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BENNING UPS 784370 - Enertronic - I - en

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Wo r l d C l a s s P o w e r S o l u t i o n s

E x c e l l e n t Te c h n o l o g y , E f f i c i e n c y a n d Q u a l i t y

• Industrial version
• Single-phase and three-phase output
ENERTRONIC I UPS – developed
to meet industrial demands

Figure 1: Possible grid disturbances

Maintaining safe operation – even

during grid disturbances or power cuts
The ever-increasing requirement for data, as well as the rise in The static UPS installation doesn’t only supply connected con-
automated production processes that include complex data sumers with continuously and free of interruption power, but
networking (Industry 4.0), necessitate a reliable and trouble- furthermore also achieves a significant improvement in voltage
free current supply. and frequency quality in comparison with the normal grid.
However, power irregularities caused by high loading of the
public power supply cannot be avoided. This can be caused by In normal operation the function chain (rectifier, inverter and
grand scale energy consumers, on grid switching in periods of output transformer) supplies the consumer. The ENERTRONIC I
maximum consumption or lightning strikes. The results are UPS corresponds to the maximum UPS classification VFI SS
voltage dips, overshooting and transients in the public power 111 in accordance with EN 62040-3 and provides maximum
supply. safety and economy on the basis of the following features:

To maintain crucial tasks and minimise downtime some critical • IGBT power semiconductor in the rectifier and inverter
consumers require power, which is independent of public grid • Input power factor ≥ 0.99
disturbances. Those critical customers are for example: • Input current THD (THDi) < 5%
• Excellent control properties for high voltage stability,
• Petrochemical installations even with large load changes
• Refineries • Electronic switchgear (EUE) and internal service
• Power stations and substations bypass
• Process computers • Extensive reporting and monitoring functions
• Control rooms
• SCADA systems

All of which require robust, uniterruptible power supplies

(UPSs) to meet this criteria.

ENERTRONIC I – technical details
for your extra safety

manual bypass
input load EUE output load
bypass- switch switch UPS
input output

input rectifier inverter output

mains switch protection
output trans-

Figure 2: Overview of circuit diagram Figure 3: ENERTRONIC I 40 KVA

Electronic switching facility (EUE)

The electronic switchgear facilitates the switch to bypass supply for 100 ms. It automatically switches the load back to the
(bypass-grid) without any interruption and whilst maintaining inverter when there has been an overload or short circuit and
the specified tolerances. The switch over can be achieved auto- operation is normal again.
matically by the control signal or manually by the user.

System monitoring and control circuitry prevents operating

errors, as well as any illogical switching function of the EUE.
Thus, any uninterrupted switch over (whether automatic or
manual) is only possible when voltage, frequency and phas-
ing of the inverter are synchronised with the bypass-grid.

Grid frequency deviations outside the specified tolerances

will inhibit the EUE operations.

The electronic switching facility (EUE) consists of a static,

micro-processor-controlled and antiparallel thyristor set
in the grid bypass. It switches over the connected loads
to the grid automatically and free of interruption if the UPS
Internal manual-bypass
output voltage deviates from prescribed tollerances for any The UPS is fitted with an internal service bypass (manual by-
reason. pass) with a manually operated switch. This facilitates com-
plete disconnection of the ENERTRONIC I from the consumer
The EUE has an overload capability of 150% for 10 minutes supply. The consumer is then supplied directly from the grid
and 500% (ENERTRONIC I 3-I) or 1000% (ENERTRONIC I 3-3) (Figure 2).

Web browser: system TCP/IP protocol: complete
values and configuration data are transferred

Graphic user interface RS-232: serial communi-

for all Windows-control cation

Figure 4: ENERTRONIC I with standard control unit Figure 5: Extensive reporting and monitoring functions

Parallel switching capability with Maintaining long-term reliability –

Group-Connector by pro-active 360° services
Up to 8 ENERTRONIC I series UPS can be connected in parallel By placing your trust in a BENNING UPS installation you have
for redundancy (N+1) purposes or to increase load capacity. It decided on a high-quality product from a world leader in the
operates with an active load-sharing function in active and production of AC and DC power supplies. Benning UPS offers a
passive master operation modes. reliable, globally orientated service structure that provides the
best possible support for your requirements. You have access
The Group Connector makes it possible to operate two UPS in- to high-quality support, spare parts and expert knowledge –
stallations in parallel. If semi-load parallel operation is under- wherever and whenever you require them.
taken by means of a section switch on two bus bars, it becomes
possible to read the switch setting during operation by means With a Benning service contract you can rely on a high stan-
of an auxiliary contactor. When the section switch is closed, the dard of service with reliable delivery dates and rapid delivery of
load is distributed to both UPS-installations and when the sec- spare parts.
tion switch is open, the UPS-installations supply the respective
connected bar. This therefore results in secure supply of the With its pro-active services BENNING can help you secure the
load at at all times. maximum availability of your current supply – helping you meet
the challenges of today and the opportunities of tomorrow.

High short-circuit current

As an option, the inverter output-short-circuit current capability
can be increased to 700% for 3 seconds (ENERTRONIC I 3-3) or
400% for 3 seconds (ENERTRONIC I 3-1). Depending on the
UPS power rating it may be necessary to increase the cabinet pro-active services
size if this option is taken. www.benning-services.com

Touch Panel (optional)
• Graphic interface with display of the energy flow and the
system status
• Support for all common standard languages
• Event monitor for the last 1200 events. Complete
documentation of data, time and report in clear text
• Customized configuration possible
• Function setting of the remote control as well as adjustment
of the operating parameters

Technical Data
ENERTRONIC I 3-3 (three-phase input and three-phase output)
Power*1 (cosϕ = 0.8) [kVA] 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 140 160 200 240
Power*1 (cosϕ = 1.0) [kW] 8 16 24 32 40 48 64 80 96 112 128 160 192
Operating temperature range 0 ... 40 °C (reduction in power beyond this)
Relative air humidity 5 ... 95% (non-condensing)
Volume < 65 dBA (as a function of power)
Protection class IP20 (further classes on request)
Installation height 1000 m (without reduction in power)
Cable entry point below (above on request)
Colour RAL 7035 (other colours on request)
Ventilation redundant forced-air ventilated
Classification VFI-SS-111 (according to IEC / EN 62040-3)
Safety IEC / EN 62040-1, IEC / EN 60950-1
EMC IEC / EN 62040-2
Power IEC / EN 62040-3
Voltage 3 / N 400 V ± 15% (further voltages on request)
Frequency 50 Hz ± 5% / 60 Hz ± 5%
THDi (100% load) ≤5
Input power factor ≥ 0.99
Transformer Isolation transformer as an option
Output (inverter mode)
Voltage 380 V / 400 V / 415 V (further voltages on request)
Voltage tolerance (static) ± 1%
Frequency tolerance ± 0.1%
Total harmonics distortion THDu Linear Load ≤ 1%
Efficiency up to 94% (as a function of the configuration)
Overload operation - inverter 200% for 3 s, 150% for 60 s, 125% for 10 min
Overload operation - bypass 1000% for 100 ms, 150% for 10 min
Short-circuit behaviour - inverter up to 350% for 3 s (up to 700% as an option)
Short-circuit behaviour - bypass 1000% for 100 ms
Transformer isolation transformer
Nominal voltage 110 V
220 V
400 V
Battery technologies Lead, nickel cadmium, lithium Ion (optional)
(*1higher power ratings on request) Specifications are subject to change without notice.

ENERTRONIC I UPS – the most important
technical data at a glance

Technical Data
ENERTRONIC I 3-1 (three-phase input and single-phase output)
Power (cosϕ = 0.8) [kVA] 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 140 160 200
Power (cosϕ = 1.0) [kW] 8 16 24 32 40 48 64 80 96 112 128 160
Operating temperature range 0 ... 40 °C (reduction in power beyond that)
Relative air humidity 5 ... 95% (non-condensing)
Volume < 65 dBA (as a function of power)
Protection class IP20 (further classes on request)
Installation height 1000 m (without reduction in power)
Cable entry point below (above on request)
Colour RAL 7035 (other colours on request)
Ventilation redundant forced-air ventilated
Classification VFI-SS-111 (according to IEC / EN 62040-3)
Safety IEC / EN 62040-1, IEC / EN 60950-1
EMC IEC / EN 62040-2
Power IEC / EN 62040-3
Voltage 3 / N 400 V ±15% (further voltages on request)
Frequency 50 Hz ± 5% / 60 Hz ± 5%
THDi (100% load) ≤5
Input power factor ≥ 0.99
Transformer Isolation transformer as an option
Output (inverter mode)
Voltage 220 V / 230 V / 240 V (further voltages on request)
Voltage tolerance (static) ± 1%
Frequency tolerance ± 0.1%
Total harmonics distortion THDu Linear load: < 1%
Efficiency up to 91% (as a function of configuration)
Overload operation - inverter 200% for 3 s, 150% for 60 s, 125% for 10 min
Overload operation - bypass 500% for 100 ms, 150% for 10 min
Short-circuit behaviour - inverter 300% for 3 s (up to 400% as an option)
Short-circuit behaviour - bypass 500% for 100 ms
Transformer Isolation transformer
Nominal voltage 110 V
220 V
Battery technologies Lead, nickel cadmium, lithium ion (optional)
Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Modern power electronics
for efficient operation








0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0
inductive powerfactor capacitive

Figure 6: Output power as a function of the power factor of the

connected load

Figure 7: ENERTRONIC I 120 kVA with optional IP21 cabinet

Rectifier Inverter
The rectifier consists of an IGBT semi-conductor rectifier bridge The inverter converts the direct current into single-phase volt-
with power factor correction (power factor = 1), which converts age (ENERTRONIC I 3-1) or three-phase voltage (ENERTRONIC I
the three-phase supply current into a controlled direct current 3-3) by means of sine-optimized pulse-width control in the
in order to feed the inverter. At the same time the connected IGBT semi-conductor and the output isolation transformer. As
battery is charged and/or always kept in its optimum charge a consequence of the high switching frequency relative to the
state by a trickle charging operation. base frequency and optimum control of the pulse width, a very
high level of efficiency is achieved, even with partial loads and
The rectifier is designed to simultaneously supply the fully a very small distortion factor with a non-linear load. Further-
loaded inverter and after a power failure, recharge the dis- more, this promotes an excellent dynamic response with load
charged battery. The rectifier has a start-up delay with soft step changes.
start in order to ramp up the start-up current after a power fail-
ure. In the course of the reconnection of parallel installations, a In the event of voltage dips or black-outs, the battery con-
series switching delay is automatically activated in order to nected to the DC bus bar is used automatically and free-of-in-
limit the in-rush current to that of an individual rectifier. terruption for the delivery of current. The battery discharging
alarm is activated and if the battery reaches its end of dis-
The rectifier has a charge current and voltage limit in accor- charge limit, the inverter switches off automatically and an
dance with the data supplied by the battery supplier. A temper- alarm is activated.
ature-compensated charging characteristic line can also be
integrated if required. Automatic switching of the load to the bypass supply occurs
when the inverter supply can no longer be guaranteed within
the prescribed tolerances.

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