Earth Sci Quiz 2 Elac Spring 2020 Quiz 2 DR
Earth Sci Quiz 2 Elac Spring 2020 Quiz 2 DR
Earth Sci Quiz 2 Elac Spring 2020 Quiz 2 DR
Chapter 4
1 What is meant by the term ‘plate tectonics?’
2 Use a blank map of the world to identify key features associated with plate tectonics (e.g. identify the
location of the Andes Mts., the nature of the plate boundaries that gave rise to said volcanic chain, and
the plates involved).
3 Draw and label a cross section through a tectonic plate to show two types of crust, the lithosphere,
and the asthenosphere.
4 Explain why Earth is the only terrestrial planet with active plate tectonics.
5 List the major and minor plates shown on pp. 90-91.
6 Where does the energy for plate movements come from?
7 Explain how relative plate motions result in divergent, convergent, and transform plate boundaries.
8 Compare and contrast the features of convergent and divergent plate boundaries.
9 What are the features associated with a transform plate boundary?
10 Sketch the types of movement associated with number 7.
11 Discuss how plate tectonics processes can alter global climate patterns.
12 Look at Figure 4.29. Explain what is being portrayed.
13 Matching: The names of plates and boundary types associated with the features below:
a. East African Rift b. Gulf of California/Baja California c. volcanoes in southern Mexico
d. Cascade Mts. e. Andes Mts. f. Red Sea g. Iceland h. Mid-Atlantic Ocean Ridge
14 What observations did Wegener use to support his theory of continental drift?
15 What accounts for the genesis and development of the Cascade Mts.
Match the following tectonic plates with the locations listed.
a. South American b. Pacific c. Eurasian d. North American e. African
f. Indian Australian g. Russia
16 Iceland 17 USA 18 Cuba 19 Mexico 20 Spain 21 China 22 India 23 Andes Mts.
24 Los Angeles 25 San Francisco
Chapter 5
26 About how many humans perished in earthquakes during the 20 th century?
27 What is the Cascadia subduction zone?
28 What are the characteristics of a megathrust earthquake?
29 Define the following: focus, epicenter, fault.
30 Describe the global distribution of earthquakes.
31 What are the different types of seismic waves?
32 Earthquake magnitude is…
33 Earthquake intensity is…
34 Look at Figure 5.19 What is the corresponding magnitude for each of the following earthquakes?
a. Northridge, CA (1994) b. Loma Prieta, CA (1989) c. San Francisco (1906) d. Alaska (1964)
e. Chile (1960)
35 List hazards associated with earthquakes.
Chapter 6
36 How did different constituencies perceive the threat of the Mount St. Helens eruption?
37 How did the Columbia River Plateau form? What are its boundaries?
38 Why is there a significant difference in elevation between the Andes and the Himalayas?
39 Discuss how the erosion of the Himalayas contributed to a significant change in global temperatures.
40 Compare and contrast the characteristics of the three major types of volcanoes.
41 On a blank world map locate and identify the major mountain chains of planet Earth.