Iqsas - Manual
Iqsas - Manual
Iqsas - Manual
Revision : 01
Date : 04/09/2008
2.4 Sampling
IQSAS sets out the standards for the various quality aspects of construction works
and awards points for works that meet the required standards. These points are
then summed up to give a total score called the IQSAS score for the project.
IQSAS covers most aspects of the general building works and civil works¹. The
assessment consists of four components for building works:-
1. Structural Works
2. Architectural Works
3. Mechanical and Electrical (M & E) Works
4. Compliance with IJM Quality System
The assessment is carried out primarily based on visual inspection and aided by
necessary tools where specified in the requirements. The assessment on quality
standards is done throughout the construction process for Structural and M & E
Works and on completed building for Architectural Works.
Apart from visual inspection and audits on quality, the assessment also includes
tests on the materials and the functional performance of works that are necessary to
achieve good quality.
To meet the expectations from the end users, feedback through complaints
and defects listing were also considered in refining the weighting and
assessment standards.
The IQSAS assessment on quality standards is divided into four main components -
Structural Works, Architectural Works, M & E Works and compliance with IJM
Quality System.
a. Structural Works
b. Architectural Works
Architectural Works deal mainly with the finishes and components. This is
the part where the quality and standard of workmanship are most visible.
The assessment covers:-
The quality of M & E Works is important in view of its increasing high cost
proportion and its impact on the performance of a building. The assessment
covers Mechanical Ventilation and Air Conditioning Works (MVAC),
Electrical Works, Fire Protection Works, Sanitary & Plumbing Works and the
basic M & E fittings. The stages of assessment include:-
In IQSAS, the weighting for Structural, Architectural, M & E Works, compliance with
IJM Quality System are allocated according to four categories of buildings as follows
The IQSAS score of a building is the sum of points awarded to the components with
respect to the category of the building.
The assessors shall be impartial and act independently while carry out the
assessment of project. The assessors shall be trained and appointed by Quality
System Department.
2.4 Sampling
As it is impractical to assess all elements, IQSAS uses a sampling system for the
assessment. The sampling system, which is based on the Gross Floor Area (GFA)
of the building, will ensure that the assessment adequately represents the entire
In general, the Assessor should select the actual locations to be assessed prior to
each assessment. Selection of samples shall be based on layout drawings and
location plans. The samples shall be distributed as uniformly as possible throughout
the construction stages.
The scoring will be done on the works that are inspected for the first time.
Rectification and correction carried out after the assessment will not be re-scored.
The objective of this practice is to encourage “doing things right the first time”.
When an item is observed not complying with the corresponding IQSAS standards,
it is considered failed and an “X” will be noted in the assessment form. Likewise a
“9” is required for an item meeting the standards. A “-” will indicate that the item is
not applicable. The score is computed based on the number of “9” over the total
number of items assessed.
The assessment for Structural Works will be carried out for every block as the
construction proceeds. A sample in structural work can be a beam, column, wall or
slab. The assessment of a reinforced concrete structure consists of the following
Note : If the pre-cast concrete volume exceeds 20% of total structural volume
assessment will be carried out for pre-cast concrete construction. The
points will be distributed proportionally between formwork, rebar
assessment and pre-cast concrete assessment based on the respective
concrete volume percentage.
For a typical reinforced concrete structure, selection of samples for assessment can
be based on the following guidelines:
The resulting score for the formwork, reinforcement and finished concrete consists
of the summation of the numbers of checks that meet the quality standards.
There is no assessment in pre-cast components at the pre-cast yard. The
assessment is applicable for all types of pre-cast components at site.
The point distributions for Structural Steelworks and Pre-stressed Concrete are as
Structural Elements
Note : Samples will be take before and after steel structure installation work.
* Notes : The weighting distribution system applies to all categories except that
for CAT A and CAT D where external work is not considered for
assessment and the score will be pro-rated.
Any spot under assessment will be considered failed if it does not meet the
standards. In addition, any item found to be defective functionally such as evidence
of water seepage or leak in the window, slab, ceiling or roof is considered to have
failed the assessment. Likewise for a particular defect that is found excessive in an
item (say excessive cracks on a wall).
For the assessment of the roof, a minimum 50% of the total number of buildings will
need to be assessed. This applies to the assessment of the external walls where
again a minimum 50% of the total number of buildings will be required. Each
building external wall will be divided into 4 portions for assessment.
(a) Link-way / Shelter - 10m length section per sample and minimum
2 samples
(b) Apron & Drain - 10m length section per sample and minimum
2 samples
(c) Roadwork & Carpark - 10m length section per sample and minimum
1 sample
(d) Footpaths & Turfing - 10m length section per sample and minimum
2 samples
(g) Fencing & Gate - 10m length section per sample and minimum
1 sample
(h) Swimming Pool - 10m length section per sample and minimum
1 sample
Each item in the External Work will be assessed separately and all the locations
listed above must be assessed where applicable.
The material and functional tests, including the Pull-Off test for internal wall tiles,
ponding tests for flat roofs and wet areas, silt content test for plastering sand, are
awarded based on evidence of passing the tests. In particular, the Pull-Off test will
ascertain proper adhesion of the internal wall tiles to the wall substrate.
The M & E Works assessment will be carried out in two stages: during the
construction of structural works and upon completion of the building.
The assessment covers the following areas, with their weighting allocated in
accordance with the four categories of projects:
Electrical 10 10 10 10
MVAC 15 15 - 10
Fire Protection 10 10 10 -
Performance Test 40 40 10 10
Note : For item with “-“means that no assessment on those M & E elements is
The Performance Test assessment, covering Electrical, MVAC, Fire Protection and
Sanitary & Plumbing, is based on the “Get-It-Right-First-Time” principle. The
assessment will be based on the overall percentage of test passing in the first
inspection (i.e. over 90% or less than 90%) for a particular test.
The assessment for Basic M & E Fittings will be carried out during the Internal
Finishes assessment.
Like in the Architectural Works, sampling for M & E works will be determined based
on the categories of buildings as per the guidelines below:
Minimum Samples 35 25 10 10
Maximum Samples 70 50 20 20
Remarks : + means to be repeated for additional samples required
Note : Basic M & E Fittings - 500 m² per sample with min 30 and max. 150
1 IQA results 30 %
(CAR closed and Observation responded
within the time frame)
3 Method Statement 10 %
(Prepared for all work trades and reviewed by
6 On Job Training 20 %
( Conducted for all trades )
Total 100 %
1b Alignment, plumb and 1) Tolerance for departure of any point from its Measurement
level position : 10mm. Tape.
2) Tolerance for plumb: 3mm/m, maximum Plumb bob with
20mm. string and
3) Maximum deviation of mean level of Auto Level.
staircase thread to temporary bench mark :
4) For cast-in place elements, the deviation of Auto Level.
level of any point from the intended level :
5) Tolerance as per specification.
Effective Date: 4th Sept. 2008 (Rev 1) Part 1- Appendix 1- Part 1 - Page 1
Item* Standards Assessment Tool
2 Reinforcement
( cast in-situ & Pre-cast
2b Anchorages & lap lengths 1) Required lap length not less than that Measurement
specified in structural drawing. Tape.
2e Rebar Condition 1) Rebars must be securely and properly tied in Visual and
place. Physical
2f Backer Rods / Water 1) Pre-install the self adhesive backer rods and Visual
proofing membrane water proofing membrane as per specified in Observation.
construction drawing (if any)
3 Finished Concrete
( cast in-situ & Pre-cast
Effective Date: 4th Sept. 2008 (Rev 1) Part 1- Appendix 1- Part 1 - Page 2
Item* Standards Assessment Tool
5) Square ness of pre-cast member – Different Measurement
between the greatest and shortest Tape
dimensions should not exceed the following:-
• Upto & including 1.2m : 6mm
• Over 1.2m but less than 1.8mm : 9mm
• 1.8m & over : 12mm
3b Alignment, plumb and 1) Tolerance for departure of any point from its Survey
level position : ±10mm. Equipment.
4 Pre-cast Structure
Specific Requirements
4a Lifting Points / Inserts 1) Tolerance for position ± 20mm from Centre Measurement
line location as per specified in construction Tape
Effective Date: 4th Sept. 2008 (Rev 1) Part 1- Appendix 1- Part 1 - Page 3
Item* Standards Assessment Tool
4b Sleeve system / 1) Tolerance for position :- Measurement
Connections ± 6mm from centre line /as per specified in Tape
drawing / specification
5a Concrete Cube test 1) According to specifications; for every pour of Cube Test
concrete, test cubes crushed results at 28 Records.
days must satisfy the passing criteria as
5b Reinforcement (Rebar) 1) To pass the tensile strength test for all the Observation on
reinforcement bars used as according to MS Records.
Effective Date: 4th Sept. 2008 (Rev 1) Part 1- Appendix 1- Part 1 - Page 4
(#) For the assessment of concrete cube test results, the percentage of points shall be awarded based on
the percentage of non-compliance as tabulated in the table below :
100% 0 - 2.5%
0% > 10%
* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met.
* Refer to Material and functional test / warranties form for further details.
Effective Date: 4th Sept. 2008 (Rev 1) Part 1- Appendix 1- Part 1 - Page 5
Part 2 : Structural Steel Works
1 Plumb & Alignment 1) Plumb Tolerance : 5mm / 10m height, Plumb bob with string
maximum of ±15mm. and Measurement Tape.
2 Cutting & Dimension 1) Cut edges visually dressed to finish Visual Observation.
and free from distortion.
5 Corrosion & Fire 1) If specified in the contract, protection Visual Observation and
such as paint coating and fire
Protection Elcometer.
protection coatings be evenly applied
and no damages to the coating. No
spalling of coating or protective layer
from structural steel member.
Effective Date: 4th Sept 2008 (Rev.1) Part 1 - Appendix 1 – Part 2 - Page 4
Item * Standards Assessment Tool
* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met.
# For test records, the following table would be used to determine the points awarded :
100 % 0 - 2.5%
75 % 2.6 - 5.0%
50 % 5.1 - 7.5%
5% 7.6 - 10%
0% > 10%
Effective Date: 4th Sept 2008 (Rev.1) Part 1 - Appendix 1 – Part 2 - Page 5
Part 3 : Pre-stressed Concrete
1 Condition of tendons & 1) All pre-stressing strands and wires Visual Observation and
anchorages should comply with the specified Observation on Records.
standards and requirements and be
free from loose rust, oil, tar, paint and
any foreign objects.
3 Stressing & Grouting 1) Tendon ducts clean and free from Visual and Physical
process foreign objects and tendon free Observation.
moving in the duct.
* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met.
Effective Date: 4th Sept. 2008 (Rev.1) Part 1 - Appendix 1 – Part 3 -Page 6
1 Floors
1a Screed finish 1) Ponding not deeper than 3 mm. Visual Observation and
Measurement Tape.
4) Tiles should not butt tightly with each Visual Observation and
other; joint size 2-4 mm or otherwise Measurement Tape.
stated by architect.
2 Internal Walls
2b Plaster Finish 1) Cracks along wall surface (not more Crack Gauge and
than 0.3mm wide and 200mm long). Measurement Tape.
2c Tiled Finish 1) Tile joints aligned and joint size 2- Visual Observation and
4mm or otherwise stated by architect. Measurement Tape.
2g Pre-cast concrete planks 1) Alignment with adjacent planks not Measurement Tape.
more than 3mm.
3) Standard of finishes.
2j Wood / Timber Panels 1) Timber panels to rest firmly on joist or Visual Observation.
3 Ceilings
5) Cracks not wider than 0.3mm and not Crack Gauge and
more than 200mm long. Measurement Tape.
4 Doors
8) Locks sets with good fit and no stains. Visual and Physical
15) Door joints and nail holes filled up, Visual Observation.
properly sanded down with good paint
finish (including on top and bottom of
door leaf and consistent in colour)
13) Lock sets with good fit & aligned Visual Observation.
6 Components
6b Others components 1) For permanent fixtures which are not Assessment tools which
covered in the standards, the are deemed suitable.
Fundamentals such evenness,
straightness, verticality and
consistency will still be the basis for
* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met.
Effective Date: 4th Sept. 2008(Rev.1) Part 1 - Appendix 2 – Part 1 - Page 6
Part 2 : Roof
* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met.
Effective Date: 4th Sept. 2008 (Rev. 1) Part 1- Appendix 2 – Part 2 - Page 7
Part 3 : External Wall
3 Tiled Finish 1) Tile joints aligned and between 2- Visual Observation and
4mm wide unless specified. Measurement Tape.
Effective Date: 4th Sept. 2008 (Rev.1) Part 1- Appendix 2 – Part 3 - Page 8
Item * Standards Assessment Tool
* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met.
Effective Date: 4th Sept. 2008 (Rev.1) Part 1- Appendix 2 – Part 3 - Page 9
Part 4 : External Works
1 Items to be assessed
1a Link-Way / Shelter
1b Apron & Drain
1c Roadwork & Carpark
1d Footpaths & Turfing
1e Playground
1f Court
1g Fences & Gate
1h Swimming Pool
1i Club House
1j Guard House
1k Electrical Substation
4 Inspection chambers 1) Inspection chambers are level with Visual Observation and
surrounding without depression and Measurement Tape.
with tolerance of 20mm for
Effective Date: 4th Sept. 2008 (Rev.1) Part 1- Appendix 2 – Part 4 - Page 10
Item * Standards Assessment Tool
5 Side drains 1) No stains and mortar droppings. Visual Observation.
7 Kerbs & aeration slabs 1) Kerbs with correct alignment (20mm Straight Edge, String and
/ 50m long) and evenness at joints. Measurement Tape.
Effective Date: 4th Sept. 2008 (Rev.1) Part 1- Appendix 2 – Part 4 - Page 11
Item * Standards Assessment Tool
12 Others External Works 1) Constructed according to Contract
* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met.
Effective Date: 4th Sept. 2008 (Rev.1) Part 1- Appendix 2 – Part 4 - Page 12
Part 5 : Material & Functional Tests
4 Water-tightness test for 1) No sign of leakage after ponding test Visual Observation.
internal wet areas (e.g. for wet areas over a minimum period of
toilets, kitchen, etc) 24 hrs.
5 Pull-off test (POT) for 1) Minimum tensile strength of 0.15 N / Pull out test.
internal wall tiles mm².
* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met.
Effective Date: 4th Sept. 2008 (Rev.1) Part 1- Appendix 2 – Part 5 - Page 13
2 Main Cables Correct type of cable used as per approved Visual Observation.
5 Cable Tray, Ladder and Joints protected against corrosion. Visual Observation.
- Correct type of material used as per Visual Observation.
approved sample.
3 Kitchen exhaust / - Location and duct size as per approved Visual Observation and
Laundry ducts shop drawings. Measurement Tape.
Effective Date: 4th Sept. 2008 (Rev.1) Part 1- Appendix 3 – Part 2 -Page 4
Components Standards Assessment Tool
8 Air Handling Unit - Inspection access door for fan, coil, Visual Observation.
motor and filter.
Effective Date: 4th Sept. 2008 (Rev.1) Part 1- Appendix 3 – Part 2 -Page 5
Components Standards Assessment Tool
9 Pump - Pump and motor assembly installed on Visual Observation.
inertia block and spring isolator.
10 Cooling Tower Cooling tower completed with self- Visual Observation and
earthing system for connection to Test Records.
building lightning protection system.
Name plate installed with Visual Observation.
manufacturer’s name, serial number
and model number.
11 Pipework : Properly painted and supported. Visual Observation.
including Chilled water,
Hot water, Steam, - Pipework provided with drains at each Visual Observation.
Condenser water, low point and automatic air vents with
Condenser drain, manual isolating valve at each high
Cold water make-up, point.
water treatment and
refrigerant. - Fire stop for passage of pipes at Visual Observation.
opening for fire resistance walls and
12 Air/Grilles louvre Air distribution devices installed as per Visual Observation.
shop drawings in terms of layout,
selection and colours.
Effective Date: 4th Sept. 2008 (Rev.1) Part 1- Appendix 3 – Part 2 -Page 7
Part 3 : Fire Protection Works
2 Sprinkler - Double layer sprinkler for false ceiling Visual Observation and
>800mm in depth. Measurement Tape.
3 Exposed Pipes - Pipe and fitting ends properly capped. Visual Observation.
Effective Date: 4th Sept. 2008 (Rev.1) Part 1- Appendix 3 – Part 4 -Page 11
Components Standards Assessment Tool
- Isolating valves provided at main Visual Observation.
branch-off and accessible for
Effective Date: 4th Sept. 2008 (Rev.1) Part 1- Appendix 3 – Part 4 -Page 12
Components Standards Assessment Tool
5 Water Tank - All openings properly covered. Visual Observation.
Effective Date: 4th Sept. 2008 (Rev.1) Part 1- Appendix 3 – Part 4 -Page 13
Part 5 : Basic M&E Fittings
Alignment &
Door Joints & Gap Joints, Gap etc too big, Inconsistent, Improper Seal
Component Material & Damages Crack, Chipping, Dent, Scratches, Sag, Warp, Defects,
Finishing, Tonality
(Flat roof) Gutters Choking, ponding, cracks, chips, level & stains
Weighting Mark
No. Description Score Calculation Remarks
(%) Obtained
1 IQA results and CAR resolved within the time A) IQA CARs issued (#)
frame, including the closing of Observations, if
CARs not issued. i) if 0 ≤ IQA CAR issued (#) ≥ Average IQA CAR per audit cycle (a)
Formula: [15 % - ( # / a x 5%)] 8.75%
[15 % - (IQA CAR project (#) / Average CAR (a) x 5%]
A) 15 %
ii) if IQA CAR issued (#) > Average IQA CAR per audit cycle (a)
# Formula:
a [Average CAR (a) / (IQA CAR project (#) x 10%] [ a / # x 10%] 8.00%
8.00% i) CARs closed within 21 days and observation responded within 21 days 15% 15.00%
B) 15 %
ii) CARs closed and observation responded within 21 < x < 42 days 7.50%
iii) CARs closed and observation responded more than 42 days 0
Total 30% 31.75%
2 PQP Submission / Revision a) Draft PQP submitted to QSD within 1 month of LA/Site Possesion date 4% 4.00%
b) Commented PQP submitted within 14 days 2% 2.00%
10% c) PQP prepare accordingly based on checklist (prorate) 2.00%
d) PQP revision done progressively as necessary and in accordance to Quality procedure 2% 2.00%
3 Method Statement a) Method Statements prepared for all trades (7% given)
Formula: [ m / n x 7 %] 7.00%
n [No.of Method Statement Prepared at site (m) / No, Work Trades at site (n)]
m 10% b) Method Statements reviewed by PM/CM (3 % given)
r Formula: [ r / m x 3 %] 3.00%
['[No.of Method Statement reviewed (r) / No.of Method Statement Prepared (m)]
4 Inspection Test Plan a) ITP prepared for all trades as per work trades in work programme
Formula: [ i / n x 7 %] 7.00%
[No.of ITP Prepared at site (i) / No. Work Trades at site (n)]
5 CAR review meeting CAR review meeting conducted on 3 monthly basis 10% 10.00%
(Conducted on 3 monthly interval minimum) 10% (prorate if not at specified interval)
6 On job training a) On Job Training conducted for all work trades as in work programme inclusive of PQP
20% Formula:
n 40 [No.of OJT conducted (t) / No. Work Trades at site (n)] [ t / n x 20 %] 20.00%
t 40
Total 10% 20.00%
7 Preventive Action Prepared for all work trades as in work programme 10% 10.00%