Commrev Topic Roque V Iac GR No. L-66935 Date: November 11, 1985 Ponente: GUTIERREZ, J
Commrev Topic Roque V Iac GR No. L-66935 Date: November 11, 1985 Ponente: GUTIERREZ, J
Commrev Topic Roque V Iac GR No. L-66935 Date: November 11, 1985 Ponente: GUTIERREZ, J
On February 29, 1972, the petitioners loaded on the barge, 811 pieces of logs at Malampaya Sound, Palawan for
carriage and delivery to North Harbor, Port of Manila, but the shipment never reached its destination because Mable
10 sank with the 811 pieces of logs somewhere off Cabuli Point in Palawan on its way to Manila. As alleged by the
petitioners in their complaint and as found by both the trial and appellate courts, the barge where the logs were loaded
was not seaworthy such that it developed a leak. The appellate court further found that one of the hatches was left
open causing water to enter the barge and because the barge was not provided with the necessary cover or tarpaulin,
the ordinary splash of sea waves brought more water inside the barge.
On March 8, 1972, the petitioners wrote a letter to Manila Bay demanding payment of P150,000.00 for the loss of the
shipment plus P100,000.00 as unrealized profits but the latter ignored the demand. Another letter was sent to
respondent Pioneer claiming the full amount of P100,000.00 under the insurance policy but respondent refused to pay
on the ground that its liability depended upon the "Total loss by Total Loss of Vessel only". Hence, petitioners
commenced Civil Case No. 86599 against Manila Bay and respondent Pioneer.
From the above-quoted provisions, there can be no mistaking the fact that the term "cargo" can be the subject of
marine insurance and that once it is so made, the implied warranty of seaworthiness immediately attaches to
whoever is insuring the cargo whether he be the shipowner or not. As we have ruled in the case of Go Tiaoco y
Hermanos v. Union Insurance Society of Canton (40 Phil. 40):
"The same conclusion must be reached if the question be discussed with reference to the seaworthiness of the
ship. It is universally accepted that in every contract of insurance upon anything which is the subject of marine
insurance, a warranty is implied that the ship shall be seaworthy at the time of the inception of the voyage. This
rule is accepted in our own Insurance Law (Act No. 2427, sec. 106). . . ."
Since the law provides for an implied warranty of seaworthiness in every contract of ordinary marine insurance, it
becomes the obligation of a cargo owner to look for a reliable common carrier which keeps its vessels in seaworthy
condition. The shipper of cargo may have no control over the vessel but he has full control in the choice of the
common carrier that will transport his goods. Or the cargo owner may enter into a contract of insurance which
specically provides that the insurer answers not only for the perils of the sea but also provides for coverage of
perils of the ship.
II. On the contention of the petitioners that the trial court found that the loss was occasioned by the perils of the
sea characterized by the "storm and waves" which buffeted the vessel, the records show that the court ruled
otherwise. It stated: xxx xxx xxx
" . . . The other affirmative defense of defendant Lighterage, 'That the supposed loss of the logs was
occasioned by force majeure . . . .', was not supported by the evidence. At the time Mable 10 sank, there
was no typhoon but ordinary strong wind and waves, a condition which is natural and normal in the open
sea. The evidence shows that the sinking of Mable 10 was due to improper loading of the logs on one side
so that the barge was tilting on one side and for that it did not navigate on even keel; that it was no longer
seaworthy that was why it developed leak; that the personnel of the tugboat and the barge committed a
mistake when it turned loose the barge from the tugboat east of Cabuli point where it was buffeted by
storm and waves, while the tugboat proceeded to west of Cabuli point where it was protected by the
mountain side from the storm and waves coming from the east direction. . . ."
In fact, in the petitioners' complaint, it is alleged that "the barge Mable 10 of defendant carrier developed a leak
which allowed water to come in and that one of the hatches of said barge was negligently left open by the person
in charge thereof causing more water to come in", and that "the loss of said plaintiffs' cargo was due to the fault,
negligence, and/or lack of skill of defendant carrier and/or defendant carrier's representatives on barge Mable 10."
It is quite unmistakable that the loss of the cargo was due to the perils of the ship rather than the perils of the sea.
The facts clearly negate the petitioners' claim under the insurance policy. In the case of Go Tiaoco y Hermanos v.
Union Ins. Society of Canton, supra, we had occasion to elaborate on the term "perils of the ship." We ruled:
"It must be considered to be settled, furthermore, that a loss which, in the ordinary course of events,
results from the natural and inevitable action of the sea, from the ordinary wear and tear of the ship, or
from the negligent failure of the ship's owner to provide the vessel with proper equipment to convey the
cargo under ordinary conditions, is not a peril of the sea. Such a loss is rather due to what has been aptly
called the 'peril of the ship.' The insurer undertakes to insure against perils of the sea and similar perils,
not against perils of the ship. As was well said by Lord Herschell in Wilson, Sons & Co. v. Owners of Cargo
per the Xantho ([1887], 12 A. C., 503, 509), there must, in order to make the insurer liable, be 'some
casualty, something which could not be foreseen as one of the necessary incidents of the adventure. The
purpose of the policy is to secure an indemnity against accidents which may happen, not against events
which must happen.
"In the present case the entrance of the sea water into the ship's hold through the defective pipe already
described was not due to any accident which happened during the voyage, but to the failure of the ship's
owner properly to repair a defect of the existence of which he was apprised. The loss was therefore more
analogous to that which directly results from simple unseaworthiness than to that which results from
perils of the sea. xxx xxx xxx
"Suffice it to say that upon the authority of those cases there is no room to doubt the liability of the
shipowner for such a loss as occurred in this case. By parity of reasoning the insurer is not liable; for
generally speaking, the shipowner excepts the perils of the sea from his engagement under the bill of
lading, while this is the very perils against which the insurer intends to give protection. As applied to the
present case it results that the owners of the damaged rice must look to the shipowner for redress and
not to the insurer. "
WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is AFFIRMED with the modification that the amount of P8,000.00
representing the value of the salvaged logs which was ordered to be deposited in the Manila Banking Corporation in
the name of Civil Case No. 86599 is hereby awarded and ordered paid to the petitioners. The liability adjudged against
Manila Bay Lighterage Corporation in the decision of the trial court is accordingly reduced by the same amount.