Intelligent Home Automation System Using Bitvoicer: Ishan Krishna K. Lavanya
Intelligent Home Automation System Using Bitvoicer: Ishan Krishna K. Lavanya
Intelligent Home Automation System Using Bitvoicer: Ishan Krishna K. Lavanya
Abstract: Home Automation Systems (HAS) have gained 2) Limited association of clients in the innovation in the
world-wide popularity these days. It guarantees security, outline procedure.
surveillance and solace to the user and make their life more
comfortable. In developed countries, many households have 3) Perspective retained by item originators which was that
smart home automation systems which detect their household innovation was humdrum.
surroundings and act on the data to trigger home appliances
such as fan, air conditioners etc. But these systems are not 4) Continuous spotlight on solitary apparatuses m
very popular in developing nations as compared to configuration of contemporary innovation.
developed nations because of their pricing. Also, almost all
of these systems are hard coded so they just make some For showcasing and specialized purposes, those four
decisions based on iterative conditions. The system has variables specified above have ended up becoming home
neither user defined nor conditional control. There comes industry'S chance and challenge these days.
the need of Voice Controlled Home Automation Systems
(VCHAS). The proposed ZigBee based home
Home automation is not another industry any longer, but
automation system and Wi-Fi network are unified
rather it is a soaring industry in many of the developing
through a mutual home gateway. The combinatory
nations [8]. Tremendous promise of business sector leads
offers network interoperability, a simple and supple
numerous hardware partnerships towards home
user interface, and distant access to the system.
automation. Apple and Sony organizations are attempting
to claim a business sector based on home automation. Yet,
Keywords: Home Automation System, LDR, DHT sensor, the scale of home automation as an industry hasn't shaped
Arduino, ethernet shield. till now. There are additionally no common industry
standards. The great and terrible combined items are in the
I INTRODUCTION business sector. When contrasted with mobile phone's
history, we can find that home automation has enormous
In technology driven phase, Home Automation potential later on. Indeed, a few years' prior, not many
Technology (HAT) is existing in day to day activities individuals possessed an advanced cell phone or a
from quite a while now. In many traditional cases, HAT Smartphone. Be that as it may, these days nearly
proved to be algorithmic based executers or maybe, it has everybody has a smart phone or has utilized an advanced
been a long drawn procedure. It is an orderly process mobile phone and lOS and Android framework is turning
which has been developing from numerous years. Every into the standard.
time a little change from the past form was noted. It was
around 70 years back that "wired homes" appeared. With the advent of new technology, people want more
Subsequently, home automation technology appeared in comfort in their lives. In this new era of automated things
1985. That improvement was path towards the current such as automatic cars, automatic dish washers, automatic
brilliant houses. A shrewd home is not which is pleasantly bots and so on, comes the need of automated homes where
architectured or which has extravagant dividers or which people have the luxury of doing things with least amount
is at a decent area or which has present day types of gear. of effort.
It is one which has the most intelligent innovation in it.
This makes the home savvy.
The sensor node collects the
room data and sends to the
The sink collects the data from various sensor
nodes and sends theaggregated data to the
server forprocessing.
Component I: Sensor Kit
This module consists of two sensors: Light The DHT11 is a basic, ultra low-cost digital
Dependent Resistor (LDR) sensor and Digital temperature and humidity sensor. It uses a capacitive
Humidity and Temperature (DHT) sensor. LDR humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the
sensor checks the light intensity of the room. DHT surrounding air, and spits out a digital signal on the
sensor senses the environment and returns the value data pin (no analog input pins needed). It's fairly
of current temperature and humidity. simple to use, but requires careful timing to grab
data. The only real downside of this sensor is we can
Light Dependent Resistor sensor: only get new data from it once every 2 seconds, so
when using in library, sensor readings can be up to 2
seconds old.
Fig. 4. Ethernet Shield
Figure. 3. DHT Sensor
provides a network (IP) stack capable of both TCP and 1. MCU- Atmega 328
UDP. It supports up to four simultaneous socket
connections. The Ethernet shield connects to an Arduino 2. Input Voltage- 7V-12V
board using long wire-wrap headers which extend 3. Operating Voltage- 5V
through the shield.
4. CPU Speed-16MHz
Component IV: RF transmitter and Receiver 5. Analog inlout- 6/0
I OItEF Arduino
9. Flash- 32KE
..., I 10. UART-1
: i
11. USB-Regular
Figure. 7.1 keyword "on"-Automatic control of Figure. 8 I. "Autohome Fan" Command
electrical appliances.
~~: J
is conserved. The cycle will repeat itself after a few
minutes so that the user can get optimum comfort.
If the user is not in need of automatic mode, he can switch
to manual mode by issuing the voice command
"Autohome". This command will stop the sensors and
now the control of the system lies in the hands of the user.
A user has 4 options now. He can give the following
commands to the system within 3 seconds of uttering the
term "Autohome". Figure. 9 "Autohome Light" command
1. "Fan"- This command will switch the current fan If the user wants to again switch to automatic mode, he
state(Figure 8). can again say the keyword "on" and the system will
switch to automatic mode.
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