Taxation C 1
Taxation C 1
Taxation C 1
▪ The actual cost of an asset to the assessee is normally the amount of capital expenditure incurred
in respect of the acquisition, installation etc., and also the expenses to make the asset ready for
the purpose of its use in the business.
▪ The word ‘ actual cost’ has been defined in Section 43 (1 ) of the Act to mean that actual cost of the
asset to the assessee as reduced by that portion of the cost thereof, met directly or indirectly by any
other person or authority.
▪ An assessee, in acquisition of an asset, makes payments in a day otherwise than by an a/c payee
cheque/demand draft / ECS/ which is > INR 10000, such expenditure would not be a part of the
actual cost.
➢ The provisions of Section 43(1) of the Act clarify that the actual cost of depreciable asset should be
determined in the following circumstances as indicated below:
✓ if an asset was first used for scientific research and then used for business later, the actual cost
would be the initial cost incurred in acquiring the asset minus the deduction already claimed
under section 3.
✓ if the asset is acquired as a gift/inheritance, the actual cost is the WDV of the P. Y
✓ if an asset was once in use, then transferred and later re-acquired, the actual cost would be the
WDV at the time of transfer OR the price of re-acquisition, whichever is lower
WRITTEN DOWN VALUE (WDV) [ Section 43 (6) ]
• In case of acquisition of assets during the P.Y, the actual becomes the WDV
• In case of assets acquired before the P.Y,
the WDV = Actual Cost to the assessee - Depreciation c/f if any
• In case of transfer of assets from holding company to subsidiary or vice-versa or from a
amalgamating company or an amalgamated company, then the actual cost of assets in the books
of the transferee company would be the WDV of the block assets, as in the books of transferor
company for the immediately preceding P.Y., minus , the allowable depreciation during the Current
• In case of a successor LLP, the WDV in the books of the LLP, would be the WDV in the books of the
predessor company on the date of such conversion
• The WDV of the following assets may be reduced no NIL :
the moneys receivable by the assessee in respect of the assets sold, together with the
scrap value if any > than the current WDV of the assets, OR where the entire block assests is sold.
➢ It’s the depreciation that couldn’t be consumed fully, that is, the profits were not sufficient to absorb it.
➢ Can be carried forward indefinitely
➢ The current year depreciation and the brought forward business losses get priority in the set off over the
unabsorbed depreciation, in that order
▪ In case of Power Units ( Section 2(1 ) ( i) ( optional to power generating units ) from the A.Y 1998-99,
an undertaking engaged in generation or generation and distribution of power can claim depreciation
on straight line basis on the actual cost of individual asset.
▪ But the aggregate depreciation can not exceed the actual cost.
o If any asset, on which depreciation is claimed on basis of SLM, is sold and the amount by which money
payable together with scrap value, fall short of WDV of such asset, depreciation shall be allowed equal
to such deficiency in the year of sale.
BALANCING CHARGE ( Section 41 ( 2 )
➢ If any asset, on which depreciation is claimed on basis of SLM, is sold and the amount by which
money payable together with scrap value, fall short of WDV of such asset, depreciation shall be
allowed equal to such deficiency in the year of sale
➢ In case of investment is made in New Plant and Machinery in Notified Backward areas in state of
Andhra Pradesh OR after 1/4/15, Additional depreciation shall be allowed @ 35% of Actual Cost.