Career Development Plan: Employee Name: Current Role: Career or Job Interest: Date of Plan
Career Development Plan: Employee Name: Current Role: Career or Job Interest: Date of Plan
Career Development Plan: Employee Name: Current Role: Career or Job Interest: Date of Plan
Employee Name:
Current Role:
Date of Plan:
“What gets measured gets done.” By documenting your career development plan, you’re placing yourself in a
better position for success. Build the career that suits you best. Whether it’s increasing your in-role
responsibilities, making a lateral move, getting a promotion, or venturing to a brand new career path, this plan
can help you map out your journey all within Micro Focus.
When completed, your plan highlights your strengths and areas for growth and development, and captures your
plan of action to help you meet your career and development goals.
Your Development and Career Goals
First, capture your strengths and areas for growth and development.
Strengths 3
Areas for Growth and
Then, identify 2-3 goals that bring you closer to achieving your target.
Development Actions:
Consider new experiences, exposure, and/or education opportunities to help you develop or strengthen your
skills and competencies and bring you closer to achieving your goals.
Opportunities for you to learn and practice new behaviors: stretch assignments, projects,
Experiences -
change in function, new areas of responsibility. etc.
Connections that will strengthen your capabilities: your manager, peers, coach, mentor,
Exposure -
professional communities, etc.
Other learning activities that will help you strengthen your capabilities: courses, webinars,
Education -
readings, libraries, blogs, etc.
What are the potential challenges or support you may need to achieve your development goals? What is your
plan to address these?