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Coconut Oil: A Review: Agro Food Industry Hi Tech January 2014

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Coconut oil: A review

Article  in  Agro Food Industry Hi Tech · January 2014


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3 authors, including:

Padmini Shankar Alexandra Tracchio

Georgia Southern University The Sage Colleges


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Coconut oil:
a review
*Corresponding author
Department of Health & Kinesiology, Georgia Southern University,
PO Box 8076, Statesboro, GA 30460, USA Padmini Shankar

KEYWORDS: virgin coconut oil; medium chain triglycerides; antimicrobial properties; cardiovascular health; metabolic syndrome

ABSTRACT: Coconut and its by-products have been used for centuries as culinary, cosmetic, and medicinal agents. More
recently, virgin coconut oil (VCO) is gaining recognition as a functional food due to its perceived health benefits. Virgin
coconut oil has a high proportion of medium-chain triglycerides, which unlike the long-chain triglycerides, are oxidized to
energy in the liver. In addition to its excellent antioxidant profile, coconut oil is said to have antimicrobial and hypolipidemic
properties too. This review focuses on the historical and functional aspects of coconut oil, with special emphasis on its health
Functional drinks


Coconut, also known as Cocos Nucifera (1), a tree Being touted as the world’s oldest oil, coconut oil has been
known for its many nutritional and medicinal properties used as far back as 4000 years ago (7). It has been used
has gained new found interest in western medicine. It is widely around the world, more particularly in the tropical
believed that certain parts of the coconut, for example, regions of Southern Asia and Pacific, Africa, Central America
tender coconut water and kernel have medicinal and the Caribbean due to the abundant coconut palms
qualities including but not limited to antibacterial, that grow there. Historical information claims that coconut
antiviral, antifungal, antioxidant, low glycemic index, oil was the cure for illness in ancient India and China,
hepatoprotective, and immune system enhancement (1). treating anything from infections and disease, to nausea and
Coconut oil is very commonly used as a tropical edible toothaches. The creamy, soft texture of coconut oil has also
Agro FOOD Industry Hi Tech - vol 24(5) - September/October 2013

oil in many Asian cultures and is composed of almost 90- been used as a skin moisturizer and as hair therapy, aiding
95% saturated fatty acids (2). The health and nutritional in the prevention and treatment of dry skin and damaged
benefits derived from coconut oil are both compelling and hair in the hot, tropic sun. Claimed to guarantee blemish and
contradictory, mainly due to its high saturated fat content infection free skin as well as strong bones, Samoan mothers
as relates to chronic diseases, especially those involving massage their children’s entire bodies frequently since
the cardiac system (3). infancy with the miracle oil. Coconut oil is also rubbed on
Compositionally, coconut oil is derived from the dried the gums of babies to ease the pain during teething. In the
kernel or meat of coconut, also known as copra (3, 4). Philippines, coconut oil has been used as a muscle relaxer
Chemically, coconut oil primarily comprises of lauric and joint pain reliever. Jamaicans believed coconut oil to be
acid (47.5%), a low molecular weight saturated fatty valuable to heart health, and drank it as a tonic whenever
acid known to be a better alternative to other saturated sick (8). In India, coconuts, known as the “fruits of aspiration”,
fatty acids, the kind found in butter (5). It has been are offered to the gods and have a prominent role in many
documented through the National Nutrition Survey of Indian religions (1).
2003 that in certain Asian cultures, wherein coconut oil Apart from the many medicinal and religious uses of
happens to be the primary source of cooking fat, the coconut oil, it also has been utilized in cooking. In Thailand
incidences of hyperlipidemia, stroke and angina were and Sri Lanka, as well as many other places around the
relatively low (5). In fact, a study reported that levels of globe, coconuts make up most of the diet providing
low density lipoprotein (LDL) appeared to be relatively nutritious sources of milk, meat, juice, and oil (8). After seeing
higher in individuals consuming safflower oil and/or butter the benefits of coconut oil, England and the United States
as compared to those consuming coconut oil (5, 6). began producing and selling coconut oil as margarine and
While speculations regarding use of coconut oil and butter, respectively (7). Coconut oil was taken off the US
its many potential medicinal benefits have captured market temporarily in 1986 when the American Soybean
the attention of the scientific and clinical world here Association instigated an anti-tropical oil campaign in order
in the United States, available clinical data suggesting to drive out the competition. This campaign, which targeted
the many medicinal and nutritional properties of both coconut and palm oils, was challenged in 1988 by
consumption of coconut oil remain scarce. Although, Harvard Medical School’s Dr. N.W. Istfan whose findings
there are studies suggesting the many health benefits showed that coconut oil consumption did not increase the
offered by consumption of coconut oil, most of these risk for heart disease (9). It is categorized as a “functional
studies have reported data derived from animal studies food” because of the oil’s rich supply of fiber, vitamins, and
or use of methodology including but not limited to minerals. Due to the VCO’s strong stability, it is resistant to
self-reporting through various dietary recalls; thus, with free radical generation during intense temperature heating,
this comprehensive review, we aim to shed light on making coconut oil a very safe oil to cook with (7). Among
information related to the health benefits of consuming the health conscious consumers, coconut oil is gaining
coconut oil. wide spread popularity and is recommended as a healthy

cooking oil and a source of alternative medicine. include several components, such as diet, levels of physical
Although a saturated fat, VCO is rich in medium chain activity, psychological well-being, and other lifestyle
triglycerides (MCT), much different than the more common components like smoking. Of these, scientific evidences
long chain triglycerides (LCT). The difference between LCT have indicated that dietary factors predominantly influence
and MCT are in the way human bodies metabolize and serum lipid concentrations (3). It is largely believed that
digest them (10). MCT do not require pancreatic lipase or certain dietary fats lower low density lipoprotein (LDL) levels
bile for digestion. Unlike LCT which are stored in our cells, while assisting in elevating higher density lipoprotein (HDL)
MCT are immediately transported to the liver and are levels in the blood. Clinical evidences have also indicated
metabolized for energy (11). According to the Coconut that risk for cardiovascular diseases increase dramatically
Research Center, MCT may actually help to lower the risk of when serum LDL is easily oxidized (3). There is new found
both atherosclerosis and heart disease (10). interest in the cardio-protective effects of coconut oil as
reported by the Coconut Research Center. In one study,
coconut oil was reported to cause an increase in total
ANTIMICROBIAL EFFECTS OF COCONUT OIL cholesterol levels; however, it is noteworthy that some of the
elevation in cholesterol levels is attributed to an increase
For thousands of years, coconut oil has been found to in HDL or good cholesterol (12). Therefore, it is essential to
aid as an antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and anti- understand the chemical composition of coconut oil in order
dermatophytic agent. It has been used in Ayurvedic to extrapolate the health benefits and clinical significance
medicine as well as in many other cultures worldwide. More of consuming coconut oil as a health promoting dietary
recently, studies have been conducted to test the effects fat. Most coconut oil is extracted from the kernel or meat of
of coconut oil as an antimicrobial agent and findings from coconut, copra. Another form of extraction of coconut oil
many support this thousand year old universal remedy. involves using a wet process (involves extraction of coconut

Functional drinks
By-products of coconut oil breakdown result in the oil directly from the coconut milk, done so under controlled
production of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) and temperatures) and the resulting product is VCO, obtained
monoglycerides (MG). It is these MCFA and MG that confer from coconut milk (3). Nevin et al. (2004) reported that VCO
antimicrobial properties, by destroying pathogenic bacteria, has been shown to decrease total cholesterol, triglycerides,
virus, fungi, and protozoa (12). and phospholipids. The researchers also reported that in
Coconut oil has been proven very successful and effective addition to an overall decrease in serum cholesterol, LDL,
against viruses that are lipid-coated, such as Epstein-Barr and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) levels were also
virus, influenza virus, leukemia virus, hepatitis C virus, and reduced after consumption of VCO. Furthermore, elevated
cytomegalovirus (CMV), to name a few. It accomplishes this levels of HDL were found, thus enhancing the cardio-
by interfering and disrupting the virus membrane, assembly, protective benefits of coconut oil. Lastly, this study also
and maturation (1). found that VCO was capable of increasing antioxidant
Oyi and colleagues studied the effectiveness of VCO in the enzyme activity, thus able to halt LDL oxidation, a primary
treatment of skin inoculations of Ps. Aeruginosa, E. coli, P. factor associated with atherosclerosis (3).

Agro FOOD Industry Hi Tech - vol 24(5) - September/October 2013

vulgaris, B. subtilis, and C. albicans by converting the oil to
a cream. With the study’s success, there is now evidence
coconut oil can be formulated into creams to treat EFFECT OF COCONUT OIL ON CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH
bacterial and fungal infections. The effectiveness of VCO
as an antimicrobial agent is due to the active compound A recent study investigated the risk for cardiovascular
monolaurin, a monoglyceride, which is a product of lauric diseases upon consumption of coconut oil in the Philippines,
acid metabolization (13). Lauric acid is the predominant a country wherein coconut oil is abundantly used for
fatty acid found in coconut oil. It is also found in breast milk cooking purposes. Coconut
and helps to support healthy growth in breastfed infants and oil being extremely rich
has been shown to have many antimicrobial properties (14). in saturated fats, the
In today’s fast-paced and quick-fix society, antibiotics premise of this study was
are overused and this indiscriminate use can lead to the to investigate the effects
elimination of beneficial bacteria population in the gut. of saturated fats in coconut
This in turn can promote overgrowth of microorganisms oil and its atherogenic
such as Candida and cause fungal infections. Because properties in a cohort of
VCO is a rich source of MCT and possesses antifungal 1,839 Filipino women (5). The
properties, a study in Nigeria focused on its effectiveness results of this study indicated
as an antifungal agent and compared it to the action of that consumption of coconut
fluconazole, the first line of treatment for Candida albicans oil did not elevate serum
infection. It was found that coconut oil was effective total cholesterol or serum
against Candida at 100% concentration when compared
to fluconazole. The study concluded coconut oil to be
a powerful alternative medicine, especially against
fungal species such as Candida (15).



While cardiovascular disease

is on the rise, mainly, due to its
correlations with obesity, a growing
epidemic across the globe, risk
factors of cardiovascular diseases

triglycerides. However, measurement of coconut oil intake and metabolic syndrome, and in addition, MCT’s when
was calculated using self-reporting via two 24-hour dietary tested in animal models, offers promising results as far
recalls. Thus, due to the nature of the design practiced as improving insulin sensitivity and type 2 diabetes,
by this study and lack of ability to control various external both conditions associated with presence of metabolic
and confounding variables, it would be safe to assume syndrome (17).
that additional clinical trials are required before health Of the many chronic conditions associated with metabolic
professionals are confidently able to prescribe coconut syndrome, waist circumference can be used as an
oil consumption as it relates to being a cardio-protective indicator of abdominal obesity (19) resulting in health issues
agent. such as type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, hypertension, and
infertility, especially in women. A recent study investigated
the effects of supplementation with dietary coconut oil in
HEPATOPROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF COCONUT OIL women who presented with abdominal obesity determined
by their waist circumference. The study population was
Liver is one of the largest and the most important organs in provided with either soybean oil or coconut oil. While
the human body. The human liver is responsible for controlling reductions in body mass index (BMI) were observed in both
carbohydrate storage and metabolism, protein synthesis, groups, only the women supplemented with coconut oil
breakdown of red blood cells, and detoxification (16). presented reductions in waist circumference. The study
Despite the many advances in the medical field, western concluded that coconut oil supplementation offered
medicine has been unable to prevent and cure many protection against dyslipidemia, an imbalance of serum
chronic conditions, one being offering protection from lipids associated both with metabolic syndrome and
much chemical and physiological damage to hepatic cells abdominal obesity (19). Liau et al. (20) studied the efficacy
resulting from routine exposure to different nutrients, drugs, of VCO in weight reduction and lipid profile of 20 Malay
Functional drinks

and environmental factors. In the most recent times, VCO people. While no improvements were seen in the lipid
has gained a lot of popularity in the clinical field, especially levels, decrease in visceral adiposity as measured by waist
in relation to its antioxidant and cardio-protective circumference was seen, especially in men.
properties. However, the understanding of the functional
properties of coconut oil clinically within the human body
requires sophisticated research methodologies. Data in CONCLUSION
animals suggest that VCO may induce a hepatoprotective
effect in addition to the antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and There is renewed emphasis on incorporating heart-healthy
cardio-protective mechanisms. Zakaria et al. (2010) fats in our diet today. Virgin coconut oil with its versatility
investigated the hepatoprotective effects of VCO on as a cooking medium and limited pharmacotherapeutic
paracetemol induced liver damage in rats. The results properties is gaining popularity in modern society. However,
indicated that treatment of the damaged rat liver with further research is needed to provide conclusive evidence
VCO significantly reduced liver damage concluding that on its clinical applications. Until such time it is important to
Agro FOOD Industry Hi Tech - vol 24(5) - September/October 2013

coconut oil may indeed offer some hepatoprotective adhere to dietary guidelines, which recommend moderate
effects. Of course, the authors concluded that further amounts of healthy fats in our daily diet.
in-depth studies are required to observe similar results in
humans (16).

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is one of the many leading causes of cardiovascular
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