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Organizational Study at Jeevan Solvent Extract PVT LTD: Master of Business Administration

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of




Reg. No. 1718301174

BATCH OF 2018 – 2020

Department of Management Studies

An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai
Salem – 636 005

JULY 2019



(An Autonomous Institution)

July 2019

This is to certify that the report entitled “ORGANIZATION STUDY AT

JEEVAN SOLVENT EXTRACT PVT LTD ” isthe bona fide summer
project work done by

Reg. No: 1718301174
Of MBA degree during the year 2018-2020

Faculty Guide Director

Submitted for the project Viva-Voce examination to be held on _____________

Internal Examiner External Examiner


I affirm that the summer project work report titled “ ORGANIZATIONAL


partial fulfillment for the award of Master of Business Administration is the original work
carried out by me. It has not formed the part of any project work submitted for award of any
degree or diploma, either in this or any other university.

(Signature of the student)

Reg. No: 1718301174


First of all, we praise and thank the almighty from the depth of my heart to the
God and who has been with us as source of strength in the completion of this
project work.

At the outset, we would like to dedicate our sincere thanks to my honorable

founder and chairman Thiru. M.S. Chockalingam, for providing us
infrastructural facilities to work in.

I also express my sincer gratitude tomy respectedDirectorDr. Swarup K

Mohanty, who gave us a chance to quench my knowledge thirst.

I express cavernous sagacity of gratitude to my Mentor, and Assistant

Professor Ms. Jothi francina V, Department to Management studies for his
support and encouragement, which helped me for the completion of this

I express my thanks and respect to my project coordinator and Assistant

Professor, Ms. Umaya Salma Shajahan, Department of Management studies
who guided me for doing the project successfully.

I am thankful to get constant encouragement support and guidance from all the
Teaching and Non-Teaching Faculty Members of the Department of
Management studies and also I am thankful to my Family and Friends who
have encourages and supported me.


1.1 Establishment and history of Enterprises

CIN :U15142TN1981PTC008790

Company Name :Jeevan solvent Extract (p) Ltd

Company Status :Active

RoC :RoC Chennai

Registration Number :790

Company Category :Company limited by Shares

Company Sub Category : Non-govt company

Class of Company : Private

Date of Incorporation : 01 June 1981

Age of Company :38 years 2 months 15 Days

Jeevan Solvent Extracts Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 01 June 1981. It is

classified as Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Chennai. Its
authorized share capital is Rs. 7,500,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 7,389,000. It is inolved
in Production, processing and preservation of meat, fish, fruit vegetables, oils and fats.

Jeevan Solvent Extracts Private Limited's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on
29 September 2018 and as per records from Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA),

Directorsof Jeevan Solvent Extracts Private Limited are Athiappan, Manickam Krishnan,
Ramachandran Manohar, Natesan Krishnakumar, Nithayanantham Balaji, Chokkanathan
Muralidharan, GopalakrishnanSurendranath, Ananthapadmanaban Thirumalairajan

Jeevan Solvent Extracts Private Limited's Corporate Identification Number is (CIN)

U15142TN1981PTC008790 and its registration number is 8790.Its Email address is

1.2 Vision and Mission

A major diversified, transnational, integrated energy company, with national leadership and a
strong environment conscience, playing a national role in oil security & public distribution.


 To achieve international standards of excellence in all aspects of energy and

diversified business with focus on customer delight through value of products and
services and cost reduction.
 To maximize creation of wealth, value and satisfaction for the stakeholders.
 To attain leadership in developing, adopting and assimilating state-of- the-art
technology for competitive advantage.
 To provide technology and services through sustained Research and Development.
 To foster a culture of participation and innovation for employee growth and
 To cultivate high standards of business ethics and Total Quality Management for a
strong corporate identity and brand equity.
 To help enrich the quality of life of the community and preserve ecological balance
and heritage through a strong environment conscience.


Values exist in all organizations and are an integral part of any it. Indian Oil nurtures a set of
core values:


1.3 Governing Bodies


1. Athiappan Managing Director 01 June 1981

2. Manickam Director 08 June 2018

3. Ramchandran Director 08 June 2018
4. Natesh Director 08 June 2018
5. Nithiyanantham Director 08 June 2018
6. Chokkanathan Director 08 June 2018
7. Gopalakrishnan Director 08 June 2018

1.4 Group Companies

1. Hatsun
2. SKM animal feeds and foods
3. Godrej agrovet
4. Kaleesuwari Refinery
5. Lotus forms

1.5 CSR Initiatives

We at Jeevan have defined a set of core values for ourselves – Care, Innovation, Passion and
Trust – to guide us in all we do. We take pride in being able to claim all our countrymen as
our customers. That’s why, we coined the phrase, Jeevan – India Inspired", in our corporate
campaigns. Public corporations like Jeevan are essentially organs of society deploying
significant public resources. We, therefore, are aware of the need to work beyond financial
considerations and put in that little extra to ensure that we are perceived not just as corporate
behemoths that exist for profits, but as wholesome entities created for the good of the society
and for improving the quality of life of the communities we serve.

As a constructive partner in the communities in which it operates, Jeevan has been taking
concrete action to realise its social responsibility objectives, thereby building value for its
shareholders and customers. The Corporation respects human rights, values its employees,
and invests in innovative technologies and solutions for sustainable energy flow and
economic growth. In the past four decades, Jeevan has supported innumerable social and
community initiatives in India. Touching the lives of millions of people positively by
supporting environmental and health-care projects and social, cultural and educational

Besides focussing primarily on the welfare of economically and socially deprived sections of
society, Jeevan also aims at developing techno-economically viable and environment-friendly
products services for the benefit of millions of its consumers, while at the same time ensuring
the highest standards of safety and environment protection in its operations.


2.1 Organizational structure

Organisation chart



Production Manager Assistant Manager Mechanical Manager

Quality Control Manager

Accountant Store keeper Computer Operator


Delivery Boys

Auto Driver

2.2 Geographical Spread

One office which is located in Tamil Nadu Salem


3.1 Brands and Products

1. Refined rice bran Oil

2. Rice Oil
3. Coconut Essential Oil
4. Cooking Oil
5. De Oiled rice bran
6. De Oiled coconut extraction

3.2 Market Segmentation

Rice Bran: It is the outer brown layer of rice grain. Rice bran forms 8% of grass Milled rice
contains 15-20% oil. 0.4-1.5%wax, 5-8% Proteins, 40-50% Carbohydrates, and 5-8% Fiber.
Rice bran processing & production of oil is increasing year to year.

Post-Milling Precautions:To avoid the lipase action rice bran has to be stabilized
immediately on Production.

Cultivation condition:

 Temperature = 16-20o C at flowering time & 18-30oC

 Condition = during ripening
 Duration= 85-90 days to 240 days in different varieties
 Soil = Reverine, aluminum, red yellow, red loamy hill & Sub – Montane, terrain,
laterite, coastal aluminum red sandy, Mixed red & black & Medium and black.
 Harvest = Harvested when Moisture content of the grain is 20-25% Paddy is dried
under shade to 13-14% Moisture before milling.
 Grain colour = white & Red
 Yields of Rice = All India average 1.67 tones hectare.

The new technology enzymatic de-gumming technology which is tested & developed by
Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, and a Government of India
organization under enzymatic de-gumming process is proposed to be adopted in our new
refinery. We are installing the continuous physical refining technique, against the
conventional chemical refining, which is batch process this will help us in processing high
FFA rice bran oil physical referring of rice bran oil which is having high (Free tatty Acid
9FFA) percentage means 8-12% as against normal range of 3-5%. The plant will be designed
to process all kind of vegetable oils; however we are concentrating mainly on RICE BRAN
OIL. This is due to the fact that the rice bran oil will play significant role in augmenting
edible vegetable oil supply in the country. Refined rice brain oil is taking over other refined
edible oils etc. in Counties like Japan, Korea, China, Thailand & U.S.A Rice bran oil is
known “HEART OIL” as the rice bran oil contains CHOLESTROL LOVERING EFFECT
due to ORYZANOL & COTRIENOLS in the oil. Also the “SCALENE” Content in the rice
bran oil is good for skin’s nutrition & maintaining integration of skin.


 Power: - The unit requires 500KVA Power. The Single window agency of Karnataka
has cleared our application for 500 KVA Power. It also proposed to install 500 KVA
D.G.Set to offset load shedding & power failure.
o The directors have are proposed to have STEAM TURIBINE for generation of
power. The steam that is produced for the purpose of in house use will be
passed through the turbine to generate power Around 400 KVA Power will be
generated & the same will be used for our own power requirements. This will
cut down the power cost.
 Water: - The requirement of water in the processes is for use in the boiler for system
generation and also in cooling tower. The set consumption after accounting for re
circulation and human consumption is estimated at 100000 liters of water per day.
The single window agency has agreed to grant the permission to draw the water from
“SULEKERE NALA” Passing near the Project location. The Company is also
proposed to have its own bore well in the project. The single window agency of
Karnataka has already permitted for drawing water from SULEKERE NALA.
 Steam:- The steam is Major Cost element in the production of Solvent oils. The
company installed the boiler with a capacity to produce 14 ton per hour of steam.

Boiler is a sophisticated which can run an agro waste like groundnut shells, Paddy
help the company to reduce the cost of production and cost of transportation by using
the locally available fuel which are emanating from rice mill and oil Mills situated in
and around the area. The boiler proposed in the F.B.C boiler (fluidized bed) which
will enhance the heat required for generation of steam & reduce the air pollution.)

Man Power:

1) General Manager 1) Engineer
2) Chief Accounts 2) Plant Operators

3) Clerk 3) Preparatory Operators

4) Typists 4) Boiler attainders
5) Sales-Clerks 5) Electronics
6) Store- Keepers 6) Others

7) Supervisors 7) Unskilled labourers

8) Attainders
9) Security

The Man Power required is two categories Skilled and Unskilled. The Skilled
workers like boiler operators, plants operator, electricians etc., and the company has already
having the skilled workers who are working in the existing solvent extraction unit. The
additional Manpower required will be recruited & Trained in the existing plant.

Some of the above manpower which are already available in the existing setup, and
additional people wherever necessary will be recruited & trained in the existing plant.


As the plant will be located near the NH4 required transport would be available
easily. Since from the inception of the company we have not faced any problem in getting
the transportation.


Company is already having full pledged laboratory for testing the raw materials and
finished goods for the quality control purpose. Additional equipments are proposed to be
purchased & a provision of Rs 9 lakhs has been made in this project.


1) Company has already taken the permission of pollution control board of Karnataka, as
per their guidance required equipments are already in place to control water and air
2) For this unit 11 also the clearance from Single window agency of Karnataka has been
3) We propose to install effluent treatment plant to avoid water pollution.
4) Above measures along with any other guidelines/ Measures will be undertaken as per
the prescribed guidelines of pollution control board of Karnataka.

3.3 Advertising and promotions


 Product:

The product is the most tangible and important single component of marketing programme.
The product policy and strategy is the corner stone of a marketing mix, without product, there
is nothing to distribute, nothing to promote, nothing to price. If the product fails to satisfies
consumer demand. No additional cost on any of the ingredients of the marketing mix will
improve the product performance in the market place. A product strategy is a firm’s plan for
marketing its products greater emphasis is laid on the product objectives for this reason, the
firm develops a product design to achieve the ret objectives.

The company is producing only a single type of edible oil that is Rice bran oil our oil
is different from other regular edible oil, our oil is been called as HEAT oil in Japan as it
contains original which increases HOL (good) cholesterol and lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol
& triglycerides. Over oil contains sequence which improves skin tone, & delay wrinkle
formation over oil contain vitamin E, which helps in maintaining balance of nervous system.
Over oil observes 15% less oil which can be lower in calorie


The oil come in 3 different type of packing that is in pouches and 2 nd in the Tin and 3rd it
comes in bad debts.


Our oil comes in 1 /2 liters, 1 liter 5 liters that is in pouch, and 15 kg Tin and 180 kgs in
barrels. The pricing will be changing according to market demand and competition.

Pricing :

Pricing is an art of translating into quantities terms (Rupees and paisa) the value of the
product or a unit of service to customers at pain of time. Price is a major marketing tool and
helps in directing the products to a specific consumer regent; price is a powerful instrument
in which both the buyer and seller are keenly interested. It is the price of a product or a
service that ensures a decent return of investment, guaranteed table, economic structure
creator, maintains and extends market. Pricing task involve establishing pricing objectives.
Identifying the factors governing the product value in monetary terms, formation of pricing
policies and the strategies, implementing them and controlling them for the best result.

Pricing plays a very vital role during sales of a product. As we can find a large
number of products in the market with the some contents, so by this consumer’s will be
having choice to buy, so while fixing the price the company will look at the prices of the
other competators in the market & we will fix the price by keeping the Low class consumer’s

As Rice bran oil is now started growing in the market, the company had decided to
offer the product is reasonable price, which would help the company product to reach more
people, by the price that the product will be kept. So now we are offering 1 liters /kg packet
in the rate of 62 as the introducing price.

 Promotion

Promotion strategy deals with efforts undertaken to increase and improve demand and
sales of the products of the firm.

Promotion also plays a very vital role the success of a product. The way a product is
promoted clearly has a major impact on the way it succeeds. Bad promotion can laid a good
product to fail in the market. Hence the promotion strategy adopted by a company should be
carefully planed & should be meticulous by nature. Today’s Markets, regardless of your

product, are full of competitors, promoting a product into this environment requires more
than just a fortastic Product, but specialized product launch knowledge & a Proper Process.

The goal of a product is to establish a product as the leader in the field, the first in a
class, a risk-free alternative. But to accomplish this goal two thing need to happen, first, an
alternative. But to accomplish this goal two things need to happen; first an untarnished
perception & image for the product & company must be created; & second, a comprehensive
promotion plan, that ensures that every high leverage / cost –justiable action is planned for
and professionally executed must be implemented “In the most successful ventures planning
for the product promotion starts along with preliminary design & development,” Gooze says
“ Positioning, Sales channels & distribution, adverting & public relations all need to be
addressed & should be given as much time & energy as the development & design stage.
Synchronizing marketing activities with product development is critical for success.”

Among the key components included is a Strong Product promotion plan”.

a) Clearly defined sales objectives

b) Building a large consumer base
c) Good packaging & branding
d) Assured sales channel realness
e) Promotional functions in place
f) Resources to track, Monitor & account for execution
g) Good advertising & vast coverage
h) Catchy Punch line
i) Maintaining quality & proper quantity

“Products often fail because companies don’t manufacture adequate quantities of the
new product and make them available to prospective customers”. Web Says, He suggest
creating a management team with responsibility for, among other things, ensuring that all
level of the company are prepared to handle demand for the product and to train staff in its
use for customer support.

Publicity is the most cost effective way to launch your company’s latest product
regardless of whether you plan to Market your product on a local, national or international
scale, with publicity, you can introduce a product to thousands, even millions of people
literally overnight and gain valuable product marketing research in the process.

IMA defines publicity as mass communication with potential customers through the
media publicity is the process by which your company’s new product marketing “Sales
Pitch” is transformed into a editorial format or news.

Editorial Coverage of new product marketing launches can take many forms, but the
most profitable type usually occurs in print media such as newspaper & magazines.

Beat your competition to the market with a professionally launched product.

a) Present your product & company with the very best image possible.
b) Ensure the alignment of your marketing, sales customer service, & interest, marketing
activities for maximum impact.
c) Eliminate the perception of risk by the market or your potential customer base.
d) Enhance your product knowledge base.
e) Ensure that no delays occur that could adversely affect your product in the market.
f) Ensure that no critical action fall through the cracks & come back to haunt you late.
g) Keep your product on track so you can beat the competition in the market.
h) Eliminate the risk & expense of a re-launch
i) Structure a product launch that will achieve your market & early sales goals.

For your initial product launch, your best reception will be found in the relationship
buyers. These are business customers who like your products & services. They have built a
relationship with your employers. They think of your company as their primary superior of
your category. They do not want to be bothered to have to shop around every time they make
a new purchase. They look for quality, good service, helpfulness. Friendship and
information, if you can supply these things, they will stick with you when your competition is
on sale. If you have a new product, they will be the first to want to hear about it. It is to
these good people that we look for our product launch.

 Positioning:

“Positioning is not about features & specifications it is the care message that
differentiates your product from everything else in the market place. A unique product
identifies strong tunes the market’s perception of your product and in turn reinforces your
company’s overall positioning”.

To make sure everyone is working toward the same goal, certain milestones should be

a) Have we identified all necessary launch channels?

b) What number of new product do we plan to sell by a specific date?
c) When will the product be ready to launch at rational trade convection?
d) Are sufficient Stocking orders placed with key distributors?
e) How can we grow the product into a 5-10 percent market entrenchment by a specified
“Break down every conceivable launch component “Identify customer data basis
where appropriate send now product sample to industry & trade publication reviewers, do
everything necessary to create a strong, functioning life support system for that product”.

Planning for these activities should be as simple as possible, he adds “We not talking
about writing a so page launch overview document. These tasks should facilitate the most
favourable development of the new product- that’s all.

Approaching the customer with the new product can be the most delicate situation of
all, which is why “having your ducks in a row”, is so important. If existing customers
encounter design flaws in the new product, they may forgive and forget, but its unlikely new
customers will feel the same way. Also, the new product may not be the right “fit” with all of
your current customers. Prepared reduces the risk that the company’s credibility may be
managed by missteps at the launch time.

“In order to establish the new product’s identity in the market place, the core message
must be repeated over and over again” this requires consists positioning within all of the
company’s marketing communications, including.

a) New & Current product literature

b) Press releases
c) Product specifications
d) Sales presentations


4.1 Revenues and profits

Profit and loss:

Balance sheet :

I. The financial statements have been prepared under historical cost convention on
accrual basis and in accordance with the applicable accounting standards and
provisions of the Companies Act, 1956.
II. Accounting policies not specifically referred to otherwise are consistent and in
consonance with the generally accepted accounting principles and the provisions of the
Companies Act, 1956.
III. Sales: a) Revenue from sale of goods is recognized upon passage of title to the
customers net off duties and taxes, cess and insurance.
b) Consignment Sales: Revenue has been accounted for net off expenses, duties and
IV. Interest: Revenue is on time proportion basis taking into account the amount
outstanding and the rate applicable.

2. Fixed Assets:

Fixed assets are stated at cost of acquisition or construction. They are stated at
historical cost less accumulated depreciation. All costs including financing cost, till the
commencement of production or put to use are capitalised.

3. Depreciation:

(a) Depreciation on fixed assets has been provided on SLM method in accordance with
provisions of Schedule XIV to the companies Act, 1956:

(b) Depreciation has been provided on pro-rata basis on the additions/deductions, if any.

4. Investments:

Investments are carried at cost of acquisition. There is no diminution in the value of


5. Inventories:

Inventories are carried at lower of cost or net realisable value as certified by the
management, i) Raw materials, stores and work in progress - at cost or net realizable value
whichever is tower. ii) Finished goods - at cost or net realisable value whichever is lower.

4.2 Market Capitalisation and auditors

Cost of the Project Rs. In lacks

a) Land 0.00
b) Building 45.00
c) Plant & Machinery 454.15
d) Miscellaneous fixed Assets 22.00
e) Preliminary and Pre-Operative expenses 8.55
f) Contingencies & deposits 6.30
g) Working Capital Margin 50.00
Total 586.00

Means of finance:

a) Promoters Contribution 120.00

b) Term loan 391.00
c) Grand from Ministry of food Processing 75.00
Total 586.00

Extraction and capacity

Year No. of Processing capacity

Solvent Over all oilseeds / Oil cake Rice Bran processing capacity
Extraction processing capacity with overall oilseeds / oil cake
units processing capacity
Daily Annual (300 Daily Annual (300 days)
M.T days) M.T M.T M.T
1985 303 32,250 96,75,000 14,057 42,17,100
1986 314 35,245 105,73,500 15,979 47,93,700
1987 305 35,395 106,18,500 16,199 48,59,700
1988 322 39,025 117,07,500 17,015 51,04,500
1989 358 44,205 132,61,500 20,259 60,77,700
1990 395 51,852 155,55,600 24,630 73,89,000
1991 396 54,878 164,63,400 25,100 75,30,000
1992 494 71,808 215,42,400 31,325 93,97,500
1993 516 81,807 245,42,100 32,858 98,57,400
1994 550 89,632 268,89,600 35,145 105,43,500
1995 553 99,328 297,98,400 34,078 102,23,400
1996 510 101,225 303,67,500 34,287 93,08,100
1997 471 96,955 290,86,500 31,027 85,40,100
1998 468 96,085 288,25,550 26,487 79,34,100
1999 421 88,700, 266,64,000 26,447 78,23,100
2000 371 80,885 242,65,500 26,077 75,96,600
2001 349 78,450 235,35,000 25,322 69,71,100
2002 321 72,800 218,40,000 23,237 70,77,600
2003 307 69,885 209,65,500 23,592 76,08,600
2004 316 68,995 206,98,500 25,362


5.1 production system

Solvent extraction industry is the process of extracting crude edible grade oil from materials
such as rice bran, sunflower groundnut, soybean etc.

Oil is selling at the price of ghee, they say this statement is not far from reality.

Location of solvent extraction industry

Various geographical and economic factors effect the location they are:

1) Climatic conditions
2) Market condition
3) Labour position
4) Water supply
5) Transport
6) Power supply
7) Capital invest
8) Raw materials

5.2 Layout

5.3 Material Management

5.3 TQM

Total Quality Management (TQM)

1. A highly committed and involved management providing continual organizational support.

2. Focus on customer needs.
3. Total involvement and utilization of the present workforce
4. Continuous improvement of the existing business processes and production processes
5. Considering Suppliers as partners
6. Establishing performance measures for the processes.

TQM model:

The TQM model which could be followed in banks can be broadly divided into four phases
which are as follows.
• Requirements: These form the building block of the initial implementation of TQM. This
phase includes mainly approval of philosophy, commitment towards the philosophy and
documentation. The philosophy could be providing superior customer service for retaining
the existing customer and to attract potential customers like reducing the turnaround time for
a simple account opening.

• Action: Actions include the activities which are needed for the implementation of the
philosophy. The activities which are required in order to implement the philosophy are the
o Training of the employee in aspect of TQM and explaining the meaning of the philosophy.
o Participation and involvement of the top management.
o Structural organizational change needed for implementation of the philosophy. The
organizational changes are in terms of responsibilities, department and management levels.
• Results: Performance of the implementation of TQM can be measured from two
perspectives which are customer satisfaction and financial development. Financial
development can be measured in terms of profitability and productivity.
• Measurement and Benchmarking: After assessing the performance, the result is compared
with the industry standards. If the performance is below the industry standards, the entire
process would be reworked and implemented to achieve the industry standard. This step helps
in continuous improvement of the process.

You might wonder how to do it. Then, you should not forget the following elements in your
a)   Leadership
b)   Supplier quality management
c)   Vision and plan statement
d)   Evaluator
e)   Process control and improvement
f)   Product design
g)  Quality system improvement
h)  Recognition and reward
i)   Employ participation
j)   Education and training
k)  Customer focus

5.4. Supply chain and Channel Management

Supply chain

Supply chain software is a software program or module designed to control end-to-end

business processes across the supply chain, perform demand planning and forecasting, and
manage supplier relationships. While functionality in these systems varies tremendously,
common features include:

 Purchase order fulfillment

 Shipping
 Inventory management
 Supplier sourcing
 Execution-focused applications (e.g., warehouse and transportation management) 

Many supply chain management systems include forecasting, which helps companies manage
the fluctuations in supply and demand by using sophisticated algorithms and consumption
analysis to evaluate buyer histories. Supply chain optimization software can be an invaluable
tool in maximizing production efficiency and planning for the future.


The 5 components of a Channel Management Strategy

The components are:
 True alignment to corporate and sales strategy
 Defined partner selection process
 Adherence to a channel governance process
 Partner focused recruitment package
 Comprehensive channel enablement content


6.1 Awards and achievements

A Certified Edible Oil Company by a prestigious Institution like world Health Organization.
We are quality conscious and thus got certified under AGMARK ( A quality Certification by
Govt. Of . India ).

6.2 Swot analysis and future plans


 Consistency in Earning profit.

 Maintenance


There are no weaknesses.

Opportunities :

Growing demand for the health caring oil products.

Threatening :

 Shortage of skilled Human resources

 Commoditisation of the product segment
 Saturation in the urban markets and stagnation in the rural markets
 Competitative pressure
 Growing technological expertise


 Organization’s Name : Jeevan Extract solvent pvt. Ltd

 Name of the CEO : Mr.K. Athiappan

 Date of Establishment: 1983

 Type of organization : Pivate

 Operation Management: Manufacturing

 Level of Computerization : High

 Average age of employees : 40 years (Approximate)

 Average years of Experience: 10 years (Approximate).

 Total Number of employees: 150


On the basis of survey findings some suggestions provided to the company are:


In the present world of technology, advertising plays the major role in marketing of a
product. Advertising is a social and business process responsible for the mass communication
of the information. !f the product is the lack. Advertising is the key to open the product to the
market. It is only one mediator between producer and ultimate consumer, which makes the
consumer to see, to think and to feel about the product and it also, tempts the consumer to
buy the product. Advertisement can popularize and establish an image on the product and

build up reputation and good will for the producer. This show that in present world
advertising can create wonders in the market advertising may be by means of television or by
using board cast media or by using magazines as the media.

By survey it has been seen that most of the consumers prefer television advertising as
they spend most of their free times in watching television.

So the company gives more advertisement in Television and also through magazines,
newspapers, internet etc., to attract the new customers from the corner and corner of the

Sales promotion:

Sales promotion has been the fastest growing segment a promotion mix and has
become a major factor in success of marketing in recent years, "sales-promotion are the
achievements of short-terms marketing objectives by schematic means". Sales-promotion is a
direct and immediate inducement that adds an extra value to the product. So it prompts the
sale force, dealers and consumers to buy the product sales. Promotion carried along with
advertising and publicity creates effectiveness in the selling activity the company has not
undertaken the sales promotion at the expected level. The company should give importance to
the following sales promotion.

i. Free offers should be given such as if your buy one nail enamel you will get another free
ii. By providing special discount during festival times
iii. By providing special price off on buying multi packs
iv. Providing special bonus offers, free gifts, free coupons to wholesale dealers and retailers
because they are the people who actually sell the product and they must be mentioned to
sell more specially.
v. Sales contest to the sales force to double or multiples their selling interest and efforts. By
this the hidden competitive spirit is boosted and the overall performance of the sales-force
is improved.

Attractive packing:

Packing plays the most vital role in marketing the cosmetics successfully packaging is
an activity which is concerned with the protection, economy, and convenience with the
promotional considerations. An attractive package maintains the brand image and creates an

interest in minds of the customers and an impulse to by. So the packaging should be done in
such a way that the contents can be stored for long time and convenient for transportation.


Product innovations have become an important part of the companies marketing

strategy today. Both establishing and established firms are inventing new products of brining
about changes in their original products to increase and maintain the consumers. Now a day’s
people expect something new. They purchase such products, which have something special in
them. Therefore innovations are must.


vi. The distribution network of the company is good, but rather than this the company should
make quickly flew of products the distributors. If in case of delay in supply, people will
start moving to next best alternative.
vii. The company should take steps to supply its products to distributors with 3 to 4 days.
viii. The company should appoint effective sales person in rural and district area to boost the
ix. Periodical survey of the market is necessary by the company to know changing attitudes
regarding to products.

Suggestions of the users:

1) They have to give lot of advertising in different kinds of media, sales promotion
which is helpful in boosting the sales.
2) They must inform the customers and retailers about new product by visiting door to
door & by distribution of free samples.
3) They must survey about there products to know other refined oil.
4) The colour should be changed in order to attract the consumers.
5) They must concentrate more on the packing of 5 & 10 liters can.

Suggestion’s of dealers:

1) They must note down any complaints about the product or any defect and lodges with
the company’s sales man.
2) They must supply the product, whenever there is demand because it may lead to
diversion of mind to other product.
3) They must also study the strategy of other products i.e. its competitors.


These four weeks have been the most useful period in my Programme.I got the opportunity to
practically learn and experience many concepts of MANAGEMENT STUDIES that I have
only learnt theoretically. I was able to see how an organization functions.

I would like to thank all the employees and people who have been a lot of help to me during
this period and also my faculties who provided me the moral support to finish this project







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