Vehicle Plate Number Detection and Recognition Using Improved Algorithm
Vehicle Plate Number Detection and Recognition Using Improved Algorithm
Vehicle Plate Number Detection and Recognition Using Improved Algorithm
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Dr Michael. Kisangiri
School of Computational and Communication Science and Engineering, Nelson Mandela African Institution of
Science and Technology,
P.O Box 447 Arusha, Tanzania, kisangiri.michael
Keywords— Character extraction, Detection algorithm, Recognition algorithm, Morphological matching, Template
TANZANIA population has double since 1988, with a currently estimated population of 48 Million people[1, 2]
whose use of vehicles as means of transportation and number of vehicles has largely increased and keeps
increasing. The vehicles usage includes; personal, public and/or business use. With this rapid increase, enforcing
traffic rules and regulations among road users becomes particularly difficult because of their habit to disregard
them. This calls for a need to have an automated system that monitors the roads users with a pre-defined sense of
intelligence. There is no such system implemented in Tanzania in public roads, hence an algorithm is proposed
that can automatically detect a vehicle plate number, isolate it from the rest of the car image, and recognize the
plate’s alphanumeric characters is required.
Since, Vehicle number plate is the only unique code for vehicle identification in any country database; it is an
important resource for accessing data of the owner and other relevant information from the country information
systems held at Tanzania Revenue Authority data bank. The United Republic of Tanzania has variety of number
plate’s registration standards a sample of which is shown in Fig. 1.
Therefore, the information from number plates can be used for laws enforcement, road toll data collection,
weighing bridges, police barriers, etc. It may also be used to facilitate other automated processes like automatic
opening/closing of gates, keep a time record on the entry or exit of vehicles, parking lot payment calculations
[3]. Therefore, by simply thinking number plate, one can imagine other applications such as traffic control,
journey time management, carjacking protection and border control because image is worth than thousands
Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.5, No.10, 2014
2.1 Introduction
From literature review a lot have been done and employed to improve the system performance and various
researches carried out in this area. Technically, the technology is a challenging research area which has been
enabled by innovation in computers and sophisticated high resolution infrared cameras. This made easier image
processing techniques applicable to analyzing and extracting important features for plate numbers detection and
recognition [4, 5]. The literature reviews looked at Image pre-processing, number plate detection and extraction,
character extraction and segmentation, and finally recognition and interpretation.
2.2 Image Acquisition and Pre-Processing
Image acquisition is performed by high end IR cameras, placed at strategic positions to avoid obstacles in
order to obtain accurate images. Image acquired by camera always reflect the camera settings; among many
include color and hue, saturation and value or brightness (HSV) whereby essentially an image can be in its
natural form or slightly altered. It was noted that, color images are complex in space and time.
Pre-processing aims at image enhancement and restoration. This process eliminates noise, highlight edges and
improve the overall quality of an image. In image pre-processing an image goes through among many
procedures grey-scaling, dilation, erosion, and filtering and edge enhancement [4, 6]. Converting natural color
images, to HSV color space, to grey scale and then to binary is important as it reduces time and space
complexities. This concept was express by Reshma [6, 7] and Kim et tal [7].
2.3 Number Plate Detection and Extraction
Number plate extraction is a process of localization of number plate region(s) from car image. Localization
select right feature that will provide best results in number plate recognition stage. This is a difficult task due to
the enormous variations of shapes, sizes, color of a car, illumination conditions, texture and orientation of
number plate in car images. Therefore, in order to have reliable number plate detection algorithms, in such
dynamic environments, several choices have to be considered.
Several features that could be deployed to extract a rectangular shape of number plate from a car image
included color feature, aspect ratio, and texture edge density and shape/size of ROI, but for better detection rate
the combination of features could provide more reliable solution. HSV color space and integral image properties
could also be employed to locate the coordinates and position of yellow number plate and non-yellow number
plates. From Liu et tal and Kim et tal [8, 9] HSV enables one to find out the four coordinates of a rectangular
shape containing English like symbols or texture from which X and Y coordinates, Width and Height could be
The process of number plate area detection and extraction involved three stages of finding area of interest
(ROI), filtering out background and removals of false objects, and lastly computation of connected components
which provided best results of required region of interest. In the process of locating the regions of Interest the
HSV method was applied. MATLAB function was used to find the coordinates o (x, y, width, height) to provide
the regions of interest. The masked image was computed using MATLAB functions to obtain rows and columns
of our region of interest.
Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.5, No.10, 2014
Summation of mask from HSV process and mask from Morphological process provided the best results for
computing connected components. The connected components were computed to provide the actual plate area
position or coordinates of the region of interest. The properties of ROI including bounding Box, area of object,
aspect ratio, extent, coordinates and perimeter of the object were considered to find the connected components.
By combining all the above properties it is possible to provide best results at later stage of segmentation and
Finally, statistical analyses were applied to find the connected components to be used to locate number plate
accurately. This was performed to ensure that the global boundary was maintained, by providing upper and
lower limit of a ROI Left and Right limit of a ROI.
Dimensional properties of rectangle shape or objects using morphology methods of dilation, erosion and fill;
were also used by other researchers to increase correct plate localization [3]. In these methods the region that
passed through the qualifiers, and also passed as a number plate, its boundary box coordinates were used to crop
the original image and obtain the number plate only. The qualifier checked if the area of a region was not less
than specified threshold and length of the aspect ratio is within the limits (2:1 and 4.6:1 for our case).
Fig. 2 Yellow and white reflector with single and double rows number plates
The number plate detection and extraction returned four entries [X, Y, Width and Height] which could deal
with adjustment of ROI because the image may contain angle.
From the above methods, it was possible to eliminate the disturbances of the fake objects whose structure and
components were similar to the vehicle number plate, but did not match plate fixed color and coordinates. This
new idea of combining several properties enabled maximized recognition rate and efficiency. The idea assumed
that the white number plate area was situated somewhere between those black rows, hence by finding the largest
vertical arrays of white pixels, it was possible to detect the left and right edge of the number plates.
2.4 Character Extraction and Segmentation
From literature Character Extraction and Segmentation is the most difficult part of detection and recognition
process [10]. The factors that made the processes difficult included image noises, space mark, plate orientation,
illumination variance, character arrangements and plate frame. Traditional character segmentation includes those
based on extraction of connected components; segmentation based on thresholding, segmentation based on
region-growing and may others[11].
The image that passed pre-processing stage for number plate recognition that was localized in previous
sections was examined to extract individual components from rectangular area. Character extraction algorithm
consists of global and local searching. In global searching the objects borders classify which part is enclosed
with connected components while removing or erasing all smaller parts of the borders. The local searching
algorithms were required to label individual connected pixel (objects) white objects of the inputs image. The
black objects were conceived as background. The widest labeled black objects must be the borders [12].
The character extraction aspect of image analysis seeks to identify individual components or objects within
the image. Character extractions operate in two dimensions and therefore any derived description of objects
within the image should contain all relevant shape and size information originally contained within the stored
image. There are two types of rectangular Tanzanian number plates; one with two rows and other of a single row
see figure 2. Both types of number plates contain seven characters, but its rectangular shape has different aspect
The character extraction and segmentation algorithm was required to determine the region boundaries of sub-
images within the image. The plate area had to be sectioned into several objects to provide the sub-regions of
interest. The aim of this function was to divide and extract the components which were most likely objects to be
characters (Letters and Numbers) and left the rest of other unwanted components[9, 10].
The parameters to be considered to extract the individual candidates from localized rectangular plate were
Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.5, No.10, 2014
aspect ratio, extent, ratio of component area to the plate area, ratio component bounding area to the plate area of
the letters and numbers present in the in the plate. The measurement of above properties or parameters was
important factor of the recognition algorithms for subsequently manipulations of car image.
The choice of character to be derived from image influenced the effectiveness of interpretation stages in the
detection and recognition algorithms. Therefore, a set of character should be identified that could help to
uniquely indicate the key differences between the hopefully objects that would be uncounted constrained
environment of algorithms.
Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.5, No.10, 2014
Fig. 4 (a) show original images and (b) show HSV image.
The masked image was computed using function (dim (1), dim (2)), where dim (1) computed rows and dim
(2) computed columns. MATLAB 2012b experiment simulated to test loop to obtain the mask that consisted of
regions of interest (ROI) with seven objects as shown in fig.6. Algorithm flow chart indicated in fig. 5 and fig. 7
was applied to compute ROI. Thereafter, the coordinates and position of number pates were located. The
algorithm in fig.8 determined the four coordinates of the rectangular shape which contained English like
alphanumeric character that was extracted as [X, Y, Width and Height]. Image shown in fig.6 indicate exactly
Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.5, No.10, 2014
the plate number area. The HSV color space image, morphological and statistical analysis operations were
integrated to compute plate number area which was region of interest (ROI).
Fig. 6 (a) & (b) number plate area for single and two rows
Mask=1, Character=7
Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.5, No.10, 2014
Initiate accumulator
Input ROI
Threshold & Test for 2 rows
filtering Y
N Character=7
Y Segmented Character
The design of algorithm to recognize plate that started with single letter followed by 3 numerical and
completed with recognition of 3 letters. An algorithm could test for double rows or a single row. If the output
was for double rows, the number plate was cut into upper and lower sections to maintain integrity of registration
The criterion used to divide the plate into two parts was to ensure that, the plate did not cut the characters.
The row with minimum pixels was found; in the middle of two rows there was minimum whitish or reversed
black pixel which has be used to achieve this purpose. That means result of upper and lower rows would sum up
to form 7 characters, whereby the upper row contained 4 characters and lower rows contained 3 characters. The
output from single row also produced 7 characters at global boundary, that were identified from left to right side
of number plate whereby no cut action was applied.
3.3.2 Results
The algorithm detected either a single or a double rows number plate format using aspect ratio techniques.
Double rows format was define with aspect ratio less than 2.2. The threshold value was applied to reduced
components into separated characters. At threshold, all unwanted sub-objects were filtered out from the objects
of interest which was seven alphanumeric characters. The output of this experiment which has JPEG format and
42x24 pixels was fed to recognition stage for interpretations.
Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.5, No.10, 2014
Letter/ number
Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.5, No.10, 2014
Fig. 11 (a), (b), (c), and (d) recognized registration number on top of image.
The concept introduced of using multiple factors to improve reliability of number plate recognition schemes
has been successfully tested for both single row and double number plates used in Tanzania. The process of
taking the image and processing timely. It has been shown that number plate detection algorithms require an
effective sets of hardware and software components to be implemented. Tests made showed that set of
processed input image helps to recognizes number plate character from car image background independent of
location, size or orientation of the objects, so that the variation in number plate position and orientation can be
The output of this research can help to cut down human resource cost and increase overall efficiency of
transportation and traffic monitoring sector. It can also support fighting against crimes and offenses like terrorist
and blacklisted vehicles. In summary in can be applied in a number of enforcement applications.
The authors greatly acknowledge the financial support provided by Tanzanian Government and Nelson
Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) for imparting knowledge and facilitating
research work.
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Author Profile
Cosmo H. Munuo, received PGD in Electronics and IT from University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM),
Advanced Diploma in Electronics and Telecommunications from Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology
(D.I.T) and Full Technician Certificate (F.T.C) in Electrical Engineering from Technical College Arusha.
Presently, a Master degree student of Information and communication Science and Engineering specialized
in Electronics and Telecommunications at Nelson Mandela Institution of Science and Technology (NM-
AIST, Arusha), Tanzania. Currently is a Member of Engineer Registration Board of Tanzania. Sponsored
and work at Tanzanian Government as Telecommunication Engineer. His research interest includes digital
Image processing, wireless communication and electromagnetic interference and control.
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