Perspective: New England Journal Medicine
Perspective: New England Journal Medicine
Perspective: New England Journal Medicine
edicaid — and how to pay for it — has deal for states considerably in its
Paying for Medicaid
rate subsidy means that states for Covid-19, Medicaid will be Congress has stepped up with
experiencing sudden increases in called on to pay for these new additional support for the pro-
Medicaid costs continue to re- services for tens of millions of gram to expand its reach, and
ceive additional federal support beneficiaries. now states should do the same.
to cover a large portion of those In the current context, it is In light of the program’s role in
expenses — which is critical, hard to imagine a worse policy managing the coronavirus epi-
since most states (unlike the fed- approach in Medicaid than to cap demic, maximizing long-term
eral government) are legally pro- federal contributions to the pro- health, and helping to stabilize
hibited from going into a budget gram and shift to predetermined the health care system in a time
deficit. block-grant allotments for states. of crisis, the case for Medicaid
Historically, there have been There is simply no way for Con- expansion in the remaining 14
three main drivers of unexpected gress or CMS, in setting an an- states has never been stronger.
cost growth in Medicaid: econom- nual cap for Medicaid, to antici- Disclosure forms provided by the au-
ic downturns, when many people pate or predict the course of this thors are available at
lose coverage through work and sort of rapidly unfolding disaster,
From the Department of Economics, Mas-
more people need government as- in which Medicaid must be relied sachusetts Institute of Technology, Cam-
sistance; natural or public health on to play a critical role. In rec- bridge (J.G.); and the Department of Health
disasters, such as Hurricane Ka- ognition of this fact, the first fed- Policy and Management, Harvard T.H.
Chan School of Public Health, and the De-
trina in 2005, when Medicaid eral Covid-related economic relief partment of Medicine, Brigham and Wom-
funding was critical to helping package passed in March leaned en’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Louisiana cope with the disaster, heavily on the existing Medicaid — all in Boston (B.D.S.).
and more recently, the opioid epi- system, increasing the match rate This article was published on March 31,
demic; and expensive new tech- by 6.2 percentage points until 2020, at
nologies relevant to the Medicaid September 2021. This increase is
1. Status of state action on the Medicaid
population, such as the invention a good start, though a larger boost expansion decision. San Francisco:Kaiser
of new antiviral medications for for a longer period may ultimate- Family Foundation, March 2020 (http://kff
hepatitis C over the past decade. ly be needed. .org/health-reform/state-indicator/state
Unfortunately, all three fac- Given these realities — and -t he-affordable-care-act/).
tors are poised to hit states in the fact that existing Medicaid ex- 2. Iglehart JK, Sommers BD. Medicaid at
2020. First, the Covid-19 pandem- pansions have not produced the 50 — from welfare program to nation’s larg-
est health insurer. N Engl J Med 2015;372:
ic threatens to overwhelm health dire effects on state budgets that 2152-9.
care providers and hospitals, es- critics predicted — there is no 3. Gruber J, Sommers BD. Fiscal federal-
pecially resource-poor safety-net moment in recent memory more ism and the budget impacts of the Afford-
able Care Act’s Medicaid expansion. Cam-
providers that are heavily reliant critical than now to bolster Med- bridge, MA:National Bureau of Economic
on Medicaid in the first place. icaid. Covering more people in Research, 2020 (
These providers often care for Medicaid is a rapid way to bring w26862).
4. Bachrach D, Boozang P, Herring A, Rey-
some of the sickest patients and needed resources into the health neri DG. States expanding Medicaid see sig-
those who are at highest risk for care system and infuse federal nificant budget savings and revenue gains.
coronavirus infection, particular- dollars into state economies on Princeton, NJ:Robert Wood Johnson Foun-
dation, 2016 (
ly those with disabilities and the verge of a major downturn. research/2015/04/states-expanding
people living in nursing homes. Medicaid expansion also requires -medicaid-see-significant-budget-savings
Second, with sweeping public no new infrastructure or federal -and-rev.html).
5. Galewitz P. Trump’s Medicaid chief la-
health measures, state-mandated oversight to achieve, unlike many bels Medicaid ‘mediocre.’ Is it? Kaiser Health
business closures, and a stock- other types of stimulus spending. News. February 21, 2020 (https://khn .org/
market crash, a recession is high- Medicaid remains highly popular news/t rumps-medicaid-chief-labels
ly likely over the coming months. with voters from both parties.2
Third, if and when effective treat- And most important, expanding DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp2007124
ments and a vaccine are available Medicaid can save lives.5 Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Paying for Medicaid