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Quick Start Guide: IBM Information Server

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IBM Information Server 

Version 8.0.1

Quick Start Guide

Use this guide to get started with a basic installation for IBM Information Server.
Product overview
IBM® Information Server integrates, enriches, and delivers information that you can trust for key business initiatives. With rich
functionality, broad connectivity to heterogeneous sources, and unified metadata, it is a strong foundation for an enterprise
information architecture.
Scenario: Basic installation on two clean systems
This document describes a basic installation of IBM Information Server on two computers. The computers must be free of
previous editions or versions of the product modules and components that are installed with IBM Information Server. For
information about performing more advanced installations, see the IBM Information Server Planning, Installation, and Configuration
Guide on the IBM Information Server PDF CD.
Read the release notes in the root directory of the IBM Information Server CD or DVD before you install IBM Information
Server. For the most recent version of the release notes, go to http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27009061.

1 Step 1: Access your software and documentation

If you download your product from Passport Advantage®, follow the directions in the download document at
This product offering includes the following disks:
IBM Information Server CDs and DVD, which include the following product modules: IBM WebSphere® DataStage™, IBM
WebSphere QualityStage, IBM WebSphere Information Analyzer, IBM WebSphere Federation Server, IBM WebSphere
Business Glossary, IBM WebSphere Metadata Server, and IBM WebSphere Information Services Director

2 Step 2: Evaluate your hardware and system configuration

For detailed information about system requirements, see the IBM Information Server Planning, Installation, and Configuration
? Guide on the IBM Information Server PDF CD.

3 Step 3: Review the installation deployment

The following diagram shows the basic deployment for an installation that is distributed across two computers. IBM
Information Server is installed in five layers.
Computer A
Windows XP

Client Documentation

Computer B
Windows Server 2003, Linux, or UNIX

DB2 Application Server
4 Step 4: Review the product components and layers
The following matrix shows the product modules and components that you can select when you run the wizard. For a
complete installation of a product module and its components, you must select the product module for each layer that is
indicated in the table. For example, to install WebSphere DataStage, you must select WebSphere DataStage on the
Product Module and Component Selection panel in the wizard when you install the client, domain, and engine layers.

Components Client layer Domain layer Metadata repository layer Engine layer
WebSphere Business Glossary
WebSphere DataStage
WebSphere Federation Server
WebSphere Information Analyzer
WebSphere Information Services Director
WebSphere Metadata Server
WebSphere QualityStage
Metadata Repository

5 Step 5: Log on to the system

On Linux® or UNIX®, log in as the root user or as a nonroot user with root privileges. On Windows®, log on as an
administrator. The administrator must be a local operating system administrator.

6 Step 6: Disable the firewall and antivirus software

Turn off the firewall software on your system before you install IBM Information Server. Although you do not need to turn
off your antivirus software, doing so might improve the performance of the installation wizard.

7 Step 7: Create users and groups

In general, the users and groups that you specify in the installation wizard are created for you if they do not already exist
on the system. However, in some cases, users and groups must be created before you install the suite.
When to create users and groups before installation
v On Linux and UNIX, if NIS is enabled, create the users and groups on the system before you install the suite.
v If you use a local operating system directory to authenticate the WebSphere Application Server administrator and the
IBM Information Server administrator, create the user ID and password in the local operating system directory before
you install the suite. If you use an internal user directory for the application server administrator and the IBM
Information Server administrator, the wizard creates the user ID for you.
Where to create users and groups
Create the required users and groups on computer B.
The user and group names in the following table are examples. With the exception of the Administrator group, you can
use different names for the users and groups in your installation.
Operating system Layer Required user User name Group name
Linux, UNIX Metadata repository Instance owner db2inst1 db2iadm1
Linux, UNIX Metadata repository Fenced user db2fenc1 db2fadm1
Linux, UNIX Metadata repository Administration server user dasusr1 dasadm1
Linux, UNIX Engine WebSphere DataStage administrator dsadm dstage
Linux, UNIX, Windows Domain Application server administrator wasadmin
Linux, UNIX, Windows Metadata repository Repository database owner xmeta
Linux, UNIX, Windows Metadata repository Information analysis database owner iauser
Linux, UNIX, Windows Domain IBM Information Server administrator suiteadmin
Windows Metadata repository Instance owner db2admin Administrator

8 Step 8: Install the clients and documentation on computer A

The clients and documentation are installed on computer A.
To install on Windows:
1. Go to the root directory of the IBM Information Server DVD and double-click install.exe.
2. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard and select the client and documentation layers.
3. After the installation is complete, restart the computer.
4. Start your firewall software and antivirus software.
9 Step 9: Install the metadata repository, domain, and engine on computer B
The metadata repository, domain, and engine are installed on computer B. You can copy the contents of the IBM
Information Server CDs or DVD to a local directory if a DVD or CD drive is not accessible on the system where you are
performing the installation.
To install on Windows:
1. Go to the root directory of the IBM Information Server DVD and double-click install.exe.
2. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard and select the metadata repository, domain, and engine layers.
3. After the installation is complete, restart the computer.
4. Start your firewall software and antivirus software.

To install on Linux or UNIX:

1. Open a terminal window and change to the root directory of the DVD.
2. Run the ./install command.
3. After the installation is complete, start your firewall software and antivirus software.

10 Step 10: Log in to the IBM Information Server Web console and create users and groups
If you use the IBM Information Server user registry, you must create users and groups in the Web console before you can
use the suite. Suite users who log in to WebSphere DataStage and QualityStage clients must have operating system-level
access to the computer where the WebSphere DataStage and QualityStage server is installed. You must map the
WebSphere DataStage and QualityStage suite users to an existing operating system user on the computer where the
WebSphere DataStage and QualityStage server is installed.
To log in to the Web console and create users and groups:
1. Log in to the Web console with your IBM Information Server administrator credentials, using one of the following
methods. The Web console is installed on computer B in the domain.
v If computer B runs Windows, start the Web console on computer B by clicking Start > All Programs > IBM
Information Server > IBM Information Server Web Console.
v If computer B runs Linux or UNIX, open Microsoft® Internet Explorer on computer A and go to the URL for the Web
console. The URL takes the form, host_server:port. host_server is the URL or IP address of computer B and port is
the port number assigned to the Web console. The default port number is 9080.
2. Click the Administration tab and create users and groups. You must assign at least one WebSphere DataStage and
QualityStage product role to users before they can log in to WebSphere DataStage and QualityStage clients. After you
create users and groups, you must map the WebSphere DataStage and QualityStage suite users to an operating
system user on the WebSphere DataStage and QualityStage server.
3. On the Administration tab, expand the Domain Management section and click DataStage Credentials.
4. Select the server where the engine is installed.
5. Use one of the following methods to create credential mappings for suite users with WebSphere DataStage and
QualityStage privileges.
v Click Open Configuration to create a default credential mapping for all suite users with WebSphere DataStage and
QualityStage privileges who do not have a credential mapping already.
v Create specific credential mappings for suite users with WebSphere DataStage and QualityStage privileges.
a. Click Open User Credentials.
b. Click Browse to search for suite users.
c. From the search results, select the suite users that you want to map to the WebSphere DataStage and
QualityStage server and click OK.
d. Select the suite users that you want to map to a user on the WebSphere DataStage and QualityStage server. If
you want to map some suite users to one WebSphere DataStage and QualityStage server user and other suite
users to a different WebSphere DataStage user, select the first set of users and complete the following steps.
e. Under Assign Access Credentials, specify the credentials through which the suite users will access the
WebSphere DataStage and QualityStage server. The credentials that you specify must be local operating system
credentials on the computer where the WebSphere DataStage and QualityStage server is installed.
f. Click Apply.
g. To map additional suite users to a user on the WebSphere DataStage and QualityStage server, repeat steps b
through f as necessary.

11 Step 11: Start the WebSphere DataStage and QualityStage Designer

On the Windows computer where you installed the clients, click Start > All Programs > IBM Information Server >
WebSphere DataStage and QualityStage Designer and log in to the Designer client using suite credentials and a project
that you created during the installation.
12 Step 12: Configure the connection to the analysis database for WebSphere Information Analyzer and
analyze information
To complete the configuration of WebSphere Information Analyzer, you must assign the Information Analyzer Data
Administrator and Information Analyzer Project Administrator suite component roles to a user, log in to the console with
those credentials, and configure the connection to the analysis database.
The results of your data analysis are stored in the analysis database. If you are installing on DB2®, the default analysis
database name is IADB. If you are not installing on DB2, you must create this database manually. Complete this task
before you begin to work with WebSphere Information Analyzer.
To configure the connection to the analysis database for WebSphere Information Analyzer and analyze information:
1. On computer A, click Start > All Programs > IBM Information Server > IBM Information Server Console and log in
to the console with credentials that have Information Analyzer Data Administrator and Information Analyzer Project
Administrator privileges. The console opens to the My Home workspace.
2. Click Home > Configuration > Analysis Settings. In the Analysis Database tab, provide the required information
about the analysis database and the connection. The credentials that you supply on the Analysis Database tab are
used by the WebSphere Information Analyzer client, the domain component, and the engine component to access the
analysis database.
3. Type the ODBC DSN identifier that the engine components will use to access the analysis database. The ODBC DSN
must exist on the computer where the engine is installed. If the analysis database is DB2, the ODBC DSN must use
the IBM DB2 Wire Protocol driver.
4. Ensure that the user name and password represent a valid database user for the given database. The user must have
create, drop, delete, select, insert, and update privileges in the database. This user name and password should also
be used in the ODBC DSN to test the connection.
5. Click Validate Settings to test the client connection to the analysis database.
6. Click Save All.
7. Click the Analysis Engine tab.
8. In the Analysis Engine tab, verify the WebSphere DataStage user name and password. The WebSphere DataStage
user must be the name of the WebSphere DataStage OS user on the computer that is running the WebSphere
DataStage engine.
9. Click Validate Settings to test the WebSphere DataStage credentials.
10. Click Save All.
11. Click the My Home tab and expand the Analyzing information section to begin working with WebSphere Information

13 Step 13: Start WebSphere Information Services Director

1. On the Windows system where you installed the clients, click Start > All Programs > IBM Information Server > IBM
Information Server Console and log in to the console with credentials that have Suite Administrator authority. The
console opens to the My Home workspace.
2. Expand the Information services enablement section to begin working with WebSphere Information Services Director.

14 Step 14: Configure your installation

Depending on the product modules and components that you install, you might need to configure your installation. For
example, if you installed WebSphere Federation Server, you need to configure the federated system to access data
sources. For information about configuring your installation, see the IBM Information Server Planning, Installation, and
Configuration Guide.

More information
For a complete set of documentation for IBM Information Server, including tutorials, user guides, and administration
? guides, see the IBM Information Server PDF CD.

IBM Information Server Licensed Materials - Property of IBM. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2007. All Rights Reserved.
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
DataStage, DB2, IBM, Passport Advantage, and WebSphere are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines
in the US and/or other countries.
Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both.
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries.
Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

Part Number: CF10CML Printed in Ireland

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