Ago Realty Vs Reyes
Ago Realty Vs Reyes
Ago Realty Vs Reyes
A.B. REYES, JR., J p:
FACTS: Ago Realty & Development Corporation (ARDC) is a close corporation. Its stockholders are
petitioner Emmanuel F. Ago; his wife Corazon; their children, Emmanuel, et al; and Emmanuel's sister,
This controversy arose when Angelita introduced improvements on Lot No. H-3, titled in the name of
ARDC, without the proper resolution from the corporation's Board of Directors. The improvements
also encroached on Lot No. H-1 and Lot No. H-2, which also belonged to ARDC.
ARDC and Emmanuel, et al., filed a complaint before the Legazpi City Regional Trial Court (RTC). They
essentially alleged that Angelita, in connivance with Teresita P. Apin (Teresita), Maribel Amaro (Maribel), and
certain local officials of Legazpi City, introduced unauthorized improvements on corporate property. For her
part, Teresita was accused of operating a restaurant named "Kicks Resto Bar" in the improvements, while
Maribel was impleaded as Angelita's employee. On the other hand, the local officials were impleaded as
defendants since they were responsible for issuing the permits relative to the improvements introduced by
Angelita and the business concerns thereon. Teresita denied all the material allegations and averred that her
restaurant was operating not on Lot No. H-3, as stated in the complaint, but on Lot No. 1-B, which is not
ARDC's property.
The RTC gave consideration to the undisputed fact that the properties in litigation belonged to
ARDC, concluding that Emmanuel, et al., in their individual capacities, were not the real parties in
interest. The appellate court held that the case partook of the nature of a derivative suit. As such,
Emmanuel, et al., needed the imprimatur of ARDC's Board of Directors to institute the action.
ISSUE: Whether or not Emmanuel, et al., may sue on behalf of ARDC absent a resolution or any other
grant of authority from its Board of Directors sanctioning the institution of the case.
RULING: One of the powers expressly granted by law to corporations is the power to sue. As with other
corporate powers, the power to sue is lodged in the board of directors, acting as a collegial body.
As an exception, jurisprudence has recognized certain instances when minority stockholders may bring
suits on behalf of corporations. Where the board of directors itself is a party to the wrong, either because
it is the author thereof or because it refuses to take remedial action, equity permits individual stockholders to
seek redress. A board resolution is not needed for the institution of a derivative suit. Since the board is guilty
of breaching the trust reposed in it by the stockholders, it is but logical to dispense with the requirement of
obtaining from its authority to institute the case and to sign the certification against forum shopping. Thus,
the institution of a derivative suit need not be preceded by a board resolution.
||| (Ago Realty & Development Corp. v. Ago, G.R. Nos. 210906 & 211203, [October 16, 2019]