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National Highways Authority of India

(Ministry of Road Transport & Highways)

Applications are invited for filling in the post of Manager(Tech.) in NHAI on deputation
basis. Officers of Central/State Govt. Department/Autonomous Bodies/Public Sector
Undertakings shall be considered for appointment on deputation basis.
Eligibility Conditions

A. Pay scale Rs. 10,000-15,200/- (alongwith central DA) (pre-revised)

Candidates selected on deputation basis shall be placed on the aforesaid pay band
with central Dearness Allowance along with other allowances as per rule of the

B. No. of Posts : 100* (*subject to variation)

C. Educational Qualification
Degree in Civil Engineering from a reputed Institute of Technology or a recognized

Post Graduate Degree in Civil Engineering in the field(s) relating to Highway Engineering
and/or Post Graduate Degree in Management/MBA from an Institute of repute.

D. Experience
(i) Candidates already on the panel of Under Secretary in the Govt. of India and
possessing the educational qualification stipulated above, or from candidates holding
analogous posts in a Central/State Government Department, Autonomous Body/Public
Sector Undertaking or with 3 years regular service in the pay scale of Rs. 8,000-13,500/-
(pre-revised) or equivalent of 6 years in the pay scale of Rs. 6,500-10,500/- (pre-revised).

(ii) Should have put in at least 3 years service in a responsible senior position in a
Government Department/Public Sector Undertaking/Commercial organization of repute
and should be working in an analogous post or the post next below or equivalent for at
least 3 years on a regular basis.

Should be well versed in the field of highway/bridge engineering/dealing with planning,
pre-qualification of consultants and contractors; financial appraisal of projects; detailed
designing, techno financial reviews; evaluation of tenders, contract managements,
monitoring liaison with major construction agencies/ Govt. bodies, performance
appraisal of major highway/bridge projects.

E. Age
Candidates applying on deputation basis should not be more than 56 years of age or
due to retiring from their parent cadre within two years as on date of publication of this
(Ministry of Road Transport & Highways)

(The Curriculum Vitae (CV) duly forwarded through proper channel alongwith
supporting documents will be assessed by the Selection Committee while selecting
the candidates for appointment to posts on deputation basis.).

1. Name of the Candidate(in Block letters) :

2. Father’s/Husband’s Name :
3. Date of Birth (in dd/mm/yyyy format ) :
4. Permanent Address (with PIN code) :
5. Address for Correspondence (with PIN code):
6. Phone Numbers (Office, Residence &
Mobile) alongwith Fax Number, if any :
7.(a) Religion :
(b) Whether belong to Minority Community
8.(a) Whether belong to SC/ST/OBC :
(b) Whether Physically Disabled :
© Gender:Female/Male

9. Details of Educational Qualifications from Matriculation onwards:

a. Examination passed
b. Year of passing
c. Name of College/ Institute
d. University/ Board
e. Main subjects
f. Remarks(%of marks,Division etc)

10.. Details of experience (in chronological order). Enclose a separate sheet, duly
authenticated by your signatures, if the space below is insufficient:

a. Name of organization
b. Post held with dates (in dd/mm/
yyyy format)
c. Whether on regular or adhoc or
deputation or contract basis
d. Period of tenure with dates From
(in dd/mm/yyyy format)
e. Brief description of duties

f. Scale of pay and current basic pay
(In case the pay scale under CDA
pattern has been revised as per the
6th CPC recommendations, please
clearly indicate the Pay Band and the
Grade Pay)
g. Whether scale of pay is on CDA or
IDA pattern
h. Details of experience in the
relevant field (with dates in
dd/mm/yyyy format)

11. Whether Educational and other qualifications required for the post are satisfied. (If any
qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in the Rules, state the
authority for the same):

Qualifications/ Experience Qualifications/Experience

Required for the post possessed by the officer
Essential Education Qualification:
Desirable Education Qualification:
Essential Experience:
Desirable Experience:

12. Please state clearly whether in the light

of entries made above, the requirement
of the post are met or not :

13. Nature of present employment (i.e. Adhoc,

temporary, deputation, permanent or
contract basis) :

14. In case the present employment is held on

deputation basis, please state

(a) The date of initial

appointment on deputation
basis :

(b) Period of appointment on deputation :

(c) Name and address of the parent

organization to which you belong :

(d) Name of the post and pay scale with

DA pattern held by you
on regular basis in your
parent deptt.. Date (in
dd/mm/yyyy format)
from when such post
held may also be
indicated (In case the
pay scale under CDA
pattern has been
revised as per the 6th
recommendations, please
clearly indicate the Pay Band
and the Grade Pay) :

(e) Whether the parent department is (a) Central Government (b) State Government (c)
Central/State Government Public Sector Undertaking (d) Central / State University
(e)Central / State Autonomous Body:
(f) Whether applied earlier for the similar post in NHAI in the last one year, if so,
details of the post applied for, date of application and date of interview, if any .

15.(a). Additional Information,if any,which you would like to mention in support of your suitability for
the post.(This among other things may provide information with regard to (i) additional
academic qualifications (ii) professional training and (iii) work experience over and above
prescribed in the Vacancy Circular/Advertisement-Enclose a separate sheet if the space is

(b). Additional details about present employment. Please state whether working under (a)
Central Government (b) State Government (c) Central/ State Government Public Sector
Undertaking (d) Central / State University (e) Central / State Autonomous Body:

(c).Remarks (The candidates may indicate with regard to (i) Research publications and Reports
and Special Projects (ii) Awards,Scholarship/Official Appreciation, (iii) Affiliation with the
professional bodies/ institutions/ societies and (iv) any other relevant information- Enclose a
separate sheet if the space is insufficient)

(d) Languages known.(Read, write, speak and understand)

16. Are you in a revised scale of pay? If yes, give

the date from which the revision
took place and also indicate the pre-
revised scale along with the DA
pattern. :

17. Age of retirement applicable in parent

Department :

18. Your date of retirement in the parent

department :

19. Contact details of the officer(s) in personnel/: Name : ___ _

HR/ Admn. Deptt. who could be contacted : Designation:
regarding the ACRs/ NOC / Vigilance : Address (with PIN code):
clearance, etc. : Tel.No./ Fax No./ E-mail ID: __

20. Details of computer knowledge: Language(s)

known and application software used :

21. Details of service in NHAI on deputation basis:

(To be certified by Admn. Div. of NHAI)

S.No. Name of post Tenure / period with Scale of pay Place (s) of Nature of
dates in dd/mm/yyyy posting duties /
format work(s)
From To handled


I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware that the Curriculum
Vitae duly supported by documents submitted by me will also be assessed by the Selection Committee at the
time of selection for the post.

I also hereby solemnly declare and undertake that all information furnished by me are true,
correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I undertake that, if at any stage of
selection or even after selection, any of the information furnished by me is found to be false,
incorrect or misleading, then my candidature / appointment / services will stand cancelled /
terminated without assigning any reasons thereof.

Date : ……………….. Signature : …………………...

Place : ……………….
(To be completed by the parent department)

It is certified that the particulars given by the candidate in his/her application,

especially column No.10 to 20 regarding the details of relevant experience, have been verified
from the service records and are true, correct and complete.

Date : ……………… Signature: …………………

Place : …………….. Name : …………………….
Designation: ……….…………….
Official Seal : …………………….
Address : …………………………
Tel No. ……………………………
Other conditions (Deputation):
1. The Department/Organization concerned while forwarding the application –

(a) may please enclose attested copies of Annual Confidential Reports for the last
eight years along with a disciplinary/vigilance clearance certifying that no penalty is
imposed against the officer for last eight years.

(b) certify that the particulars given by the candidates in their application especially
column No.10 & 11 regarding the details of relevant experience have been verified
from the service records and are true, correct and complete for the post.

2. Applications not submitted in the prescribed format or incomplete in any respect shall be
liable for summary rejection.

3. If a large number of applications are received, only those candidates who are short
listed on the basis of qualifications, experience, tenure and level of service in the relevant field shall
be considered for selection/called for interview.

4. The post carry all India service liability. Therefore, only those who are willing to serve
anywhere in India may apply.

5. Candidates who are more than 56 years of age (unless relaxed for specifically) as on
closing date for receipt of application need not apply.

6. Regular employees of NHAI, who fulfill the eligibility conditions prescribed for
promotion to any of the above-mentioned posts, as on the last date for receipt of
applications, may also apply. In case they are selected, their appointment will be on promotion
basis as per the guidelines on the subject.

7. Candidates initially appointed on deputation basis may be considered for absorption later on
in accordance with the policies and requirements of NHAI.

8. Period of deputation will be initially three years, which may be extended or curtailed at the
discretion of the Competent Authority in NHAI.
9. The advertisement can be withdrawn at any time depending upon discretion of the competent
Applications may be sent by Registered Post through proper channel to the following
address so as to reach latest by
17th May, 2010. This notice is also available on NHAI website: http:\\www.nhai.org. The envelop
containing application should be super scribed with “Application for the post of Manager(T) on
Address for Communication:
Deputy General Manager (Admn.),
National Highways Authority of India,
G-5 & 6, Sector-10,
Dwarka, New Delhi -110 075

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