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Roh ,;0 .

B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course
2nd Bem. (New Scheme)
Examination-May, 201.7
Paper Code-20 1
Paper: I
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 80
~ ~ \j'ffi ~ ~ ~ Wlffi~. <:rg '<jf.1Fhld CR
~ f¢ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ 'Cf?T fTrc;rr I wan t c5
\34><1"'d ~ ~tf if ~ '41 ~145ILj(i ~ Wfr
\J11l)4~ I

1. '!i>H1JI &l1'LGLlI ctIRnq : (7 x 2 = 14)

(en) "~ ffi, \iRT-m cpr:f qm ~ ~ ~ ~

CfRCIT ~ tl ~ -g+:f ~ ~ ~ ? %T
~ '41 f0l ~UjI\11'1 -;l ~ ?:\JRT-"'!ir ~
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N(i '$ q45'< AA \ffictr ~ 45 &11~ II'j ~ 3Wffi if

-v~ x1 mm ~ 3tR ~~. ~ ~
9668-1500·(P·4)(Q·5)(17) ( 1) [ Turn Over
~-~ CR" fGQ"
I 'qC-'qC cp--m ~ ~'-11

c5 ~ ~ 1:R ~ 7f\[ 3tR t{ ~ ctr

m~ \3JlR W~ Tf('ff q) I'$Cf)~~ 31JClT\Jf B
~ ~ \3OT1"

(~) ";j1-Gj ~ ~1x qRcicfri ~~ ~ ~ ~ I ~

\314 '41 ~ ~ 3tR :!~Cf)ct cpp:f W.:rr c5 ~
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\3f{JC1?dl ~ ~ ~ f¢ ~ wctr ~
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f¢ Zw i:~ Ff 3l~lill,<\i ~ ~;:r ~ erg

~ ~ $ Cli-gT -mfi t ?N

X1r{ ~ lR CfRT cBI ~-mt ctr §~ ~ 3tR

~1fr-q)'4I ~ CfRf C'iqCf)Cf)\i ~ wtR
&{ild I ~3lf ~ ~ B \iff fq-cfffi sm I ~
~ \'3lQJ ~ t{ {i I ~il4 311=A +Ff cp1 ~TdT ~ f¢
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '4T ~1ff c;rn,
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·368-1500- P-4H -5)(17) . ~)

2. q;)~ ~ em ~m <IT li"C1 ~0T
~I (7)
(xsr) (,f~utT <IT ~ qft 'CIR?I~la 1m~~
~I (7)

3. fcfRtT ~ ~ tR ~ ~~ ~ : (14)

(i) 1i1"!c1111 ~IOI"'!I\i<Q ctr tl4Pl,,!Qerm

[ii) ~ if ~ *11+i1ft1Cf> -.xn<l
(iii) "i<if6a lllfilCf>1

4. ~ "ffiCf ~ ~f6CIT ct 3i~utT· 3l2-f RriXSlCf>"!

~ -q ~ ~ : (7 x 2 = 14)

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(viii)("il<t>x"l'l1i .
(ix) ~ IIFcffl<t> fcm)

(x) ~ &RT 3TJ6rcG

9668-1500-(P-4 )(0-5)( 17) (3 ) [Turn Over
(xi) ~ * >lfd~c>I
(xiii)'<-1'<i{f1~~ ~
(xiv)~aft cpl.~ ~ I

(8 x 3 = 24)

(i) xi>lfi41 ClII('~1 qrof ~ ~-~ LfaIT cnr UfR

"WFIT 3lIcP~~4) ~ ?
(ii) {i>l{-141&l1(.~1 Tf ~-~ cpr Fcb(,HI ~ ~
(iii) ~ 3lfCI?"m ~ ~ flJif\41 1:R ~ ~ I

(iv) "f1"lR *~ tR ~ ~ I
(v) ;;q1~lc>I~'i Tf ~ j4>(P1~' ~ ~ treR ~
~ ((<IT ~ ~? fecquft CfRI
(vi) ;;q1~4) 'HRl?~dltR fecquft CfR I

fcpm ~
? fecquft CfR I
\'FHm~1 ~ *~ ~
(viii);;qI~lc>I~'i ~ ~ qR:fr 6T ? fecquft CfR I

9668-1S00-(P-4)(Q-S)(17) ( 4)

Roll. :J .

B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course
2nd Sem. (New Scheme)
Examination-May, 2017
Paper Code-202
Paper: II
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks-: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination. .

Note : Attempt all questions.


1. (a) Shylock IS "More sinned against than

sinning". Discuss.


Describe briefly 'The Casket Story' and

its significance in the play 'The Merchant
of Venice'.
9669-1550-(P-8)(Q-8)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over
· ..i!5>
(b) Explain with reference to the context.
Portia : "In terms of choice I am not
solely led by Nice directions of a maiden's

Shylock: "Signor Antonio, many a time
and oft In the Rialto you have rated me
About my moneys and usances.


2. (a) Correct the common errors:

(i) The committee is divided on one

minor point.

(ii) He couldn't understand that why was

his mother angry with him.

(iii)My brother is going to the U.S.A for

higher studies.

(IV) Higher you go, cooler it is.

(b) Complete the following conditional


[i] What (happen) if you fail ?

(ii) I should walk home if it (be) five.·

9669-1550-(P-8)(Q-S)(17) ( 2)
(iii)If you are not watchful, you (fall)

(iv) Only if you (listen) to me !

(c) Join each pair of sentences using a

suitable connective.

(i) He was found guilty. He was hanged.

(ii) He is slow. He is steady.

(iiifthe mother was unwell. She could

not cook.

(iv)You may join our club. You may form

one of your own.
(d) Change the underlined phrases into

(i) He came home at the sunset.

(ii) Due to her illness, she could not cook

the dinner.


3. (a) Correct the common errors :

(i) Everything was alight.
(ii) Mr. Prabhu is the oldest citizen of the

9669-1550-(P-8)(Q-8)(17) (3) [Turn Over

, ====7
(iii) I have never .spokerr to him nor his
(iv) He is too healthy.

(b) Complete the following conditional

(i) If it rains in time " .

(ii) What would you do if .

(iii)If I had a rocket 1.. .

(iv) He walks as if.. .

(c) Combine each pair of sentences using a

suitable connective :
(i) The night was dark. We moved on.
(ii) He is weak. He cannot walk.

(iii) You may play cricket. You may play


(iv) He knows French. He knows German.

(d) Change. _the underlined clauses into


(i). He was ill so he had to cancel his trip.

(ii) He came home after he had finished

his work.
9669-1550-(P-8)(Q-8)(17) ( 4)

4. The walls In your town are frequently"

disfigured. by the sticking of ugly posters.
Write a "letter to the police authorities
expressing your "disapproval and giving
alternative suggestions.


5. Read the passage given below and answer

the questions that follow:

Contempt of court is showing disrespect to

the dignity or the decisions of the court.
Contempt in the face of the court means
disrespect which the judges see with his own
eyes. For such contempts the judge does not
need any evidence; he becomes the judge
and the prosecutor and he can" convict the
criminal immediately.
The most famous case of contempt of court
happened in 1631. A prisoner threw a
brickbat at the judge of Assize (Assize means
sessions held periodically in every English
county to try civil and criminal cases before
high court judges). The bat narrowly missed
its aim, yet the criminal's hand was cut off
and fixed to the gibbet. Later he was

9669-1550-(P-8)(Q-8)(17) (5 ) [Turn Over

executed in the presence of the court. When,.,.::;7
Denning was a Junior lawyer, a man threw a ,
tomato at the judge. The tomato missed its
aim and hit the penalting with a loud noise.
The culprit was immediately sentenced to
three week's imprisonment. Denning was
sitting as a Judge with Justice Bucknill, a
man smashed a glass window on a hot
summer day to let in some fresh air. The'
man was convicted for contempt of court but
he was dealt with for damages.
(i) What, according to the Writer, IS
contempt of curt?
(ii) What is meai.t by 'Assize' ?
(iii)Narrate two incidents of contempt of
court related to Lord Denning.
(iv) Give a 1!rief summary of the passage
given above.


6. Give meanings of any seven of the following

phrases and use in sentences:

Ad Valorem, de novo, En route, Guarantee

Fete, Ipsofacto, par excellence, Resume, Vox
9669-1550-(P-8)(Q-8)(17) ( 6)

7. Giving meaning of any seven of the following

legal words, use those in sentences of your
own :
Execution, Libel, Pledge, Slander,
Arbitrn t;i In, bankruptcy, confiscate, ratify,
over r uk-.


8. (i) Write a short note. on Bassanio's

(ii) Prepare a brief note on Jessica-Lorenzo
(iii)Change the underlined clause into a

(a) They fought as heroes do.

(0) As soon as The policeman came, the

thief ran away.

(c) He is so weak that he can't walk.

(iv) Fill In the blanks with suitable

connectives :

(a) He is both intelligent hard

9669-1550-(P-8)(Q-8)(17) (7 ) [Turn Over
(b) I couldn't decide to go not.

(c) You can have tea coffee.

(v) Correct the common errors :
(a) Tea is preferable than coffee.
(b) One of the boys have fallen ill.

(c) The Jury was divided on the issue.

(vi) Suggest a, suitable title for the passage

given in Unit III Q. 5.

(vii)Use in sentences : Arbitration, Decree,

(viii)Give meanings Expost facto, Ex-gratia,
En masse.

9669-1550-(P-8)(Q-S)(17) ( 8)

. ~ II No : .

.. 9670.
. .
B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course
2nd Sem. (New Scheme)
Examination-May; 2017
Paper Code-203
'Paper: III
. Time·: 3 hours .. Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the ·questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct.and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained'
after the examination.
Note: Attempt four questions from Section I to

IV, selecting at least. one question from

each Section. These questions shall carry

14 marks each. Section V is compulsory

and each question in this Section shall

carry 3 marks.

9670-1800-(P-4)(Q-9)(17.) ( 1) [Turn Over


1. Write an essay on Military Rule. <I (14)

2. What do you ·understand from a Welfare

State ? Discuss the functions of a welfare

st.ate in modern times. .(4 + 10)


3. What do you understand ·by Presidential

. .
form of Government? Discuss its merits and

demerits. . (7 + 7)

4. Discuss the types, modes of appointment

and functions of executive. (4 + 4 + 6)

9670-1BOO-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 2)

5. What do· you understand by Political

Participation ? Discuss thefactors which affect

political participationin a country. (4 + 10)

6. Define Justice and discuss its kinds and

relation with 'morality. (4 + 10)


7. Write an essay on Civil Disobedience. (14)

8. Define Legitimacy and explain the crisis of

legitimacy. What· are the methods to

overcome the crisis of le~itimacy. (4 + 4 + 6)


9. (i) Demerits of Democracy, (3)

9670-1800-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) (3) [Turn Over

(ii) Features of Totalitarian State. ('3)

(iii) Functions of JUdiciary.· (3)

(iv) Features of Unitary form of Government.

. . .


(v) Agencies of formation and expression. of

public opinion. (3)

(vi) Meaning of Rule of Law. (3)

(vii)Characteristics of Power. (3)

(viii)Basis of Authority. (3)

9670-1"BOO-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 4)
1SJ;;JllNo .

B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course
2nd Sem. (New Scheme)
Examination-May, 2017
Paper: IV
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
. should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination.

Note: Attempt four questions from Section I to

IV, selecting at least one question from

each section. These questions shall carry

14 marks each. Section V is compulsory

and each question in this section shall

carry 3 marks.

9671-1S00-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) . ( 1) [Turn Over


1. Write an essay on Ashram System: Describe

all the stages of Ashram System. (14)


2. Defm e Caste Discuss merits and demerits of

Caste System. (14)


3. Define Joint Family. Discuss the

characteristics of Joint Family. (14)


4. Discuss the importance of social legislations

in India. (14)


5. Write an essay on Jajmani system in India.


9671-1500-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 2)

"6. Define Tribe. Discuss the various types of

Tribal Marriage. (14)


7. Define Modernisation. Differentiate between

modernization and Sanskritisation. (14)


8. Explain in detail about the contemporary

changes-in India Society. (14)


9. Answer in about 6-8 lines each. (8x3=24)

(a) Varna System

(b) Religious Unity

(c) Three factors of Breaking of Joint Family

9671-1500-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 3) [Turn Over

(d) Difference between Rural and Urban

(e) Three forms of Hindu Marriage

(d) Westernization

(e) Tribal Economy

(f) Urbanization

9671-1500-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) .( 4)

Roll No .

B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course
2nd Sem. (New Scheme)
Examination-May, 2017

Paper: V
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination.

Note : Attempt four questions from Section I to

IV . selecting .one question from each

section. These sections shall carry 14'

marks each. Section V is compulsory

and each question in this section carry 3


9672-1950-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over


1. Explain briefly the constituents of Money

Supply in India.

2. Define Commercial Bank. Explain the

functions of Commercial Bank.


3. Describe the term Public Expenditure. What

are the principles of public expenditure?

4. Write a short note on division of financial

re ources between states and centre.


5. State and explain paper currency standard.

What are its advantages and disadvantages?

9672-1950-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 2)
6. Discuss the functions of World Trade



7. Explain the features of Indian Economy. Is

Indian economy a developing economy?

8. What are the obstacles of economic



9. Explain in brief:

(i) Supervisory and promotional functions of

Central Bank.

(ii) Cost Push Int1ation.

(iii)Causes of rncrease in Public


[iv] Elements of Tax Revenue.

9672-1950-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 3) [Turn Over

(v) Define Free Trade.

(vi) Organisation of World Bank.

(vii) Distortions of planning in a Mixed


(viii) Productive and unproducti (' debt.

9672-1950-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 4)
• oll No. :..' .

9673-A (New)
B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course
2nd Sem. (New ·Scheme) ,
w.e.f. May, 2014 Examination-
Paper : VI
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks : 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination.

Note: Attempt four questions from Unit-I-IV

selecting at least one question from each

unit. These _questions shall carry 14 .

. marks each. Unit V is compulsory and

each question in this unit carry 3 marks.

9673-A-2900-(P-4)(Q-9)( 17) ( 1-) [Turn Over



1. Describe the structure of Hindu Society at

the time of advent of, Muslims. Throw light

on the subsequent 'expansion of Muslims m


2. What were the,' mam features ' of

administration during Mughal Period?


3. Write a note on the sources of Muslim Law in


-4. Write a note on the Court Procedure during

Medieval Period in India,

9673-A-2900-(P-4)(Q-9){17) (2 )

5. What were the mam causes of the SIze of

growth of Nationalism in India?

6. Write an essay on communalism in Modern



7. Write a detailed note on Non-cooperation'


8. Write a detailed note on Brahma Samaj




9. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Status of women in Medieval India

9673-A-2900-(P-4)(Q-9)(17)' ( 3) [ Turn Over

(b) Social Transformation

(c) Moderates

(d) Extremists

(e) Prophet Mohammed

(f) Concept of Islam and Islamic Law

(g) First Round Table Conference

(h) Jinnah's Fourteen Points

9673-A-2900-(P-4)(Q-9)(17). ( 4 ).
P l No .

B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course
4th Sem. (New Scheme)
Examination-May, 2017
Paper: 401
Time: 3 hours Max~Marks: 80
~ ~ \3ffi ~ ~ ~ tRI~ <r6 '{jf.i~ild CR
~ f¢ ~ ~ -qct ~ >rR tBT fit.;rr ~ I -cr&n- ~
\j4'tlkl ~ ~ it ~ '4T ~lq)l~d ~ WiT \J11<)~ftI

1. J>l\Q~\J1'1'i~q) ~ ~ am emf fPi$Id ~ ? ~

fc1~ltldl3IT-qx w.nrn ~ I (14)

tnf't-~ ~16Glq<11 ~ emf ~ ~ ? ~

~16Glq<11 ~ ctr >lliPm cpl ~ $)fG1~I

9682-1300-(P-3)(Q-5)(17) . (1 ) [Turn Over

2. >llllliF1Sj\C'iCf) ~ ~ RJ45lft if Cf)wrc'! ctr ~"''WT

q)f fq~iF1 cn"jftj(~I (14)

'{"j '! Cf)!f1 Cf)!£I r &1£Il' if ~ 31R fe:uTofr ctr ~

4<&fd<:ff q)f fqCj'!U! ~ I

3. ~"iJR 11T~ "* wmT ctr ~ CRCT ~ ~

\3Q41fl'ld! lR'~ ~ I (14)

"fi"=ErR if WJCRf ~ ~ ~ lR, \fCP re cq uTI

~~C! I

4. Q~ Cf)! R ,d I qfr 31Cf~. em 'fQ"flC Cf>W s1I ~

>iCf>"RT lR ~ ~ I (14)

9682-1300-(P-3)(Q-5)( 17) (2 )

. " ..
.5. x=r'41 mol at PI cO4 t: (8 x3 = 24)

(i) 'xiJililR ctT ~

(ii) xixCf)l{) If?f c5 WPR

(iii) Fc1$1lq'i if ~ ~

.(v) ~~

(vi) x=f~

(vii) Cf)~c{)

,(viii)~ q~Cf)IRC11

9682-130o-(P-3)(Q-5)(17) .( 3)

... . . .~ :- •• , • .1,- ••.• '")'

kull No .

B.A.LL.B (Hons) 5 Year Co r e 4 h
Semester (New Scheme)
Examination- May, 2017
Time: 3 hours Max • .n1arks : 80
Before answering the questions, candida tes
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete que tion paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination.
Note: Attempt four questions from Unit-J to 4.
Selecting at least one question fr in tach
section. Unit V is compulsory. ~11
questions carry equal marks.
1. (a) Discuss in detail the significance of the title
of the play The Apple Cart.
Discuss in detail the significance of the
sub-title . of the play A political
(b) Explain with reference to context:

9683-13S0-(p4)(e-S)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over

--~ ..

Vanhattan: Well, is it? We found that culture

enshrined in British material works of art: in the
stately homes of your nobility, in the cathedrals our
common forefathers built as the country houses of
God. What did you do 'withthem? You sold them to
us. I was brought up in the shade of Ely cathedral,
the removal of which from the county of Cambridge
to New. Jersey was my dear. old father's big
professional job. The building, which stands on its
former sites, is a very fine one.
Magnus: Well, what more can you ask? Don not
let us fall into the common mistake of expecting
to become one flesh and one spirit. Every star
has its own orbit, between it and its nearest
neighbor there is not only a powerful attraction
but an infinite distance. When the attraction
becomes stronger than the distance the two do
not embrace: they crash together in ruin.

2. (a) Use the following pairs of words into

sentences as to bring out differences in
their meaning:
Address-Address, bark-bark, current-
current, dear-deer
(b) Give one word for the following phrases:
(i) Government by the nobles.
(ii) Animals/plants which live in water
(iii)One who feed on human flesh
(iv)Belongingto or livingat the same time.
(c) Make words using prefixes and then make
sentences: sub , magn , in , tri.. ..
.(d) Make noun from the following;
9683-1350-(P4)(Q-5)(17) ( 2 )
Accept, amuse
(a) Use the following pairs of words in
sentences to bring out the
differences in their meaning:
Address-Address, bark-bark, current-
current, dear-deer
(b) Give one word for the following phrases:
(i) a collection of flowers
(ii) an event which happ .ns once in two
(iii) a statement which is accepted as true
without proof a person
(iv) A person appointed by two parties to
solve a dispute
(c) Use appropriate suffixes with the following
words and then make sentences:
Excite, block,beg, discipline
(d) Make verbs from the following:
Admiration, action

3. . Write an essay on any of the following topics in
abou: 400 words:
(i) Capital punishment is unjust and
(ii) Organ Donation, are we doing enough to
spread enough awareness? How can we
help in spreading awareness?
(iii) Indian judicial system, how can it be
(iv) Trial by Media
9683-1350-(P4)(Q-5)(1'7) ( 3) [ Turn Over
4. (a) Explain any two of the following legal
maxim / phrase:
Obiter dictum, actus reus, dictum, Valenti
non fit injuria, Caveat emptor,
(b) Give full forms of the following abbreviations:
(a) . Explain any two or" the following legal
Nemo debetessejudex in propriacausa,
culpa. alias , alibi
(b) Give full forms for the' following
abbreviations: DLR, CMW, CPR, AITC

U 1::'·V
5. (i) Briefly draw a character sketch of Orinthia.
(ii) Comment briefly on Breakages Limited.
(iii) Who is the Powermistress Royal ? What are
the plans to organize motor power in the
(iv) Make words with the following pre-fixes:
Trans ... , de ... ,.cOIn....
(v) Make adjectives from the following:
Add, creative
(vi) Make noun from the following: Annoy, bury,
(vii) Discuss briefly three benefits of internet
(viii)Explain briefly the legal term-'pro bono'

9683-1350-(P4)(Q-5)(17) . ( 4)
~Jll No .

B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course
4th Sem. (New Scheme)
Examination-May, 2017
Paper: 403
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination.

Note : Attempt four questions from Section I to

IV, selecting at" least one question from

each section. These questions shall carry

14 marks each. Section V is compulsory

and each question in this section shall

carry 3 marks.

9684-1S00-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over


1. Define Cold War. Discuss In detail the

impact of Cold War on World Politics. (2+12)

2. What do you understand from NIEO ?

Explain in detail the progress In this

direction and the reasons for the slow

progress. (4+4+6)


3. Write an essay on NAM. (14)

4. Write an-essay on ASgAN. (14)


5. "Discuss India's relations with its

neighbouring states. (14)

9684-1500-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 2)
6. Write an essay on India's Foreign Policy'

since independence. (14)


7. Write an Essay on ICC. (14)

8. Write an essay on World Government. (14)

SEe':; ION-V

9. Explain in brief:

(i) Any six r~asons for end of Cold War ? (3)

(Ii) Impact of Detente. (3)

(iii) Objectives of European Union. (3)

(iv) Objectives of OPEC. . (3)

(v) Basic principles of India's Foreign Policy.


9684-1500-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) (3) [T4!n Over

(vi) Panchshee1 (3)

(vii)Objectives of UN. (3)

(viii)Structure and functions of Security

Council. (3)

9684-1500-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) (4)
1<oll No .

B.A..LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course
4th Sem. (N'ewScheme}
Examination-May, 2017
Paper: 404
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination ..

.Note: Attempt four questions from Unit I to. IV,

selecting one question from each uni t.
. .
Each question 'carries 14 marks. Unit-V
is compulsory and its each part carries
3 marks.

1. Explain the types of research designs used in

:'u~~ductingresearch. (14)

9685-1400-(P-4)(Q-5)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over


Give an account of the major steps in social

science research.


2. What is Questionnaire ? How will you

prepare a questionnaire ? Explain it with

suitable example. (14)


, What is Interview? Discuss the significance,

of interview in data collection.


3. What do you mean by sampling? Discuss its

uses and limitations. (14)

9685-1400-(P-4 )(0-5)(17) ( 2,)


What IS data ? Discuss' pnmary and

econdary sources of data collection.


4. Wha do you mean by 'Statistical Package' ?

Discuss its use in socialresearch. (14)


Discuss vanous steps. involved in the

preparation of report.


5. Write short notes on.the following: (8x3=24)

(8) Define hypothesis.

(b) What is social research?

9685-1400-(P-4)(Q-5)(17) ( 3) [Turn Over

(c) Define observation.

(d) What is case study method?

(e) What is classification of data?

(f) How do you make cross table?

(g) What is field work?

(h) What is coding?

9685-1400-(P-4)(Q-S)(17) ( 4)
R~~Vo .

B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Yea~ Course
4th Sem. (New Scheme)
Examination-May, 2017
Paper: 405
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination.

Note : Attempt four questions from I-IV Units,

selecting at least one question from each

unit. These questions shall carry

14 marks each. Unit V is compulsory

and each question in this unit shall carry

3 marks.

9686-1550-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over


1. Explain the concept of "Export Promotion".

What efforts have been done by the

Government of India in this direction?

2. Define Private Foreign Investment. What are

its advantages and disadvantages?


3. Describe the arguments for and against

Nationalisation of Bank in India.

4. Discuss the structures working and

problems of Regional Rural Banks.


5. Define "Regional Disparities". What are the

indicators of regional disparities?

9686-1550-(P-4)(Q-9)(17)' (2 )
6. Write a detailed note on estimates of

National Income in India.


7. Examine the major changes in Foreign Trade

Policy 2015-2020.

8. What are the objectives of monetary policy of

RBI? Discuss recent charges in quantitative

instruments of monetary Policy of RBI.


9. (i) Explain adv~rse balance of payments.

(ii) Direction of India's Trade

(iii)Central cooperative Bank

(iv) Developmental functions of RBI

(v) SEZ

9686-1550-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) (3) [Turn Over

(vi) Prohibited List in Foreign Trade

(vii) Primary Sector in National Income

(viii)Product Method to measure National


9686-1550-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 4)
9687-A (New)
B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course
4th Sem. (New Scheme) (w.e.f.
May, 2014) Examination-
May, 2017
Paper: 406
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80

Before answering the questions, candidates

should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be ent rtained
after the examination.

Note : Attempt four questions from Unit I-IV

selecting at least one question from each

unit. These question shall carry 14

marks each. Unit V is compulsory and

each question in this unit shall carry 3


9687 -A-2900-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over


1. Write an essay on the codification of law

rior to 1947.

2. Ment.ion the reforms introduced in 1935

rcla Lingto the High Courts in India.


3. Give an account of the composition and

powers of Supreme Court under the Indian


4. Write an essay on Privy Council.


5. What were the main causes and provisions of

the Indian Bar Council Act, 1926 ?

9687-A-2900-(P-4)(Q-9)(17). .( 2)

\ .....•....
6. What were the main causes and provisions of .

the Advocate's Act, 1961 ?


7. What were the main causes and provisions of

the Government of India Ac~, 1935 ?

8. Give a detailed account of the Money Minto



9. Write a short note on the following:

(i) All Indian Legislature

(ii) High Courts Act of 1915

(iii) High Courts under the Indian


9687-A-2900-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) (3 ) [Turn Over

6. What were the main causes and provisions of .

the Advocate's Act, 1961 ?


7. What were the main causes and provisions of

the Government of India Ac_, 1935 ?

8. Give a detailed accc unt of the Money Minto



9. Write a short note on the following:

(i) All Indian Legislature

(ii) High Courts Act of 1915

(iii) High Courts under the Indian


9687-A-2900-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) (3 ) [Turn Over

(iv) Subordinate Courts under Indiau


(v) Caste Disabilities Act

(vi) The Shariat Act

(vii) Indian Councils' Act, 1861

(viii) Independence Act, 1947

9687-A-2900-(P-4)(Q-9)(H) ( 4)
E. • No ••.••••.....•..•.••....•

B.A. LL.B (Hons) 5 Year Course
4th ~em. (New Scheme)
Examination-May, 2017
-Paper: 402·A
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination.

Note: Attempt five questions in all. All

questions carry equal marks.

1. (a) Discuss in detail The Great Revolt of 1857.


Discuss in detail Quit India Movement.

(b) Nehru writes about Indian dynamism

versus British Conservatism in India.
Discuss in detail.

9688-300-{P-4)(0-5)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over


Discuss Gandhi's role during National


2. (a) Give the meaning of the following

words/phrases/expressions by using in
sentences of your own. Attempt any seven:
(i) Dynasty
(ii) Spontaneously
(iii) Oppressed
(iv) Lavished
(v) Appendage
(vi) Vested
(ix) Obstruction
(x) Feudal

(b) Give the meaning of the following legal

words/phrases. Attempt any seven:
(i) Tort
(ii) Subsidiary
(iii)Res Ipsa Loquitur
(iv) Quorum
(v) Pro-rata
9688-300-(P-4)(Q-S)(17) ( 2)
(vi) Pre-emption
(viil)Mens rea
(ix) Mandamus

3. Write an essay (in about 400 words) on any

one of the following :
(i) Domestic violence
(il) Female Infanticide
(iii) Demonetization
(iv) How to •.check the decline of ethics and
morality in our age.

4. Write a report about an incident where a

person was fmed by a policeman· for


Write. a report on the proceedings of the

seminar on 'Mercy Killing'.

5. Answer the following questions :

(i) Write a "short note on Raja Ram Mohan

Roy +

9688-300-(P-4)(Q-5)(17} (3 ) [Turn Over

--------- F
(ii) Briefly describe the reasons for
destruction of Industry discussed by
Nehru in Discovery of India.
(ill)Give the meaning of the following words :
Laissez-faire, ruthless, assimilation
(iv) Explain the following legal terms:
Habeas Corpus, Respondent, Parole.
(v) Mention' salient points of a report writing
on 'Capital Punishment'.
(vi) Write a short note on 'Sexual harassment
at workplace.'
(vii)Explain the meaning of :
Plaintiff, Mediation, Foreclosure
(viii) Write a short note on 'Legal Profession.'

9688-300-(P-4)(Q-S)(17) ( 4)
Roll No .

LL.B (Hons.) 5 Year Course 6th
Semester and LL. B. (Hons.) 3
Year Course 2nd Sem (New
Scheme) Examination-May, 2017
Paper: 601
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination.

Note: Attempt four questions from Unit I to IV,

selecting at least one question from each
Unit. These questions shall carry 14
marks each. Unit-V is compulsory and
each question in this section shall carry
3 marks.


1. What do you mean by indemnity ? Explain

the differences between indemnity and
guarantee. (14)
9628-2300-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over
2. (a) Whether the liability of surety IS co-
extensive with that of principal, debtor
Discuss it with case law. (7)
(b) A sells and delivers goods to B;C
afterwards requests A to forbear to sue B
for the d bt for a year and promises that
if he does so, C will pay for them in
default of payment by B. A agrees to
forbear. Is it sufficient guarantee given by
C to A. Give reasons for your answer. (7)


3. Goods can be pledged by the owner only

except in certain circumstances. State the
circumstances in which goods can be
pledged by a non-owner? (14)

4. State the duties of an agent towards his

principal? (14)


5. (a) Explain the· definition of the term

'partnership' . (7)

(b) A brings his horse and B his tonga and

they ply it' and divide the mcome
everyday. Are they partners ? (7)
962B-2300-(P-4)(Q-9) 17) ( 2)
6. (a) biscuss the minor's status In
partnership firm. (7)

(b) What do you mean by doctrine of

"Holding Out" ? (7)


7. Is the registration of a firm necessary? What

are the advantages of registration of firm ?

8. Who is unpaid seller ? Explain the various

rights of unpaid seller ? (14)

UNIT - V (Compulsory)

9. Answer briefly the following: (8 x 3 = 24)

(i) What is partnership at will ?

(ii) Differentiate between sale and agreement
to sell.
(ill) What is compulsory dissolution of a firm?
(iv) Is the variation in condition made by the
principal debtor and creditor without the
surety's consent discharges surety's
liability ?

9628-2300-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 3) [Turn Over

(v) What do you mean by continuing
(vi) B owes to C a debt guaranteed by A. The
debt becomes payable. C does not sue B
for a year after the debt has become
payable. Is A discharged from suretyship
or not?
(g) Whether the prior registration of firm is
necessary for' suing the third party by
(h).What are implied conditions under sale
by sample?

962S-2300-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 4)
Roll No : .

LL.B (Hons.) 5 Year Course 6th-
Semester and LL. B. (Hons.) 3
Year Course 2nd Sem (New.
Scheme) Examination-May, 2017
Paper :'602
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
. complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination. •
Note: Attempt four questions from unit I to IV,
selecting at least one question from each
unit. Unit-V, is compulsory.


1. Which are the main schools of Islamic law?

What are the main issues of difference
between them ? (14)

9629-2350-(P-4 )(0-9)( 17) ( 1) [Turn Over

2. What are the essential requirements f a
valid marriage under Muslim Law? What are
the conditions for valid, void and irregular
marriages? (14).


3. Enumerate and examine the grounds

provided under the Dissolution of Muslim
Marriages Act, 1939 under which a muslim
wife can obtain a decree for the dissolution
of her marriage. (14)

4. What are the rights available to a muslim

wife on non-payment of dower ? What is
remission of dower? • (14)


5. Define 'Wasiyat' and examine the limitations on

the testamentary powers of a Muslim ? What is
reteable abatement? (14)

9629-2350-(P-4)(Q-9)(17~ ( 2)
;;;;# 6. What are the formalities involved In the

creation of a Wakf ? Enumerate the different

kinds ofwakfs given under Muslim Law. (14)


7. Critically examine the facts and decision of

the court given in the case of Lily Thomas v .

Union of India (20l!O) 6 SCC 224. (14)

8. Write notes on :

(a) Essential requirement for solemnization

of marriage under Special Marriage Act,

1954. (7)

(b) Composition of Family courts (7)


9. Write short notes onthe following: (8x3=24)

(a) Talak-UI-Sunnat
9629-2350-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 3) [Turn Over
(b) Mehr-i-Musamma

(c) Iddat period

(d) Mu ta marriage

(e) Valid acknowledgement

(1) Hizanat

(g) Marz-ul-maut

(h) Mutwalli

9629-2350-(P-4)(Q-9)(17} ( 4)
RoU -0 .

LL.B. (Ho-ns.)5 Year Course 6th
Semester and LL.B. (Hons.) 3 Year
Course 2nd Semester (New •
Scheme) Examination-May, 2017
Paper: 603
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination.

Note : Attempt four questions from Section I to

IV, selecting at least one question from

each Section. These questions shall carry

14 marks each. Section-V is compulsory

and each question in this Section shall

carry'S marks. "

9630-2450-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) . (1) [Turn Over


1. Discuss the composition, importance and

utility of Upper House of Parliament of India.

2. What do you mean by pardoning power ?

Explain the nature and scope of pardoning

powers of the President and Governor under

the Indian Constitution. Refer to a Case Law.


3. Explain in brief, the facts, issues and

principles of law laid down in Re Keshav

Singh (Art. 143) AIR 1965 SC 745.

4. Examine in brief, -the ?rigina~ jurisdiction of

the Sup-reme Court of India .

. 9630-24S0-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 2)

5. "Trade, Commerce and Intercourse shall be

free throughout the territory of India."

Comment. Cite important judicial

pronouncements on the subject.

6. Explain in brief, the scheme of distribution

of legislative powet » between union and

states. When the Parliament can enact laws

on state subjects?


7. "Power of Parliament to amend the

Constitution is wide but not unlimited".

Comment. Refer to Case Law.

9630-2450-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 3) [Turn Over

8. Examine the nature and scope of the power

of the President contained in Article 356 of

the Indian Constitution. Cite Case Law.


9. Explain the following:

(a) Question Hour

(b) Habeas Corpus

(c) Scope of An ir'''le227

(d) Pith and ~;~tbstance

(e) Civil post

(1) Scope of Art. 355

(g) Doctrine of Pleasure

(h) Ordinance

9630-2450-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 4)

"oti No .

LL.B (Hons.) 5 Year Course 6th
Semester and LL.B (Hons.) 3 Year
Course 2nd Semest.er (New
Scheme) Exarnfnatdon=May, 2017
. .
. Paper: 604
Time: 3 hours .. Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the 'questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination.

Note: Attempt four questions from Section I to

IV, selecting at least one question from

each Section. These questions shall carry

14 marks each. -Section-V is compulsory

and each question in. this Section shall

carry 3 marks.

9631-2500-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over


1. Discuss the various sources ,of International


2. States are the only subjects of International

Law. Do you agree with .this statement ?



3. Discuss the various coercive methods to

.settle international disputes.

4. Discuss the vanous theories regarding

recognition of states.


5. Write short notes on':

(a) Blockade'

(b) Enemy character

9631-2S00-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 2)
6. Write short notes on :

(a) Belligerent occupation

(b) Prize courts


7: Write a detailed note on covenant on Civil

and Political Rights; 1966.

8. Discuss the provisions of UN Charter

regarding protection of Human Rights.


·9. Write short notes on :

(a) Definition of International Law

(b) Defacto and Dejure Recognition

. (c) Asylum

(d) Advantages' of Recognition

9631-2S00-(P-4)(Q-9)( 17) (3 ) [Turn Over
(e) War crimes.

[f] Effects of war

(g) Arbitration

(h) Theories of relationship between

International Law and Municipal Law.

9631-2500-(P-4}(Q-9}(17) ( 4)
R(}_No .

LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Year·Course 6th
. Semester and ·LL.B. (Hons.) 3 Year
Course 2nd Sernesuer (New
Scheme) Examinatioil.-:-May, 2017
Right to Information Law (including Media &
the Law)
Paper: 605
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
, should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard .will be entertained
after the examination.

. . .
.Note : Attempt four questions from Unit I to IV,

selecting at least one question from each

Unit. These_ questions shall carry 14

marks each. Unit-V is compulsory and

each. question in 'this unit" shall carry 3


9632-2350-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over


. UNIT'- I

1. "Right to Informatio n. IS a Basic Human

Rights." Discuss.

2. Discuss various factors restricting free flow of



3. What are the salient features of the Right to

Information Act, 2005 ? Discuss in detail.

4. What informations. are exempted from

disclosure under the RTI Act'? Discuss.


5.' Right to Information is a fundamental right.

Explain with the

, help of case law.

9632-23SQ-(P-4)(Q-9)(17} ( 2)
6. Discuss in detail"the judiciary's view poin ton

public authority under Article 12 of the

Indian Constitution.


7. What do you' mean by privileges of the

legislature ? Explain the liability of media for

. .

publication which interferes with privileges

of legislature.

8. Write a critical noteon pre-trial by media.


9 .. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Third Party Information

(b) Severability

(c) Appeals under RTI Act.

9632-2350-(P-4)(Q-9)( 17) (3 ) [Turn Over

(d) Penalties under RTI Act

(e) Basic elements of RTI

(f) Media access to official information

(g) Central Information Commission

(h) Media as a cause for violation of Human


9632-2350~(P-4)(Q-9)( 17) ( 4)

Roll No .

LL. B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course 6th
Sem. and LL.B. (Hons.) 3 Year
Course 2nd Sem. (New Scheme)
Examination-May, 2017
Paper: 606
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
. the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained
"after the examination.

Note: Section A is compulsory. Attempt any

four questions from Section B, selecting
at least one question from each unit.


1. Explain in brief: (3x8=24)

(i) Digital Signature

9633-2600-(P-4 )(0-9)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over

(ii) Addresser

[iii] Compu ter

(iv) E-mail bombing

(v) Cyber Stalking

(vi) Libel

(vii) Software Piracy

(viii) Patent



2. What IS the formation and types c

E-contract ?

3. What is Cyber Jurisprudence? Discuss in

detail. (14)

9633-2600-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) (2 )

4. What is Copyright III India.? Discuss III


5. Write short notes on : (14)

(i) Infringement

(ii) Passing off


6. Discuss the provisions of E-governance

under Information Technology Act, 2000. (14)

7. Describe the offences under Information

Technology Act. ( 14)


8. What are the Cyber Crimes?

9633-2600-(P-4)(Q-9)( 17) (3 ) [Turn Over

9. Write short note on : (14)

(i) Hacking

(ii) International position of free speech on



9633-2600-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 4)
Rull No .

LL. B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course 8th
Sem. and LL. B.' Hons. 3 Year
. Course 4th Sem. (New Scheme)
Paper: SOl
Time: 3 hours . Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No·
complaint in this regard. will be entertained
after the examination.

Note: Question Paper is divided into two parts.

Part· B is compulsory. Attempt four

questions from Part A selecting one

question from each unit.

. .
9641-215d-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over
---- PART-A


1. What do you meal?-by Evidence? Explain the _

- .
.different kinds of "Evidence recognised under

Indian Law. (14)

2. Explain the doctrine of 'Rest-gestae' with the

. help of examples and decided case law. (14)


3. .What do you mean .by an 'Admission ? Who

can .•..
make it ? (14)

4. What is Dy.ing declaration ? How is it

proved? What is the principle on which

dying declaration are admitted in Evidence?

( 14)

9641-2150-(P-4)(Q-9)(17). ( 2')

5. Write a detail note on documentary

Evidence. Differentiate between Primary and

Secondary Evidence. (14)

6. Discuss. by giving suitable examples the facts

which need not be proved in civil or criminal

matters. (14)


7. What do you understand by privileged

communication ? Explain the principle

underlying the rule. (14)

8. Define Estoppel ? What are the various kinds

of estoppel? (14)

9641-2150-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) (3 ) [Turn Over


9. Explain in brief:

(a) Shall Presume (3)

(b) Conclusive Proof (3)

(c) Circumstantial Evidence (3)

(d) Character when Relevant (3)

(e) Facts in Issue (3)

(f) Presumption a' to .document thirty years

old (3)

(g) Leading Question (3)

(h) Expert Ophion (3)

9641-2150-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) (.4 )
· all No ................•........

9642 (Old)
LL. B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course sea
Sem. and LL. B. Hons. 3 Year
Course 4th Sem. (New Scheme)
Examination-May, 2017
Paper: 802
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct- and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination.

Note: Attempt four questions from Section I to

IV. Each question carries 14 marks.

Section V -is compulsory and each part

of it carries 3 marks.

9642-350-(P-4 )(0-9)('17) ( 1) [Turn Over


1. Explain the ~ meaning of Environmental

Pollution and causes, effects and factors

leading to it.


2. Explain the various provisions of

constitutional law for the protection of



3. Discuss the functions of State and Central

Board under the Air (Prevention and Control

of Pollution) Act, 1981.


4. Explain the salient features of the

~nvironment (Protection) Act, 1986.

.. .

9642-3SG-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) (2 )


5. What is the role of Indian Judiciary in

Protection of Environment. Explain with the

help of leading cases.


6. Public Interest Litigation is playing a

dynamic role in protection of environment.



7. Explain in detail the Doctrine of Absolute

• OR

8. What are the main objectives and features of

the Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991.

9642~350-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 3) [Turn Over

-----'---- ._--
9 •. Explain the following:

(a) Noise Pollution

. (b) The Right to a Clean Environment

(c) Article 51 (A)(g)

(d) Hazardous Substances

(e) Principles of Sustainable Development

(f) Precautionary Principle

(g) Pollutants

(h) Industrialization

9642-350-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 4)

- \
- -=-=--

Ro l No .

9642-A (New)
LL.-B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course 8th
Sem. and LL. B. Hons. 3 Year
Course 4th Sem" (New Scheme)
w.e.f. May, 2014 Examination-
May, 2017
Paper: 802
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination ..

Note: Attempt four questions from Section-I to

IV. Each question carries 14 marks.

Section V is compulsory and each part

of it carries 3 marks.

9642-A-3300-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over


1. Explain the remedies available for

environmen tal problems under the

Constitution of India and Indian Penal Code.


2. Explain Water Pollution and functions of

State. Pollution Control Board tinder the

Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution)

Act, 1974.


3. What are the causes and effects of Air



4. Explain the objects, reasons and background

of passing Environment Protection Act,


9642-A-3300-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 2)

5. Discuss the role of Public Interest Litigation

in protection of Environment.


6. Discuss the salient features of the Green

Tribunal Act, 2010.


7. Explain In detail xhe Doctrine of Absolute



8. Explain in .detail principles of the Public

Liabilities Insurance Act, 1991.


9. Write short note on the following

(a) Noise Pollution

(b) Pollution Pays

9642-A-3300-(P-4)(Q-9){17) ( 3) [Turn Over
(c) Precautionary Principle

(d) Sustainable Development

(e) Ozone Depletion

(f) Pollutants

(g) Public Interest Litigation

(h) Right to environment (clean)

9642-A-3300-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 4)
Roll No .

9643 (

LL. B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course 8th

Sem. and LL. B. Hons. 3 Year
(.; rse 4th Sem. (New Scheme)
Examination-May, 2017
Paper: 803
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will· be entertained
after the examination:

Note: Attempt four .questions from Section A,

selecting at least one question from each

unit. These questions carry 14 marks.

Section B is compulsory and each

question carries 3 marks. .

9G43-2000-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) . ( 1) [Turn Over



1. Examine the provisions of Workmen's

Compensation Act, 1923 relating to payment

of .compensation by certain class of

employers to their workmen. for the injuries

sustained by them in accident arising out' of

and in the course of employment.

2 .. Discus the salient features of the Workmen's

Compensation Act, 1923.


3. Explain In brief, the. 'object, features and

constitutional validity of the Minimum

Wages Act, 1948.

4. Define 'Wages'. Discuss the law relating to

Payment and Deduction from wages under

the Payment of-Wages Act, .1936.

9643-2000-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 2)

5. Discuss the legal p~oVlslOns relating to

Certification and Adoption of Standing

Orders under the Industrial Employment

(Standing Orders) Ad, 1946.

6. Explain the purpose, composition and

functions of Medical Benefit Council

constituted under the Employees State

Insurance Act, 1948.


-7. ~v'haLis 'Bonus' ? Examine the eligibility and

disqualification for Bonus.

8. Elaborate the law relating to determination,

recovery and protection of Gratuity under

the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.

9643-2000-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 3) [ Turn Over

9. Write note on the following

(a) Minimum bonus

(b) Payment of remuneration at equal rates

(c) Employees Insurance Court

(el) Certifying Officer

(e) Authority to hear claims

(1) Living wages

(g) Medical examination

(h) Partial disablement

9G43-2000-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 4)
Roll No .

LL. B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course 8th
Sem. and LL~B. Hons. 3 Year
Course 4th Sem. (New Scheme)
- Examination-May, 2017
Paper: 804
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint, in this regard will be entertained
after the examination. .

Note: Attempt four questions from Unit-I to IV

. selecting at least one question from each

unit. These questions shall carry 14

marks each. Unit V is compulsory and

each question in this unit shall carry 3


9644-2150-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over


1. Discuss the meaning of property which can

be transferred under the Transfer of Property

Act, 1882.

2. Write notes on the following:

(i) Actionable Claim

(ii) Constructive Notice


3. What do you understand by Ostensible

owner ? What are the conditions under
which astensible owner is authorised to
transfer the property ?

4. Explain the following :

(i) Fraudulent Transfer

(ii) Doctrine of Lis-Pendens

9644-21S0-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) (2')

5.. Define Sale. What are the Rights and Duties

of the Seller?

6. 'Once a Mortgage always a Mortgage'



7. Define Gift ? Explain the circumstances

when a gift may be suspended or revoked.

8. Explain the meaning of Lease. How licence is

different from Lease?


9. Explain the following in brief:

(a) Attested

9644-2150-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) (3 ) [Turn Over

(b) Instrument

(e) Apportionment

.(d) Vested Interest

(e) Spes-succession

(f) Priority

(g) Universal Donee

(h) Transfer by co-owner

9644-2150-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 4)
Roll No .

LL. B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course 8th
Sem. and LL. B. (Hons.) 3 Year
Course 4th Sem. (New Scheme)
Examination-May, 2017
Paper: 805
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination.

Note: Attempt four questions from Section I to

IV. Each question carries 14 marks.
Section V is compulsory and each part
of it carries 3 marks.


1. Define concept of equity. What is the history

and development of equity In Roman and
English Law?
9645-2050-(P-3)(Q-9)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over

2. Discuss classification of jurisdiction of equity



3. "Equity will not suffer a wrong to be without

a remedy". Discuss.


4. "Equity looks to the intent rather than the

form". Discuss.


5. Describe duties and liabilities of trustee.


6. What are the powers and rights of trustees?


7. Describe the rights and liabilities of


964S-20S0-(P-3)(Q-9)(17) ( 2)
8. Define the concept of equity, its relevance
and application in Indian legal system.


9. Explain in brief:

(a) Equality is Equity

(b) Equi ty Court

(c) Equity follows the law

(d) Delay defeats equity

(e) Fiduciary relation

(f) Creation of trust

(g) Equity acts in personam

(h) The first in time shall prevail

9645-2050-(P-3)(Q-9)(17) ( 3)
Roll No .

LL. B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course 8th·
Sem. and LL. B. (Hons.) 3 Year
Course 4th Sem. (New Scheme)
Examination-May, 2017
Paper: 806
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
. Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination.

Note: Attempt .four questions selecting at least

one from each-Section I~IVand Section-V

is compulsory and each question in this

unit section carries 3 marks.

9646·2000·(P·4)(Q-9)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over


1. Explain in detail the multiple factor theories

of crime?

2. Discuss the nature and scope of Criminology

and also explain the role of criminology in

the field of public policy.


3. What are cyber crimes and its kinds ?

Discuss in detail.
4. Define· organised Crimes. What are the

reasons of organised crime ? Suggest some

measures to prevent white collar criminality.


5. What do you mean by prison

administration? Discuss the role of open

prison for reforming the prisoners.

9646-2000-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 2)
6. Define Punishment. Discuss the various

theories of punishment. Explain the

reformative theory of punishment.


7. Explain the concept and scope of


8. Explain the system of parole. What is the

different between Probation and Parole?


9. Explain in brief:

(i) Mutilation

(ii) Stalking

." (iii)Neo-classical school


9646-2000-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) (3 ) [Turn Over

(v) Parole

(vi) Recidivism

(vii) Cannibalism

(viii) Prison Labour

9646-2000-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 4)

- -e:=-
Roll No ~ .

Ll1.B. (Ho·ns.) 5 Year Course 9th
Sem. and LL. B. (Hbns.) 3 Year
Course 5th Sem. (New Scheme)
Examination-May, 2017·
Paper: 901
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
• complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination.

Note: Attempt rour questions from Section I to
IV selecting at least one question from
each section. These questions carry 14
marks each. Section V is compulsory
arid each question carry 3 marks each.

9647-40Q-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over


1. Discuss the Rule of Res-Sub-Judice. How is

it different from the rule of Res-Judicata ?

2. What do you mean by Summon. What are .

the methods of service of summon on the
defendant ? Discuss. (14)


3. Discuss the power of the Court to issue

commission under C.P.C.. What are the
functions of the commission ? (14)

4. Discuss the procedure for filing suit by or

against Government or Public Office.
Whether such is different from ordinary suit
Quote relevant provisions. (14)
9647-40Q-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 2)



5. What properties are liable to attachment and

sale in execution of a decree? Discuss.


6. What do you understand by first appeal ? On

what grounds can it be filed ? Explain.

.•. (14)


7. Define and explain reference Review and

Revision. Distinguish them from each other.


8. Discuss the law of Limitation relating to legal

disability: Also quote suitable examples in

support of your answer. (14)

9647-400-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) (3) , [Turn Over


9. Answer in brief: (8x3=24)

(i) What do yo:u mean by decree ?

(il) Define 'Legal Representative'.

(ill)What do you mean by pleading?

(iv) What is Plaint?

(v) Define Counter Claim.

(vi) What do you mean by "Condonation of

delay" under law of limitation ?

(vii) Discuss any three grounds for filing of

second appeal.

(viii)Discuss three grounds for filing

injunction suit in the Civil Court.

9647-40Q-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) (4)

l~vll No , .

LL. B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course 9th
Sem. and LL. B. Hons. 3 Year
. Course 5th Sem. (NewScheme)
Examination-May, 2017 .

Paper: 902
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination.

Note: Attempt four questions from Section I to

IV, selecting at least one question from

each section. These questions carry 14

marks each. Section V is compulsory

and each question for this section carry 3


9648-350-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over


1. What do you mean by Pleadings ? Discuss

• the procedure and rule for amendment of

pleadings. (14)

2. What do 'you understand by affidavit ?

Discuss the rule relating to drafting the

affidavit. (14)


3. Draft a bail application. on behalf of an

accused who is in jail in connection of an

offence of theft in a house. (14)

4. Draft a petition for divorce on the ground of

adultery under Hindu MarriageAct, 1955.


9648-350-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 2)

5. Draft a lease deed of a house for a period for

IJlore than one year. (14)

6. What is Sale Deed ? Discuss the essentials of

sale-deed. (14)


7. Draft a notice under, Section -80 of Civil

• Procedure Code for filing a civil suit against

the Government. (14)

8. Write an adoption deed which fulfils all the

requirements of a valid adoption. (14)


9. Answer the following questions briefly:

(i) What is Plaint?

9M8-350-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) (3) [Turn Over

- --.------ --
(il) What do you mean by writ petition ?

(iii)What is criminal complaint?

(iv) What do you mean by Anticipatory Bail ?

(v) What is Mortgage Deed?

(vi) What is Gift Deed ?

(vii) Define Will.

(viii) Define Exchange Deed,

9648.~50.(P.4)(Q.9)(17) ( 4)
RoUNo ,

LL. B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course 9th
Sem. and LL. B. Hons. 3 Year
Course 5th Sem. (New Scheme)
Examination-May, 2017
Paper: 903
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this' regard will be entertained
after the examination.

Note: Attempt four questions from Unit-I to IV,

selecting at least one question from each

unit. These questions shall carry 14

• marks each. Unit V ~s compulsory and

each question in this unit shall carry 3

9649-3So-(P-4 )(0-9)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over

1. Discuss the evolution of ADR in India.

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of


2. Explain the role of ADR in settlement of

family disputes. Give your suggestions for its

effective role.


3. Write short notes on any two of the


(i) Composltion of Lok Adalats

(ii) Cognizance of cases by Lok Adalats

(Hi)Awards and powers of Lok Adalats

9649·350-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 2)

4. What is Nyay-Panchayat ? Discuss its

T advantages.

5. Explain any two of the following:
(i) Arbitration

(ii) Arbitration Agreement

(iii)International Commercial Arbitration

6. What are the grounds for taking recourse

. against arbitral award ? When does arbitral

award become final ?


7. Explain anyone of the following:

(i) New York Convention Award

(ii) Geneva Convention Award

9~9·350·(P·4)(Q·9)(17) (3) [Turn Over

8. What is the procedure of appointment 0

conciliator • under the Arbitration and

Conciliation Act, 1996 ? Discuss the role of

conciliator in settlement of disputes.


9. Write short notes on the following:

(i) Mediation

(il) Conciliation

(Hi)Interim measures, etc. by the Court

(Iv) Confidentiality in Conciliation

(v) Grounds for Challenge

(vi) Advantages of ADR over litigation process

(vii) Forms and contents of arbitral award

(viii)Growth of Lok Adalats

9649-3SQ-(P-4)(Q-9)(11) ( 4)

Ron No .

9650-A (N'ew)
LL. B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course 9th
Sern. and LL. B. (Hons.) 3 Year
Course 5th Seni. (New Scheme)
w.e.f. May 2013 El(amination-
May, 201-7
Paper: 904 .
Time: 3 hours . Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have 'been .supplied
the correct and complete 'question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination.

,Note: Attempt four questions from Part-A,

selecting .at least one .question from each

unit. Part-B is compulsory.

9650-A-1900-(P-4)(Q-9)(17). ( 1 ). [Turn Over



1. What do you mean by Capital ? How the

working capital IS arranged by a body

corporate ? (14)

2. What is Share Capital ? Discuss vanous

types of shares. (14)


3. When can a company invest In another

company under the provisions of Companies

Act, 2013 ? ( 14)

4.· Write a detail note on the following:

(a) Floating Charge (7) .

[b) Fixed Charge (7)

9650-A-1900-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 2 ).

5. Transfer and Transmission of Securities are

different mode to become member in a body

corporate. Comment. (14)

6. Discuss the Law concerning Dematerlisation

and Rematerlisation of Securities. (14)


7. Discuss m detail the establishment and

functioning of Mutual Fund. (14) .

8. How is G.D.R. issued? Discuss the role of

. . ..
vanous agencies involved m issuing the

G.D.R. (14)

9650-A-1900-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 3 ). [Turn Over


9. Explain in brief: (8x3=24) .


(ii) Deposits

(iii) Creation of Charge

(iv) Mortgage

(v) Rights of Individual Member

(vi) Depository Participant

. .
(vii) Life Insurance Corporation

(viii) A.D.R.

9650-A-1900-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 4)

RoriNo .

LL.B. (Hons.) 5 ·Year Course 9th
Sem. and LL.B. (Hons.) 3 Year
Course 5th Sem. (New Scheme)
Examination-May, 2017
Paper: 90S
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination.

Note: Attempt any four questions, selecting at

least one question from each unit.
Unit-V is compulsory.


1. What do you mean by choice of jurisdiction?

Discuss the rules of Indian Private

9651-35Q..(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over
International Law regarding jurisdiction of


2. Discuss the various stages in Private

International Law Case.


3. Discuss the elements and kinds of domicile

under Indian Private International Law.

4. Examine the law which govern the status

and universality of status.


5. Define matrimonial causes. Discuss the

rules of Indian Private International Law

regarding matrimonial causes.

9651-350-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 2)
(c) Domicile of corporation.

(d) Incidents of status'

(e) Lex Loci celebrationis

(f) Essential validity of will

(g) Discharge of contract

(h) Capacity to contract

9651-350-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 4)

Roa No .

LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course 9th
Sem. and LL.B. (Hons.) 3 Year
Course 5th Sem. (New Scheme)
Examination-May, 2017
Paper: 906
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination.

Note: Attempt one questions from each unit in

Section 'A'. Section-B is compulsory.



1. Explain various provisions on Agreement on

" Agriculture.

9652-350-(P-3)(Q-9)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over


2. GATI' was' established for a bright vision ~ .

trading among states, explain.


3. Write down in detail about agreement on

subsidies granted by States.

4. Explain Trade Related Investment Measures,

adopted by states.


5. Write down .in detail regarding General

Agreement on Trade in services.

6. FDI as a boon or bane, explain.


7. Settlement of International Trade Dispute

must take place, explain. ~

9652-35D-(P-3)(Q-9)(17) ( 2)

...,8. Explain the following:

(a) Remedial measures in case of disputes

(b) Enforcement of Technical Regulations


9. (a) Define GATT

(b) Local industry

(c) Central Government

(d) Technical Regulations

(e) Sanitary Measures

(f) Domestic Treatment

(g) MFN

(h) Dumping in Trading y

9652-350-(P-3)(Q-9)(17) ( 3)
Roll No ,

LL. B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course 9th
Sem. and LL. B. (Hons.) 3 Year
Course 5th Sem. (New Scheme)
Exam!nation-May, 2017
Paper: 907
Time : 3 hours Max. Maries: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained

Note: Attempt five questions in all, selecting at

least one question from each unit.
Question No 9 (Unit-V) is compulsory.
All questions carry equal marks.


1. Discuss the history and development of

Insurance in India.

9653-3QO-(P-3)(Q-9)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over
2. Define role and functions of. Contract


3. Give definitions and formation of Life

Insurance Contract. What are the Events
Insured against Life Insurance?


4. Discuss the circumstances affecting the risk

in Life Insurance.


5. What is Marine Insurance

. ? Explain the
kinds of marine policies.


6. Discuss about change of "Voyage" and


. ,

9653-300-(P-3)(Q-9)(17) ( 2)

7. Discuss the important elements in social

insurance and its need.


8. Write detailed note on Public Liability


9. Write notes on :

(i) Cash benefits

(il) Industrial accidents
(ill) Occupational diseases
(iv) Peril of the sea
(v) Principle of good faith

(vi) Insurable Interest

(vii)Loss by fire

9653-300-(P-3)(Q-9)(17) ( 3)
hotl No .

LL.B. [Hons.] 5 Y~ar Course 10th
Semester a~d·L~._ B. (Hons.) 3
Year Course-Bfh Semester (New
Scheme) Examination-May, 2017
- .
Paper ~ lQOl
Time : 3 hours Max ..Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No.
complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination. '

Note: Attempt four questions from Section I to

IV, selecting' at least one question from

each Section. These questions carry 14

marks each. Section-V is compulsory

and each question of this Section carry 3


9E;G-l-1700-(P-4 )(0-9)( 17) (1) [Turn Over


1. Discuss the power and functions of Revenue

.Officers under the Land Revenue Act, 1887.

( 14)

2. Write short notes on .any two of the following:

(7 +7 = 14)

(i) Girda wari

(ii) Mutation

(iii) .Jamabandi


3. Discuss the concept of "Surplus Area and

Permissible Area under Haryana Ceiling. on
Land Holding Act, 1972. ( 14)

4. Discuss the grounds of Ejectment of Tenants

under Haryana Rent Control Act, 1973. (14r

9654-1700-(P-4)(Q-8)~17) ( 2')


5. Discuss the composition and constitution of

Gram Panchayat under Haryana Panchayati
RajAct,1994. (14)

6. Explain the duties or-Gram Panchayat under

Haryana Panchayati Raj Act, 1994. (14)


7. Discuss the sources of income of Panchayat

Samiti u.nder "the Haryana Panchayati Raj
Act, 1994. (14)

8. What are the various modes of con trol of

Panchayat Samiti under Haryana Panchayati
Raj Act, 1994." (14)


9. Answer these questions briefly: (8x3=24)

(i) Discuss the. meaning of Panchayat.

9654-1}OO-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) (3) [ Turn Over

(ii) Discuss three modes of collection of land

(iii)What is Tenant under Punjab Tenancy

Act, 1887. ?

(iv) What is Rent under Punjab Tenancy Act,

1887 ?

. (v) Discuss three sources of income of Gram


(vi) Discuss three modes of expenditure of

Gram Panchayat.

(vii)Highlight three functions of Panchayat


(viii)Discuss three main powers of Panchayat


9654-1700-(P-4)(Q-8)(17) ( 4)

LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course 10th
Semester and LL.B. (Hons.) 3 Year
Course 6th Semester (New
Scheme) Examination-May, 2017
Paper: 1002
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination.

Note: Attempt one question from each Unit in

Section A. Section B is compulsory.



1. Define Intellectual Property. Explain its

importance in the present context.

9655-1700-(P-3)(Q-9)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over

2. Explain vanous conventions dealing with



3. Define copyright along with subject matters.

4. Explain remedial measures of infringemen

of copyright.


5. Define patent. Explain various characteristics

",_-:"- .

of patent.

6. Explain the procedure for obtaining patent.

UNI1 ...IV

7. Explain various functions of Trademark.

9655-1700-(P-3)(Q-9)(17) ( 2)
8. Explain the following :

(a) Passing off

(b) Effects of Registration


9. Explain in brief:

(i) Intellectual Property

(ii) Copyright

(iii) Economic Development

(iv) Abridgement of work

(v) Patentee

(vi) Value of patent system

(vii)Trademark Registry

(viii)Assignment of Trademark

9655-1700-(P-3)(Q-9)(17) ( 3)
.... No .

LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Y~ar'Course 10th
Semester and LL.B. (Hons.) 3 Year
Course 6th Semester (New
Scheme) Examination-May, 2017

Paper: 100,3
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination.

Note: Attempt any four questions, selecting at

least one question from each Unit.
Unit-V is compulsory.


'1. Discuss the meaning, purpose and basic

principles of Interpretation.

'2. Examine mischief rule of Interpretation.

9656-1700-(P-4)(Q-9)(17)' (-1 ) [Turn Over

3. Explain the contribution of Mandatory and

Directory enactments in interpretation of

statutes. What principles would you follow in

order to ascertain whether a provision on an.

enactment is mandatory or.directory.

4. Write notes on the following:

(a) Internal aid

(b) External aid


5. What do you mean by the maxim, "Utfr $.

magis valeat quam pereat." Discuss the

importance of this maxim In the

interpretation' of statutes with the help of

illustrations that youknow.

9656-1700-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 2)
b.. Write notes on the following:

(a) Rule of Pari' Materia

. .
(b) Rule of Stare Decisis.


7. What do you understand by retrospective

operation of a Sf!, tute ? Whether the

legislature is empowered to enact a law with

retrospective effect.

8. Discuss the Bentham's Theory of Pains and



9. Explain in brief:

(a) Public opinion

9656-1700-(P-4 )(0-9)( 17) (3) [Turn Over
(b) Utalitarianism

(c) Rule of Noscitur-a-sociis

(d) Ejusdem Generis .

(e) Interpretation of Taxing statutes

(1) Difference between Construction and


(g) Limitations. of the court in Interpretation

of statutes

(h) Golden rule

9656-1700-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 4)
, Roll No .

9658 (Old)
LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course'10th
Semester and LL.B. (Hons.) 3 Year
Course, 6th Semester (New'
Scheme) Examinati~n-May, 2017
Paper: 1005
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in this regard will be entertained
after the examination.

Note: Attempt any four questions, selecting at

least one question from each Unit.
Unit-V -is compulsory. All questions
• carry equal marks.


1. Discuss the meaning of and the functions

performed by financial market.

96S8-2SQ-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 1) [Turn Over

2. Write notes on the following:

(a) Financial Institution

0» Treasury Bill Market


3. Explain in detail about Listing agreement

with special reference to clause-49.

4. Define and differentiate between primary and

secondary capital market.


5. Write down an essay on the history of

derivatives in India.

6. Discuss the legal provision regarding

Regulatory Control on derivatives.

9658-25Q-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 2)


7. Discuss the role of S.EBi as a regulator in

financial market.

8. Examine the role of Ministry of Company

affairs as a regulator in financial market.


9. (a) Promisory note

. (b) Bill of Exchange

(c) Stock Exchange

(d) Over the Counter Exchange of India

(e) Derivatives

(f) Risk Management through derivatives

9658·~O·(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 3) [Turn Over

(g) Role of Central Government as a


(h) Functions of RBI in regulating financial

market transactions

9658-250-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 4)

·R ii No .. .

9658-A (New)
LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Year Course 10th
Semester and LL.B. (Hons.) 3 Year
Course 6th Semester (New
Scheme) (w.e.f. May, 2013)
Examination-May, 2017
Paper: 1005
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Before answering the questions, candidates
should ensure that. they have been supplied
the correct and complete question paper. No
complaint in· this regard .will be entertained
after the examination.

Note: Attempt four questions from Sections I to

IV, selecting at least one question from
each Section. These questions shall carry
14 marks each. Section V is compulsory
and each question of this Section shall
carry 3 marks each:

9658-A-3300-(P-4)(Q-9)(.17) (1) [Turn Over


1. What is Financial Markets ? Discuss the

functions performed by the financial

markets. (14)

2. Write short notes on any two of the following';

(7 + 7)

(i) Mutual Funds

(ii) Industrial securities market

(iii)Bill of Exchange


3. What is the History of Stock Exchange in

India? (14),

4. What is Indian Capital Market ? Discuss in

detail. (14)

9658-A-3300-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) ( 2)

5. What IS internal. reconstruction of

companies ? Discuss in detail. (14)

6. What is Merger and acquisition ? Kindly

make a difference between. the two, (141

~EC':rION - IV

7. What is the role of Sll~BI as a regulator? (14)

8. What is the role of Central Government as a

regulator? (14)


9. (i) Types of financial institutions. . (3)

(ii) What is promissory note? (3)

(iii)What do you mean by listing agreement?

9658-A-3300-(P-4)(Q-9)(17) (3 ) [Turn Over

· (iv) What is Bombay Stock Exchange? (3).

(v) What are the R.B.I's main functions? (3)

(vi) What is F.M.R.? . (3)

(vii)What is call money market? (3)

(viii)·What do yo~ mean by external

reconstruction? (~)

9658-A-3300-(P-4)(Q-9)(17)" ( 4)


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