Ewdc 222 Eng PDF
Ewdc 222 Eng PDF
Ewdc 222 Eng PDF
release 01.00
07-2000/ Eng
Parameter Description
Only in the case the instrument is in the
diF Setpoint intervention differential. In the case of defrost applications, the differential must be normal display function.
set to positive values: the compressor will stop when the programmed Setpoint value is It is possible to silence an alarm by
reached (on the adjusting probe information) to restart when the temperature value accounts
simply pressing one of the UP or
for the Setpoint value added the differential value. Note: the value 0 can not be programmed.
LSE Lower Setpoint. Generally it is set to the minimum value which the probe can measure. SET/DOWN buttons. The LED associated
HSE Higher Setpoint. with the function will start blinking.
rEF Control Mode. Set to H, the compressor regulation algorithm enables a warm operation, when
set to C, it enables a cold operation. KEYBOARD BLOCK
Ont Compressor ON time when the probe fails.
OFt Compressor OFF time when the probe fails Through the special programming of the
dOn Power-on delay. LOC parameter, it is possible to disable
dOF Delay after power-off. Between the relay power-on and the next power-on, it is necessary that the instrument keyboard thus avoiding
the specified time elapses.
dbi Delays between power-on. Between two compressor power-on, it is necessary that the
any function or parameter undesired
specified time elapses. change.
OdO Delay time output since the instrument power on or the voltage cut out.
dtY Defrost type selection. ACCESS PASSWORD TO THE
0= electric defost,
1= hot gas (reverse cycle) defost,
2 = Free (compressor off) It is possible to set an instrument
dit Interval between defrost cycles. In hour or in minutes according to the dtU password to access the parameter
dtU Unit of measure for defrosting interval/duration
programming phase. To program (or
dCt Selection of the interval defrost counting mode.
0 Compressor operating hours modify) the password, it is simply enough
1 Instrument power-on hours to enter the PAS parameter and program
2 Compressor power-off a value between 1 and 250 (when
dOH Defrost off-set hours.
dEt Defrost endurance time, In hours or minutes according to the dtU
programming the value 0, the password is
dSt Defrost Stop temperature. Defrost ends when this temperature is reached. disabled). It is possible to only enable the
dPO Defrost regulation algorithm enabling request during power on password when out from the parameter
dri Such a parameter allows to decide whether the defrost interval counting must be reset or not programming phase. When the password
during the manual defrost request
is enabled and a parameter programming
dt drainage time. In minutes
AFd Alarm/fans set differential phase access is demanded, the PAS label
Att HAL and LAL parameter interpretation mode. is displayed. Press the buttons UP and
0= it interprets values in absolute mode (which do not refer to the Setpoint) SET/DOWN at the same time to enter the
1= it interprets values as relating to the Setpoint
password programming, which can be
LAL Lower temperature alarm. The temperature value which, when overcome, will lead to the
alarm enabling and signalling modified by means of buttons UP AND
HAL Higher temperature alarm. The temperature value which, when overcome, will lead to the SET/DOWN.
alarm enabling and signalling If the password is correct, by pressimg
PAO Alarm cut out when the instrument is switched on
the button UP and SET/DOWN at the
dAO Alarm cut out after defrost
tAO Delay time from the temperature alarm signalling same time, you will able to enter into the
LOC Keyboard block. It is still possible to enter the programming parameters and change such a prameter Programming Phase. If the
parameter state thus allowing to enable the keyboard. N=it does not block, y=it blocks password is wrong the device prompts
PAS Password. See Access Password to Parameter Programming section
the label PAS to enter it again.
ndt Temperature display format. 0n=whole numbers only, y=decimals
CAL Calibration. Positive or negative temperature offset which is added to the value which the
temperature thermal setting probe reads before being displayed and used throughout the PARAMETER PROGRAMMING
adjusting It is possible to enter the parameter
LdL Higher probe value which can be displayed on the display
programming by pressing the button UP
HdL Lower probe value which can be displayed on the display
and SET/DOWN at the same time for at
dLc Display mode during defrost
0= it displays temperature read by the room probe least 5 seconds. The label of the first
1= it displays temperature read by the room probe when starting defrost parameter will be displayed. LED SET will
2= it displays the “deF” label during defrost blink during the entire programming
dro Select °C or °F to display temperature read by the room probe. 0=°C, 1=°F
mode. To move to the other parameters,
rEL Instrument release. Read only
tAb Reserved. Read only
press UP or SET/DOWN. To display the
parameter value, press the two buttons at
the same time. To change it, press the UP
or the SET/DOWN buttons.
Storing of the selected value is only
possible through confirmation, pressing
buttons UP and SET/DOWN at the same
time or automatically avoiding pressing
the two buttons for 10 seconds about. In
(keyboard) lock n..Y n Flag
PAS Password 0..250 0 Number
The instrument was designed to be
ndt Display mode number n..y Y n/Y
assembled to the frontlet. Drill a hole,
CAL Calibration -30..30 0 °C/°F
29x71mm and fix the instrument by
LdL Lower display Limit -67..HdL -50 °C/°F
means of the special supplied bracket.
HdL Higher display Limit LdL..302 110 °C/°F
The admitted room temperature range
dLc Display Lock 0..2 0 Flag
Selection °C or °F 0..1 0 Flag
for a current instrument power on varies
rEL Release firmware 0..999 / Number between -5 and 60 °C.
tAb Table of parameters 0..999 / Number Avoid assembling the instrument in moist
and/or dirty places. It must be power on
in ordinary or normally polluted places.
♦ E1: failed room cell; fixed display. Ventilate the area next to the instrument
♦ E2: failed defrost probe. This display cooling vents.
PARAMETERS alternates with the temperature
Parameters are visible in two different display at intervals of two seconds. ELECTRICAL
tables (Parameter description table) The room probe error state leads to:
which describes the parameter function 1. The E1 code displayed on the display CONNECTIONS
and while the second table (Parameter and the alarm LED is enabled.
The instrument exhibit screw terminal
features table) provides for a list of the 2. Compressor power on as specified
blocks to connect electrical cables,
specific features of each parameter. by parameters Ont and Oft
section max. 2.5 mm² (as for the power
3. Maximum or minimum alarm
contacts, a unique wire per terminal).
regulation algorithm disabling.
Adjust and service the electrical
DIAGNOSTICS The defrost probe error causes:
connection, when the machine is opened
1. the E2 code to be displayed and the
alarm LED to be enabled
PROBE ALARM Check that the power supply voltage
2. the defrost to end due to a time-out
Alarms depending on possible failures are complies with the instrument demanded
displayed on the instrument display by power supply voltage.
means of the following symbols.
EWDC 222 Rel. 01.00 07- 2000 / Eng 3/5
EWDC 222 connection diagram
Invensys Climate Controls s.p.a. is not
liable for possible damages depending
• Installation/operation different from
what prescribed and, more precisely
different from safety regulations in
existing standards and/or described
in the present operating instructions;
• Operation on boards which do not
provide for the necessary protection
against electric shocks, water and
dust under the specified assembly
• Operation on boards which
dangerous elements can be easily
accessed on without any special tool;
• Tempering and/or any product
• Installation/operation on boards
which do not comply with
regulations and standards in force.