Mother and Baby Labour and Delivery Notes
Mother and Baby Labour and Delivery Notes
Mother and Baby Labour and Delivery Notes
QId: 30491
QId: 31814
QId: 32843
QId: 33411
Anencephaly: baby born without brain, will not live, provide comfort care to baby (skin to skin, oxygen) and
help with grieving process
QId: 35195
When giving IV narcotics during labour: Give med slowly during peak of next contraction to avoid fetal
respiratory depression.
QId: 35291
Mother feeling like need to have BM and vomitting: transition phase (8cm dilated, 100% effaced)
QId: 38450
Shoulder dystocia:
-request additional assistance from nurses
-flex clients leg back against stomach and apply downward pressure above the symphysis pubis
-document when fetal head born 1/1