An Efficient Reconfigurable Soc System Design With Nios Ii Processor
An Efficient Reconfigurable Soc System Design With Nios Ii Processor
An Efficient Reconfigurable Soc System Design With Nios Ii Processor
R.Balakumar1 S.Kalimuthukumar2
1 2
PG Student Assistant Professor-I
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Kalasalingam University Kalasalingam University
Krishnankoil, Tamilnadu, India-626126 Krishnankoil, Tamilnadu, India-626126
ABSTRACT (SoC). The processor cores can be designed to be dedicated for a SoC
and reusing of generic processors is often preferred due to time to
The purpose of the paper is to reduce memory and power of an market constraints. The processor core which is adaptable to many
embedded system. In earlier, embedded processors to perform different things. It can be completely applied using logic synthesis
the task whereas power and energy constraints should be lower. [5]. The Nios II processor which is provided by Altera family to be
There are several tools available for improving the power and implemented in FPGA and also lots of softcore processors available
energy for low level processors. With the evolution of technology, in the market. Nowadays, growing complexity of applications has
the system complexity get increased and the application fields of made design of challenging. The most effective way to implement
the embedded system expanded. The need of high performance area and power consumption for efficient architectures is to design
applications has led to the development of System on Chip (SoC). fully dedicated ones. It provides options for configure the softcore
This paper presents the design of SoC (System on Chip) for the processor. The several softcore processors are Nios II, Microblaze,
required hardware. Analyze the energy and power for the design Picoblaze, Xtensa are the softcore processors provided by Altera,
in Quartus II. The evolution of technologies is enabling to the Xilinx, Tensilica respectively. There are several use of softcore
integration of complex platforms in a single chip (called system- processors available for the developer of an embedded system. The
on-chip, SoC) including one or several CPU subsystems to softcore processors which is flexible, hence it can be customized for
execute software and sophisticated interconnect in addition to for a specific application need [2].
specific hardware subsystems. The Hardware level design is to be Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is configured by the end
done in the Quartus II and Qsys. The design of SoC is to be done user. In FPGA, We can test and validate our design. Instead of ASIC,
in the Qsys System Integration for the VGA display. The power it is useful for low production, simple design cycle and time to
tool to obtain power/energy estimation of complete system of market.
SoC. The power / energy accuracy trade-offs for the SoC is to be The Organisation of the paper is as follows: Section I provides
measured. Then analyse the power and energy measures using Design cycles for FPGA and ASIC Section II gives Hardware &
power analyzer tool. Reduce the unnecessary logic and reduce Software Codesign. Section III Advantages and Disadvantages of
memory access. It will reduces the power usage in the using IP. In Section IV gives the Implementation of Hardware &
application. The usefulness and the effectiveness of the proposed Software Codesign. We conclude in Section V and with some
system is achieved by using FPGA cyclone board with the help of comments on future work.
Computer Aided Design Tools. The CAD tools are Quartus
Altera II, Qsys, and Nios IDE Eclipse. 1.DESIGN CYCLES FOR FPGA AND ASIC
3.1.2 Avalon Switch Interface Fig. 7 Block Diagram of VGA core [8]
Nios II uses the Avalon switch fabric as the interface to its In Pixel mode, the VGA core uses the RGB color model, it
embedded peripherals. When compared to a traditional bus in have the following color space settings are available. It is 16-
a normal processor based system it only gives one bus master bit color mode that is Red and blue have 5-bit color spaces.
access the bus at a time. But in Avalon switch fabric, using a Whereas green has a 6-bit color space. Then it have 8-bit color
slave side arbitration so multiple masters operate mode for grayscale [8].
simultaneously. The major hardware circuit is designed based on the
Host Computer resources of DE0 development board. The Cyclone
EP3C16F484 FPGA as the main chip [13]. The Qsys builder
USB Blaster achieves the connections of various IP core then it is
integrated with Quartus II, it completes the work of Nios II
softcore processor and connected peripherals. The Nios II
processor was set up using the Qsys builder. The processor
VGA Nios II JTAG Debug JTAG UART components are selected and added as shown in Fig. 10.
Controller Processor module interface
On-Chip memory SDRAM controller
Nios II Processor
[1] Rabie Ben Atitallah , Eric Senn, Daniel Chillet, Mickael Lanoe
and Dominique Blouin “An Efficient framework for Power-
Aware Design of Heterogeneous MPSoC” IEEE Transc. On
Industrial Informatics, Vol 9, No. 1, Feb 2013.
[2] Peter Yiannacouras, J.Gregory Steffan, and Jonathan Rose
“Exploration and Customization of FPGA-Based Soft
Processors” IEEE Transc. On Computer-Aided Design of
Integrated ciruits and Systems, Vol. 26, No. 2, Feb. 2007.