I ti
'4 rctt
Mrd.! e D.trt|l.rt:
Cdrcott, tmdo8, ordct, oquality. tpcs of uuriccr, *ro nci:r' tnnryoro of r o.trir. sllm*ic
ad &!rr sruunccio mrldcc* Adlid@, muldPlkdo od ! nuhiPlic.liotl of neitcr' timPlo
gspcrOos rddfdoo d|Hptlodioo ad rcrh( mutdpltcldon Nd'corlmrtrtivity ofmuldpllcrliot
oti*ic.rrdrxi@of noo'z!(o nfricGc whod!Fducli!ihc tnc&ix(ltsictlo lqua! .
nrlica ofotd* 2), Cooccpt of clcocmy mw rnd cofunn opcrdor. hvertiblc ndioct lod
froofoftho unlqucrFsc ofLvcnc, if it edrc'
Adioirt ard invene of a rqu'lt nrrtk. Coru&ncy, incontitemy rrd nufibs of solutioB of
lvgcul of liEr lqnalioo if' cxmplct, sohing qdco of titrG|r €$dbns in tc/o or ttrcc vttilbhs
ruing incrl of a i'rix. ttrnt mi aaorminrnt of rnrsic.* lilcrs o$rrtic. Ei8€n Yrlu€r ind oiFn
wdor* Crylcy-f&anilm |icqt
E&|r*rtIl ti.ort, Scan
i"u -a O* togn*rli-"
-;;unv EoPqy !.i. Fird!! & lnfnib tdt, BSd sd& $S8ctr, subs of lto 8Et
;..t frcrtrir t*tt mtdonrl' PolF r.i. U;ivll$l rcl vclro dftltrans' Union
.oa'lorc..t* oit e Di!futilc. df c.t3. Compt acnt of r tct' IhoP€ttic of qt
Blanart of poi* sot lrtcory imirdi$g troFtios ofoporl olood rnd cottFct sct' in
Sr$rc !d td{€t3
SGqlrc !d Sc.i8, Atitub Plo3lwiar (rlP)' Arithtrie lt&e {e'lD' Wtgaict' !rygrystl€9
infnn! oJ'
idn g.".t u* ,;f t of, tt of-n t *t *r G.P . Arlrlwio
A'M ad
md Goon:tic
O'fA Srm lo n lrim of thc spcchl
and ib $rn. C rrrrtric mcan (G .M), :cldion 5"1**6
scria 2a,51 a* ;r3 . convcrgpncc,' soqudrooc s[d scrics of fir*ti',r, rurifoon convorynoc'
Higy, rtrccocat arld ptuf of 6o binomiil ttcd€t! frt Poddrc ioEsrtl indkr* Prscal's li|ogla
;;i'-d h bh.rrt"t €,wlor,. sinFtc rppliardonr. Bdztu arsi.rsrnst rl|cdm.
lblnc Bol "dtlt-6il
codhda ad Dltf.r.ed|llutY:
ffiffiti ilri"- *nl""ltv. conlinuiry etd DiffctttilLbiuqrdci9ti1ilcoopoartc fincdom'
tilt dri;;"itui& de..#aic fiDctbs dcrivdvt of implicit frnction'
Conc.Fb of dDonctttill rod logrirhnio firnaions. DaivttivB of
log'lt ctd d(' LoSrdlhic
difcrcnd[rion. Dcrivatiw of furctioas oqfosr'd in F
n3tio fomg'
f *-d o.* Aat*"* Rolb's aad lrgajo't v$! Th.6Fr (*iM Foof) rod f ir
gccLrlrle lmOccadons.
Atplh.dal of D.rlvdY.:
ADDlicdioor of&rivrtirs: ntc of cbrgr" imtasing/doadring firlftiot' telFiilt rd oonilal
#orttl-, -".i"" od midlna. Sitlpb Prcbh3 (6d illure bd€ FbdPb bd
uiricrarrdag of rhc n$oct rr urpll rs rul lifc ria[rions)'
t& of cbSe bodr rr ltrr of dbsoo frdffi $ pmqtrny' Utuw
Dlahndvo rr
dq' ofbgpd ofthc.cutttc'
G if d;[;thrr, frnd. ncenFo Ud.rivaiv!, tthts it toDcdvdt/6ofpolpdrl
d"tF;;;diil*'Fldt todquod.dof fidi6' ad
nigmmatb ftlodooi MGlt vdrrtlroNlo.
of finctbo by
bbtnU: ho3t*ioo |r inrcr pocccr ofdifetlddo' ldcttdion ofr verldy
;ffi"t p"t"t 6lrAw rird Uf a4s. Ihfioie bnofnlr u1limitof a sun' F'undamcotrl
"iW urgrtc rnd Glddoofdcfoto itlcgrals'
ffi;Trd;dry.b'cninp oe""rltuto. epticrrimrto-ontutionof rrca* volnuc,
;;t ;Gtil-;'fido drocrt a" Grnli of q'dlrof iugtdd h doublc hrgnb
Exrct dfrr|tothl oqurri6. Ffo* o|d3r !d hiSltcr q'Folqrdimr lolv'blc fc:'1p' Chindr
ffiJJilsrlr;hd*. c-tmt"cl *nru dift;did G$doo' odtosood of
iiffii-f,ne, Aft""O .q,tt-" *irl vrirblc iocfficicnt. Varirtim of
' ofsrddi&ralirl
;;iE;;t4 tet d- ;h"4 !"irs 'o|rnioot c$aiool Poutcr s'dos
(orly sica soe$ion)'
nc6o4 Bcct lrrd LcgF&r o$!disl3'
U!a.t frqarll6.r:
rin rr imdid.t' Al8lhaia $frdmt 0f ligl ino$stitic in c vsi$h rnd tbch ttDt6!8t8tiort
h rro vrtirblcg. sohtiot! of 5yd.0 of
;t;ffi il. ifil*a $hd-gqhicsily'
;thca i,xqi-iti6
tino ir:qdtti€s in ttr'o vgd*,bs '
6t tll llrrt t
Bdir..l! odfh SloF of r lho od rofb b'twco tro
of2-D n@ 6dbr clrc.e' Shitrlg of
tiocr .Vrtrr" fo-" of !$d@ Pcdbt o ocr' poicrtpo fun' *e-fuaoql ton'^
of . lic
t".*fr t * Auootl'ft.||n sd ||o(nd ftru' Ccmlrl cqt[timaf ! lin ' Equdid of fslly of
lbs'F|a3 tinrCo ti potrtof imlcioo oft*o lis. Dircofrpoi*ffon r lir'
Corh Saadoo.r
Poeirirc urd mgltivc anglc* Mxning rngls ndianr and in &glleo tnd-convt$iofl from onG
E;i. O.niU- of trig#irb frIruions with r.\o hctp of udt circlc. Tnrtt of lhc
tJ"t" #i."ffi.*rtt 'f , &r rll x. signs oftigooorncaic finctiotrs
dny' &
rnd dc'ch of thob gtrPhr'
nwi*ng ;q*!yl U|d coc(rey) in t lmr of rinx' ix rod ro 3x'
Ccd sohlioo of
Idcdith. nb.d to tin ar. o- a,' --2r';r",L sor
tsisporndc Gquldoo of fu t1r?o ,ln9 - dtrs' co$ - aots due '[Do '
Lbf rrd Colthrtrt
ffifr'dffi*,,y-*ftndons rru vuiabloe p|rrirl dftra$ido|L €tr4c of var$c*.
ilil.ffi;il;d;rn"aury *i.l--l"a fur-rtnn oft$ovrrirbhs. schqrt'3 !!d
'yffi'ffiffi se; . of tn rc rtd imdidt firncriin rkms nd Felt"t-"
t tou-t'hiyiofo
Eutlr't thcdldl on honrSlocors too*t fc frrocdonr oftrvs vrriablcs'
NuD.rTlF t
-d;is-;;rith" Tb Srldr|t coomm dvirc, ld sotlnon m$tqpb $' Fugxira!
rlorridn ltc-oiolldor ;4"tu G + U - c PtiD' nmbcrs rnd ltoir dilirihttuo' th'
nrtncotrt Urorlm of ui6nnic' Brric popcrdcr of ooogrrm unr cogrucncc+
SFcid dt bibility t dt.
fvfs&.odcdly rcccpatlc drEcdt& C@ccdng mr|alraccs'c@oruaiire .. S
,ioa.roaig'or "if aod only if (ncccesr,ry -a 'l9r,"{) cotrditioo", ' irrplies", 'andof,
l"-d., rh; caiil!" ortibcir c*aoplce rcldcd-b tcd
usc duougb.variay of
"i;il.d bn "0c.,
#-i;ff"tod;;v.tu.dry tbc crtemoots invotving th! coocctry umds'
bdtllca cododi.tioo, o@vrars od cotnposirh'e'
MasE! of dilD.rrim: nco dcvielio, varirnoc ort stndad dsviaim of rrgu4ld/gtrNry€d
*;;-ffif wirh cquat nms hrt di'ftrd vuiucor'
ftoq!.icy diclboior
Er|cGb: Ocq!fiolc of
Rndm qcrincots: oubmcs, $ryb sP'cc{ sct tlFcrcdti6)' qcturivo A'd@dic (sd
wrd, 'ooi', '0!d' a 'or' ct&G a&;udti c"dF' ntmt"tlyclrc' evom'
;#lfrb.bfit, cooolcior witb tb! tbnicr of Gsslir