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Finite Element Simulation of Impact Response of Wire Mesh Screens

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EPJ Web of Conferences 94, 04033 (2015)

DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/20159404033

c Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015

Finite element simulation of impact response of wire mesh screens

Caizheng Wanga , Krishna Shankar, and Alan Fien

School of Engineering and Information Technology, UNSW Canberra, ACT 2600, Australia

Abstract. In this paper, the response of wire mesh screens to low velocity impact with blunt objects is investigated using
finite element (FE) simulation. The woven wire mesh is modelled with homogeneous shell elements with equivalent smeared
mechanical properties. The mechanical behaviour of the woven wire mesh was determined experimentally with tensile tests on
steel wire mesh coupons to generate the data for the smeared shell material used in the FE. The effects of impacts with a low
mass (4 kg) and a large mass (40 kg) providing the same impact energy are studied. The joint between the wire mesh screen
and the aluminium frame surrounding it is modelled using contact elements with friction between the corresponding elements.
Damage to the screen of different types compromising its structural integrity, such as mesh separation and pulling out from the
surrounding frame is modelled. The FE simulation is validated with results of impact tests conducted on woven steel wire screen

1. Introduction expedient to investigate the approach using homogeneous

sheet structure with equivalent properties to simulate
Security screen doors and window grilles (Fig. 1) the discrete mesh first, as employed by some previous
are increasingly employed in a number of domestic, researchers [4, 5, 8].
commercial and industrial buildings in Australia, for In this paper, explicit FE software, LS-Dyna is used
allowing free circulation of air in hot weather, keeping to model security screens subjected to impact loading.
insects from entering the premises, and more importantly The impact conditions that are simulated correspond to
providing substantial resistance to forced entry [1]. the Australian Standards for Security Screens (AS 5039),
Security screens are also increasingly being employed which require that the security screen withstand five
to protect against damage from natural sources such impacts at 100J energy without developing a breach large
as cyclone debris. Hence, the determination of impact enough to allow intruder access [9]. FE model of same
resistance of wire mesh security screens is essential energy level impact of security screens are developed
and necessary. Traditionally, the design of these security for impactor mass of 4 kg and 40 kg in order to study
screens has been done using trial and error methods the influence of velocity on the impact response on the
and experimental impact testing. Extensive experimental wire mesh security screen. The steel woven wire mesh
testing is impractical and expensive and can be avoided is modelled as a homogeneous continuous sheet using
by using numerical models that predict the response of the fully integrated Belytschko-Tsay Shell elements and the
security screen to impact. equivalent smeared were determined using macroscopic
However, there is hardly any literature directly related material properties of the wire mesh obtained from tensile
to the modelling of wire mesh security screens. There testing on a Shimadzu Hydraulic machine. A bilinear
have been some studies conducted on modelling of steel material model available in the material library as MAT24
meshes for rock fall protection [2, 3] and simulation of was used for the wire mesh. The aluminium frame is
impact and ballistic resistance of woven fabrics [4–8]. modelled using brick elements and elastic-linear material
There are several approached employed to represent woven law. The clamping of the wire mesh to the frame is
structures. Single scale modelling techniques include modelled using Tie break contact elements.
representing the entire fabric as homogenized membranes
or plates [4, 5], and full detailed modelling with 3D
solid finite elements [6]. There are also some meaningful 2. Tensile testing woven wire mesh
explorations of multi-scale modelling methods, such as samples
G. Nilakantan [7, 8] who used a hybrid element analysis
2.1. Tensile test setup and results
method (with both solid and shell elements) to model
impact on textile fabrics. Modelling individual wires of To determine the tensile properties of the woven wire
a woven wire mesh screen can be very complex and will mesh, tensile testing was conducted on coupons using
considerably increase the simulation time (there are over the Shimadzu Hydraulic Tensile Test machine shown in
300 wires in a typical screen running in each direction and Fig. 2. The load was applied under displacement control
criss-crossing over each other); hence, it was considered at the rate of 1 mm/min. A laser extensometer was used to
measure the strain. Two reflective tabs were put on each
a Corresponding author: caizheng.wang@student.adfa.edu.au sample marking the gauge length over which extension
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Article available at http://www.epj-conferences.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/20159404033

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Figure 1. Stainless steel wire mesh security screen.

Figure 4. Samples after tensile testing.

Figure 5. Force vs. engineering strain for tensile test samples.

Figure 2. Tensile test setup on Shimadzu test machine.

Figure 3. Stainless steel wire mesh tensile test sample.

was measured to determine strain. During the testing, the

sample was gripped in pin-mounted fixtures to ensure that
only tensile force is applied on the coupon.
The wire mesh coupons employed in this study
were cut from an commercially marketed security screen Figure 6. Woven wire mesh and equivalent homogeneous sheet.
in Australia, made of 304 stainless steel wires (Nominal
Young’s Modulus E = 193 GPa) with a diameter of
0.9 mm and spacing of 2.5 mm. A total of 5 coupons were structure. C.T. Lim et al. [5] used a mathematical
tested. Each coupon had a width of 30 mm containing 12 manipulation of the three-element spring-dashpot model to
wires in the loading direction, and a nominal length of obtain viscoelastic nature material properties of a woven
30–40 mm (see Fig. 3). fabric. B.J.E. van Rens [10] determined a perforated
Figure 4 shows all the samples after testing. It can plate’s smeared properties by calculating finite element
be seen that the last sample in the picture failed outside model of a representative volume unit (RVU) of the
the gauge length, so the data from this sample was not plate. A. Shahkarami and R. Vaziri [6] created a 3D
included. The plots of load vs engineering strain for the finite element mesh of the unit cell from a woven fabric
four valid samples are shown in Fig. 5. using the measured fabric cross-sectional micro-images to
investigate the smeared material properties.
2.2. Equivalent smeared material properties In this study, the RVU approach of B.J.E. van Rens
[10] is adopted. In this approach, by equating the volume
Several methods can be employed to model a periodic of the representative homogeneous sheet (see Fig. 6) to the
inhomogeneous structure with a homogeneous continuous enclosed rectangular volume of the perforated mesh, the

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Table 1. Equivalent smeared material properties of the

representative sheet.
Young’s Yield Tangent
Modulus Poisson’s Stress Yield Modulus Failure
(GPa) ratio (MPa) Strain (GPa) Strain
27.28 0.3 36 0.20% 0.57 16%

Figure 7. Stress-strain curve of equivalent homogeneous sheet.

Figure 9. Finite Element (FE) models (a) 4 kg and (b) 40 kg

Table 2. Element and Material types.
Components Element type No. of elements Material type
Impactor Solid 164 5000 Rigid
Screen Shell 163 6400 MAT24
Frame Solid 164 12400 Elastic

Figure 8. Average equivalent true stress-strain curve. behind screws getting cut as the wire mesh pulls out. The
focus of this study was to simulate this mode of failure.
In the LS-Dyna simulation, the homogeneous sheet
thickness of the homogenous sheet is obtained as twice was modelled with Shell 163 elements with equivalent
the diameter of the wire mesh [8]. The modulus of the bi-linear properties listed in Table 1. The frame surround-
sheet material is then determined so as to provide the ing the mesh (see Fig. 9) was modelled using Solid
same effective in-plane stiffness, i.e., gradient of the load 164 elements with standard aluminium alloy elastic
strain curve as that measured from coupon tests. Since properties (Young’s Modulus 73 GPa and Poissson’s ratio
the response of the wire mesh under tensile loading is 0.33). The impactor was modelled as rigid with Solid 164
non-linear, the equivalent modulus of the representative elements. The element type and material models are listed
sheet has to be determined in this manner at all points in Table 2.
along the curve, to obtain the stress strain curve of the To investigate the influence of velocity two impactor
representative sheet. It is to be noted that in the RVU masses, 4 kg and 40 kg were employed with the same input
approach, since the equivalent sheet has a thickness of impact energy (Figs. 9(a) and 9(b)).
twice the diameter of the wires; hence although its in- The ‘AUTOMATIC SURFACE TO SURFACE’ con-
plane stiffness would be the same as the over-all in-plane tact was used to define the contact between the impactor
stiffness of the wire mesh, the bending stiffness would be and screen, while the ‘CONTACT’ type between frames
much higher. Figure 7 shows the true stress vs true strain and, shell screen was ‘TIEBREAK SURFACE TO SURFA
curve of the representative homogenous sheet determined CE, which is typically used to represent bolted or
in this manner for the four individual coupons tested. As spot- welded connections. Fully fixed (zero displacements
can be seen the four curves lie very close to each other, and rotations) boundary conditions were applied on the
except in the post failure region, and the averaged stress underside surface of the bottom frame and at the outer
strain data (see Fig. 8) is employed for generating the input edges of the top frame.
data for bilinear material model in the FE simulation. In The screen is 800 mm × 800 mm in geometry, while
the initial linear region, where the stiffness is constant, the the frames are 25 mm in width and 5 mm in thickness.
modulus of the equivalent sheet is obtained as 27.28 GPa. The location of impact loading point is also the same,
250 mm away from frame two adjacent frame edges. The
hemispherical impactors of 4 kg and 40 kg mass had radii
3. Numerical models of wire mesh of 50 mm and 100 mm, respectively.
The most common failure mode observed in impact testing 4. Simulation results
of wire mesh screens is the pull out of the sheet from
4.1. Effect of impact velocity
the frame. This occurs due to the tensile forces on
the individual wires exceeding the friction provided by A comparison of the simulations of a single impact of
clamping in the frame, and is accompanied by the wires 100 J using the two impactors masses of 4 kg (input

EPJ Web of Conferences

Table 3. Equivalent material properties of the smeared sheet.

Maximum Maximum Maximum
Von Mises Von Mises Screen
Stress in Stress in Deflection
screen frame
40 kg impactor 84.20 MPa 239.3 MPa 57.25 mm
4 kg impactor 103.29 MPa 231.9 MPa 54.11 mm

Figure 13. Contour map of Von Mises Stress of screen on impact

with 4 kg mass at 100 J at 14.8 s.

Figure 10. Deformed shape of screen impacted with (a) 4 kg and

(b) 40 kg mass.

Figure 14. Contour map of Von Mises Stress of screen on impact

with 40 kg mass at 100 J at 34.4 s.

Figure 11. Z–displacements of 4 kg impactor and screen at

contact point.

Figure 12. Z–displacements of 40 kg impactor and screen at

contact point.

velocity of 7.07 m/s) and 40 kg (input velocity of 2.24 m/s)

was first performed. Figure 10 shows the deformed
shapes of the screens impacted with the 4 kg and the
40 kg masses at the instant of maximum contact force. Figure 15. Response of wire mesh security screen on impact with
Figures 11 and 12 respectively show the displacement 4 kg mass at different energy levels.
time histories of the impactor and the contact point of
the screen, with the 4 kg mass and the 40 kg mass. It is show the contour maps of Von Mises stress distributions
evident from these figures that the screen deflects more in the screen and the frame, 14.8 seconds after impact
when impacted with the 40 kg mass than with the 4 kg with 4 kg mass and 34.4 seconds after impact with 40 kg
mass (maximum deflection of 57.25 mm compared to mass, respectively. The development of high stresses in the
54.11 mm of the latter), even the kinetic energy of both scree and the frame at the corner near the impact point are
are impactors before contact are the same. The maximum evident in both cases.
stress experienced by the screen are also higher when
impacted with the lower mass compared to those for the
higher mass (see Table 3), which may be attributed to 4.2. Impacts at increasing energy levels
the higher velocity of the impactor with the lower mass Simulations were performed at four impact energy levels,
providing less time for the stresses and energy to be viz., 100 J, 200 J, 500 J and 800 J, with the 4 kg mass
transmitted to the surrounding frame. Figures 13 and 14 and the 40 kg mass to investigate the development of

DYMAT 2015

mass during impact testing. As can be seen, the real screen

also failed by mesh pulling out from the frame edges at
the impact corner. The breaches between the frame and the
mesh in the experimental screen are 510 mm and 420 mm
long, while those obtained in the simulation for impact
at 500 J with the 4 kg mass are 511 mm and 494 mm,
indicating good agreement between the simulation and the

5. Conclusion
This paper looked at the impact behaviour of woven wire
mesh security screen subjected to low velocity impact
loading using a smeared homogeneous model for the
perforated screen. It is seen the responses of screen are
different for impacts at the same energy with a low mass
and relatively high mass with the same impact energy.
With a 4 kg mass the maximum deflection is lower but the
stresses are higher in the mesh, while the higher mass of
40 kg produces higher screen deflection and higher stresses
in the frame. The latter may account for the fact damage in
the form of separation between the mesh and the frame
Figure 16. Response of wire mesh security screen on impact with appears to occur at lower impact energies when the 40 kg
40 kg mass at different energy levels. mass is employed compared to damage initiation when
impacted with the lower mass.
The damage mode and failure observed in experi-
mental testing was very similar to those predicted by
the simulation, providing validation for the finite element
model developed. To predict other modes of failure, the
model has to be developed further to include details of the
geometry of the frame and individual woven wires, which
will be undertaken in future work.

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