8 X 2500 19 05 DC
8 X 2500 19 05 DC
8 X 2500 19 05 DC
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A : Outside diameter of the flange
Am : Total required cross-sectional area of bolts
B : Inside diameter of the flange
b : Effective Gasket width
bo : Basic gasket seating width
C : Bolt circle diameter
d : (u ho go²) / v
e : F/ ho
F : Factor g/go
f : Hub stress correction factor
go : Thickness of the hub at the small end
g : Thickness of the hub at the back of the flange
G : Outside diameter of the gasket
H : Hydrostatic end force
Hp : Total joint contact surface compression load
ho : √B go
h : Hublength
K :A/B
L : factor = ((t e + 1 ) / T ) + ( t³/d)
Mo : Total moment acting on the flange
m : Gasket factor ( table 2-5.1for elastomer without fabric with 75 A or more shore durometer)
P : Design pressure
Sa : Allowable stress of bolt material at atmospheric temperature
Sb : Allowable stress of bolt material at design temperature
Sf : Allowable stress of the flange material
T : Factor involving K
t : Thickness of the flange
U : Factor involving K
V : Factor g/go
w : Width
W : Bolt load
Wm : minimum required bolt load for operating condition
Y : factor involving K
Z : factor involving K
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A (cm) 28.20 pi.Dia (cm) 21.91 K 1.56
Sa (Kg/cm²) 2285.00 S (Kg/cm²) 4570.00
Sb (Kg/cm²) 2285.00 Dm (cm) 20.01
Sf (Kg/cm²) 2285.00 AOP (cm²) 119.69 T 1.650
P (Kg/cm²) 446.00 AF (Kg) 54698.33 U 4.99 Flange 1
t (cm) 4.10 Y 4.54
B (cm) 18.10 Z 2.4
b (cm) 0.09 h0 5.87
h (cm) 3.00 e 0.14
g0 (cm) 1.905 d 295.27
g1 (cm) 2.505 L 1.19
C (cm) 23.15
G (cm) 22.75
f 1.00
m 1.00
F 0.85
V 0.36
g1/g0 1.31
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A (cm) 28.20 K 1.56
Sa (Kg/cm²) 2285.00
Sb (Kg/cm²) 2285.00
Sf (Kg/cm²) 2285.00 T 1.650
P (Kg/cm²) 558.00 U 4.99 Flange 1
t (cm) 4.10 Y 4.54
B (cm) 18.10 Z 2.4
b (cm) 0.09 h0 5.87
h (cm) 3.00 e 0.14
g0 (cm) 1.905 d 295.27
g1 (cm) 2.505 L 1.19
C (cm) 23.15
G (cm) 22.75
f 1.00
m 1.00
F 0.85
V 0.36
g1/g0 1.31