Agile Operations and The Three Ways PDF
Agile Operations and The Three Ways PDF
Agile Operations and The Three Ways PDF
Nearly any DevOps discussion will highlight the transformation development teams undergo as they evolve from the
Kieran Taylor
has 20 years
sequential design of waterfall methods to adopt the iterative, agile approach of scrum methods. It’s no wonder as it is
of high-tech dramatic, exciting and delivers impressive results. However, what is mentioned less often, but is equally dramatic, is the
product marketing shift IT Operations teams must negotiate. Traditionally known for predictable stability, it could seem a misnomer to suggest
experience with
a focus on application
that there is a growing set of practices known as ‘Agile Operations’. That is until one considers how cloud computing,
performance management, microservices, containerized applications and the like are changing the very definition of infrastructure. This new, agile
cloud computing, content infrastructure and associated concepts, such as planned failure, instill—if not require—collaboration between dev and ops.
delivery networking and wide
area network technologies. Sounds great on paper, but for an IT Operations team traditionally measured, tooled and even compensated on
He is presently Senior Director maintaining resilience at the expense of change, how can the essential Operations discipline adapt—without exposing
of Product and Solutions
Marketing at CA Technologies
the business to increased risk from technical fragility?
and responsible for thought
leadership and sales enablement Whatever our technical heritage, today’s absolute reality is that digital business success necessitates more agile development
for APM and CA solutions that and faster release cycles—meaning operational requirements, knowledge, skills, processes and tools must now be established
help enterprises implement earlier in the software development lifecycle. This demands a new approach. It demands Agile Operations.
DevOps methodologies.
Prior he led product marketing Agile Operations no longer means keeping the technology lights-on, it means making the business shine brighter;
teams at Adobe, Akamai, working closely with Development by applying systems-style thinking to visualize and speed a constant flow of value to
DataPower/IBM and Nortel
Networks. His career began as an customers. It also means adopting automation, tools and methods to amplify the cross-functional feedback so
editor of high-tech publications necessary to improve quality and the customer experience. Finally, it’s about future-proofing the business—managing
at Mc-Graw Hill. technology at scale, yes, but never burdening the organization with additional cost, waste and complexity.
To better understand why everyone—including IT Operations—needs to care about DevOps, we sat down with four DevOps luminaries and thought
leaders to get their take. Their deep insights make a compelling case for Agile Operations and provides immediate practical guidance on how to get
started. We hope you enjoy the discussion.
The Experts
Gene Kim is a multiple-award-winning CTO, researcher and author. He is the founder and
former CTO of Tripwire. He has written three books, including coauthoring The Phoenix Project.
Question 1
Putting DevOps “unicorns” aside and looking at more traditional enterprise “horses,”
do you foresee (or see) a change in the
culture of operations teams?
The stereotype of IT operations is that of stability to the point of being
risk adverse. Teams maintain largely static infrastructure, mandate
onerous security and compliance edicts and are generally less flexible.
Question 1: ANSWERS
overplayed. IT operations have always been trying to bring valid operability concerns to the table and
usually would work with development to get change successfully shipped in the end. If the stereotype
is as bad as it is sometimes made out to be, these organizations would have gone out of business.
“The people What has often happened is that IT operations were involved too late in the cycle and not given a
seat at the table to begin with, so it felt as though they were putting on the brakes or pushing back
who thrive in on initiatives late in the day. Better and earlier engagement with IT operations could have avoided
this situation and led to better service transition all along.
their software Fortunately, I am seeing this dynamic between IT operations and the rest of IT change. The need for
development or reduced cycle times means that the relationship simply has to become more collaborative to meet
the speed and quality standards required. Trends such as cloud and infrastructure as code are also
IT Operations pulling operations concerns left in the delivery lifecycle. From the other side, developers also need to
take more interest in their full stack, and the production environment, as their application stacks
careers over the become more complex. All of these trends are naturally changing the culture of IT operations teams
and the way they interact with development.
next five years Alongside the rest of IT, I think the skills and character profiles of people within IT operations have to
evolve away from deep specialization and siloed thinking into a generalist approach—collaborating
will be those across the software development lifecycle (SDLC) to optimize the full delivery cycle rather than their
local responsibilities. Neither world class software development nor IT operations counts for anything
‘silo breakers.’” alone—the two need to come together. The people who thrive in their software development or IT
operations careers over the next five years will be those “silo breakers” who optimize the whole.
Question 1: ANSWERS
Thair The culture of IT operations has to change to being less risk-adverse because businesses have to
change to be less risk-adverse. In 1960 the average lifespan of a company was 60 years. It’s now 20.
The time you have to grow and succeed is compressed, hence you need to take more risks in order to
achieve your goals.
“The culture of So the culture inside IT operations has to widen its focus on “how can we help the organization
achieve its goals.” We, as IT operations people, can’t stay siloed in our thinking, our objectives and our
IT Operations culture. There is no point in having a Web application platform with five nine’s availability if it’s nearly
impossible to deliver change into that environment, and it’s even more pointless if your company
has to change goes bust because it can’t keep up with the competition.
to being less Luckily, I think that we are at a very exciting time in IT operations because we have amazing new
toolsets that enable us to reduce risk, improve compliance AND simultaneously offer a better service
risk-adverse.” to our organization by reducing the cycle times for change. It’s a win-win.
Question 1: ANSWERS
Skelton The Agile Ops leader for a 21st century organization will understand the need to balance security and
stability with release, deployment and the development of new features, relating these to business
needs. In particular, they will distinguish different risk profiles for different software applications,
avoiding a “one-size-fits-all” approach for changes.
“…the Agile Ops In fact, rather than “change management,” the Agile Ops leader will provide a risk-aware “change
enablement” based on measurement and metrics.
leader will
provide a risk-
aware ‘change
based on
and metrics.”
Question 1: ANSWERS
Kim What makes me so excited is the demonstration that DevOps principles are being applied in large,
complex organizations, often with decades of legacy applications and infrastructure. They’re showing
that DevOps principles transcend technology and apply to almost all types of organizations reliant on
leading the I’ve reviewed the practices of organizations such as Disney, Nordstrom, CSG, Target, Blackboard,
Raytheon and US Citizen and Immigration Services. In my opinion, the stories being told are as heroic
DevOps and awe inspiring as any presentation you’d hear from Google, Amazon, Twitter and Etsy.
transformation Of particular interest to me is that the person leading the DevOps transformation is having to
overcome deeply entrenched command and control bureaucracies and low trust cultures.1
is having to
What I’ve learned is that there is a higher pinnacle which is for technology to be a part of the team
overcome deeply working together with everyone in the value stream (for example, development, test, operations,
entrenched information security and so on) to help the organization win in the marketplace. To achieve that, we
need to change the culture, especially in IT operations, from one of viewing ourselves as “order
command takers”—only performing the work that is requested—to one of being full team members, working
and control together to achieve the organizational objectives.2
and low trust (1) Source -
(2) Source -
Question 2
The book “The Phoenix Project: A Novel
About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your
Business Win” introduces the three ways The First Way: Flow
of DevOps thinking. The “First Way”
emphasizes the value of the entire system,
with a focus on the flow of business value
enabled by the DevOps processes,
procedures and practices.
Copyright 2015 IT Revolution
Question 2: ANSWERS
As you said, IT has traditionally been organized around technologies or areas of the architecture, e.g.
a front-end, a middle tier and a database team. We are seeing a lot of businesses reorganize into cross
functional teams of developers, testers and operations engineers who are aligned with particular products or
business capabilities. This cross functional collaboration reduces the handovers, increases the ownership and
“Effective enables the team to deliver software faster with more responsiveness to the customer. This is the way that
leading digital businesses such as Amazon and Netflix tend to operate, and the case for making this change is
collaboration, often compelling.
at the heart of Beyond this, I tend to find that the key to improving cycle time is often about targeting the handovers
between development, test and operations. It’s one thing to work more efficiently within a phase, but lean
DevOps, is how thinking shows that the information loss and the delays and overhead in the handovers are where the waste
lies. Effective collaboration, at the heart of DevOps, is how we achieve better and leaner handovers.
we achieve Automation is also key to optimizing flow from left to right. Automated builds, integration, testing and
deployment will accelerate delivery, increase quality and make the software delivery process more efficient.
better and leaner Of course, automation isn’t the whole story, but we often see it as low hanging fruit for reducing cycle time
without requiring significant disruptive changes to the ways of working.
handovers.” Stepping back a little, I think IT generally has had a bias towards providing rigor, stability, robustness and
predictability—at the expense of speed and agility. I think we need to move the needle to reprioritize speed,
hopefully without throwing the baby out with the bathwater and reducing quality at the same time. Only by
doing this will we meet the growing demands being placed on IT functions today.
Question 2: ANSWERS
There are two main things that block “flow” inside traditional IT organizations—silos (the organizational
structure) and the project-based finance model. Both of these have to change before you can really start to
deliver the business value benefits of DevOps.
The first silo is that many of us, sadly, still talk about “IT” and “the business” like they are two separate
“Many of us, organizations. I suspect that distinction arose very early on, back in the 50s, when IT people literally walked
around in white coats working on room-sized computers. Computers were mysterious, esoteric and, to many
sadly, still talk people, frightening. They didn’t understand them so they wanted to keep them at an arm’s length, and the
“High Priests of IT” wanted to promote that mystique because it gave them prestige.
about ‘IT’ and But now computers are ubiquitous. The CEO of GE, Jeff Immelt, said it perfectly, “If you went to bed last night
as an industrial company, you’re going to wake up today as a software company.” We need to stop thinking of
‘The Business’ IT as separate from “The business.” We don’t think of sales or marketing or finance as being separate from
“The business,” so why use that language?
like they are The second silos are the ones we created for ourselves by basing our organizational structure on technology
two separate function, generally because of our search for “efficiencies” and “economies of scale.”
We’ve now learned that those silos destroyed productivity, collaboration and flow in a way that more than
organizations.” offsets the “economies of scale.” The (many, many) slow, formal handovers between silos create so much
friction in the process that it’s amazing we get anything done. It sometimes feels like 40 percent of an
organization spends its time stopping the other 40 percent getting anything done, leaving 20 percent of us to
actually do the work.
Question 2: ANSWERS
Silos also have an impact on staff morale and motivation. The French historian Alexis de Tocqueville said,
projects.” multi-disciplinary DevOps teams, organized around core customer products or services, are the solution.
Teams that cut across the business/IT divide, as well as across the silos within IT, enable people to link their
work to the success of the product—to the delivery of value for the business as a whole, and its customers.
The second blocker to flow is the project-based funding model. The project-based model has three
fundamental flaws. Firstly, in most organizations in order to justify “the project,” requirements need to be
defined up front, costs and durations estimated and ROI “guesstimated.” This results in the lumpy flow of
work through the system, as these large units of work block the flow through the SDLC. Secondly, these
estimates, durations, plans, etc. soon become their own raison d’etre. You start delivering “the plan” and not
“If your employees the business value.
can’t link what James Smith, co-founder of @DevOpsGuys, summed it up perfectly after a visit to one customer site when he
said, “I see a lot of PLANS on the wall, but not a lot of WORK.” Lots of walls are covered with Gantt charts
they do to a
showing tracking against plans, but little visibility of the “work in progress.” Who is doing what, now, and how
is it delivering value to the organization is what’s important. The first step in any lean (or DevOps)
transformation is making the work visible, and understanding what work is adding value and what work is just
‘bigger picture,’ pointless paper shuffling.
they switch off.” Thirdly, projects are, by definition, temporary. You build a team, incur the overheads of getting that team
working smoothly and then you throw it away to start all over again. It’s an incredibly wasteful cycle. But if
you focus on building stable, product based teams, optimized for flow, where members can see the fruits of
their labors (a feedback loop) then you can reduce the waste inherent in the project model.
In short, fund teams, not projects, and feed work into those teams in bite-sized chunks following lean
principles that are prioritized by expected business benefit.
Question 2: ANSWERS
Skelton The most important organizational change for effective DevOps is to arrange teams and their
responsibilities to match the flow of product and service changes such as “service teams” or
“product-aligned teams.”
This in turn drives changes in software and systems architecture to decouple the software of one
“Arrange teams team from that of a second team; aside from some key coordinating data stores (an artefact
repository, a message queue, log aggregation, metrics), almost all the infrastructure for one team is
and their separate in some way from that of other teams. Taking account of Conway’s Law, software from
different teams is not mixed onto the same machine or even group of machines, but isolated by
responsibilities to team in order to clarify system boundaries.
Question 2: ANSWERS
Conway’s Law states that the organization dictates how work is done because it produces designs that copy
the organization’s communication structure. So if the organization says we’re going to do things in a waterfall
way, then we’re going to have a development department who hands the code off to a test department, who
hands it off to the operations department. You end up with very large releases combined with low ability to
find and fix defects quickly which leads to horrendous deployment outcomes. The organizational culture leads
to what gets delivered.
In DevOps organizations you end up with much smaller teams, where typically you will have dev and ops
“The organizational working side by side, and if not integrated into the same team, at least working far more closely together,
culture leads to collaborating to not just facilitate getting the feature done but making sure that it’s safely and continuously
integrated and deployed into the production environment. You end up with a different looking organization.
what gets And a very real question related to that point is, “What does the next generation of centralized operations look
delivered.” like in large, complex organizations?” One model is this notion of banding operations engineers together in
the same group as the feature or service team—which is great because now the operations people have the
same goals as the service team. Another model is that operations is less in the business of doing work that
comes out of the ticketing systems. Instead they’re building the automated tools that allow other people to
do their work in self-service mode. The concrete example is this notion of a shared group that’s all about
increasing development productivity. How do we make environments available on-demand to any feature
team or service team who wants to use one, and what are the deployment mechanisms they can use to get
into the production environment? Basically, make the easiest route for any development team to become
productive and become more reliable.
Question 3
The Second Way: Feedback
The “Second Way” suggests that
organizations “amplify feedback loops”
and, in particular, right to left feedback
from ops to dev. What process changes
are necessary to create or optimize
these feedback loops?
Question 3: ANSWERS
I have often encountered IT operations teams who don’t appear to have (or know of) any process for getting
their requirements on the book of work. In the past they may have tried, but nothing seemed to happen, so
sometimes they have given up even trying to get their voice heard. This is a sorry state of affairs as IT
operations are closest to the system and the users. They should definitely have a voice and a path to
production for their changes. Simply putting this process into place is a good and actionable first step in
“IT operations
achieving this.
Where there is some loose process for getting operations requirements and feedback from right to left, I also
should have a see that IT operations concerns are sometimes lost in translation or not given high enough priority on the
product backlog against new feature requests. New features constantly take priority as they have an
voice and a path immediate impact on revenue, while IT operations and nonfunctional requirements are deprioritized. The
result of this is that, over time, the system degrades, technical debt creeps in and working practices within IT
As with all of the functional siloes, I also think IT operations has its own proactive role to play in improving
their changes.” collaboration across the software development lifecycle. Bring people into their process. Explain what you are
working on and why, and publicize your metrics, your activities, your challenges and your wins. IT operations
should reach out to the rest of the business to show what their role is all about. This will allow other engineers
to build empathy with what IT operations does. Transparency wins if you want to get your voice represented.
Question 2: ANSWERS
There is also a very specific example which we encourage to drive “right-to-left feedback,” specifically around
monitoring. Often, people have an enterprise class monitoring solution deployed only into production. We
encourage our clients to bring the same monitoring solution back into test and development environments.
This means that code is developed that is easier to monitor and that monitoring is tested before the
application is promoted to production. As a result, real operations concerns are picked up earlier in the
lifecycle and everyone becomes aligned around these. This is simple but effective.
Applying a “Shift
Left” Monitoring
Question 3: ANSWERS
This one’s actually very straightforward, from my (Ops) perspective:
1. Make sure that the “operational requirements” (formerly known as “nonfunctional requirements”) are
clearly articulated in the design phase and not treated as second-class citizens compared to the functional
(a.k.a “business”) requirements. Note that that language of separation between the business (requirements)
“Ensure that and IT (requirements) crops up here yet again. IT is part of “The business,” and the operational
requirements are what are required to manage the product safely and securely in production. They are not
technical something separate from, nor ancillary to, the delivery of the finished solution.
operations staff
2. The easiest way to achieve number one above is to break down the silo between dev and ops and ensure
that technical operations staff are involved in the product design from day one—and then keep them
constantly involved in sprint planning, stand-ups, retrospectives and all the other phases of (scrum-based)
are involved in agile delivery. This provides a constant right to left feedback loop from ops to dev.
the product 3. Share the measurements. The Culture-Automation-Lean-Measurement-Sharing (C.A.L.M.S) model of DevOps
highlights the important of measurement and metrics to track our improvement. But very often IT
design from operations has a nasty habit of hiding this data away in tools and systems that only they can access. We
need to share this data better (sharing being another key pillar of C.A.L.M.S). Give development access to
day one.” that monitoring system, APM suite or log analysis tool; create dashboards; set up radiator screens; set up an
API, etc. Give them access to the information and then go over to them and have a conversation about
what it all means, what the key metrics are, and what direction you’d like them to trend. Give them the
information they need to make better decisions and improve your software.
Question 3: ANSWERS
Skelton IT operations groups need to become more adept at articulating operational requirements in ways
that are helpful to development teams: least-privilege security, logging as a first-class concern, “tracer
bullets” for critical code performance and diagnosability for instance. Agile Ops teams also see the
“IT operations value in agile/lean techniques such as retrospectives, attending stand-ups, limiting work in progress
(WIP) and tracking throughput.
groups need to
become more
adept at articulating
requirements in
ways that are
helpful to
Question 3: ANSWERS
Kim One of the best predictors in manufacturing and DevOps is lead time (in terms of quality, custom
satisfaction and employee happiness)—how quickly can you go from code committed to test it
up, test run and successfully running in production. In general, the shorter the time, the better
the outcomes.
One of the best things in terms of how operations can help before we hit production, is
production monitoring before production, with the notion of realistic performance testing in
“The shorter the a preproduction environment.
time, the better John Allspaw once said to me that if you take two teams—one just a bunch of developers and ops
working in isolation and the second team working together where dev and ops are working towards
the outcomes.” a common objective, towards a common design requirement—the second team will outperform the
first in every scenario.
Question 4
The Third Way: Continual Experimentation
The “Third Way” introduces continual
experimentation with a goal of ongoing
optimization. Depending on the team,
experimentation may be discouraged by
operations or only found within
development teams.
Copyright 2015 IT Revolution
Question 4: ANSWERS
The whole organization needs to adopt the “Third Way,” not just IT operations, with more experimental in
their approach, more innovation, more ongoing optimization of working processes. In today’s modern,
competitive, digital, software-driven world, it is essential to do this to stay up to date with industry best
practices across IT. If not, you will very quickly fall behind your competition who are entering the market with
no technology or process legacy.
“An IT department An implication of this is that the entire IT function needs the time, space and resources to optimize their
is like a car—
platforms, their tools and their ways of working. IT are often under sustained pressure by “the business” to
ship new features, but an IT department is like a car—it needs maintenance and servicing if it is to keep
running at maximum effectiveness. Smart organizations and leaders will accept this and invest in the
it needs platform and ways of working as well as the visible application stack.
maintenance and IT operations has to be driving this activity as much as development. They are under pressure with more
infrastructure to support, more complex application stacks and more complex change coming over the wall
servicing if it is to much more frequently. If they don’t continue innovating and evolving, their job will become harder and harder
till they eventually become a barrier to innovation. IT operations needs strong leadership making this clear to
keep running at their stakeholders and then shouting from the rooftops when they do deliver value with these initiatives.
Question 4: ANSWERS
Traditionally the cost of experimentation has been high—you needed to provision infrastructure to run those
experiments and the cost of deploying the experiments (and rolling it back) was high due the manual labor
involved. But virtualization, cloud and DevOps automation tools have totally changed that equation. We can
now rapidly and easily provision infrastructure and deploy applications at the click of a button, and we only
“IT operations
have to pay for what we use on a consumption based cloud model.
Want to know how your application and monitoring systems perform when you have 200 front-end
needs to start webservers? Spin them up in the cloud, simulate some load, do your experiment and shut it all down again.
The total cost is virtually nothing compared to running that same experiment 10 years ago.
embracing We’re also starting to see some interesting stuff happening in the database virtualization space (instant
database clones with data de-duplication so you can rapidly provision new test database instances complete
experimentation.” with high-quality test data) and in service virtualization (so you can easily virtualize third party back-end web
services to use in your experiments) which further improves the economics. We also have a vast array of new
tools for measuring the application and underlying platform during experiments.
IT operations needs to embrace these new economics and start embracing experimentation. In his
presentation at QCON London 2014, Dave Farley (co-author of the book “Continuous Delivery”) likened this to
the application of the scientific method. We need to start testing our opinions while using facts and hard data
instead of opinions and guesses.
Question 4: ANSWERS
Skelton A culture of learning and guided experimentation within IT operations teams is essential if they are to
provide real value to organizations. A strong sense of driving continual service improvement should
inform priorities: the IT operations team sees itself as building and improving key parts of the
software systems. The experimentation and improvement therefore needs to be joined up with those
learning and
is essential.”
Question 4: ANSWERS
Kim The “Third Way” is really continuous amplification of creating a culture of safety, experimentation and
learning. And in the DevOps space, I think the best embodiment of that philosophy comes from
Adrian Cockcroft. He’s famous for many things, but, most recently, he’s famous for his work at Netflix
where they transform the Netflix architecture from a J2EE wrap running in data centers to running
entirely in the cloud. And he said, “Our goal is to do painful things more frequently so that we can
“Continuous make then less painful in the future. So, even though we make life hell for developers sometimes, the
answer that we get back from them is: Thank you. Thank you so much because we know that doing
amplification of this will make life go far more smoothly in the future.”
creating a culture And the best evidence of the effectiveness of this philosophy and practice, in my mind, was the first
Amazon EC2 outage that happened in 2011. So, for anyone using EC2 at the time, you will remember
of safety, this day because everybody went down. Everybody went down except for one curious exception
experimentation which was Netflix. So for weeks, everybody was asking, “What is Netflix doing so differently that
resulted is such a different outcome for them?” And the answer was revealed some weeks later when
and learning.” they put out the seminal blog post that essentially exposed two things. The first was this decision
they made very early on that said, “We can never depend upon Amazon for availability.” In other
words, Amazon will never be there when we need them most. The second was they decided that to
survive failure, they were going to need to fail all the time. And that’s when they unveiled this thing
that we all now know as “Chaos Monkey.”
As we can see, the impact of Agile Operations is significant. So let’s get started.
Hear from industry experts and your peers on how adopting Agile Operations
methods can improve the speed and scale of application deployment while ensuring
high quality end user experiences.
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