Carrier LDU Manual
Carrier LDU Manual
Carrier LDU Manual
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Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
2. External Appearance
38LDU-76CN1, 38LDU-76CN1
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Duct Type
1. Features ........................................................................ 7
2. Specifications ................................................................ 8
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
1. Features
Convenient installation, hidden in the ceiling, unit installation is not hindered by the location of
Air inlet and outlet flanges are standard and easy for duct connection.
Multi diffusers from one indoor unit supply airflow to multi rooms at the same time. The unit is
suitable for various applications where there are many rooms or halls, such as restaurants,
Highly efficient scroll compressor, with thermal protectors to prevent motor overheating.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
2. Specifications
Model 42LDU-76CN1 42LDU-96CN1
Type High static pressure duct
Power supply \ 220-240V~, 1Ph, 50Hz
Btu/h 75,100/64,100 95,600/80,500
Capacity (T1/T3)
W 22,000/18,800 28,000/23,600
Input (T1/T3) W 7,500/8,850 9,600/11,550
EER (T1) W/W 2.93 2.92
Btu/h \ \
W \ \
Input W \ \
COP W/W \ \
Rated input (Whole units) W 11,700 14,400
Rated current (Whole units) A 19.3 23.7
Indoor air flow m /h 4,250 5,100
Indoor standard ESP (External static pressure) Pa 196 196
Indoor noise level dB(A) 58 61
Refrigerant type \ R410A R410A
Refrigerant control \ Capillary
Type \ Centrifugal fan Centrifugal fan
Motor model (×Quantity) \ YDK300-4X(×2) YDK550-4X(×2)
Fan Input (Hi/med/lo) W 690/580/500 990/830/670
Capacitor \ 12μF/450V 12μF/450V
Speed (Hi/med/lo) r/min 1,020/910/800 1,130/990/840
Type \ Copper tube and aluminum fin
Tube size mm Ф9.52 Ф9.52
No. of rows \ 3 4
Coil Fin spacing mm 1.5 1.5
Tube pitch(a)×row pitch(b) mm 25.4×22 25.4×22
Length× height mm 1,202×406.4 1,202×406.4
Number of circuits \ 10 14
Controller \ R05 R05
Refrigerant pipe (Liquid/ Gas) mm Ф9.52/Ф22 Ф9.52/Ф25
Drain pipe size mm Ф41 Ф41
Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1,443×450×846 1,443×450×846
Packing (W×H×D) mm 1,549×476×917 1,549×476×917
Net/Gross weight kg 105/120 105/120
1. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions:
T1: Indoor temp: 27°CDB, 19°CWB; Outdoor temp: 35°CDB, 24°CWB; T3: Indoor temp: 27°CDB, 19°CWB; Outdoor
temp: 46°CDB; Equivalent refrigerant piping: 7.5m (horizontal).
2. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions:
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Indoor temp: 20°CDB, 15°CWB; Outdoor temp: 7°CDB, 6°CWB; Equivalent refrigerant piping: 7.5m (horizontal).
42LDU-76CN1, 42LDU-96CN1:
4. Service Space
Top view
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
5. Refrigerant circuit
42LDU-76CN1, 42LDU-96CN1
6. Wiring Diagrams
42LDU-76CN1, 42LDU-96CN1
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
7. Capacity Table
Gross Cooling Capacity (kW)
Outdoor DB(°C) 29.40 35.00
Indoor WB(°C) 16.10 19.40 22.80 16.10 19.40 22.80
23.9 19.5 15.2 6.56 21.9 12.4 6.76 23.3 5.4 6.89 18.7 15.3 6.99 20.8 11.7 7.22 22.0 5.1 7.36
26.7 20.2 17.4 6.58 22.4 14.5 6.78 23.8 10.3 6.91 19.1 17.4 7.01 21.2 13.7 7.24 22.5 9.7 7.38
29.4 20.9 19.0 6.60 22.8 18.7 6.80 24.3 14.4 6.93 19.5 18.7 7.03 21.6 17.7 7.26 22.9 13.6 7.40
32.2 21.6 21.2 6.61 23.3 21.2 6.81 24.7 18.2 6.94 19.9 19.5 7.05 22.0 20.0 7.28 23.4 17.2 7.42
23.9 20.6 16.5 6.76 22.5 13.0 6.96 23.9 5.6 7.09 19.7 16.6 7.19 21.4 12.4 7.42 22.6 5.3 7.56
26.7 21.3 18.5 6.78 23.0 16.3 6.98 24.4 10.7 7.11 20.1 18.6 7.21 21.8 15.5 7.44 23.1 10.1 7.58
29.4 22.0 20.4 6.80 23.5 19.7 7.00 24.9 15.2 7.13 20.5 20.1 7.23 22.2 18.7 7.46 23.6 14.4 7.60
32.2 22.8 21.7 6.81 23.9 22.2 7.01 25.4 18.9 7.15 20.9 20.9 7.25 22.7 21.0 7.47 24.0 17.9 7.62
23.9 21.1 18.3 7.00 23.0 14.4 7.33 24.4 6.3 7.33 20.2 18.5 7.43 21.9 13.7 7.48 23.1 6.0 7.80
26.7 21.8 20.8 7.02 23.5 18.1 7.22 24.9 11.9 7.35 20.6 20.6 7.45 22.0 17.2 7.50 23.6 11.3 7.82
29.4 22.6 21.9 7.04 24.0 22.0 7.24 25.4 16.8 7.37 21.0 21.0 7.47 22.7 20.9 7.70 24.1 15.9 7.84
32.2 23.4 22.9 7.06 24.4 22.2 7.26 25.9 21.1 7.39 21.4 21.4 7.49 23.2 21.1 7.72 24.6 20.0 7.86
23.9 21.5 19.1 7.31 23.5 14.1 7.51 24.9 6.1 7.64 21.0 18.6 7.74 22.4 13.4 7.97 23.6 5.8 8.11
26.7 22.3 21.4 7.33 24.0 17.6 7.53 25.4 11.5 7.66 21.4 20.6 7.76 22.8 16.8 7.99 24.1 11.0 8.13
29.4 23.1 22.4 7.35 24.5 21.3 7.55 25.9 16.4 7.68 21.8 21.8 7.78 23.3 20.2 8.01 24.6 15.6 8.15
32.2 23.9 23.4 7.37 25.0 24.0 7.57 26.4 20.5 7.70 22.3 22.3 7.80 23.7 22.8 8.03 25.1 19.4 8.17
1. DB = Dry Bulb Temperature (°C), WB = Wet Bulb Temperature (°C)
2. TC = Total Capacity (kW)
3. SC = Sensible Capacity (kW)
4. PI = Power input (kW)
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Gross Cooling Capacity (kW)
Outdoor DB(°C) 29.40 35.00
Indoor WB(°C) 16.10 19.40 22.80 16.10 19.40 22.80
23.9 25.3 19.8 8.50 27.8 15.7 8.70 29.2 6.7 8.83 24.6 20.2 8.93 26.6 15.1 9.16 27.9 6.4 9.30
26.7 26.2 22.6 8.52 28.4 18.4 8.72 29.8 12.8 8.85 25.1 22.8 8.95 27.2 17.6 9.18 28.5 12.3 9.32
29.4 27.1 24.7 8.54 28.9 23.7 8.74 30.4 18.1 8.87 25.6 24.6 8.97 27.7 22.7 9.20 29.0 17.3 9.34
32.2 28.1 27.5 8.56 29.5 26.8 8.76 31.0 22.8 8.89 26.1 25.6 8.99 28.3 25.7 9.23 29.6 21.8 9.37
23.9 26.4 21.1 8.70 28.4 16.4 8.90 29.8 7.0 9.03 25.6 21.5 9.13 27.3 15.8 9.36 28.5 6.7 9.50
26.7 27.3 23.7 8.72 29.0 20.6 8.92 30.4 13.3 9.05 26.1 24.2 9.15 27.8 19.7 9.38 29.1 12.8 9.52
29.4 28.3 26.2 8.74 29.6 24.9 8.94 31.0 18.9 9.07 26.6 26.1 9.17 28.4 23.8 9.40 29.7 18.1 9.54
32.2 29.2 27.9 8.76 30.2 27.9 8.96 31.6 23.6 9.10 27.2 27.2 9.20 28.9 26.8 9.43 30.3 22.6 9.57
23.9 26.9 23.4 8.94 28.9 18.1 9.27 30.3 7.8 9.27 26.1 23.9 9.37 27.7 17.3 9.55 29.0 7.5 9.74
26.7 27.8 26.5 8.96 29.5 22.7 9.16 30.9 14.8 9.29 26.6 26.6 9.39 28.0 21.8 9.60 29.6 14.2 9.76
29.4 28.8 27.9 8.98 30.1 27.6 9.18 31.5 20.9 9.31 27.1 27.1 9.41 28.9 26.5 9.64 30.2 20.0 9.78
32.2 29.8 29.2 9.00 30.7 27.9 9.21 32.1 26.1 9.34 27.7 27.7 9.44 29.4 26.8 9.67 30.8 25.0 9.81
23.9 27.3 24.2 9.25 29.4 17.6 9.45 30.8 7.5 9.58 26.9 23.8 9.68 28.2 16.9 9.91 29.5 7.2 10.04
26.7 28.3 27.2 9.27 30.0 22.1 9.47 31.4 14.3 9.60 27.4 26.3 9.70 28.8 21.2 9.93 30.1 13.7 10.07
29.4 29.3 28.4 9.29 30.6 26.6 9.49 32.0 20.3 9.62 27.9 27.9 9.72 29.4 25.5 9.95 30.7 19.4 10.10
32.2 30.3 29.7 9.32 31.2 30.0 9.52 32.7 25.3 9.65 28.5 28.5 9.75 30.0 28.8 9.98 31.3 24.3 10.12
1. DB = Dry Bulb Temperature (°C), WB = Wet Bulb Temperature (°C)
2. TC = Total Capacity (kW)
3. SC = Sensible Capacity (kW)
4. PI = Power input (kW)
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
9. Electric Characteristics
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
10.Sound Levels
11. Accessories
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Floor-standing Type
1. Features ...................................................................... 21
2. Specifications .............................................................. 22
3. Dimensions .................................................................. 23
5. Refrigerant Circuit........................................................ 24
10.Accessories ................................................................. 32
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
1. Features
Highly capacity of cooling.
Auto swing louver, wide angle and long distance of air supply.
High efficient scroll compressor, with thermal protectors to prevent motor overheating.
The heat exchanger fins are coated with anti-corrosive and hydrophilic layers. The special
coated layers serve as protection against corrosion from air, water and other corrosive agents,
assures longer coil life and save maintenance cost. Inner-thread coil pipe enhance heat
exchange efficiency. Copper pipe and aluminum fin have passed 600 hours Salt Spray Test.
Large capacity axial fan increase the heat exchange in the condenser.
Direct drive motor. Outdoor unit with axial fan directly drove by motor, and indoor with centrifugal
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
2. Specifications
Model 42CFS-76CN1 42CFS-96CN1
Power supply \ 220~240V-1Ph-50Hz
Btu/h 75,100/64,800 95,600/81,500
Capacity (T1/T3)
W 22,000/19,000 28,000/23,900
Input power (T1/T3) W 7,500/8,980 9,600/11,320
EER (T1) W/W 2.93 2.92
Btu/h \ \
W \ \
Input power W \ \
COP W/W \ \
Rated input (Whole units) W 11,700 14,400
Rated current (Whole units) A 19.3 23.7
Indoor air flow m /h 4,250 5,100
Indoor noise level dB(A) 58 61
Refrigerant type \ R410A
Refrigerant control \ Capillary
Type \ Centrifugal fan
Motor model \ YSK300-6 YSK300-6
Fan Motor input(hi/med/lo) W 600/500/437 600/500/437
Capacitor \ 25μF/450V 25μF/450V
Motor speed(hi/med/lo) rpm 870/760/670 870/760/670
Type \ Copper tube and aluminum fin
Tube size mm Ф9.52 Ф9.52
No. of rows \ 2 3
Coil Tube pitch(a)×row pitch(b) mm 25.4×44 25.4×44
Fin spacing mm 1.6 1.6
Coil(W×H) mm 982×711.2 982×711.2
Number of circuits \ 14 14
Controller \ R05 R05
Refrigerant pipe (Liquid/ Gas) mm Ф9.52/Ф22 Ф9.52/Ф25
Drain pipe size mm Ф41 Ф41
Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1,200×1,860×420
Packing (W×H×D) mm 1,362×2,050×582
Net/Gross weight kg 158/174 158/174
1. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions:
T1: Indoor temp: 27°CDB, 19°CWB; Outdoor temp: 35°CDB, 24°CWB; T3: Indoor temp: 27°CDB, 19°CWB;
Outdoor temp: 46°CDB; Equivalent refrigerant piping: 7.5m (horizontal).
2. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions:
Indoor temp: 20°CDB, 15°CWB; Outdoor temp: 7°CDB, 6°CWB; Equivalent refrigerant piping: 7.5m
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
3. Dimensions
4. Service Space
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
5. Refrigerant Circuit
42CFS-76CN1, 42CFS-96CN1
6. Wiring Diagrams
42CFS-76CN1, 42CFS-96CN1
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
7. Capacity Tables
Gross Cooling Capacity (kW)
Outdoor DB(°C) 29.40 35.00
Indoor WB(°C) 16.10 19.40 22.80 16.10 19.40 22.80
23.9 20.1 16.5 6.48 22.1 12.5 6.68 23.5 5.4 6.81 19.3 15.8 6.91 21.0 11.8 7.14 22.2 5.1 7.28
26.7 20.8 18.9 6.50 22.6 14.6 6.70 24.0 10.3 6.83 19.7 17.9 6.93 21.4 13.8 7.16 22.7 9.8 7.30
29.4 21.5 20.7 6.52 23.0 18.9 6.72 24.5 14.6 6.85 20.1 19.3 6.95 21.8 17.9 7.18 23.1 13.8 7.32
32.2 22.3 21.8 6.53 23.5 21.4 6.73 24.9 18.3 6.86 20.5 20.1 6.96 22.2 20.2 7.20 23.6 17.4 7.34
23.9 20.7 17.4 6.68 22.7 13.1 6.88 24.1 5.7 7.01 19.9 16.7 7.11 21.6 12.5 7.34 22.8 5.4 7.48
26.7 21.4 19.8 6.70 23.2 16.5 6.90 24.6 10.8 7.03 20.3 18.8 7.13 22.0 15.6 7.36 23.3 10.2 7.50
29.4 22.1 21.7 6.72 23.7 19.9 6.92 25.1 15.3 7.05 20.7 20.3 7.15 22.4 18.9 7.38 23.8 14.5 7.52
32.2 22.9 22.9 6.73 24.1 22.3 6.93 25.6 19.1 7.07 21.1 21.1 7.17 22.9 21.2 7.40 24.2 18.1 7.54
23.9 21.2 19.4 6.92 23.2 14.5 7.25 24.6 6.4 7.25 20.4 18.7 7.35 22.1 13.8 7.47 23.3 6.0 7.72
26.7 21.9 21.9 6.94 23.7 18.2 7.14 25.1 12.0 7.27 20.8 20.8 7.37 22.0 17.3 7.50 23.8 11.4 7.74
29.4 22.7 22.7 6.96 24.2 22.2 7.16 25.6 17.0 7.29 21.2 21.2 7.39 23.0 21.1 7.62 24.3 16.1 7.76
32.2 23.5 23.5 6.97 24.7 22.4 7.18 26.1 21.2 7.31 21.6 21.6 7.41 23.4 21.3 7.64 24.8 20.1 7.78
1. DB = Dry Bulb Temperature (°C), WB = Wet Bulb Temperature (°C)
2. TC = Total Capacity (kW)
3. SC = Sensible Capacity (kW)
4. PI = Power Input (kW)
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
1. DB = Dry Bulb Temperature (°C), WB = Wet Bulb Temperature (°C)
2. TC = Total Capacity (kW)
3. SC = Sensible Capacity (kW)
4. PI = Power Input (kW)
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
1. DB = Dry Bulb Temperature (°C), WB = Wet Bulb Temperature (°C)
2. TC = Total Capacity (kW)
3. SC = Sensible Capacity (kW)
4. PI = Power Input (kW)
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Gross Cooling Capacity (kW)
Outdoor DB(°C) 29.40 35.00
Indoor WB(°C) 16.10 19.40 22.80 16.10 19.40 22.80
23.9 25.9 21.2 8.71 28.0 15.8 8.91 29.4 6.8 9.04 25.2 20.6 9.14 26.8 15.2 9.37 28.1 6.5 9.51
26.7 26.8 24.3 8.73 28.6 18.5 8.93 30.0 12.9 9.06 25.7 23.3 9.16 27.4 17.7 9.39 28.7 12.4 9.53
29.4 27.7 26.7 8.75 29.2 23.9 8.95 30.6 18.2 9.08 26.2 25.2 9.18 27.9 22.9 9.41 29.3 17.4 9.55
32.2 28.7 28.1 8.77 29.7 27.0 8.97 31.2 22.9 9.11 26.7 26.2 9.21 28.5 25.9 9.44 29.8 21.9 9.58
23.9 26.5 22.2 8.91 28.6 16.5 9.11 30.0 7.1 9.24 25.8 21.7 9.34 27.5 15.9 9.48 28.7 6.8 9.71
26.7 27.4 25.4 8.93 29.2 20.7 9.13 30.6 13.4 9.26 26.3 24.4 9.36 28.0 19.9 9.51 29.3 12.9 9.73
29.4 28.4 27.8 8.95 29.8 25.0 9.15 31.2 19.0 9.28 26.8 26.3 9.38 28.6 24.0 9.53 29.9 18.2 9.75
32.2 29.4 29.4 8.97 30.4 28.1 9.18 31.8 23.8 9.31 27.4 27.4 9.41 29.1 27.0 9.55 30.5 22.7 9.78
23.9 27.0 24.7 9.15 29.1 18.2 9.48 30.5 7.9 9.48 26.3 24.1 9.58 27.9 17.5 9.58 29.2 7.6 9.95
26.7 27.9 27.9 9.17 29.7 22.8 9.37 31.1 14.9 9.50 26.8 26.8 9.60 28.0 21.9 9.60 29.8 14.3 9.97
29.4 28.9 28.9 9.19 30.3 27.8 9.39 31.7 21.0 9.52 27.3 27.3 9.62 29.1 26.7 9.85 30.4 20.1 9.99
32.2 29.9 29.9 9.22 30.9 28.1 9.42 32.4 26.3 9.55 27.9 27.9 9.65 29.7 27.0 9.88 31.0 25.2 10.02
1. DB = Dry Bulb Temperature (°C), WB = Wet Bulb Temperature (°C)
2. TC = Total Capacity (kW)
3. SC = Sensible Capacity (kW)
4. PI = Power Input (kW)
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
1. DB = Dry Bulb Temperature (°C), WB = Wet Bulb Temperature (°C)
2. TC = Total Capacity (kW)
3. SC = Sensible Capacity (kW)
4. PI = Power Input (kW)
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
1. DB = Dry Bulb Temperature (°C), WB = Wet Bulb Temperature (°C)
2. TC = Total Capacity (kW)
3. SC = Sensible Capacity (kW)
4. PI = Power Input (kW)
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
8. Electric Characteristics
Indoor Unit Power Supply IFM
Hz Voltage Min. Max. MCA MFA KW FLA
9. Sound Levels
42CFS-76CN1 58 dB(A)
42CFS-96CN1 61 dB(A)
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
1. Specifications .............................................................. 34
2. Dimension ................................................................... 35
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
1. Specifications
Model 38LDU-76CN1 38LDU-96CN1
Power supply \ 380-415V~, 3Ph, 50Hz
Ambient temp in cooling °C 17~52 17~52
Ambient temp in heating °C / /
Rated input (Whole units) W 11,700 14,400
Rated current (Whole units) A 19.3 23.7
Noise level dB(A) 65 67
Type ×Qty. \ Scroll ×1 Scroll ×1
Brand \ Copeland Copeland
Model \ ZP90KCE-TFD-522 ZP120KCE-TFD-522
Capacity W 21,900 29,200
Input W 6,950 9,200
Rated current A 16.5 20
Locked rotor Amp A 95 118
Refrigerant oil ml 2,513 3,253
Refrigerant Type/Charge \ R410A/5,400g R410A/6,000g
Type ×Qty. \ Axial fan ×2 Axial fan ×2
Motor model \ YDK210-6A YDK400-4C
Motor input \ Hi: 284; Lo: 202 Hi: 621/587; Lo: 388/388
Capacitor \ 10μF/450V 25μF/450V
Hi: 920/930; Med: 650/710 (4/3 Hi: 1,180/1,230; Lo: 790/870 (4/3
Motor speed rpm
fan blades) fan blades)
Type \ Copper tube and aluminum fin
Tube size mm Ф7.94 Ф7
No. of rows \ 2 3
Coil Fin space mm 1.4 1.3
Tube pitch(a)×row pitch(b) mm 22×19.05 21×13.37
Coil (W×H) mm 2,177×880 2,179×882
Number of circuits \ 9 20
Liquid side/ Gas side mm Φ9.52/Φ22 Ф9.52/Ф25
Max. pipe length m 50 50
Max. difference in level m 30(Outdoor unit down), 25(Outdoor unit up)
2 2
Power wire (Indoor unit) \ 3×2.5mm 3×2.5mm
2 2
Connection Power wire(Outdoor unit) \ 5×6.0mm 5×6.0mm
Power wire(Double outdoor
wire \ / /
units, as power-main)
2 2
Signal wire \ 2×1.0mm 2×1.0mm
Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1,260×908×700 1,260×908×700
Packing (W×H×D) mm 1,320×1,060×730 1,320×1,060×730
Net/ Gross weight kg 171/190 185/202
Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: Indoor temp: 27°CDB, 19°CWB; Outdoor
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
temp: 35°CDB; Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: Indoor temp: 20°CDB;
Outdoor temp: 7°CDB, 6°CWB; Equivalent ref. piping: 7.5m (horizontal).
2. Dimension
38LDU-76CN1, 38LDU-96CN1:
(Unit: mm)
3. Service Space
38LDU-76CN1, 38LDU-96CN1:
1. In case any obstacles exist above the outdoor unit, such obstacles must be 2000mm above the outdoor
2. If miscellaneous articles are piled around the outdoor unit, such articles must be 400mm below the top of
the outdoor unit.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
4. Wiring Diagrams
38LDU-76CN1, 38LDU-96CN1:
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
5. Electric Characteristics
Outdoor Unit Power Supply Compressor OFM
6. Sound Levels
h Front
1 m
Note: H = (h+1) / 2
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Part. 4 Installation
1. Notes ........................................................................... 39
7. Electric Connection...................................................... 57
12.Maintenance ................................................................ 82
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
1. Notes
Install the unit where enough space of installation and maintenance is available.
Install the unit where the ceiling is horizontal and enough for bearing the weight of the indoor unit.
Install the unit where the air inlet and outlet are not baffled and the least affected by external air.
Install the unit where the supply air flow can be sent to all parts in the room.
Install the unit where it is easy to lead out the connective pipe and the drain pipe.
Install the unit where no heat is emitted from a heat source directly.
Installing the equipment in any of the following places may lead to faults of the equipment (if that
Hot ring area where corrosive gases exist, e.g., sulfide gas.
Install the unit where enough space of installation and maintenance is available.
Install the unit where the air inlet and air outlet are free from obstacles and strong wind.
Install the unit where the bearing surface is level and can bear weight of the unit, and is suitable
Install the unit where the operation noise and the expelling of air do not affect neighbors.
Install the unit where no flammable gas is leaked.6Install the unit where it is convenient for pipe
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
The inspection orifice should be enough larger to repair and maintenance the unit.
Use Ф10 or bigger screws. The screw material is high-quality carbon steel whose surface is
Fix the pendant bolts firmly and reliably in light of the specifice situsation.
42LDU-76CN1, 42LDU-96CN1:
(Unit: mm)
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
When the pandant bolt is fixed in wooden structure, please put rectanglar sticks across the
When in the new concrete roughcast environment, please use embedded bolts, embedded
pulling plugs and stick harness. On steel bar have some holes to hang pipe and embed
screw bolts.
.When in steel beam and girder structure, set and use supportive angle steel.
After install the indoor units, use a hoisting device to hoist the indoor unit, and align it with
the installation screws to adjust the horizontality. Finally, Tighten the screws.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Int order to prevent air flow shoting, do not set the air inlet orifice near the air outlet orifice.
Install a filter at an easy-to-maintain place such as intake pipe. If without the filter, the duct
will gether on the air heat exchanger and lead to fault and water leak of the air conditioner.
In order to suppress noise effectively, install noise suppression and sound insulation
For connection of the flange plane, use non-flammable canvas adapter to prevent
42LDU-76CN1, 42LDU-96CN1:
View of air outlet side (Unit: mm)
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
All pipelines must be connected closely and soundly without leak of air. The pipelines must
be adiabatic and free from condensation. The key points of duct connection are as following
If it is forecast that high humidity and temperature environment (condensate temperature is over
23°C) may exist in the ceiling, e.g., inside the ceiling with slab, (ceiling which is in the same
environment as the outdoor air), it is necessary to apply 10mm or thicker adiabatic wool
(16~20kg/m2) to the refrigerant pipe and the drain pipe in addition to apply the general heat
insulation materials. Enough heat insulation materials should also be applied to the refrigerant
The drain of water is natural. In the construction, the external pipe slants downward at a gradient
of 1/50~1/100.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
The number of bends and folds of the drain pipe should not exceed 2. Try to avoid bends in
Charge water into water collection tray, after the drain water pipe is installed, check whether the
water can be drained smoothly and whether the joints are leakage.
After making sure that the water drains smoothly and no water is leaked, use a diabatic wool
bushes to preserve heat of the drain pipe. Ohterwise, condensate will occur.
For anti-fall down, following the picture (unit: mm) fix the feet on the floor after select
aproper place for installation, since the height of the unit casing is very high. The right and
left sides as weel as rear can be fixed, it is necessary to select the unit fixed measure as per
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
It is be ware of the foot screw, which may be hurt for the passby people, make sure enough securit
of that, prevent accident occure.
Before electric connection, uncover the screw-cap in the air intake panel, and then lossen
the screws.
Take off the air intake panel, ensure which place secure enough will not make risk to the
other people.
There is natural drain, it is should be confirmed that the height of drain pipe is not higher than
The number of bends and folds of the drain pipe should not exceed 2. Try to avoid bends to
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Charge water into water collection tray, after the drain water pipe is installed, check whether the
water can be drained smoothly and whether the joints are leakage.
After making sure that the water drains smoothly and no water is leaked, use a diabatic wool
bushes to preserve heat of the drain pipe. Ohterwise, condensate will occur.
38LDU-76CN1, 38LDU-96CN1
Use 4 steel ropes to hoist the unit and move it into the site.
In order to prevent scratch and deformity the outdoor unit, apply a guard board to the surface of
Remove the cushion for use in the transport after finishing the transport.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
38LDU-76CN1, 38LDU-96CN1
As the following shown picture, leave an interval between the multi-outdoor unit.
Snow protection facilities must be installed in the snowfall areas. In order to prevent influence
caused by snow, set up raised pavilion, and install snow protection sheds at the air inlet and air
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
42CFS-76CN1 + 38LDU-76CN1
42CFS-96CN1 + 38LDU-96CN1
The refrigerant pipe adapter is located inside the outdoor unit. So remove the right front board
When the pipe is connected from the front side, the pipe can be led out through the right front
When welding the refrigerant pipe, in order to prevent internal oxidation of the pipe, nitrogen
must be filled in. Otherwise, the oxidized chips may block refrigerating circulatory system.
Trash and foreign matters may come into the pipe in the process of installing the refrigerant pipe.
Be sure to blow them off with nitrogen before connecting the pipe to the outdoor units.
Use high-pressure nitrogen to clean the pipelines. Do not use the refrigerant of the outdoor unit
for cleaning.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
For 44kW duct unit, the indoor unit and outdoor unit are categorized in system A and B. When
installing and connecting the indoor unit and outdoor unit, identify the label carefully, and make
sure that indoor unit corresponds to the outdoor unit, exactly. Otherwise, it may lead to fault of
All connections between indoor unit and outdoor unit are copper-to copper and should be brazed
with a phosphorous-copper alloy material such as Silfos-5 or equivalent. Do not use soft solder.
The outdoor units have reusable valves on both the liquid and vapor connections. The total
system refrigerant charge is retained within the outdoor unit during shipping and installation. The
reusable valves are provided to evacuate and charge per the instruction.
Dry nitrogen should always be supplied through the tubing while it is being brazed, because the
temperature required is high enough to cause oxidation of the copper unless an inert
atmosphere is provided. The flow of dry nitrogen should continue until the joint has cooled.
Always use a pressure regulator and safety valve to insure that only low pressure dry nitrogen is
introduced into the tubing. Only a small flow is necessary to displace air and prevent oxidation.
Install the connective pipe only after fixing the indoor unit and outdoor unit. Keep dry when
installing the connective pipe. Do not let moist intrude into the pipeline system.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Allowed value
Max. actual length of pipe (L) 50m
Max. height difference between indoor Outdoor unit (upper) 25m
and outdoor unit Outdoor unit lower (lower) 30m
Max. number of bends 15
As shown in following picture, when brazing the indoor and outdoor connective lines, pad a
sheet metal under the valve avoids the flame burning the chassis.
Precaution should be taken to prevent heat damage to the valve by wrapping a wet rag around it.
Remove the cap and Schrader core from both the liquid and vapor service valve service ports at
the outdoor unit. Connect low pressure nitrogen to the liquid line service port.
Braze the liquid line to the high pressure valve (liquid valve) at the outdoor unit. Be sure to wrap
the valve body with a wet rag. Allow the nitrogen to continue flowing.
Carefully remove the rubber plugs from the evaporator liquid and vapor connections at the
indoor unit.
Braze the liquid line to the indoor liquid connection. Nitrogen should be flowing through the
evaporator coil.
Slide the plastic cap away from the vapor connection at the indoor coil. Braze the vapor line to
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Protect the vapor valve with a wet rag and braze the vapor line connection to the outdoor unit.
The nitrogen flow should be exiting the system from the vapor service port connection. After this
connection has cooled, remove the nitrogen source from the liquid fitting service port.
Leak test all refrigerant piping connections including the service port flare caps to be sure they
Evacuate the vapor line, evaporator and the liquid line, to 500 microns or less.
Replace cap on service ports. Do not remove the flare caps from the service ports except when
Do not connect manifold gauges unless trouble is suspected. Approximately 3/4 ounce of
Release the refrigerant charge into the system. Open both the liquid and vapor valves by
removing the plunger cap and with a hex wrench back out counter-clockwise until valve stem
Replace plunger cap finger tight, then tighten an additional 1/12 turn (1/ hex flat). Cap must be
Never attempt to repair any brazed connections while the system is under pressure. Personal
After the pipes between the indoor unit and the outdoor unit are connected, replenish
The airtight test is performed by using the compressed nitrogen, 2.94MPa (30kg/cm2G).
Leak test with a bubble type leak detector. Do not use the system refrigerant in the outdoor
Tighten the spool of the low pressure valve and high pressure valve before compressing the
The low pressure valve and high pressure valve are closed in the process of compressing
the nitrogen.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Do not use oxygen, flammable gas or toxic gas in the airtight test.
Length of connective pipe
Procedure of expelling air
(Single pass)
Less than 5m Use refrigerant in the outdoor unit.
5~15m Use vacuum pump or refrigerant tank.
Note: If the air conditioner is relocated, be sure to use a vacuum pump or refrigerant tank to expel air.
Loosen and remove the square-head cover of valves A and B, rotate the square-head
spool of valve B counter-clockwise for 45 degrees and stay for about 10 seconds, and
Detect leak for all adapters at A, B, C and D. After making sure that no leak exists, open
the maintenance orifice nut of valve A. After all air is expelled, tighten the maintenance
Loosen and remove the square-head cover and maintenance orifice nut of valves A
and B.
Connect the filler hose of refrigerant tank with the maintenance orifice of valve A.
Loosen the valve of the refrigerant tank, continue filling refrigerant for 6 seconds to
Loosen the valve of the refrigerant tank again, and fill the refrigerant for 6 seconds.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Detect leak for all adapters at A, B, C and D. After making sure that no leak exists,
screw off the filler hose. After all the filled refrigerant is expelled, screw up the
Loosen and remove the maintenance orifice nut of valve A, and connect the filler hose
of the manifold valve to the maintenance orifice of valve A (Tighten both valve A and
valve B).
Open the low (Lo) pressure handle of the manifold valve completely.
Start the vacuum pump to extract air. At the beginning of extracting air, slightly loosen
the maintenance orifice nut of valve B, check whether any air enters it (The vacuum
pump noise changes, and the multi-meter indicates from negative to 0.). Then tighten
Upon completion of vacuuming, tighten the low pressure handle of the manifold valve
completely and stop the vacuum pump. Keep extracting air for over 15 minutes. Check
Loosen the remove the square-head cover of valves A and B. After opening valves A
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Remove the filler hose of the maintenance orifice of valve A, and then tighten the nut.
Open the spool until it touches the stop block. Do not attempt to open further.
Upon completion of installation, open all valves before trial run. Each unit has two valves of
different sizes located at the outdoor unit side. Of the two valves, one is gas valve and the
other is liquid valve. The procedure of opening / closing the valve is shown in following
Procedure of opening the valve: Open the square-head cover, use a spanner to capture the
square head and open it thoroughly. Then tighten the square-head cover.
Procedure of closing the valve: Same as the procedure of opening the valve, but rotate the
After vacuum, according to the diameter and length of the connective pipe of liquid side between
the indoor unit and outdoor unit, calculate the refrigerant replenishment quantity. The refrigerant
Φ9.52mm 0.060kg
Φ12.7mm 0.115kg
Please check and record the replenished quantity of the air conditioner.
Refrigerant leak precautions. This air conditioner uses refrigerant R410A. R410A is safe
refrigerant which is harmless and non-flammable. The room for placing the air conditioner should
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
have a proper space. Even if refrigerant leakage occurs, the density threshold will not be
Density threshold: Density of the Freon gas that does not harm the human body. Density
Calculate out the indoor volume [B (m3)] (according to the minimum volume)
In order to keep the refrigerant density below the threshold value, please install a mechanic
In case frequent ventilation is impossible, please install the leakage detection alarm device
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
condensate prevention and heat insulation properly. If it is forecast that high humidity and
temperature environment (Condensate temperature is over 23°C) may exist in the ceiling, e.g., inside
the ceiling with slab, ceiling which is in the same environment as the outdoor air. It is necessary to
apply 10mm or thicker adiabatic wool (16~20kg/m2) to the refrigerant pipe and the drain pipe in
addition to applying the general heat insulation materials. Enough heat insulation materials should
Note: the heat insulation of drain pipe refer to the installation of indoor unit.
Please use heat-resistant materials as heat insulation material of the air-side pipe. (e.g., EPT)
Cover heat insulation materials separately at the liquid side and the air side. Moreover, perform
heat insulation thoroughly for the air-side pipes of the indoor unit, and prevent water from
After applying the auxiliary heat insulation materials, use vinyl resin tape to seal refrigerant pipe
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
7. Electric Connection
7.1 Caution
Use special power supply for the air conditioner. Design power supplies specific to the indoor
unit and outdoor unit. The supply voltage must comply with the nominal voltage.
The external supply circuit of the air conditioner must have a ground wire, and the power supply
ground wire of the indoor unit must be connected with the external ground wire firmly.
The wiring must be performed by professional technicians according to the circuit diagram
Distribute the wires according to the relevant electric technical standards promulgated by the
State, and set the Residual Current-operated Circuit Breaker (RCCB) properly.
The power wire and the signal wire shall be laid out neatly and properly, without mutual
No power cable is attached to this equipment. The user can select the power cable by reference
Upon completion of wire connection, double check it and then connect the power supply.
An all-pole disconnection device which has at least 3mm separation distance in all pole and a
residual current device (RCD) with the rating of above 10mA shall be incorporated in the fixed
Outdoor unit power cable \ 5×6.0mm
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Outdoor unit power cable \ 5×6.0mm
Floor-standing type:
Type Indoor unit Outdoor unit
42CFS-76CN1 38LDU-76CN1
42CFS-96CN1 38LDU-96CN1
Power 220-240V~, 1Ph, 50Hz 380~415V~, 3Ph, 50Hz
Switch capacity of the main
20A/10A 60A/40A
power supply / Fuse
Indoor unit power cable 3×2.5mm (Includes grounded wire) /
Outdoor unit power cable \ 5×6.0mm
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
sequence is reversed, the compressor will not start. Meanwhile, the fault indicator of the outdoor
electric control board will light up. After shifting the phase sequence, power on the unit until the
42LDU-76CN1, 42LDU-96CN1:
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Please identify outdoor main unit and auxiliary unit. Only adjust the dial on PCB board of
outdoor unit as follows, otherwise incorrect adjustment may cause malfunction. Signal wire
of indoor unit connects to outdoor main unit only and the control command to outdoor auxil
unit is sent by COM wire connecting with main unit. Make sure to connect COM wire correctly,
otherwise COM error may occur and auxil unit cannot start.
42CFS-76CN1, 42CFS-96CN1
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Examples of construction and ventilation pipeline design scheme (Flowering hidden series.)
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
1. Install the filter at the main body grille in case the store height is low,
and at the main body of the indoor unit in case the store height is high.
2. It cleans conveniently at the time of installing/uninstalling the filter.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
1. Install the unit at the air inlet so that the air flows smoothly and the
noise is lower.
2. The noise value varies with the length.
1. Install the unit at the air outlet so that the air flows smoothly and the
noise is lower.
2. The noise value varies with the length.
1. Install the unit at the air outlet so that the air flows smoothly and the
noise is lower.
3. The diffuser pipes should preferably have the same length after
branching, and the minimum length of the ventilation pipes is 5m.
2. The outline size should increase when the air volume is over
350CMH. (For above 303), i.e., when about 9 diffusers are required, the
outline size should increase.
3. The diffuser pipes should preferably have the same length after
branching, and the minimum length of the ventilation pipes is 5m.
2. The outline size should increase when the air volume is over
350CMH. (For above 303), i.e., when about 9 diffusers are required, the
outline size should increase.
8 3. Proper air speed: For air speed of over 2-3.5m/s, select other
diffusers (with great noise).
2. With the change of the cooling/heating air flow, the horizontal and
vertical distance of the fan can be adjusted (applicable to department
store and exhibition hall where the decorative effect is essential).
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
1. Low noise compared with other air outlets. Applicable to tall buildings
that require along distance of air conditioning.
1. The fan is the adjustable type which can change direction of air flow.
It is used for deluxe decoration.
2. The outline size should increase when the air flow is over 450CMH
(3 or 4 SOLT) when about 6 diffusers are required, the outline size
should increase.
3. If the proper air speed is 2.5-5m/s and actual air speed reaches over
5m/s, it is necessary to choose other diffusers (with higher noise
1. Low noise compared with other air outlets. Applicable to tall buildings
that require a long distance of air conditioning.
2. When the noise pipe is connected with the hose, the ventilation pipe
tape must be applied (otherwise, with only adhesive tape, the adhesion
will be weakened due to change of temperature).
materials 1. It is used to prevent glass wool leak and seal the gas at the time of
the flanges and pipelines of the ventilation pipes.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
9. Trial Run
Please conduct in accordance with the nameplate of Trial Run Tenor on the electric control box.
Perform the trial run only after the outdoor unit has been powered on for over 12 hours.
Do not perform compulsory operation in any way, because it is very dangerous if the protection
Install the remote controller holder as required by the user. The holder must be installed in a
location suitable for transmitting the signals of the remote controller to the indoor unit.
Use the remote controller or wired controller to let the air conditioner run in the cooling mode.
Inspect the following items according to the operation manual. If any fault occurs, remove the
fault first.
Whether the air, noise and condensate generated by the unit affect the neighbors.
Check whether the connective copper pipes and drain pipes generate condensate due to
loose wrapping.
Open the air inlet grille of indoor unit to check whether any penetration or leak of water
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
10.2 Buttons
Press the key at the first time, the air conditioner will switch, and then press it again, the unit
will shut down. During the unit is on serving the key is lighting. Otherwise, the light will off.
This key is for select the unit‘s operating mode. For cooling only unit, only air supply (Only
fun) mode and cooling mode could be selected by this key. For cooling and heating unit,
one more function which is heating mode could be selected. By pressing this key repeatedly,
choose these modes. The selected mode is flashing in 2Hz. If keep it without change within
UP: For increase temperature. Any time press the key, temperature will increase one
Celsius degree. When press the key last for more than 1 second, the temperature will
increase by 1°C per second, until which up to the maximum temperature 30°C. The buzzer
DOWN: For decrease temperature. Any time press the key, temperature will decrease 1°C.
When press the key last for more than 1 second, the temperature will decrease by 1°C per
second, until which fall to the minimum 17°C. The buzzer will not buzz at this time.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
For select air flow speed: Low speed, medium speed, high speed and auto speed.
Be used to select lock function on or off. This key is locate at the needle orifice of low right
of the control panel, which be pressed by pin. If lock the unit by the key, any other keys is
It is named globe and always light-on.
The light is on when the system at standby status, and light-off when the unit switches on.
Press MODE key, the light of icon is on, the selected mode’s icon will flash, after 3 seconds,
the light extinction, while the status of selected mode icon is light-on instead of flashing.
Power on for the first drive up, after press the ON/OFF, default mode of FAN appear. If
malfunction occur, FAN icon would always light-on, and FAULT icon light up, fault
This is speed icon. Different speeds correspond to the waves below of globe icon. The first
wave means low speed wind; the middle wave means medium speed wind; the last one
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Swing icon. Press the key of SWING, which icon is light-up, while close off this mode, the
For temperature display, the shows temperature value, the unit is °C. For protection
and error display, the first display (for protection) or (for error), the last display
codes form ‘ ’ to ‘ ’.
While locking, the lock icon is light-on; while unlocking, the lock icon is light-off.
The time setting only could be set by remote controller. If set time-on mode, which Time on
11.Trouble shooting
11.1 Phenomena not attributable to faults of air conditioner
The system does not run.
After pressing the ON/OFF button, the system does not run immediately.
If the Run indicator is on, it indicates the air conditioner runs in the normal status.
It does not run immediately because the safety device in the system is active to prevent
Three minutes later, the air conditioner compressor will run automatically.
If the Run indicator and the Defrost/Preheat indicator are on, it indicates the heating
mode is selected. At the beginning after startup, since the compressor does not run,
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
This phenomenon may occur when the indoor relative humidity is too high and the unit
The indoor unit is installed in a place where there is much oil mist or dust. If the internal
stain of the indoor unit is heavy, the temperature in the room will be distributed
unevenly. In the case, the interior of the indoor unit must be cleaned. The cleaning units
This phenomenon may also occur when the air conditioner shifts from defrosting
expelled as steam.
When the air conditioner runs in the cooling, dry or heating mode automatically, grave
continuous sizzles may occur. That is the sounds of refrigerant flowing between the
indoor unit and the outdoor unit. The sizzles may be heard shortly after the unit stops
running or when the unit runs in the defrost mode. That is the sound raised because the
Squeak may occur when the air conditioner starts or stops running. That is the sound
raised because the plastic assemblies inflate or deflate when the temperature changes.
When the air conditioner resumes service after a long period out of service, the dust in the
The indoor unit absorbs the smell of the room, furniture or smoking, and gives it out when
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
In order to prevent frosting of the indoor heat exchanger, the air conditioner shifts to air
When the room temperature decreases to the set temperature, the air conditioner will
shut down the compressor automatically, and shifts to the air supply status. After the
room temperature rises, the compressor will restart. The action of the compressor in
The Run indicator blinks quickly (2 blinks per second.). After turning off the power
switch and then turning it on again, that indicator still blinks quickly. The receiving
function of the remote controller fails, or the start and shutdown operation is abnormal.
The fuse blows out frequently, or the circuit breaker protection occurs frequently.
Foreign substance or moist enters the air conditioner or other exceptions occur.
If the air conditioner fails but does not meet the foregoing phenomena obviously, check the
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Check whether the mode When the auto mode is selected, the
marked the screen of controller indoor fan speed will be in automatically
is AUTO. running and cannot be adjusted.
The wind speed When the dry mode is selected, the
cannot be shifted. Check whether the mode indoor unit will set fan speed
marked on the controller screen automatically. The speed can
is DRY. selectable only in cooling, heating and
fan mode.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
ON/OFF button, the pressed, check whether the remote controller with the receiving part
air conditioner does signal transmitting part of the of the indoor unit. Then press the
not raise the remote controller is aligned with ON/OFF button repeatedly.
receiving tone. the receiving part of the indoor
Check whether the power switch The air conditioner cannot receive the
of the air conditioner is signals of the remote controller,
connected properly. because it is shut down.
The buttons of the Check whether the lock icon is in
remote controller do the screen of the remote Lock the buttons.
not work. controller.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Operation lamp
T2, pipe temperature sensor, fault of open circuit, short circuit.
flashing at 5Hz
Defrosting lamp
Condenser temperature sensor malfunction. (Without this function)
flashing at 5Hz
at 5Hz
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
For these series products, if the condenser temperature sensor malfunction is displayed, it is
enough to check whether wiring has problem. If the wiring is correct, the PCB should be
E1, E2
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
☆: Light for 1 second, extinguish for 1 second;
◆: Light;
◇: Extinguish;
●: Light for 0.4 second, extinguish for 0.4 second;
★: Light for 2 second, extinguish for 2 second.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Communication error
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Operation required before leaving the unit idle for a long period.
Let the air conditioner run in the fan mode for about half a day, and let its interior be
fully dry.
Switch off the power by the button in remote controller, and then cut off the power
When the main power switch is turned on, a certain extent of electric power is
consumed even if the air conditioner does not run. Turning off the main power switch
After the air conditioner has been in service for several seasons, foreign substance
Therefore, shut down the air conditioner through the ON/OFF button of the controller,
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Check whether the air inlet or outlet of the indoor unit and outdoor unit is blocked.
Check whether the insulation work of refrigerant circuit and ventilating duct is on sound
Connect the indoor unit 12 hours after connect the outdoor unit to power supply.
Switch on the power control of remote controller or wired controller, and then startup
The edge of some sheet metal assemblies and the fin of the condenser are very sharp.
Incorrect operation may cause harm. Be cautious when cleaning them up.
Check the air inlet and outlet of the outdoor unit periodically to see whether they are
Do not use water or air with a temperature higher than 50°C to clean the panel.
Check and maintain the ventilating slot once every half years, wash and maintain with
Every two years are recommended. The filter can expel dust and other particles in the air. If
it is blocked, the effect of the air conditioner will be degraded. Therefore, clean it every
another two weeks if the air conditioner already has been used for a long period. If the
indoor unit is installed in a place with heavy dust, clean the filter more often.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Do not replace the power cable without permission. If the power cable is damaged,
Do not use water or air with a temperature higher than 50°C to clean the filter or panel.
Check and maintain the ventilating slot once every half years, wash and maintain with
Every two year are recommended. The filter can expel dust and other particles in the air. If it
is blocked, the effect of air conditioner will be degraded. Therefore, clean it every another
If the indoor unit is installed in a place with heavy dust, clean the filter more often.
Do not replace the power cable without permission. If the power cable is damaged,
specialized power cable must be used as substitute. No repair the air conditioner without
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Part. 5 Controller
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Performance Features
This illustration is for explanation purposes only. The actual shape or button names of the remote
controller may be slightly different.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
1. MODE: Once pressing, running mode will be selected in the following sequence:
2. FAN SPEED: Fan speed will be selected in following sequence once pressing this button:
3. Adjust ▼ : Decrease the set temp. Keeping pressing will decrease the temp with 1。C per 0.5s.
4.Adjust ▼ :Increase the set temp. Keeping pressing will increase the temp with 1。C per 0.5s.
6. AIR DIRECTION: Activate swing function of air deflector. Once pressing, air deflector will turn 6。C. For
normal operation and better cooling effect, deflector will not turn to the degree which is the state of
deflector when the unit is turned off.( Only available when remote controller is used with corresponding
unit.) .
7. Wind Vert Swing: Activate or turn off wind vertical swing function. (Only available when remote controller
8. Wind Horiz Swing: Activate or turn off wind horizontal swing function. (Only available when remote
9. CLOCK: Display the current time. (12:00 is displayed when resetting or electrifying for the first time.)
Press CLOCK for 5s, icon indicating hour will flash with 0.5s. Press it again, icon indicating minute will
flash with 0.5s.and are used to adjust the figure. Setting or modification is effective only by pressing OK
10. TIME ON: For time ON setting. Once pressing this button, the time will increase by 0.5 hour. When the
set time exceeds10 hours, pressing the button will increase the time by 1 hour. Adjusting the figure to 0.00
11. TIME OFF: For time OFF setting. Once pressing this button, the time will increase by 0.5 hour. When
the set time exceeds 10 hours, pressing the button will increase the time by 1 hour. Adjust the figure to
12. RESET (inner located): Press this button with a needle of 1mm to cancel the current setting and reset
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
remote controller.
13. LOCK (inner located): Press this button with a needle of 1mm to lock or unlock the current setting.
15. ECO: Activate or turn off economic operation mode. It is suggested to turn on this function when
sleeping. (Only available when remote controller is used with corresponding unit.)
1. Temp: Display the set temperature. Adjust temperature via ▲ and ▼. No display in this area if the unit
is on FAN mode.
2. Transmitting display: The icon will flash once when the signal is sent by remote controller.
3. ON/FF: Icon is displayed when the remote controller is turned on, or vice versa.
4. Running mode: Press MODE to display current running mode. AUTO, COOL, DRY and FAN can be
5. Time: Display the current set time. Press CLOCK for 5s, icon indicating hour will flash. Press this button
again, icon indicating minute will flash. ▲ and ▼are used to adjust the figure. Setting or modification is
6. Lock: The icon will be lightened or off when pressing LOCK. In locked state, all the buttons are
7. Time ON/OFF: In the state of time ON, icon ON will be lightened, which is the same to the state of time
OFF. Setting timer ON and OFF simultaneously, both icons ON and OFF are displayed.
8. Fan speed: Press FAN SPEED to display the current wind speed. AUTO, LOW, MED and HIGH can be
selected. The default state is high fan speed for the unit without medium fan speed.
9. Economic operation: This icon will be lightened or off when pressing ECO button.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Slide the cover to install batteries and make sure to place them in right pole.
1. When replacing batteries do not use old batteries or a different type battery. This may cause the
remote controller to malfunction.
2. If you do not use the remote controller for several weeks remove the batteries. Otherwise battery
leakage may damage the remote controller.
3. The average battery life under normal use is about 6 months.
4. Replace the batteries when there is no answering beep from the indoor unit or if the Transmission
Indicator light fails to appear.
2) AUTO operation
Switch on the power and running indicator light on indoor unit flashes.
1. Press MODE to select AUTO.
2. Adjust temp via ▲ and ▼. Generally the range is 17。C~30。C.
3. Press ON/OFF and running indicator light on indoor unit is lightened. Air conditioner will work
on AUTO mode and fan speed is AUTO which is nonadjustable.
4. ECO is effective on AUTO operation.
3) COOL/FAN operation
1. Press MODE to select COOL or FAN.
2. Adjust temp via ▲ and ▼. Generally the range is 17。C~30。C.
3. Press FAN SPEED to select AUTO, LOW, MED or HIGH.
4. Press ON/OFF and running indicator light on indoor unit is lightened. Air conditioner will work
on the set mode. Stop operation via ON/OFF.
4) DRY operation
3. Press ON/OFF and running indicator light on indoor unit is lightened. Air conditioner will work
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
5) TIMER operation
TIME ON and TIME OFF are used to turn on and turn off the unit at the set time respectively.
6) TIME ON operation
3. Keep pressing this button, the time will increase by 0.5 hour. When the set time exceeds 10
4. 0.5s after setting, remote controller will send TIME ON command to the unit.
1. Press TIME OFF, icon SET, HOUR and OFF are lightened.
3. Keep pressing this button, the time will increase by 0.5hour. When the set time exceeds 10
4. 0.5s after setting, remote controller will send TIME OFF command to the unit.
2. Set TIME OFF as the procedures 1 and 2 specified in TIME OFF operation.
3. If both the set time of TIME ON and TIME OFF not exceed 10 hours, time OFF operation will
activated 0.5 hour later than time ON operation. If both the set time of TIME ON and TIME
OFF exceed 10 hours, time OFF operation will be activated 1 hour later than time ON
4. 0.5s after setting, remote controller will send TIME ON command to the unit.
Press corresponding button and readjust the time of time ON and time OFF. Adjust the time
Note: The time set in timer operation is the relative figure based on the clock on remote controller. Adjusting
1. Be sure there are no barriers between the remote controller and the receiver of indoor unit
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
3. Protect the Remote Controller from high temperatures and exposure to radiation.
4. Keep the indoor receiver out of direct sunlight or the air conditioner may malfunction.
5. Keep controller away from EMI (Electro-Magnetic Interference) supplied by other household
2.1 Wired controller specifications
Model WR-29B-CM
Power Supply Voltage 5.0V DC
Ambient Temperature Range -15°C~43°C
Ambient Humidity Range RH40%~RH90%
Performance Features
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
the wired controller can be a remote signal receiving device, it is possible to use the wireless
remote controller to control the air conditioner through the wired controller when the system have
Notes: The wired controller will not receive the swing controlling instruction. For the indoor unit with
swinging function, you can directly use the wireless remote controller to control swinging through the
display panel of the indoor unit, or use the swing button on the wired remote controller to control the
Press the On/Off button to control the indoor unit on and off status.
When the unit is turned off, press the On/Off button, the unit will be turned on and the
When the unit is turned on, press the On/Off button, the unit will be turned off the operating
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Press the mode button to set the operating mode, after each button press the operating
Notes: When the controller has been set to cool only, then there is no HEAT mode.
Under COOL, HEAT and FAN modes, press the fan speed button can adjust the fan speed
Notes: Under AUTO and DRY modes the fan speed is not adjustable and the default fan speed is auto.
5) Temperature setting
Under AUTO, COOL, DRY, HEAT modes, press the temperature setting buttons and
to set the temperature, the adjusting range is 17ºC~30 ºC (or 62 ºF~88 ºF).
Press the timer/clock setting button , then enter into the timer on setting status, and screen
Press the buttons and to adjust the timer. If the timer setting is less than 10 hours,
each press or will increase or decrease 0.5 hour. When the timer setting is more
than 10 hours, each press or will increase or decrease 1 hour, the maximum timer
setting is 24 hours.
After finish adjusting the timer on setting, press the button or wait for 5 seconds to
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Under the timer on setting status, press the timer/clock setting button , then enter into the
timer off setting status, and the screen will display and .
The setting method of timer off is the same as the timer on.
Under timer setting state, set the timer on and the timer off to be 0.0h can cancel timer on and
time off.
Notes: If the wired controller has been set timer on/off, press the ON/OFF to turn on or turn off the unit
7) Clock setting
Press the timer/clock button setting for 3 seconds, and then enter into the clock setting
The hour position of the clock will flash, and can press and to adjust the hour value.
After finishing the hour setting, press left button or right button to switch to
minute position setting, then the minute position will flash, press and to adjust the
minute value.
After finish the clock setting, press the button or wait for 5 seconds to confirm and exit
8) Quiet operation
Under COOL, HEAT, FAN modes, press the button to set into the quiet operation, it is
used to reduce the running noise through setting the fan speed to low.
Notes: Under AUTO, DRY mode, the fan speed is auto and the button does not work.
Press the temperature adjusting buttons and simultaneously, the wired controller
enters into locking state, and the locking icon will be lighted up.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Under the locking state, the wired controller will not respond to the buttons pressing and the
Simultaneously press the temperature adjusting buttons and again can cancel the
locking state.
The wired controller records the total running time of the indoor unit, when the accumulated
running time reaches the pre-set value, the air filter cleaning reminding icon will be lighted
up, to remind that the air filter of the indoor unit need to be cleaned.
Press for 3 seconds, and reset the reminding icon and the wired controller will
Notes: The default setting value of the reminding function is 2,500 hours, and it can change to be
5,000 hours or 10,000 hours. The setting methods refer to the part of wired controller initial
parameter setting.
If the indoor unit supports swing function, press the right button to adjust the air outlet
direction of the indoor unit. Press this button for 3 seconds can turn on or turn off the auto swing
function, the swing icon will be lighted up when the auto swing function is turned on.
When the system is running and the operating mode is AUTO, COOL or HEAT, press the
button will activate the follow-me function; press this button again to deactivate the
When the follow-me function is activated, the icon will be light up, the wired controller will
display room temperature read from local sensor, and transmit the temperature value to the
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Stated below are important safety issues that must be obeyed. Confirm there is no
Installation by other persons may lead to imperfect installation, electric shock or fire.
Improper installation may lead to electric shock or fire. A random disassembly may cause
Do not install the controller in a place vulnerable to leakage of flammable gases. Once
flammable gases are leaked and left around the wired controller, fire may occur.
The wiring should adapt to the wired controller current. Otherwise, electric leakage or
heating may occur and result in fire. The specified cables shall be applied in the wiring. No
external force may be applied to the terminal. Otherwise, wire cut and heating may occur
Don’t place the wired controller near the lamps, to avoid the remote signal of the controller
to be disturbed. Do not install the unit and controller in a place with much oil, steam, sulfide
2) Accessories
Name Qty Remarks
Wired controller 1 \
Cross round head wood mounting
3 M4×20 (For mounting on the wall.)
Cross round head mounting screw 2 M4×25 (For mounting on the electrical switch box.)
Installation manual 1 \
Owner’s manual 1 \
Plastic expansion pipe 3 For mounting on the wall
Plastic screw bar 2 For fixing on the 86 electrician box.
Switching wires for signal receiving For connecting the signal receiving board and
board 4-core shield wire.
Switching wires for wired controller (If needed) For connecting the main control panel
signal and 4-core shielding wire.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
The installation manual contains information about the procedure of installing wired
controller. Please refer to indoor unit installation manual for connecting between wired
Circuit of wired controller is low voltage circuit. Never connect it with a standard 220V or
380V circuit or put it into a same wiring tube with the circuit.
The shield cable must be connected stable to the ground, or transmission may fail.
Don not attempt to extend the shield cable by cutting, if it is necessary, use terminal
After finishing connection, do not use mugger to have the insulation check to the signal wire.
Rear view
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Wiring figure:
Connect two terminals of embedded 4-core shielding wire with the switching wires of wired
controller and signal receiving board. Make sure the sequence of 4 terminals (A, B, C and D)
should correspond to the wire sequence of signal switching wires (A, B, C and D).
If the embedded 4-core shielding wire cannot go through the wired controller, it can use
signal switching for connection, make sure the wires are reliable and firm.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Use straight head screwdriver to insert into the buckling position in the bottom of wired
controller, and spin the screwdriver to take down the back cover. Pay attention to spinning
Use three M4×20 screws to directly install the back cover on the wall.
Use two M4×25 screws to install the back cover on the 86 electrician box, and use one
Adjust the length of two plastic screw bars in the accessory to be standard length from the
electrical box screw bar to the wall. Make sure when install the screw bar to the electric box
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Use cross head screws to fix the wired controller bottom cover in the electrical box through
the screw bar. Make sure the wired controller bottom cover is on the same level after
installation, and then install the wired controller back to the bottom cover.
There are three positions of signal wire outlet around the wired controller, when the wired
When the wired controller is stalled with electrician box, the back cover of wired controller is
already reserved one hole for wire outlet. It is also available for the shielded wire passing by
the wall.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Avoid the water enter into the wired controller, use trap and putty to seal the connectors of
wires during wiring installation. When under installation, reserve certain length of the
connecting wire for convenient to take down the wired controller while during maintenance.
After adjusting the front cover and then buckle the front cover. Avoid clamping the
Correct install the back cover and firmly buckle the front cover and back over, otherwise will
Change the related functions of the controller through adjusting the initial parameters.
The wired controller initial parameter includes two codes ‘XY”. The first code ‘X’ means the
function class, the second code ‘Y’ means detailed configuration of this function.
Step1: Simultaneously press the mode button and fan speed button of the wired
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Step2: The value of the first code ‘X’ is ‘0’, press the temperature setting buttons and
Step3: After setting the second code value, press Quiet/OK button to switch the first
Step4: When the first code value is ‘6’, press Quiet/OK button again to exit the
parameters setting.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
5. Locking remote controller, locking keyboard of centralized controller and locking running
1) LOCK: In the mode setting mode, press the lock key, and the remote controller of the
currently selected air conditioner will be locked or unlocked. The operation mode is: If the
single-machine setting is selected, the operation is performed for the air conditioner of the
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
current address only. If the remote controller of the air conditioner is locked currently, issue
the lock command; otherwise, send the lock command. If the single-machine mode is not
selected, and the remote controller of one or more currently selected air conditioners is
locked, issue the unlock command; if the remote controllers of all currently selected air
conditioners are in the non-locked status, issue the remote controller lock command.
When the remote controller of the air conditioner is locked, the air conditioner does not
receive remote control signals from the remote controller or wired controller until the remote
controller is unlocked. Press THE QUERY key and then press the LOCK key, and the keys
of the centralized controller will be locked or unlocked. If the keys are currently locked,
press the LOCK and keys concurrently again, and the keys will be unlocked; if the keys
are currently unlocked, press the LOCK and keys concurrently, and the keys will be
locked. If the keys are locked, pressing any key will be ineffective, except unlock operation.
In the unified setting page, press the key and the LOCK key concurrently to lock all air
conditioner modules in the network. The mode locking is cancelled when the key is pressed
Note: When locking or cancelling lock, the corresponding icon indication appears or disappears
only after all the attached air conditioners are set completely, so it takes a time period. When there
2) OK: In the setting page, press it to send the currently selected mode status and the auxiliary
function status to the selected air conditioner, and display the mode setting operation results.
After select the operation mode and auxiliary function status information of the air
conditioner, if do not press the OK key, the selected information will not be sent to the air
conditioner, and will not affect the current operation of the air conditioner.
The operations of remote controller locking and unlocking need no pressing of the OK key. The
3) SET: In other display mode, press this key to enter the setting mode. By default, it is single
setting, and the first in-service air conditioner is displayed. In setting operation mode, press
the key again, and the operation will be performed for all air conditioners in the network.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
4) QUERY: Any time when pressing the key, the selected operation mode is to query the
operation status of the air conditioner. By default, the first in-service air conditioner will be
queried. Through the ADD and REDUCE keys, the parameter page can be changed to be
queried. Through the , , and keys, the query status of other air conditioners can
be changed.
5) : In the query mode, every time when pressing the key, the operation status data of the air
conditioner corresponding to the previous row of the matrix will be displayed. If it is currently
in the first row, press the key, and the data of the air conditioner corresponding to the last
row will be displayed. If this key was held down, the row will decrease one by one. In the
setting mode, every time when press the key, if it is in the single operation mode, the air
conditioner corresponding to the last row will be selected. If it is in the global operation
mode, no effect will result after the key is pressed. In the main page, press the key to enter
6) : In the query mode, every time when pressing the key, the operation status data of the air
conditioner corresponding to the next row of the matrix will be displayed. If it is currently in
the last row, press the key, and the data of the air conditioner corresponding to the first row
will be displayed. If this key was held down, the row will increase one by one. In the setting
mode, every time when press the key, if it is in the single operation mode, the air conditioner
corresponding to the last row will be selected. If it is in the global operation mode, no effect
will result after the key is pressed. In the main page, press the key to enter the query mode.
7) : In the query mode, every time when pressing the key, the operation status data of the
previous air conditioner will be displayed. If it is currently on the first machine, press it again,
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
and the data of the last machine will be displayed. If this key was held down, the address
will decrease one by one. In the setting mode, every time when pressing the key, if it is in
single operation mode, the air conditioner of previous in-service address number will be
selected. If it is in the global operation mode, no effect will result after the key is pressed. In
the main page, press it to enter the query mode. By default, it is the first in-service air
8) : In the query mode, every time when pressing the key, the operation status data of the last
air conditioner will be displayed. If it is currently on the last machine, press it again, and the
data of the first machine will be displayed. If this key was held down, the address will
increase one by one. In the setting mode, every time when pressing the key, if it is in single
operation mode, the air conditioner of previous in-service address number will be selected.
If it is in the global operation mode, no effect will result after the key is pressed. In the main
page, press it to enter the query mode. By default, it is the first in-service air conditioner.
9) ADD: In the main page or the query mode, every time when pressing the key, the data of the
current page will be displayed. If it is now in the last page, press the key again, and the first
page will be displayed. In the setting mode, every time when pressing the key, if it is in the
temperature regulation mode, the set temperature will decrease by 1°C (or 2°C) until the
highest allowed set temperature. If it is in the timing startup/shutdown time setting mode,
select the upper-level set time, if no time is set, 0.0 will be displayed, if hold down the key,
the upper-level data will be selected consecutively. The specific change mode is as follows:
10) REDUCE: In the main page or the query mode, every time when pressing the key, the data
of the current page will be displayed. If it is now in the first page, press the key again, and
the last page will be displayed. In the setting mode, every time when pressing the key, if it is
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
in the temperature regulation mode, the set temperature will decrease by 1°C (or 2°C) until
the lowest allowed set temperature. If it is in the timing startup/shutdown time setting mode,
select the upper-level set time, if no time is set, 0.0 will be displayed, if hold down the key,
the upper-level data will be selected consecutively. The specific change mode is as follows:
11) MODE: In setting operation mode, press this key to set the operation.
In other display mode, press this key to enter the setting mode. By default, it is
12) FAN: In setting operation mode, press this key to set the fan of the indoor unit of the air
13) TIME ON/TIME OFF: In setting operation mode, press them to set the timing startup of air
conditioner. Press them again to exit the timing setting, and restore the normal temperature
14) SWING: In the setting operation mode, press this key to enable or disable the swing function.
If all currently selected air conditioner have no swing function, no effect will result after
15) RESET: Anytime when the RESET key is pressed, the centralized controller will reset. The
result is the same as the result of restoring power-on after power failure.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
16) ON/OFF: Any time when pressing the key, the centralized startup/shutdown operation is
performed for all current in-service air conditioners in the centralized controller network. If all
in-service air conditioners in the network are in the power-off status, press the key to
perform the startup operation. If it is in the mode setting page currently, and the parameters
such as startup mode, temperature and air speed are selected, the air conditioner will be
started according to the selected parameters. If no mode is selected currently, and the air
conditioner is powered off or it is in other display page currently, and the default startup
mode is: cooling, high speed fan air, set temperature 24°C, swing function enabled. The
default startup mode is locked according to the system mode or judged according to other
constraint conditions. If any conflict exists, the next conflict-free mode will apply
automatically. If conflict exists for all modes, startup will be impossible. If one or more
in-service air conditioners in the network (including in the timing process of timing
startup/shutdown), pressing this key will shut down all air conditioners. When performing
the shutdown operation, the shutdown command is issued to the air conditioners in the
startup status only, and is not issued to those in the shutdown status.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
*: The matrix is composed of 4×16 grids and each grid is composed of two blocks of different sizes.
The matrix include horizontal coordinates 00-15 and vertical coordinates 00+, 16+, 32+ and 48+,
which indicate the address of the indoor unit. The sum of the horizontal coordinate and vertical
coordinate of the grid is the address of the grid. Each grid corresponds to an indoor unit of this
The centralized controller is used to perform centralized control and data query for the
network air conditioner. Each centralized controller can communicate with a maximum of 64
air conditioners to make up an air conditioner LAN, and implement centralized monitoring
centralized control and status query for all air conditioners in the network. It can be
connected with WAN via computer or gateway to implement remote computerized control
(with support of computer software). Each local computer or gateway can be connected to
The master or slave answer mode is implemented for communication between the
centralized controller and the air conditioner, between the computer and the centralized
controller. In the LAN composed of centralized controller and air conditioner, the centralized
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
controller is a master, and the air conditioner is a slave. In the LAN composed of computer
and centralized controller, the computer or gateway is a master, and the centralized
controller is a slave.
Power on or reset:
When the centralized controller is powered on or reset, all display segments of the LCD are
luminous for 2 seconds and then goes off. 1 second later, the system enters the normal
display status. The centralized controller is in the main page display status and displays the
first page, and searches the in-service air conditioners in the network. Once the search is
finished, the centralized controller enters the mode setting page, and sets the first in-service
The local computer or gateway can be connected with 16 centralized controllers for
communication. Each centralized controller serves as an area of the air conditioner network.
The centralized controllers are differentiated by bit selection address. The configurable
range is 0~15.
State indication:
If any local keypad operation is setting the operation status of the air conditioner, the
indicator is on when the signals are sent. Upon completion of the setting process, the
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
indicator goes off. If an in-service air conditioner in the network is faulty, or the centralized
If one or more in-service air conditioners in the network are running, including under setting
of timing start or shutdown, the indicator will be luminous. Otherwise, the indicator is off.
After receiving the centralized controller locking command sent from the computer, the
centralized controller disables the startup or shutdown and setting or the air conditioner, and
sends commands to lock remote controllers of all air conditioners in the network of the
centralized controller. After receiving the unlocking command, the centralized controller
enables the startup or shutdown operation, and sends commands to unlock the remote
The locking status of the remote controller can be locked or unlocked by the computer or
memorized after power failure of the centralized controller, and will not vanish after the
After the mode locking command is received, the command is forwarded to the air
conditioner, and the centralized controller displays the mode locking flag. After the
command of unlocking is received, the non-conflict mode can be selected freely. The
If the emergent switch of the centralized controller was switch off, all air conditioners in the
network of the centralized controller will be shut down compulsorily. The centralized
controller and computer and all functional modules are disabled from startup and shutdown
until the foregoing switch is turned off. If the switch was turned on, all air conditioners in the
network of the centralized controller will be start up compulsorily. By default, they will run in
the cooling mode. The startup and shut-down operations of the centralized controller and
the computer and all functional modules will be disabled (Only the command of startup is
sent to the air conditioner, without affecting operation of the remote controller after startup)
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
until the foregoing switch is turned off. If the foregoing two switches are turned on
Under the interconnected control of the computer or gateway, the data is displayed in
If the centralized controller is connected with the functional module for communication,
If the centralized controller is connected with the SMS remote control module for
If the centralized controller is connected with the telephone remote control module for
communicates with the network interface module, and the data is displayed
In the centralized control locked status or the keypad locked status, the locking flag ( )
status or the keypad locked status, the locking flag is displayed constantly. If both of
In the setting page, if the selected air conditioner is in the remote controller locked
status (in case of non-single machine operation, as long as one machine is in the
remote controller locked status, it is deemed the locked status), the flag ( ) is
displayed constantly.
If all indoor units lock the cooling mode, this flag ( ) will display, and if all indoor units
Indoor unit code (address) display: display range: 00~63, and with # being luminous
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
displayed concurrently. If the temperature is higher than 99°C, 99°C will be displayed. If
T3, T2A and T2B display: in the single-machine query page, display can shift between
T3, T2A and T2B; by the way, the temperature value is displayed concurrently, with the
In case of air conditioner fault or protection, the corresponding fault code or protection,
The liquid crystal matrix is composed of 4×16 grids, and each grid is composed of two
blocks of different sizes. The matrix includes horizontal coordinates 00~15 on the upper
side and vertical coordinates 00+, 16+, 32+ and 48+ on the left side, which indicate the
address of the indoor unit. The sum of the horizontal coordinate and the vertical
coordinate of the grid is the address of the grid. Each grid corresponds to an indoor unit
of this address. One grid is composed of two blocks of different sizes. The status
The LCD displays the standby page, 60 air conditioners are in service, of which 28 are
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
In the matrix, the bid dots from (00, 16+) to (15, 32+) are luminous, and the small dots
are not luminous. It indicates the 32 air conditioners with the addresses from 16 to 47
In the matrix, the big and small dots from (09, 48+) to (12, 48+) are not luminous. It
indicates the four air conditioners with the address from 57 to 60 are outside the
All other big and small dots in the matrix are luminous. It indicates all other air
The address of the air conditioner is sum of the coordinates. For example, the address
The LCD displays the query page, and the air conditioner with the address of 08 is
being queried. Mode of the air conditioner with the address 01 is cooling, high speed air
supply, swing on, indoor temperature 22°C, setting temperature 20°C and cooling
mode locked.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
In the matrix, only the big and small black dots at (00, 00+) and (01, 00+) are luminous.
It indicates the in-service and power-on status of the air conditioners with the
The LCD displays the setting page, and queries the air conditioner with the address of
08. The mode of the air conditioner with the address 08 is: cooling, high speed air
supply, swing on, indoor temperature 28°C, setting temperature 22°C and cooling.
In the matrix, only the big black dots from (08, 00+) to (15, 00+) are luminous. It
indicates the air conditioners with the addresses from 08 to 15 are in service.
Query the air conditioner with the address of 08 in the query page. The air conditioner
with the address of 08 is faulty, and the fault code is E2. The big black dot below (08,
00+) blinks.
In the matrix, only the big and small black dots from (00, 00+) to (15, 16+) illuminate. It
indicates the in-service status of the air conditioners with the addresses from 00 to 31.
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
EF Other faults
E7 EEPROM error
E2 T1 sensor fault
E1 Communication fault
PF Other protection
P8 Over-current of compressor
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
3.6 Installation
The wireless remote controller is the standard controller for split series air conditioner. Wired
controller as optional controller can directly be connected with the display board of the indoor
units. Centralized controller should be connected with the main PCB board of the indoor unit
Outlook of NIM01
The first green lighter: Ready indicator. When the module and controller is connected rightly, the
lighter will be on; otherwise, it will be off. If the unit is in the status of locking remote controller
The second green lighter: Communication indicator. When there is any signal between the
network interface module and centralized controller, the indicator will be on.
The third lighter: Alarm indicator. If there is any error between the module and controller for
Dimension of NIM01
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Connect the network interface module with the port CN20 in the main PCB board of indoor unit
Fix the network interface module on the wall near the indoor unit. And set the different address of
Open the front panel of the centralized controller by screwdriver as the following picture: (Unit:
According to size of the hole in controller body, fix the controller on the place as needed. (Unit:
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz
Wiring diagram with poor communication effect (not recommended because it may lead
to poor communication
System wiring diagram of centralized monitoring and indoor unit of air conditioner
Both of the following wiring modes of centralized monitor and indoor unit are applicable:
(Quantity of indoor units connected with each centralized monitor is less than or equal to 64).
Carrier R410A Top-discharge Split Type Series 50Hz