HV Manager: Getting Started Guide
HV Manager: Getting Started Guide
HV Manager: Getting Started Guide
HV Manager
Getting started Guide
Summary .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Installation and Configuration ............................................................................................................. 4
System requirements ........................................................................................................................ 4
Installation and Quick Start.............................................................................................................. 5
Configuration ................................................................................................................................... 7
Hvm Command-line tool ......................................................................................................... 7
Authentication Schemes ........................................................................................................... 8
Configuring Forms-based authentication ................................................................................. 9
Configuring NTLM Authentication ....................................................................................... 10
Licensing ............................................................................................................................................ 12
HV Manager is a web interface for Hyper-V servers. It provides secure web access and claim-
based authentication for windows users and groups. Suitable for small or large organizations, and
cloud service providers.
The HV Manager has the following features:
HV Manager can be installed on the following OSs:
• Windows Server 2016 includes Nano and Core installations
• Windows Server 2012 R2
• Windows 10 (64-bit only)
• Chrome
• Firefox
• Internet Explorer
• Edge
On install completion the default browser will be started with address http://localhost:8117/ . Enter
the default user name ‘administrator’ and password ‘admin’ to login.
Click on the Servers in the navigation menu on the right side. Then click Add Server. Specify the
Hyper-V host address and credentials to connect. Click Save to start the connection.
The connection status will be displayed as ‘Connected’ or an error message will be displayed on
connection failure.
Click Virtual machines on the Navigation panel. The Virtual machines list will be displayed.
HV Manager installation automatically creates an instance of the web server that is assessible from
any IP address of the PC on port 8117 (http://+:8117/). To configure HV Manager instances, use
the HV Manager configuration command-line tool hvm.exe.
Hvm.exe is a command-line tool that allows you to configure the HV Manager instances.
You can open the hvm tool as following two ways:
Command Description
Command options:
Option Description
-user User account name to run the Web Servicer. If not specified,
default account is: .\HvmService
Examples of use
The following command adds a new instance with name hvm1, running with default user account
.\HvmService and Windows (NTLM) authentication. Administrator user is Domain\Administrator
Authentication Schemes
HV Manager supports two Authentication Schemes: Web Forms and Microsoft NTLM.
NTLM Authentication is the best type of authentication to use in intranet environments using
Windows. An enterprise user can use their Windows Domain credentials to access HV Manager
web interface. Also, you can link Active Directory Groups with HVManager roles.
If computer running HV Manager is not connected to Active Directory, you can use local computer
users and groups to configure HV Manager permissions.
1. Run the HVManager shortcut on the Desktop to open hvm command-line tool.
2. The following command adds a new instance with name hvm1, running with default user
account .\HvmService and Forms-based authentication enabled:
8. Next step is creating an User and assign the Role. Click on the Users in the navigation
menu on the right side. Then click Add User to open the New User dialog.
9. Specify the User name, Role and password. Then click Save to create the User.
1. Run the HVManager shortcut on the Desktop to open hvm command-line tool.
2. The following command adds a new instance with name hvm1, running with default user
account .\HvmService and Windows (NTLM) authentication enabled. Administrator user
account is Domain\Administrator.
The following table shows HV Manager Role and Windows/AD Group relations:
The following table shows HV Manager User and Windows/AD User relations:
• Evaluation license is a temporary license that can be used only for product evaluation. The
Evaluation license is valid for 30 days from the product installation and contains all of
functionality that provides the paid license. The free 30-day evaluation license will be applied
automatically during the first installation.
• Free license. After evaluation period is ended HV Manager can be used for free to manage 5
virtual machines with one server connection and one user.
• Per-server license. HV Manager is licensed on a per-server basis. “Server” means a physical
or virtual machine capable of running the Microsoft Hyper-V server software. You need to
purchase a separate license for each managed Server. You may transfer the license from one
server to another. Each license may not be used on more than one server at the same time.