The components of the product are contained in the following inventories or are exempt from listing:
TSCA Inventory Active List : BYK USA Inc. certifies that all of the components of this product are
listed on the interim list of TSCA active substances, and/or an NOC
was filed during the lookback period or was filed on or after June
22, 2016, and/or a NOA report form was submitted during the
reporting period. All components of this product will be listed on the
final TSCA Inventory Active List. Impurities and by-products are
exempt from reporting 40 CFR 720 30(h).
Korea : Please note that the current inventory has been replaced by K-
REACH. For additional information, contact
*for further information, please contact to receive our explanatory document.
BYK considers the composition of products as confidential and does not provide this
information to protect our intellectual property.
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2.1 Information about VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) content
2.2 According to the composition, the product does not contain the following substances:
BYK can state that we do not intentionally add any of the following substances to the
product. We do not check the content of these substances routinely as part of our
quality control and therefore cannot formally guarantee the absence of these
Biocides / Preservatives
Dimethyl fumarate
PAH according to AfPS GS 2014:01 PAK of the Federal Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health
Alkylphenolethoxylates [APEO]
3. Directive Status
According to the composition, we can state that the product is in line with the following directives:
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CONEG Toxics in Packaging
4. Further Information
The information herein is based on our present knowledge and experience. The information
merely describes the properties of our products but no guarantee of properties in the legal
sense shall be implied. We recommend testing our products as to their suitability for your
envisaged purpose prior to use. No warranties of any kind, either express or implied,
including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are made
regarding any products mentioned herein and data or information set forth, or that such
products, data or information may be used without infringing intellectual property rights of
third parties. We reserve the right to make any changes according to technological progress
or further developments.
BYK reserves the right to change or update the information without notice.
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