Assignment-3 OF: Mobile Computing
Assignment-3 OF: Mobile Computing
Assignment-3 OF: Mobile Computing
2. The mobile database that allows users to view information even while on the move. It
shares information with the main database.
3. The device that uses the mobile database to access data. This device can be a mobile
phone, laptop etc.
4. A communication link that allows the transfer of data between the mobile database and
the main database.
2. The database systems are synchronized using mobile databases and multiple users can
access the data with seamless delivery process.
4. The mobile database can be synchronized with multiple devices such as mobiles,
computer devices, laptops etc.
2. The mobile unit that houses a mobile database may frequently lose power because of
limited battery. This should not lead to loss of data in database.
Advantages of No replication –
The data can be easily recovered.
Concurrency can be achieved in no replication.
Disadvantages of No replication –
Since multiple users are accessing the same server, it may slow
down the execution of queries.
The data is not easily available as there is no replication.
3. Partial Replication – In this type of replication some fragments of the database
may be replicated whereas others may not. The number of copies of the fragment
may range from one to the total number of sites in the distributed system. The
description of replication of fragments is sometimes called the replication schema.
Distributed Environment
The hardest problem in the distributed database area is query optimization.
A distributed database is a collection of independent cooperating centralized
systems . There is a need of communication network to transfer data for
the query processing in distributed database. Any query from a given site
might require data from remote sites . There is particular cost of each
query execution plan, here query execution plan means a
query optimization method and cost is the summation of local cost and data
transfer data for the query processing in distributed database. Any query
from a given site might require data from remote sites.There is particular
cost of each query execution plan, herequery execution plan means a
query optimization method and cost is the summation of local cost and data
transfercost between sites. As the number of relations in query is
increased, it increases the complexity and cost. Moreover,less amount of
data transmission is also an important factor to minimize the query
processing cost and also a sin-gle query can be executed in several
different ways. The key problem of query optimization in distributed envi-
ronment is – how to select the most cost effective plan to execute a query.
There are number of optimization strate-gies like static, dynamic,
randomized have been
proposed by researchers, but all these strategies require theknowledge of the
entire system and that is the reason that they are not suitable for distributed
database system.Query optimization in distributed database system is
animportant research issue. The main challenging task is to determine a
sequence of operations, which are used in the process of minimizing the cost
by selected function.The work in focuses a novel approach to reduce the
volume of data transfer in the network by introducing reduction filters.
Here number of relations located at dif ferent sites in the network, all the results
must be joined and the final result is available at some distinct place. In this process,
the reduction filters plays an important role to minimize the total communication
cost .In distributed database system, the key factors that affect the
performance, service efficiency and reliability of system are: query
processing and optimization. The working proposes one new query
optimizationalgorithm based on multirelation semi joins, which reduces thevolum
e of intermediate result and effectively decreases the overall cost
of network communication. In distributed environment the users have to
pose their queries in a de-clarative manner using the SQL or OQL and the
optimizer determines the good execution plan to execute the queries. This
plan includes the execution plan and operation method (i.e. join, select or
project), which is used to exe-cute the query .Mariposa is an experimental
distributed data management system, which provides high performance in
an environment of high data mobility and heterogeneous host capabilities.
It combines approaches of distributed file system and distributed
databases. Moreover, Mariposa provides general platform to develop new
Mobile Environment
Recently mobile database technology is widely used in various fields
including information sharing, near filed communication, weather forecasting,
healthcare, mobile office, M-learning, stock activities and public services. For the
mobile database system, the emergence of Mobile Adhoc NETwork
(MANET) brings innovative organiza-tion. It is a really complex task to choose
an effective exe-cution plan for query in a distributed environment. Selec-
tion of an execution plan close to optimal is the main roleof query
optimization. The fundamental requirements of effective query optimization are:
availability of sufficientinformation, effective data access technique and
executionsite. The model based on mobile agents provides an exe- cution
strategy over the network for each query is pro-posed in. The main modules of
this system are: querydecomposition, optimization plan, execution plan.
Theexecution of the query is done thorough the optimizedplan using the
mobile nodes. The real challenges in dis- tributed environment are:
communication, confidentialityof access, indexing, caching and replication
mechanism distributed query optimization, storage management and
scalable data storage structures [18].Caching methods can be useful for both
single query optimization and multi-query optimization. Use of inter-
mediate data structure and common sub expressions playan important role
in minimizing the cost of evaluation.The work in presents how integration
of single query optimization, multi-query optimization and cache in-
vestment is helpful in query execution in distributed da tabase systems. Here
intermediate data structure is gen-erated by queries, the inputted data will be
cached inmemory and provides support for multithreaded execu-tion and
all these things reduce the evaluation cost andcommunication cost
and response time.The
autonomyandxheterogeneitycomponentdata- bases give rise to a number of iss
ues, which make MQO(Multidatabase Query Optimization) a distinct
problemfrom DQO (Distributed Query Optimization) . Theenvironment of
multidatabase management system be-longs to heterogeneous world in
which the componentdatabases are at the computer systems having
variousarchitectures. The concept of multidatabase managementsystem (MDBMS)
facilitates data sharing among compo-nent databases (local databases)
and in this way providesinteroperability to the assorted applications. In
MDBMS,user generates the nonprocedural queries to get data
frommultiple databases. This type of query involving morethan one
database and for that to achieve good overallsystem performance, a
global optimization should be per-formed . An important indicator for the
heterogene-ous database, which locates in the different network isuser’s
response time. The work in describes the dis-tributed heterogeneous
database system structure of que-ry optimization system based on the
Hibernate technicalfor the B/S structure and analysis the calculation of
theresponse time.Nowadays, data collection is common in wide variety of
fields, including business transactions, medical investi-gations and scientific
research; such type of data need toanalyzed and for that the demand of
data analysis areever growing. Moreover, challenges related to data
analy-sis are higher than the challenges related to data storageand
information retrieval on global scale in heterogeneous.
performing in most cases. Cluster based algorithms are among the most effective
and scaleable approaches. Up till now creation and maintenance clusters were
mostly based on basic heuristic methods. Deploying mobile agents has several
advantages in the ad-hoc environment due to their flexible, robust and autonomous
nature, and their use seems promising for the clustering problem as well. In our
proposed architecture every cluster has a clustering agent that is capable of making
membership modification decisions, transferring nodes and splitting or merging