art of dancing.
And even there were Masters to teach them dancing.

Fravashi represents the feminine spirit of lord Rudra.
It is a Vayuputras tern. It represents feminine spirit of lord Rudra
which has the power to assist as in doing what is right. we are free to
either accept it or reject it .but the spirit never refuses to help. Never ‘said
Shiva 42
Shiva knew about Fravashi as told to him by his uncle Manobhu. His uncle has
also told him that Fravishi will help him when needed, but Shiva has never seen
it. When they were on journey through Narmada delta they came-across flames
on the bank of the Chambal near Ujjain. He saw that the coast line of tall bushes
with reddish orange fruit hanging in abundance. The small bushes were red on
top. Red color and orange fruit gave the impression that the bushes were on fire.
Then he recognized Fravashi, the holy flame, the feminine spirit he tells Gopal
about it
‘It’s a symbol of the faith of lad Rudra’s people. The Fravashi
represents pure spirits. The angels. They exist in large numbers, Their
scriptures say in the tens of thousands. They send forth human Souls into
this World and support them in the eternal battle between
Good and Evil. They are also believed to have assisted God in creating the
Gopal tell him they also respect Fravashi, but it is a parihan symbol, Shiva told
that he saw this symbol at the clearing of the river Chambal. Then Gopal tell
him that it is symbol of fire, we call it Agni, the God of fire .
‘Yes it is. I am aware that the Parihans give enormous importance to
fire rituals. So do we Indians. The first hymn of the first chapter In the Rig
Veda is dedicated to the Fire God, Agni. The chapter in the Importance of
the element of fire is, I believe, common across all religions Of the world.’
‘Fire is the beginning of human civilization.’
‘It is the beginning of all life, my friend. It is the source of all energy.
For one way of looking at the stars is to see them as great balls of fire 44

Agni, the fire God. Formerly a rival of Indra but later he is described as his
brother, because it is sad to be son of heaven, prithvi and dyaus. He seven
tongues, a mediator between God and men, a messenger of God as well as
vehicle of men’s sacrifices. One myth tells as how he was brought to mankind by
matarihwan( A as semi-God ). Many myths are about him and about his struggles
with Asuras. He is also associated with Brahaspati and Indra in the creation of
the universe his tasting of soma etc.Agni is said to have been of Iranian origin,
but it holds important position in Aryan Civilization because of the essential part
he played in the sacrifice.
What I want to point out that Amish has not only taken the concepts from Indian
philosophy, but also from the western philosophy. The concept of Fravashi is
actually taken from the Egyptian land or Mesopotamia, which in the novel is the
land of pariha. The concept of Fravashi he compares with that of Agni of Indian
philosophy the author has made a beautiful links in many concepts in the third
part that is The oath of the Vayuputras according to him Vayuputras belong to
the land of pariha lord Rudra was born there. Indian culture and parihan learn
from each other and both influenced them. As already, said mythical Characters
are taken and given shape by author himself. In the story the chief of the
Vayuputras is Mithra. The Mithra was a ceremonial title for the chief of
Vayuputras tribe. Its meaning is friend. Mithra was the friend of the Vayuputras
God, Ahura Mazda. Ahura Mazda in the novel is shown as a formless God, which
is like parmatma in Hindu Concept. Hindu believe that parmatma is formless, that
is he is present everywhere but we cannot see him not in the novel The Oath of
the Vayuputras Amish has mixed two types of religion and Mithra is representing
Ahura Mazda on earth Lord Rudra has declared that the old title of Mithra be
used for the chief Vayuputras. After a man became the Mithra, all his titles were
erased, including his old name. he is even cut off from his family. Now nobody
will no his earlier identity, his name his family and his background. Now he will be
known as Mithra.

Mithra is living in Pariha and the building is made in a very simple manner. The
base is made of stone, which is covering the drain, which is coming from the
mountain. Beautiful pillar are constructed on it, which supported a wooden roof
four meters high. On entry there is a simple hall furnished with chairs and simple
carpets. The residence of the Mithra is farther inside that is separated by stone
and wooden door. It was giving nomadic look, when people used to live in simple
tents which could be dismantled and moved at short notice. Like a tribal leader,
the Mithra lives in simplicity while his people lives in luxury. The only thing that
the Mithra uses as modern thing is his beautiful garden which is extended all
around his building. It is the beautiful garden with symmetrical flowers beds.
The Brahma Temple
It is built entirely of white and pink marble. There is a high platform on the top,
the roof was beautifully design within triangular is pi like Namaste to the Gods. In
the temple there was a statue of Lord Brahma. It was a beautiful temple having a
higher standard of work of the architecture.

HARIYUPA- this city is currently known as Harappa. A note on the cities of
Meluha historians and researches has always written a lot on the habits of the
people of Indus Valley Civilization seem to have for water and hygiene. Historian
and Johnson used the term 'wasserlexus' which means obsession with water to
describe their magnificent obsession with the physical and symbolic aspects of
water. In the book The Immortals of Meluha, the obsession with water is shown
to arise due to its cleansing of the toxic sweat and urine triggered by consuming
the somras. The people of Meluha were worried about the pollutants, which were
continuously thrown into the river. They were unaware of pollutants. However,
these pollutants were very harmful elements which were the waste of the
preparation of somras .Historians have also appreciated the level of
sophisticated standardization in the Indus valley civilization. One of the examples
of this was the bricks, which across the entire Civilization have similar
proportions and specifications.


Meluha the region is repeatedly mentioned in the Akkdin texts of mid 3rd
Millennium Mesopotamia. It was indeed the Indus Saraswati region which
appears to be so on the present showing the subject on which scores of
archaeologists have written Dilmun,magan and Meluha. Meluha is not very
popular among historians. In fact Meluhan civilization is the another name of
Indus Valley civilization. Amish Tripathi instead of using the name Indus valley
civilization has used the term Meluhan civilization. This is actually not very
popular. Some of the articles, which are written between 2450 BC 1900BC have
mentioned the name of these three. Some of the seals which are found from
different areas of Mesopotamia indicates that they have business from these
countries namely Dilmun,magan and Meluha. at one place there is mention that
2450 BC there came a ship loaded with wood from Dilman. and in later writings
also there is mention that gold ,silver, copper, topaz, combs made of elephants
tusk and wood were brought by ships from these places. Different scholars have

written about these three places in different ways but generally it is accepted that
this area lies somewhere between Greece and India, and one of them represents
Indus civilization.
Most of the scholars look to Meluha as Indus civilization. In Sumerian writings,
there is mention of Meluha because there were trade relations between
Mesopotamia and Indus civilization. Sanskrit scholar Alchin has used the word
malecha that means nomadic. This word is used for non-Aryans and he
believes that in the Indus- civilization was non-Aryan civilization. Wood especially
Blackwood, red stone and husk find especially mention of the things which were
found in this civilization the pearl of carnial is found in large numbers in
indus civilization. Factory is found in chanhudaro and lothal, articles made of tusk
is found. The metals which were exported from Meluha was copper also .so
these things which were exported is enough to say that Indus civilization was
Meluhan civilization. In the novel Meluha is the land of pure life .this is the
land ruled by the Suryavanshi Kings .it is the area that we in the modern
world call the Indus Valley civilization.
This is clearly indicated in the map given below. Area, which is having
Himalayan Mountain, ranges on the north to Karchappa and Maika in the south.

Map showing regions of Meluha and Swadeep; Figure source: The Oath of the

In history this civilization covered and area far greater than the area covered
jointly by the contemporary civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia. Mohenjo-
daro and Harappa were the two most important cities that grew nearly the river
indus and therefore the newly discovered civilization came to be known as the
Indus Valley civilization. later on when objects similar to those found at Harappa
were found at Ropar at the foot of Simla hills in Punjab, at Alamgirpur in Meerut

in Uttar Pradesh, at Kalibangan in Rajasthan and Lothal and Surkotada on
The most is striking feature of Mohenjo-daro is the great Bath. it is housed in a
building measuring sixty meters by forty meters deep. The tank is twelve meters
long seven meters wide and about two and half meters deep. It is entered at
either end by flight of steps. The sides and bottom had been made watertight by
gypsum plaster. Broad platform attached with galleries and side rooms for
changing clothes. There were some small bathrooms attached evidently for
bathing before and entering the Great Bath. The Great Bath was filled from a
large well situated in one of the rooms. it had an outlet drain too to remove water.
Provision was made for draining the water when needed.
To ensure privacy in the rooms the doorways were so disposed that none
opened opposite to any other .each room contained the brick staircase leading to
the upper storey. It appears that the great bath was related to the religious life of
the people. However, no Temple near the bath had been discovered so far. Most
of the remains of the images have been found in the corners of the rooms on the
other hand Amish have mentioned many temples in the novel.
They worship lord Shiva. On some of the seals there is the image of three-faced
male deity sitting in a yoga posture, his legs bent and surrounded by four animals
namely the Elephant ,the tiger, the rhinoceros and the Buffalo this represents
three concepts associated with lord these three concepts are

1.Trimukha (three face)

2.Pashupati(Lord of animals )
3.and Mahayogi.
Faith in amulets. People had faith amulets and charms this is borne out from
inscription on seals. There is description of amulets also. Most of the scholars
believe that Meluha “Meluha” the region repeatedly mentioned in Akkadin
texts of mid third millennium Mesopotamia (Oppenheim 1954),was indeed
the Indus Saraswati region, which appears to be so on the present
showing ,a subject on which scores of archaeologists have written. The

Akkadin terracotta tablet inscription found in Mesopotamia certainly throw
a flood of light on the nature of materials which the Persian gulf and
Sumerian, people obtained from Indian ivory objects, stone and shell inlay
work, gold ornaments and ornaments of carnelian and other semi-precious
stones, hard woods, rare animals, hunting dogs, birds and slaves. It is of
great interest to us to note that in a commemorative inscription Sargon of
Akkad (2334B.C.-2279B.C.)boasts that amongst many of his notable
achievements are included ships from Meluha berthing bay .(p-115,The
Indus-Saraswati civilization). Spread of civilization The Civilization expands
more than sixteen hundred kilometers from north to south and the same from
east to west discovering and area of about 2.5 million square kilometer.

Map showing the expansion of empires; source: Indus
saraswati civilization by Gupta SP.

Nearly fifteen hundred sites so far are generally located on rivers either on Indus,
Saraswati or manhar (seasonal river). It can be clearly seen on map to we can
say that it was highly developed the civilizations there is vast variety of

landscapes, temperatures from Rajasthan to HinduKush. The earliest civilizations
as Mohenjo Daro and Harappa were also located on riverbanks they always face
the problems of floods so they have to build their houses repeatedly. The Indus
Saraswati people learnt from them, and improved their skills in the field of town
planning and house building. So historians found that no two cities of this
Civilization are identical in plans but the concept was same .the cities are
protected in similar manner and divided into two equal parts the smaller one
representing the so-called Citadel and the larger ones the township. The major
portion of the civilization is semi-arid. Although, it covers from the dry to arid
zones in the north, the west, the east, and the south. The climate change has
most probably brought the end of this civilization it is assumed that some
hydrological changes disturb the volumes of water in some rivers and brought
If we believe in traditional which contains that in the past the Saraswati was once
a part of the Yamuna. Some studies also shows that once or twice the waters of
Saraswati were completed divided into the Yamuna. Remains of the Indus
civilization located on the Makran coast of the Arabian Sea at a distance of One
thousand six hundred kilometers. Sutktagendor is situated about three hundred
kilometers west and fifty-six point three two kilometers far from Baluchistan sea-
Meluha was famous for its town planning. This was oldest well-planned city in the
world. As roads were so wide, that two bullock carts could move parallel. We
saw, the town at this times it shows there must be an institution to regulate
building constructions according to rules. We found the streets and lanes laid out
according to a set plan: The principal streets running from north to south and
cross streets and lanes running at right angle to them. Thus, they divide the city
into rectangular blocks. We find that almost all the cities of Meluhan civilization
have a same pattern. The direction of the wind was also kept in mind while
planning the streets, as the wind keeps the houses pure.

BUILDINGS: Building was of different shape and sizes. The rich people lives in
larger houses, common people lives in an average houses. Larger houses might
have up to thirty rooms, and the present of stairs in many of them indicates the
second storey. An average house consisted of a courtyard around which were
situated four to six living rooms, besides a bathroom and a kitchen. There were
drains in every house. Some houses have well also for the supply of fresh water,
an in addition there were public wells for common people. Silage-water was
discharged through well-covered street-drains made off kiln-burnt bricks. At
intervals, they were provided with manholes for clearance. There was a
Courtyard in each house. The houses were very simple. Not any paintings or
decorations were on the walls. It seems that the stress were on utility not on
beauty. They were very traditional in their attitude. Buildings in Indus-valley
civilization were different shape and sizes. The rich people lives in larger houses,
common people lives in an average houses. Larger houses might have up to
thirty rooms, and the presence of stairs in many of them indicates the second
storey. They used to make their houses by baked bricks.
In the first book Amish has described the town planning of Srinagar.
The city was built on a large display place of almost hectares in size. High walls
were built on the top of the raised area to guard against the enemies. There were
attractive built suburban quarters in the City. The roads run from north south to
east west these were carefully cemented footpaths. The city was alienated into
blocks by boulevard in a lattice pattern. There were market areas, temples,
Garden, meeting halls and everything else which is required for elite urban living.
The houses were simple. Some houses were multi storied. A rich man's house is
diverse from and a poor man's house. The whole city was a depiction of hygiene
order and plainness.
Water drainages system
Most of the homes of Mohenjo-daro have the bathrooms were located towards
the street from the water extraction defaults are easily. Care was taken to the
floor of the building was bath default. The well-cooked bricks were used to attach
the bricks. Such bricks cuts to take them fit. Outside of the floor was left a small

exit for drainage. It was often a separate room for the shower but sometimes has
organized a large corner of the room for the bath. The purpose is hygiene, in
addition to the course as a religious ritual. People used to bath there.
Brihaspati, the chief scientist of Meluha. At Mount Mandar, he has an office
neatly organized on tables of different height. Palm leaf notes were placed along
side of the instruments they are some experiments had been conducted. The
room was colored in blue. There is a large window in the corner of the room,
which shows the view of the forest. In the centre of the room, many laws had
been arranged in a square. It is a very small room. This shows the proper
arrangement of room of a scientist.

In Harappan, civilization bricks built houses. Sand paste was used to join the
bricks. The gypsum was used to build the great bath. The use of gypsum is found
in drainage system due to continuous flow of water. All small drainages of house
meet with a large drainage system on road. Manholes were covered from big
bricks. They may remove for cleaning. They kept hygiene specially.
The economy of Indus valley civilization
The economy of Indus valley civilization trades in metals and minerals
the people of Indus civilization prosper on the foundation of agricultural base
system of irrigation and fertility maintained by silt bearing floods. Wheat and six-
lane barley were grown as melon seeds, oil crops and dates. As for vegetables,
the only apparent source was the field pea. The earliest traces of cotton
anywhere in the world have been found in the Indus valley civilization. Shiva has
never seen cotton. In the immigration camp, he saw it for the first time. The
rooms had clean linen bed sheets, towels and even some clothes. Shiva was
surprised to see soft towel and asked about the material. Chitraangath replied
that it was cotton. The plant is grown in their lands and fashioned into the
They domesticated the number of animals from local wild species including dogs
and cats humped cattle, they many have domesticated the elephants. The

elephant was represented on several of excavated Indus seals and its ivory was
used for crafts.
There is also evident that fish were caught with hooks and line and nets .Many
of the local animals virgin presented on the seal so readily that they must have
been a significant part of these people diets.
Aside from the subsistence of agriculture and hunting, the Indus people
supported themselves by trading goods. The Indus civilization expanded its
culture through trade. They came into contacts with foreign lands. The long
coastline and many rivers provided the people of Indus civilization with consistent
trafficking by water. This was common practice at that time trade by waterway.
A number of Indus seals have also been found information. The findings of Indus
seals in Mesopotamia suggest that people of Indus may have resided in this
territory. Possibly merchants were keeping up a constraint trade with the
Mesopotamia.With the sales turning up in so many locations, it seems that they
were associated with the state; it seems that the trade may have been in the
hands of private merchants.
The Harappan made many article fashions from a variety of metals and minerals
including semi precious stones. Harappans were involved in a complex trading
system, which allowed them access to these metals and minerals and the means
of their internal distribution. The primary sources for the product were
Baluchistan Afghanistan Iran soviet central Asia, the land bordering the Persian
Gulf and peninsular India.
Products such as lapis, lazuli and chlorite were components of the commerce.
The Harappan exploitation and trade in metal and minerals. There it has been
shown that measure units of trades production and distribution were used by the
Harappan. The production units which procured raw materials from neighboring
areas or distant places, worked for the distribution unit, which serviced outside
market. The known source areas for the metal and semi precious stones, which
have been found at Harappan sites, have been plotted. In the process, it has
been shown that the exploitation pattern was essentially regional. The distribution
pattern of rare minerals and metals was centralized.

The requirement of raw material is the first stage in trade. During the Harappan
period, it was a long distance travel to find raw material as well as to carry the
finished goods to local and foreign markets. The controlling authority of
Harappan trade is it still not fully known. It is not clear that the trade was the state
organized enterprise or private enterprises but it seems that a number of groups
were actively engaged in business operations. It was a very complex affair, raw
material from far distant areas, to do large-scale production and
distribute manufactured goods in several areas. There must be many operations,
numbers of commercial towns involved in this process.
There may be two types of town involved in it-
1 town connected with production
2 town connected with distribution
3.well developed transportation system
the process of purchasing and selling goods needs an efficient infrastructure,
low cost traffic or well developed transportation system and good communication
means and skill as well as a scientific method of (weighing and) measurement. It
need a good port system for foreign trade, Harappans developed all these things.
They had a good port, scientific weighing and measuring system, common
language, passport system and a good record system. Due to these all facilities,
they completed their foreign trade successfully. The Branga coins, which were
thrown by the Nagas, shows that these were the coins that show they had trade
with other regions.
Amish have expanded the story of the novel to distant land of pariha. When
Shiva goes to pariha with Gopal after crossing our form the western sea through
a narrow strait he came across something strange to him. He hears some
strange sounds, he asked Gopal about it Gopal tell him that it is JAM
Where jam means to come to Zrayangh Means Sea in the local the language
“Sea that you came to”

Gopal tells Shiva if somebody has to go to Elam, Mesopotamia, or any other far
west one must came to this sea. It is most important to approach this sea. Pariha
is the novel is a land of fairies, and it is situated far away in the region of
Mesopotamia of today Greece. In the ancient time during Harappan (Meluhan),
valley civilization there was trade relation between Mesopotamia and Meluha.
Mesopotamia is situated between the two rivers named Tigris and the Euphrates
and it is a powerful and rich empire. It is also believed that the human civilization
began here. Elam is much smaller kingdom to the south – east of Mesopotamia
and act as a buffer state pariha and Mesopotamia. It is also believed that a
gardener who name was Sargon conquered the whole of Mesopotamia.
In the Vedic period, river Vedas was created on the bank of river Saraswati. So
many civilizations were flourished on its bank. In ancient India, it was considered
to be a great river. Now it has completely disappeared. Now we are only
guessing and finding the way of Saraswati. From innovations and with the help of
technology we have found the old path of river Saraswati, which was a sacred
river. It is believed that Balram, the brother of Shri Krishna had explored the
origin of river Saraswati. At the time of Mahabharata war, he was neutral and did
not join any side in war. During that time, he used his time to explore the river
Saraswati. He reached at the origin of river Saraswati. Then he came to runn of
Kutch at the end of river, he found that river was unable to reach at the bank of
ocean. It was disappeared in Run of Kutch. He explored the reason of this
behavior, and the reasons he gave were;
1. So many Yagyas were performed on the bank of river and so much water
was used.
2. The banks of river was over-populated.
3. Many canals were dug to perform Yagyas and were built upto long
distances from bank of river.
4. Over population and over utilization of water.
5. Change in the environment.

If we look towards these causes, we find that performances of ritual rites at its
bank were the main reason that it dried away. Balram went to the place where
river Saraswati meets the ocean, the place is called pilgrim. This is the
place where the Saraswati has disappeared on the surface but it is running under
the ground. The land is covered with trees, climbers and grooves.
After this place, Balram ji went on a pilgrimage to uthapan, which was situated on
the bank of river Saraswati here in a well the Saraswati, was found. Balram
ji showed the Saraswati in that well. Then he went to winshan. Here Saraswati
was invisible. Then he went to pilgrim, this place was very beautiful it was
surrounded by trees and climbers after taking bath Balram went to pilgrim
gargshrot established on the bank of river Saraswati. Balram also went to the
place where a great tree 'was growing, this tree was very high and bright colored.
So many sages were living in the shadow of the tree. This particular tree was
found only on the bank of river Saraswati. Baja ram ji was continuously traveling
on the bank of river Saraswati invading its way of flow. At one place, he found
that the river changes its course and turned to east again. He was very
surprised. In addition, was eager to know why it turned its way. He asked a
sage, who told him a story thus, once upon a time in sat yug, a great Yagya was
organized by people of naimisharanya. It continued about twelve years. Many
sages came there and lived there. They build many towns there. Then Brahmaji
came to that place. It was the best pilgrim on the bank of river Saraswat. It was
believed that in the Yagyas the water of Saraswati was must. Pushkar is situated
on the bank of suprabha were Brahma organized Yagyas. In Kurukshetra in the
Yagya of king kuru so river is known by the name of surenu. Even on the
mountain of Himalaya Saraswati found, so all the branches of Saraswati meet at
one place. It is said that once upon a time seven Rishis known by the name
vayuveg, vayubal, vayuha, vayumandal, vayujwal, vayureta and powerful
vayuchakra born in the river Saraswati. This was very surprising.. This place is
very holy and finish once sins. After this place, Balram went to kapal mochan
please. Then he reached prathudak pilgrim. It is believed that one that leaves his
body on the bank of river Saraswati at pradhudak pilgrim he does not take birth

again. At the bank of river Saraswati in prathudak vishwamitra completed his
which to become a Brahmin. The Mahabharata describe so many pilgrims on the
bank of river Saraswati names awakener, yayat, and sthanuteerth- where lord
Shiva they are the Saraswati and established the pilgrim sthanuteerth. So that
was established by lord Shiva. Due to vasist and vishwamitra, Saraswati
changed its way several time. Somewhere river aruna meets with Saraswati that
holy place called names aruna.
Other pilgrim names--- tejas, agni tirtham, brahmayoni, kuber teerth, beather
pachan, Indra teerth, ramtirth, Yamuna tirth, adithya teerth, Saraswati teerth,.
Once upon a time about twelve years there were no rain. Due to lack of water,
people became very week. At that time, it is Holy River Saraswati gave them
fishes to eat. When people forgot the Vedas, the son of Saraswati old Saraswat
taught Vedas to Brahmin at that time.
In the north area of Samantha, panchak is sanatan theerth. It was founded by
rajrishi kuru, that is why its name is Kurukshetra, It is complete pilgrim.
After Kurukshetra, Balram went to plakshaprashrawan mountain pilgrim. In
ancient time lord, Vishnu prayed here and completed many Yagya. That is why it
is a holy place. This is the origin of river Saraswati. So complete way of river
Saraswati was invented by the Balram says the happiness we can get living on
the bank of river Saraswati, is found nowhere. Allahabad is a place where three
rivers meet the Ganga, Yamuna and the Saraswati; supporting the fact that the
Saraswati is in fact vilupta or completely hidden at Prayag it is clearly proved in
Mahabharata vanaparva.
The Saraswati before 10000 BC seems to have flown through first Panchbhadra
in Aravali not through Kurukshetra and following the path of the Luni and merging
into the great Rann of Kutch. Later Soma tectonic disturbances in Rajasthan and
Haryana change the course of the Saraswati to its present position. Vedic Hindu
belief systems have their roots in the Indus valley civilization. many excavations
has been done on it sir Mortimer did a lot on the historical evidences in India and
Pakistan. Dr Rafiq Mughal director general of Archaeological Pakistan said that
there are 10 times many more sites of Indus Civilization in the Saraswati basin

than the Indus basin. Many excavations have been done on it. So we have given
it the name of Indus Saraswati civilization. this Civilization represents the most
ancient feast of Indian culture as old as Mesopotamian Civilization. The role of
Saraswati in the formation of Indus Saraswati civilization came to the light only
after Mughals work came to be known to the world. In 1980, he declared his
result of explorations he has discovered 363 site on Saraswati basins. Saraswati
holds a very important place in our ancient scriptures. it was on the banks of the
river Saraswati and tributaries that the hymns of the early books of the Rigveda
were composed. They are instances of our knowledge about India so Saraswati
is also equally important. The Indus and the Saraswati in fact represent in North
West India and the Tigris and Euphrates Mesopotamia the two together gave
India its first cities and its earliest writing.

Figure showing course of river Saraswati;source: Indus
saraswati civilization by Gupta SP.

By 2000 to 1700 B.C Saraswati merged into Yamuna and some minor tributaries
feed this old water channels. Before going for them to the topic we should know
how actually this Indus-Saraswati Civilization spread. it was widely recognized by

many historians that this Civilization developed in India and spread to word the
west and the Northwest. When we study the earliest settlers of Mehragarh. We
find that flora and fauna were mainly the wild species. Later they started
domesticating animals like sheep goat and cereals like wheat and barley. Earlier
site of Mehrangarh was the the kacchi plains.Nausharo is place where remains of
the civilization is found having Kot-Diji culture . This civilization has trade also it is
clearly evident through the rectangular stone seals found in Mesopotamia. That
trade was long distance and short distance routes, through trade natural
resources started mobilizing for example Cornelia from Gujarat copper from
Rajasthan tin from Baluchistan, lead fromTurkmenia.

Importance of river Saraswati------ Rafiq Mughal an eminent Pakistani

archaeologist has now discovered three hundred and thirty six sites of indus
civilization in that part of the Saraswati basin which is located in the Bahawalpur
reason of the Bikaner desert. Similarly some have discovered around two
hundred and fifty cities in the basin of Saraswati and drashadvati as well as
their tributaries in northern eastern rajasthan, Haryana and western Uttar
Pradesh. Thus more than six hundred and fifty cities on the Saraswati river end
its tributaries.
It is well known that it was on the bank of the river Saraswati and its tributaries
that hymns of the early books of the Rigveda were composed over several
generations. Since these forms the oldest source of knowledge about India, there
are historical importance is equally well known. river Saraswati is, therefore, no
less important in the early history of India then the Sindhu or indus. the indus
and Saraswati in fact represent in north west India Tigris and Euphrates of
Mesopotamia. the two together gave India its first cities earliest writing.
settlement pattern
the indus Saraswati sites , nearly1500 known so far, are generally found located
on rivers, either those still flowing like the indus, or on the dried up courses of
the old rivers like Saraswati or else seasonal rivers like manhar. There are
some cities on the planes of the sub mountains regions as well, like Mehragarh

the lower kacchi plains in northern sindh. Sites like gumala and Raman dheri
are also located in the sub mountainous region but of the Suleiman ranges.
Clearly the indus Saraswati people developed a highly adaptive civilization, the
kind of which could not developed by any other contemporary people --- neither
in Egypt nor in Mesopotamia. Indus Saraswati people kept on learning and
improving their skills in the field of town planning, house building, particularly in
those areas which are under recurring danger of being flooded. thus no two
cities of the indus Saraswati civilization are identical in plan although they are
conceptually similar to each other most of them are protected similarly and share
common formal elements such as division of the settlement in at least two an
equal parts.
Mountains in the past of the Saraswati was once a part of Yamuna. Hydrological
studies conducted in recent years also show that at least twice or thrice the water
of Saraswati was completely diverted into the Yamuna because of the lift in the
land mass in the sub Himalayan region, which occur due to earthquakes.
Historians studied section of wells in rajasthan near kali Bangan and elsewhere
towards the Yamuna to prove it graphically. Since climate is inter regional in its
coverage while hydrological changes local in application, Incidentally hydrological
changes also made the Saraswati dry. Perhaps around 2000--- 1700 B.C. It
shifted the course of the Sutlej to discharge its water in the indus. The Saraswati
now merged into the Yamuna, only some minor tributaries of this river remade
to feed the old water channels, and it was hardly enough to keep them
perennially flowing. This clearly proves that the tradition according to which at
Prayag present Allahabad, there is the confluence of three rivers- the ganga, the
Yamuna and the Saraswati although the last one is just not there, is true. in
other words the age old oral tradition is solidly based upon the scientifically
supported facts; the Saraswati is in fact completely hidden at Prayag.
Literature and archaeology are, therefore in perfect agreement. It is stated in
Panchvisha Brahmin.

Causes of the extinction of river Saraswati
1. over- populated banks of the river
2. Making ponds and well and fill them by the water of Saraswati. For example
Pushkar in Rajasthan.
3. Performing Yagyas continue until twelve years.
4. Digging canal to bring the water of Saraswati, to perform rituals. It has been
seen there were seven streams for this purpose.
5. Necessity of holy water of the Saraswati to perform any ritual.
6. Over utilization of water.
7. Week sources of water supply chain.
8 .changing the direction of flow of the river naturally and man maid major causes
9. Continue drought until 12 years
10.over consumption, necessity of its water to performing any rituals.
11. Slow flow of the river makes it easy for conjunction.
Varanasi has an important place in the old cities of the word. This is the symbol
of Indian culture and cultural combination. It is not only a city but also a cultural
heritage. According to Puranas, it is the capital of god Shankar. Lord Shankar is
creator of the world, the destroyer of the word and as well as doer of the world.
According to E.B.Hovell
It is known that architectural features are the main attraction of Banaras lies. It is
a microcosm of Indian life, customs and popular belief that is furnishes a never-
ending fascination. Here the student may read a loving commentary, more
convincing than any record ever written, pointed or sculptured of the life of the
ancient Egypt, Babylon, Nineveh and Greece. Here the artist may see before him
in the flash of models of classics, sculptures and painters. Which might have
served for the prize, the status of Tanagra and the fiascoes of Pompeii.
The painter need not search for subjects, he will rather be bewildered by the
magic of changing scenes, groups and incidents with marvelous back ground
and surroundings, which pass before him in endless succession. Which many
conventional Christians might study with advantage?

American scholar Markedwen gave his thoughts on Ganga----
“for ages and ages the Hindus had absolute faith that the water of the Ganges
is utterly pure, could not be defiled by any contact, whatsoever and made pure
and clean, that's why they bathe in its and drink it. carrying nothing for it,
seeming filthiness the floating corpses. The Hindus have been laughed at, these
many generations, but the plotter laughter will meet to modify itself a little from
now on. How did they find out the water sacred in those ancient ages?
Education system in Banaras
Banaras is a kind of university but it has no College or regular classes as in our
universities, the master being spread over the different parts of the town in
private houses..... Some teachers have four and some six disciples, the most
eminent may have
Banaras the old name of Varanasi was Banaras .it is a sacred city. It is not only a
city but the concept also. There is also a myth about Varanasi many people
believe .it that once there was rule of the tribes called Bhar .when Arya ruled over
Kashi Bhar's dominance was still on Kashi. The king of Kashi was called by the
name of Kashya. kasya was the son of Suhotra. When Madrashrenya attacted on
Kashi the king was Divodas. He shifted his capital from Varanasi to another place
between Gomati and Ganga the reference is found in Mahabharat.
Gangaya uttaraye kule va prante rajsattam
Gomatya Dakhine kule shatru so vaamravteem 46
(Mahabharata.Anushashan parv p.79, chap30.)
Divodas died and for many centuries thence, Haihaiya ruled. Thus, the history of
Kashi is very old. in Ramayana there is one mention of this city .in Buddha
literature there is much discussion of Kashi. Gautama Buddha delivered his first
Sermon here, Kashi was one of the main Jan path also. From Maury an reign to
date it is a very important city. In 1194 Mohammad Gauri attacked and defeated
Kashi. Jai Chanda raided the city taking with him lots of wealth and jewelry so it
has large historical importance. Now we will discuss on the symbolic significance
of the structure of Varanasi. It has actually a religious significance according to

Hindus all the great traditions have some relations with religion. It is believed that
God Vishnu himself has created this city .Only four historical cities are there in
the world which are 3000 years old they are:
1. Jerusalem
2. Athens
3. Rome
unfortunately Kashi has remained capital for not much time. The name Kashi was
on the name of the son of Kasya. The area between the river Varuna and Assi
called Varanasi. It is also a place where are human being get enlighten that
place is Kashi. It is also said that when turmoil came Lord Shiva uplifted Kashi
and held on his Trishul.
The Eco-cultural structure of Varanasi.
The physical development of Varanasi is a continuous process in the beginning.
It was the city of lakes and ponds in them the rainwater was collected. Most of
the water went into the Varuna because this River was on lower side. In ancient
times, the water from mid of the city collected into the Godauliya Chowk and
reached into Ganga. Now the ponds, lakes and channels have become plains
and buildings are developed.
The most important features of our traditional cities are that they stand for some
symbols and thoughts. In our religious texts such symbols and thoughts are
reflected even in their physical composition. For example, Mathura reflects the
life activities of Lord Krishna people actually look towards the values with are
described in the Puranas to be reflected physically in the cities .They look to the
place where god or goddess is were born and brought up, such places become
sacred for them. The same is with Varanasi it is believed to be situated on the
Trishul of Lord Shiva so three hillocks in Varanasi are three points of that Trishul
because it is on the river Ganga so we feel Ganga flowing from the head of Lord
Shiva and that Varanasi is the main Abode of Lord Shiva.
According to Puranas, there are 4four types of pilgrimages.

1. Religious pilgrimage (Dharmatirtha)
2. Pilgrimage relating to wealth (Arthatirtha)
3. Pilgrimage relating to pleasure(Kamtirtha)
4. Pilgrimage relating to renunciation.(Mokshayirtha)
and Varanasi is said to have all these pilgrimages.
On the surface of Varanasi River Ganga, Varuna and Assi are more dominant.
Ganga after leaving Ramnagar flows towards northeast direction it flows touching
the left coast of Varanasi. The city is situated on high banks of Sangam to Raj
Ghat. On right side, the land is plains. After crossing the Varuna river there are
build three bridges that are the entrance and exit of the city. The city is built
between two rivers so there is always a danger of floods. The southern and
South Eastern part of the cities are safer to live in. Varanasi situated far from
equator so the climate is mild. the area city is divided into two halves Western
high Plains and Eastern lowland there are number of Ghats in Varanasi
constructed by different people for example,
Assi Ghat built by Maharaja of Banaras Assi Ghat was built by Maharaja of
Banaras Tulsi Ghat was built by priest Swaminath Janki Ghat was built by Ashrafi
singer etc. we will in briefly discuss about Assi Ghat and the Dashaswamegha
Ghat which finds mention in Shiva Trilogy.
this is a place, where river Assi and Ganga meets .So due to this it holds great
importance from the ancient times. There are five pilgrimages, which are found
in Varanasi. Assi is one of them. There is myth about this Ghat, which found in
the stories of Puranas. According to it when Goddess Durga after killing the
demon Shumbha and Nishumbha threw her sword at this place making a large
hole at this place from where the river emerges, so it is named as Assi Ghat.
People firmly believe that on taking bath on this Ghat removes all sins of our
previous life. serious life

This Ghat is one of the five pilgrimage and main attractions of the tourist .It is
made of prescribed stones .This is one of the oldest most famous and finds
mention even in Puranas. it is situated on the end of the main road that runs from
Godauliya Ghat .All the religious rites and rituals except for the rituals of the
Dead are performed on this Ghat.
The Myth behind its’ Name
There is two different myths behind it. According to Brahmanas and Buddha
religion, the king of Kashi was Divodas, who was very strong king he was ardent
follower of Buddhism and slowly it appears that Kashi will get rid of Brahmins .on
knowing this the Gods also started running from Kashi and went to Brahma for
the protection. Brahma through trick asked Divodas to perform Ashwamegh
Yagya. Divodas performed all these Yagyas in Kashi at this place that is why it is
known as Dashashwamedh Ghat. According to history Naga King Veer Singh
performance Yagya here that is why it is called so. Hindus for ages believe that
the water of the river Ganga is pure and could not become impure even when it
meets other things.
Physically this river is not different from other rivers. The only difference is that its
water is never contaminated with germs and the flow of the river is towards
North. This flowing of Ganga towards north specially attracts Hindus. The divine
side of Ganga is its relation with God. According to the stories from Puranas it
was king Bhagirath efforts that river Ganga emerged from the feet of Lord Vishnu
,the Ganga which used to stay in the KAMANDAL of lord Brahma merged into
the head of Lord Shiva ,then again Lord Shiva sent it to the earth this is its divine
There are many temples in Varanasi. I will discuss in short about only those
temples, which Amish has discussed in Shiva Trilogy.

Kashi Vishwanath Temple-this temple is the first temple of Varanasi .Muslim
Invaders have many times attacked and tried to destroy it. The Hindu devotees
protected it all time by changing its form and giving it a new form when the last
Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb raided and destroyed it, it was again renovated by
Ahilyabai the queen of Indore in 1785 .the top of the temple is covered with Gold
sheet weighing twenty two tons which was given by King Ranjit Singh. In the
centre of the temple is a Shivalinga with number of idols of other Gods and
Sankat Mochan Temple
This temple is situated between Manas temple and Lanka. The youngsters and
students are the maximum number to visit this temple. On Tuesdays and
Saturdays there is large crowd and during exam students come in a very large
number that appears like a fair it is believed that wishes are fulfilled if we visit this
Hanuman temple.
Kashi is the city where the supreme light shines. It is situated along the holy
Ganga River. If it is look from the sky, it gives the impression of a crescent moon
like that symbol of the Chandravanshi. In the eyes of Prince Kashi was the most
natural Chandravanshi City. The city has no fortification. Kashi had its own
superstition, The city had been built only along the Western banks of the .Not on
the Eastern Bank. It was believed that whoever built a house on the eastern side
at Kashi would suffer a terrible fate. The kings’ family of Kashi had therefore
brought all the land to the East, so that no one would suffer the anger of the
The city is not fortified, when Shiva asks Bhagirath tells him that there is a tale
behind this. Shiva asks him to tell that in detail. And that tale follows as. The
story starts at Assi Ghat. This dock did not get its name because it has eighty
steps, not even got its name from the small rivulet that flows close by. It is said
that eighty executions took place at this place in just one day. The people who
killed were the war criminals in history. Lord Rudra put eighty members of the
Asura royalty to death. They killed because they have done some war crimes. It

was not a war between Asura and Lord Rudra. But in a very simple way, this act
of Justice Lord Rudra performed.. Soon after that, Lord Rudra the greatest and
most fearsome Warrior in history abandoned all violence. He banned the use of
Daivi Astra. The Daivi Astra banned because the use of Daivi Astra had caused
enormous casualties in the Deva and Asura war. It was also announced by Lord
Rudra that anyone who would break his law would punished by him. He said that
on the use of Daivi Astra, he would break his way of nonviolence and will destroy
seven generations of the man who would use any divine weapons. The story did
not end there. Lord Rudra also said Ghat and Kashi had become sacred.
Explanation was not given. The people of that time assumed that this place is
sacred because this is the place, where the war ended. Lord Rudra ban further
assassinations at Assi Ghat .The Spirits at Assi Ghat and Kashi would forgive the
sins of even the most simple and guide them to salvation if the dead body were
cremated there. Following the announcement by Lord Rudra, the Kashi king not
only banned any execution or killing at Assi Ghat they also opened it for
cremation from any Kingdom without any difference of caste, Creed or sex. it is
supposed that anyone who is cremated here gets salvation. Slowly with the time,
the belief in Kashi being the gateway to our soul’s entrance gained ground. Vast
numbers of people started coming here to spend their end days. In addition,
when such people died there they were cremated here. However, this process
has to be stopped because it was a very small Ghat and it was impossible now to
adjust such large numbers of death. Therefore, the king of Kashi stopped
cremation here. The king created another Ghat, and named it Manikarnikaghat
Is the capital of Swadeep. Swadeep is the island of the individual. In The
Immortals of Meluha, in Chapter twenty-five there is description about the city.
People have heard about the legends of Ram's city but no one had seen it. It was
the land, first blessed by Lord Ram's sacred feet. It was not like Devagiri. The
outer walls were thick and looked very powerful. The outer walls of Ayodhya had
been painted with every possible colour in God's universe. Alternate brick was
painted in white, which is supposed to be the royal color of the Chandravanshi.

The city towers word decorated with numerous pink and blue banner. The
banners were permanently fixed on the city wall.
The road curved along the fort wall to the main entrance, so that elephants may
not and enter directly into the doors. At the top of the main gate there was
beautiful moon sculpted into the walls. Below the moon, it was the
Chandravanshi Motto. 'Shringar Saundarya, Swatantra. PASSION, BEAUTY,
Ayodhya was not built on a platform. Therefore, whenever river Sarayu flooded
was always a chance that City would be inundated. The city has a number of
walls, which were built in concentric circles; these walls were thick and strong.
Military mastermind did not plan these walls; they were in fact just made one
after the other. Therefore, there were many weaknesses. That was the reason
why the Chandravanshi preferred to battle outside in a faraway background
rather than inside the city. The roads were nothing better than dirt track. They
were not neatly paved and smooth. The only saved and smooth road was the Raj
path, which get straight from the outer walls to the Royal Palace. There were and
Roach mint all over the city. Open Grounds had been converted into slums.
There were many illegal immigrants which they attend on the slums which one
public areas. The roads of the cities were already narrow and those were even
made narrower by the intrusion of the cloth tents of the slums. There was
constant tension between the rich class and the poor landless who lived in slums.
The emperor had legalized on encroachment established before 1910 BC.
Therefore, the government cannot remove these people unless government
created for them some alternative accommodation. However, the problem was
that the Chandravanshi government is so inefficient that they had not managed
to build even one new house for the Slum dwellers in the last twelve years. Now,
people are talking about extending the deadline for that.
On seeing Ayodhya in such a state Meluhans were sad to see the downfall of
the lord Ram's great city. In the beginning there was shocked by the ugliness of
the city. However, slowly they began to find strange and unexpected in the City.
None of the Ayodhya houses was similar. Each house has its own individual

design. There were Street rules and building codes still these people created
houses that were expressions of fashion and elegance. Everything was painted
with bright colors’. There were Orange buildings, there were parrot green ceiling,
pink windows. They have created Grand public Gardens, Temples; theatres
libraries naming them after their family members, because they did not received
any help from the government. Overall, the public buildings are strange and
grand in structure. The city was vibrant so it was both ugly and fascinating.
NARSIMHA temple is situated in the city of Magadha. The temple was
surrounded by a square garden far beyond the Western borders of India. The
garden had country made design fountain at its heart under of waterways, flower
beds and grass spread out from the centre, the symmetry was magical.
NARSIMHA temple was built of pure white marble, it had large staircase leading
up to its main platform, her was a spire at least seventy meters high and had
ornately carved statue of Gods and Goddesses on and across its face. In the
main sanctum of the temple Lord NARSIMHA statue was there on a Majestic
Throne. Lord NARSIMHA is said to have lived many thousands of years ago
before Lord Rudra's time. The figure was very tall, at least eight feet with a
muscular body that was terrifying even the demon. The hands of the statue were
very strong with long nails; it appears that these nails were the weapon of the
Lord. His mouth was surrounded by lips that one large beyond imagination. His
moustaches were like cats whiskers.. His nose was abnormally large with sharp
Eyes on both sides. His hair floats out in air like a horse's mane. It almost looked,
as Lord NARSIMHA was a man with the head of a lion.
' had he been alive today Lord NARSIMHA would have been considered an Naga
by the Chandravanshi and hence feared, not revered. Don't they have any


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