Initiation and Scope
Initiation and Scope
Initiation and Scope
Project title
Max Lionel Realty Business Project
Project purpose
In this case, the company wants to develop their customer base, and create a good
relationship with clients who are good for the company development. The project
aims to provide ethical work practice and data management to staff to encourage
them to achieve Code of Conduct, and reduce the human mistake from data
The company needs to implement of the new administration system, which provides
high effect to the business due to high competition in the real estate market.
Related projects
- Skills management trainings
- Customer retention
- Sustainable strategy
Project client/owner
Max Lionel
Project sponsor
Max Lionel
Project manager
Nicole Lee
Project Status
There is 25% of the project status including stakeholder analysis, roles
responsibilities and communication plan
Special provisions
REIV Code of Conduct, WHS, Anti-discrimination Legislation, Legal and Ethical
Principles, Code of Practice and Environmental Issues
Project approvals
Lenora Clearwater Max Lionel
Project Manager Project Sponsor
Max Lionel
Project Client/ Owner Other
Project Scope Document
In Scope Out of Scope Assumptions Constraints
- Establish - REIV - Client will - Skills and
customer Legislation have fully knowledge
goodwill - Training to understandin - Place of
- Promote client and g from the the training
high staff training of - Software or
standards - Relevant Legal and program
of Code of Ethical developme
Professiona Conduct compliance nt
l Conduct - Professiona - Additional - Internet
- Promote l data budget - Time
Legal and manageme needed to consuming
Ethical nt training be provided
Obligations programme
to agents
- Promote
s to clients,
tenant and
- Achieve
and client
buy-in for
Stakeholder analysis
Name Work area Stakeholder type Impact on/by
(client, end-user) project,
success criteria
Max Lionel The Board of Client He has the most
Directors (CEO) impact on project
because he is the
primary factor of
the boards
responsible for
incorporating risk
as part of every
key decision
Riz Mehra Chief Financial Client The person will
Officer (CFO) ensure the
availability of
adequate financial
resources in the
company and
overseeing budget
for cost center and
individual projects
Kim Sweeney Operations Client The stakeholder to
General Manager sponsor projects
which affect
operations of the
organization as
Les Goodale Human Resource Client To increase moral
Manager and practical
training to
To provide
suggestions to
board members to
complete the
project objective
Sam Lee Manager Residential Client To manage different
Realty aspects of
residential realty
including maintain
and organiza tenant
data accuracy
Pat Misfud Manager Client To manage
Commercial Realty commercial realty
such as manages
the activities of
commercial agents
for enhance ability to
compete in the
Peter Mitchell Manager Client The person who can
Investments help analysis
investment data
Lenora Project manager End-user Gain a loyalty of
Clearwater customers
Achieve the task
All tenents - Sales End-user - Convenience
- Administratio - Customer
n loyalty
- Customer - Having
services adequate
through the
All potential - Sales End-user - Maintain
tenant - Administratio good
n reputation
- Maintain
contact with
the company
meetings and project sponsor(s) t weekly
manager on status
- Seek
Project team - Lenora - Manage L.C.
members Staff Clearwater and Max
who will be working - Max Lionel regulate Riz. M
on the project. - Riz Mehra different Kim. S
- Kim areas of the Les. G
Sweeney project of Sam
- Les the team Pat
Goodale members Peter. M
- Sam Lee - Reflect
- Pat Mifusd regularly of
- Peter the project
Mitchell via
Steering - Luka - They are Luka
committee/ Phillies prior to Max
working party To - Max Lionel decides on Riz. M
provide advice and - Riz Mehra the priorities Kim. S
recommendations. - Kim of the
Sweeney business
- Provide the
Project snapshot
Project snapshot
Name of Project: Max Lionel Realty Business Project
Project purpose:
The project aim to guide ethical work practice and data management to employees who involve
with clients in order to encourage them to behave in code of conduct and reduce the work
mistake by data management. And to ensure the acquisition of resources is carried out
consistently, fairly and transparently and in accordance with organizational requirements by the
goals of this project are:
- Inform agents of legal and ethical obligations and any standards or codes of conduct
followed by the organization.
- Promote high standards in professional conduct (RELV).
- Inform clients, tenants and potential tenants of MLR’s commitment.
- Achieve employee and client buy-in for initiative.
Deliverables with timeframes Stakeholders
- To organize ethical training program, 1. Max Lionel (CEO)
project plans, report, related policies 2. Riz Mehra (Chief Financial Officer)
and procedures to all staff 3. Kim Sweeney (Operations General
- Timeframes within 3 months Manager)
- Project status reports are due at 4. Les Goodale (HR Manager)
25%, 50%, and 75% allotted 5. Sam Lee (Manager Residential
timeframe Realty)
- Weekly meeting is recommended for 6. Pat Misfud (Manager Commercial
entire tram Realty)
- Fortnight weekly is advised to sub- 7. Peter Mitchell (Manager Investment)
teams 8. Luka Phillies (Manager of the project
9. Lenora Clearwater (External
Resources Risks
- Budget $15,000 approach by all - Over budget
reasonable resources such as - Technical issues such as internet,
meeting room, internet, computer, computer etc.
software, and telecommunication
costs paper-template.
- Human resources including all the
- Coordinate with legacy system regularly
data extraction is client’s - Classify the objective of the
responsibilities including REIV’s project, assigning roles and
Code of Conduct, and relevant responsibility
legislation or WHS - Manage project authority
- Setting timeframes for the
completion of the projects
Project plan
Project title:
Max Lionel Realty Business Plan
Project purpose
Project aims to guide ethical work practice and data management to employees who involve
with clients in order to encourage them to behave in code of conduct and reduce the work
mistake by data management. And to ensure the acquisition of resources is carried out
consistently, fairly and transparently and in accordance with organizational requirements by
the goals of this project are:
- Inform agents of legal and ethical obligations and any standards or codes of conduct
followed by the organization
- Promote high standards in professional conduct (RELV)
- Inform clients, tenants and potential tenants of MLR’s commitment
- Achieve employee and client buy-in for initiative
Project objective
- To achieve maximum satisfaction and benefits for the clients
- To set highest ethical standards
In scoop:
- To formulate a construction project plan for the construction of a house for a client
- To maintain the quality so as to provide highest returns for the clients
Out of scoop:
- The construction will be according to the budget planned for the project
It has been assumed that the resources will effectively help in producing the desired output
for the project. And to execute the project within specified timeframe so as to maintain the
effectiveness and efficiency.
- Skills
- Knowledge
- Office
- Software develop
- IT develop
- Time consumption
From everything is planned, there are going to be a lot of deliverables. Deliverables is one of
the elements to make the project be successes. However, there is only three months from
the project date to progress the project.
Governance can be understood as the manner in which an organization is managed with the
help of adoption of various elements. Max Lionel Realty has adopted varsiou act which help
in maintaining the ethical conduct of the company. These acts ensure the safety of the
employees as well as maintain a healthy environment at the workplace.
Project client/ owner
Client is a person for whom the project is undertaken
Project sponsor
Those people who provide funds for the planning of the project as well as for the
implementation of the project
Project Manager
Oversee the day-to-day activities of the projects. Kim Sweeney, Les Goodale, Sam Lee, Pat
Misfud and Peter Mitchell are the manaers who are responsible for the day-to –day activities
of the project
Max Lionel Clearwater Max Lionel Realty Business Project
Key stakeholders
Key stakeholders are the people who have substantial interest in the project. They are the
management, employees, client, investors and government. All these key stakeholders are
related with the execution of the project. Management is responsible for the financial
transactions of the company, employees are responsible for performing the activities of the
project, client is the person for whom the whole project is getting performed and government
guides and bounds the company to operate within the legal and ethical framework.
- Project manager
- Operational general manager
- Chief financial manager
- Manager Residential Realty
Item Milestone Responsibility
Meeting with team 4 weeks Board of directors, CEO and operations
members and boards of general manager meet with team members
committee for classify the objective of the project. Then
assign roles and responsibility
Brainstorming decision 5 weeks - Boards of directors, external
making and consultant and Human resource
implementation department have to make a decision
about work practice ethical and
discriminated against.
- Training provided to staff about REIV
obligation and software
Feedback and 2 weeks - Human resource department monitor
evaluation and evaluate the training
Review project and 2 weeks - review the results of the operation
report general manager, HR manager
- prepare the report and present to
board of directors and CEO based on
the review.
letter to invitation with team member
Work item 1.1.2: Classify the objective of Meeting room-presentation 1000
the project
Work item 1.1.3: Project scope statement Meeting room- 1000
Financial statement-
Task 2: Brainstorming, make a decision and Business resources 5000
Sub-task 2.1: Discuss the work practice Human resource- 3000
ethical and discriminated against employees, client,
manager, the CEO
resource- document,
poster etc
Work item 2.1.1: Organise the training REIV REIV Code of conduct, 500
code of conduct and the ethical training Ethical and legal training
activities resource
Work item 2.1.2: Review of the ethic and Past document 0
work practice training to project manager
Task 3: Monitoring, evaluation and Feedback form 0
close the project
Sub-task 3.1: Feedback and evaluation Feedback form 0
Work item 3.1.1: Monitoring feedback form Individual interview 0
and personal interview document/record
Work item 3.1.2: Evaluate feedback, Meeting room 800
solutions and risk management
Sub-task 3.2: Review the project and report Meeting computer with 1000
Work item 3.2.1: Review the project Report 500
Work item 3.2.2: Write a report for present Report, meeting room with 2000
to board of directors, CEO, operations computer- presentation
general manager and stakeholders
Total 16600
Employees Information which is At every stage Meetings or
important for the project in project
which employees are discussions
Customers Information about the At the time of Communication
company and its communicating through mails
performance and project the details of and meetings
status the project
Investors Information regardsing the At the time of Meetings and
projects in which investment investment mails or posts
is mde by the investors decision and
during the
proves and
Government Information about the At every stage With
practices and policies so as to ensure documents and
adopted by the company the compliance mails or posts
of polices, rules
and regulations
- status reports
- exception reports
- issue/risk log
- variance requests
- stakeholder needs analysis
- work breakdown structure
- Gantt chart
- Activities schedule
- Budget/cash flow
- Human resource planning schedule
- Roles and responsibilities
- Procurement schedule
- Combined resources and cost schedule
- Risk management plan
Project approvals
Max Lionel
Project Client/ Owner Other
Gannt chart
Activity/task 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Consulted and appointment with team
Meeting team members and board of
Prepare communication letter to
invitation with team member
Activities schedule
Phase & Responsibility Resou- Effort Starte Deadline Actually Comment/
activities rces (hrs) d completed states
Prepare - Board of email 1 02/03 02/03 yes Completed
communication directors
letter for - CFO
invitation of - Project
team member manager
Classify the - Board of Meeting 10 04/03 07/03 Yes Completed
objective of the directors room with
business project - CFO projector
- Project and
manager computer
Establish the - Board of Meeting 4 10/03 10/03 Yes Completed
information of directors room with
roles and - CEO projector
responsibility - HR and
manager computer
- Project
Manage project - Board of Meeting 1 11/03 11/03 Yes Completed
authority director room
- Project
- Consultant
- HR
Arrange the - Project Training 100 13/03 13/04 Yes Completed
training of REIV manager room completed
Code of - HR
Conduct and manager
the ethical - Team
training program members
- Project and
manager computer
- HR
Prepare report - Board of Meeting 10 22/04 23/04 Yes completed
for presentation director room with
- CEO projector
- CFO and
- Operation computer
- Project
- HR
Project name: Max Lionel Realty business Project
Income Inc.GST Ex.GST
Project budget 15000 13500
Total income 15000 13500
Expense Inc. GST Ex. GST
Advertising 400 360
Presentations 300 270
Telephone 440 396
Print out document 300 270
Training 500 450
Catering 300 270
Stakeholders salaries 10000 9000
Subtotal 12240 11016
Contingency (+10%) 1224 1101
Total 13464 12117
Risk assessment form
Project details
Project name: Max Lionel Realty Business Project
Project manager: Lenora Clearwater
Risk details
Risk ID: MLR001
Raised by: Max Lionel
Date raised: 01/03
Description of risk:
Perception of discriminatory practice reducing client and tenant base.
Likelihood of risk: High Risk Impact of risk: It should be High Risk
Risk management
Preventative actions recommended:
- Development of culture or ethical charter, including principles all agents must
Date: 01/05/2020
Risk Register
Risk Likelihood Impact/level Response Responsible
Lack of proper Low High Arrangement of Planning
resources quality department
Not complying Low High Check the Managers
with the acts implementation
process at each
Poor Medium High Adopting Project and
environment of effective management
workplace monitoring team
Changes in the High High Preparation of Operation
economic contingency manager
policies finds for meeting
the impacts of